// Generated .IDL file (by OleWoo) [ uuid(831fdd16-0c5c-11d2-a9fc-0000f8754da1), version(2.1), helpstring("Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)"), helpcontext(0x00033450) ] library MSComctlLib { // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib dispinterface IVBDataObject interface IVBDataObject dispinterface IVBDataObjectFiles interface IVBDataObjectFiles dispinterface ITabStrip interface ITabStrip dispinterface ITabStripEvents dispinterface ITabs interface ITabs dispinterface ITab interface ITab dispinterface IToolbar interface IToolbar dispinterface IToolbarEvents dispinterface IButtons interface IButtons dispinterface IButton interface IButton dispinterface IButtonMenus interface IButtonMenus dispinterface IButtonMenu interface IButtonMenu dispinterface IStatusBar interface IStatusBar dispinterface IStatusBarEvents dispinterface IPanels interface IPanels dispinterface IPanel interface IPanel dispinterface IProgressBar interface IProgressBar dispinterface IProgressBarEvents dispinterface ITreeView interface ITreeView dispinterface ITreeViewEvents dispinterface INodes interface INodes dispinterface INode interface INode dispinterface IListView interface IListView dispinterface ListViewEvents dispinterface IListItems interface IListItems dispinterface IListItem interface IListItem dispinterface IColumnHeaders interface IColumnHeaders dispinterface IColumnHeader interface IColumnHeader dispinterface IListSubItems interface IListSubItems dispinterface IListSubItem interface IListSubItem dispinterface IImageList interface IImageList dispinterface ImageListEvents dispinterface IImages interface IImages dispinterface IImage interface IImage dispinterface ISlider interface ISlider dispinterface ISliderEvents dispinterface IControls interface IControls dispinterface IComboItem interface IComboItem dispinterface IComboItems interface IComboItems dispinterface IImageCombo interface IImageCombo dispinterface DImageComboEvents [ uuid(2334d2b1-713e-11cf-8ae5-00aa00c00905), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVBDataObject : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object."), helpcontext(0x00033693)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object."), helpcontext(0x00033694)] HRESULT GetData( [in] short sFormat, [out, retval] VARIANT* pvData ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Determines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object."), helpcontext(0x00033695)] HRESULT GetFormat( [in] short sFormat, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbFormatSupported ); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Adds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object."), helpcontext(0x00033696)] HRESULT SetData( [in, optional] VARIANT vValue, [in, optional] VARIANT vFormat ); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format."), helpcontext(0x00033697)] HRESULT Files([out, retval] IVBDataObjectFiles** pFiles); }; [ uuid(2334d2b2-713e-11cf-8ae5-00aa00c00905) ] coclass DataObject { [default] interface IVBDataObject; }; [ uuid(2334d2b3-713e-11cf-8ae5-00aa00c00905), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVBDataObjectFiles : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only)."), helpcontext(0x00033698)] HRESULT Item( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR* bstrItem ); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only)."), helpcontext(0x00033699)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only)."), helpcontext(0x0003369a)] HRESULT Add( [in] BSTR bstrFilename, [in, optional] VARIANT vIndex ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Clears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only)."), helpcontext(0x0003369b)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only)."), helpcontext(0x0003369c)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT vIndex); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppUnk); }; [ uuid(2334d2b4-713e-11cf-8ae5-00aa00c00905) ] coclass DataObjectFiles { [default] interface IVBDataObjectFiles; }; [ uuid(1efb6594-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft TabStrip Control"), helpcontext(0x00033493), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface ITabStrip : IDispatch { [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x0003349b)] HRESULT Tabs([out, retval] ITabs** ppTabs); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x0003349b)] HRESULT Tabs([in] ITabs* ppTabs); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003349c)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003349c)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffe00), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003349d)] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** ppFontDisp); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003349d)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFontDisp); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003349e)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003349e)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x0003349f)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x0003349f)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000005), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x0003349f)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control can display more than one row of tabs."), helpcontext(0x000334a0)] HRESULT MultiRow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbMultiRow); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control can display more than one row of tabs."), helpcontext(0x000334a0)] HRESULT MultiRow([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbMultiRow); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the style appearance (tab or button) of a TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x000334a1)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] TabStyleConstants* psStyle); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the style appearance (tab or button) of a TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x000334a1)] HRESULT Style([in] TabStyleConstants psStyle); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed."), helpcontext(0x000334a2)] HRESULT TabFixedWidth([out, retval] short* psTabFixedWidth); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed."), helpcontext(0x000334a2)] HRESULT TabFixedWidth([in] short psTabFixedWidth); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width and justification of all tabs in a TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x000334a3)] HRESULT