COLOR Statement =============== Indicates the video attribute or color for normal display or for data entry. SYNTAX DISPLAY Indicates that you want to use a specific color when the system displays a field. PROMPT Indicates that you want to use a specific color when the system prompts a user for input by an INSERT, PROMPT-FOR, SET, or UPDATE statement. COLOR [ DISPLAY ] color-phrase [ PROMPT color-phrase ] { field ... } { [ frame-phrase ] } COLOR PROMPT color-phrase { field ... } { [ frame-phrase ] } COLOR Phrase ============ Specifies a video attribute or color. In Progress Version 7 and later, the COLOR phrase is superceded by the FGCOLOR and BGCOLOR options in graphical user interfaces and by the PFCOLOR and DCOLOR options in character interfaces. The COLOR phrase is supported only for backward compatibility. • Windows — On a color monitor, the default colors are a blue background and a white foreground. On a monochrome monitor, the default colors are a standard background and foreground, depending on the monitor. • UNIX —The default colors are the normal display mode of your terminal. { NORMAL | INPUT | MESSAGES | protermcap-attribute | dos-hex-attribute | { [ BLINK- ] [ BRIGHT- ] [ fgnd-color ] [ bgnd-color ] } | { [ BLINK- ] [ RVV- ] [ UNDERLINE- ] [ BRIGHT- ] [ fgnd-color ] } | VALUE ( expression ) Progress Default Colors ======================= Index RGB Values Actual Color Defined ------------------------------------------ 0 0, 0, 0 Black 1 0, 0, 128 Dark blue 2 0, 128, 0 Dark green 3 0, 128, 128 Blue green 4 128, 0, 0 Red 5 128, 0, 128 Purple 6 128, 128, 0 Olive 7 128, 128, 128 Gray 8 192, 192, 192 Light gray 9 0, 0, 255 Blue 10 0, 255, 0 Green 11 0, 255, 255 Turquoise 12 255, 0, 0 Red 13 255, 0, 255 Pink 14 255, 255, 0 Yellow 15 255, 255, 255 White CAUTION: The Progress Application Development Environment (ADE) reserves these 16 colors (0 through 15) defined in your environment. If you change the mappings of these colors, the ADE tools might not function properly. You can add your own application colors beginning with number 16. Color in Character Interfaces ============================= Color in a character interface differs from color in a graphical interface in these ways: • In character interfaces, the BGCOLOR and FGCOLOR attributes have the unknown value (?). • Each location in the color table contains a foreground/background color pair. • DCOLOR specifies a foreground/background color pair that a widget uses when it displays data. • PFCOLOR specifies a foreground/background color pair that a widget uses when it prompts for data. When designing your interface, make sure that you specify different color pairs for DCOLOR and PFCOLOR. Color Specification =================== In character interfaces, Progress reserves color table locations 0 through 4 for the following foreground/background color pairs: • Color 0 holds colors used as the NORMAL color by Progress. • Color 1 holds the colors used as the INPUT color by Progress. As installed, this is underline mode. • Color 2 holds the colors used as the MESSAGE color by Progress. As installed, this is reverse video. • Color 3 holds the colors used for high-intensity mode. This mode is not available for all terminals. • Color 4 holds the colors used for blink mode. This mode is not available for all terminals. By default, text-input widgets use the INPUT colors when in prompt-for mode. Note, however, that when displaying an editor widget with scroll bars to display read-only text, using NORMAL rather than INPUT for prompt-for mode might make more visual sense to the user. In the PROTERMCAP file, you can specify additional application color pairs from color 5 to 127.