[Startup] ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Border Merchant Systems ; CounterAct Graphical Systems ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Modified : Laith 15Sep2005 Created ; Renamed from Progress.ini and abridged ; Denise 25Oct2005 redefinition of colour 6 ; Mike 14Nov2007 ft 7880 remove DesktopLoc (now in CounterAct.ini) ; Mike 18May2011 FT 6453 created with medium size fonts ; Mike 04Sep2012 FT 11781 add clientnet to PROPATH ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V6Display=no ##DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif, size=20 ##DefaultFixedFont=Courier New, size=10 ;DLC= Use-3D-Size=Yes PROPATH=.,adecomm\adecomm.pl,clientnet [Colors] ;****************************************************************************** ; THE DEFINITION OF COLOR 0 THROUGH 15 IS PRIVATE TO THE PROGRESS ADE. ; MODIFYING COLORS 0 THROUGH 15 MAY PREVENT THE PROGRESS ADE FROM RUNNING. ; The following color definitions correspond to the ADE standards. ; 0 to 15 - reserved ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Laith - 20Aug2003 : changed color11 from 0,255,255 (cyan) to 216,254,203 (v .light-cyan) ; Laith - 23Feb2003 : changed color13 from 255,0,255 (pink) to 0,128,255 (v .light-blue) ; Denise - 25Oct2005 : changed color6 from 128,128,0 (green/brown) to 255,255,200 (pale yellow) ; Mike - 23Mar2015 : 2-5B FT 13723 changed colours 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 ; Mike - 27Apr2015 : 2-5B FT 13760 Change colours 9, 10 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- color0=0,0,0 color1=0,0,128 color2=255,200,200 color3=200,200,255 color4=200,255,200 color5=255,200,128 color6=255,255,200 color7=128,128,128 color8=199,199,199 color9=255,128,200 color10=128,200,255 color11=210,233,255 color12=255,0,0 color13=0,128,255 color14=255,255,0 color15=255,255,255 NORMAL=0,15 INPUT=15,0 MESSAGES=15,1 [Default Window] ;x= ;y= ;rows= ;columns= [fonts] ;****************************************************************************** ; THE DEFINITION OF FONT 0 THROUGH 7 IS PRIVATE TO THE PROGRESS ADE. ; MODIFYING FONTS 0 THROUGH 7 MAY PREVENT THE PROGRESS ADE FROM RUNNING. ; The following fonts definitions correspond to the ADE standards. ; ? - DefaultFont from Startup Section ; 0 - DefaultFixedFont from Startup Section (1 char per PPU) ; 1 - Proportional System Font ; 2 - Editor Font for 4GL program entry ; 3 - TTY Simulator (should be fixed) ; 4 - Dynamically-sized widgets, eg status-line, selection-list ; 5 - Static widgets, eg. combo-boxes ; 6 - Dynamic, bold (TranMan2) ; 7 - Reserved ; ------------------------------------------------- ; Laith - 20Aug2003 - added definition for font 8 - 15 ; Laith - 13Oct2004 - added font 16 ; ------------------------------------------------- font0=Courier New, size=10 font1=MS Sans Serif, size=10 font2=Liberation Mono, size=8 font3=Courier New, size=10 font4=MS Sans Serif, size=10 font5=MS Sans Serif, size=12 font6=MS Sans Serif, size=12 font7=MS Sans Serif, size=8 font8=MS Sans Serif, size=12, bold font9=Wingdings, size=14 font10=Lucida Console, size=10 font11=MS Sans Serif, size=14 font12=MS Sans Serif, size=16 font13=MS Sans Serif, size=18 font14=Courier New, size=12 font15=Courier New, size=14 font16=Courier New, size=7 [ADM] Color3DFace=16 Color3DHighLight=17 Color3DShadow=18 [uib]