TabWidthStyle([out, retval] TabWidthStyleConstants* psTabWidthStyle); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width and justification of all tabs in a TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x000334a3)] HRESULT TabWidthStyle([in] TabWidthStyleConstants psTabWidthStyle); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns the top coordinate of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a4)] HRESULT ClientTop([out, retval] float* pfClientTop); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns the top coordinate of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a4)] HRESULT ClientTop([in] float pfClientTop); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns the left coordinate of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a5)] HRESULT ClientLeft([out, retval] float* pfClientLeft); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns the left coordinate of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a5)] HRESULT ClientLeft([in] float pfClientLeft); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns the height of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a6)] HRESULT ClientHeight([out, retval] float* pfClientHeight); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns the height of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a6)] HRESULT ClientHeight([in] float pfClientHeight); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns the width of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a7)] HRESULT ClientWidth([out, retval] float* pfClientWidth); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns the width of the internal area of the control."), helpcontext(0x000334a7)] HRESULT ClientWidth([in] float pfClientWidth); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334a8)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* psMousePointer); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334a8)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants psMousePointer); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334a9)] HRESULT ImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334a9)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x0000000d), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334a9)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed."), helpcontext(0x000334aa)] HRESULT TabFixedHeight([out, retval] short* psTabFixedHeight); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed."), helpcontext(0x000334aa)] HRESULT TabFixedHeight([in] short psTabFixedHeight); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Enables/disables the Tooltip text"), helpcontext(0x000334ab)] HRESULT ShowTips([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbShowTips); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Enables/disables the Tooltip text"), helpcontext(0x000334ab)] HRESULT ShowTips([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbShowTips); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected Tab"), helpcontext(0x000334ac)] HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] ITab** ppSelectedItem); [id(0x0000000f), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected Tab"), helpcontext(0x000334ac)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] ITab* ppSelectedItem); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected Tab"), helpcontext(0x000334ac)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] VARIANT* ppSelectedItem); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000334ad)] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the tab under the cursor is highlighted."), helpcontext(0x0003377d)] HRESULT HotTracking([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbHotTracking); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the tab under the cursor is highlighted."), helpcontext(0x0003377d)] HRESULT HotTracking([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbHotTracking); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether multiple tabs can be selected while holding down the CTRL key."), helpcontext(0x0003377e)] HRESULT MultiSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbMultiSelect); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether multiple tabs can be selected while holding down the CTRL key."), helpcontext(0x0003377e)] HRESULT MultiSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbMultiSelect); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates on which side of the control the tabs will be displayed."), helpcontext(0x0003377f)] HRESULT Placement([out, retval] PlacementConstants* penumPlacement); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates on which side of the control the tabs will be displayed."), helpcontext(0x0003377f)] HRESULT Placement([in] PlacementConstants penumPlacement); [id(0x00000013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether separators are drawn between buttons on a tabstrip that has the tabButton or tabFlatButton styles."), helpcontext(0x00033780)] HRESULT Separators([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSeparators); [id(0x00000013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether separators are drawn between buttons on a tabstrip that has the tabButton or tabFlatButton styles."), helpcontext(0x00033780)] HRESULT Separators([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSeparators); [id(0x00000014), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines the minimum width of a tab."), helpcontext(0x00033781)] HRESULT TabMinWidth([out, retval] float* pflTabMinWidth); [id(0x00000014), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines the minimum width of a tab."), helpcontext(0x00033781)] HRESULT TabMinWidth([in] float pflTabMinWidth); [id(0x00000015), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines how remaining tabs are positioned when a new tab is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033782)] HRESULT TabStyle([out, retval] TabSelStyleConstants* penumTabStyle); [id(0x00000015), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines how remaining tabs are positioned when a new tab is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033782)] HRESULT TabStyle([in] TabSelStyleConstants penumTabStyle); [id(0x00000016), helpstring("Deselects all currently selected tabs."), helpcontext(0x00033783)] HRESULT DeselectAll(); }; [ uuid(1efb6595-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), nonextensible ] dispinterface ITabStripEvents { methods: [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334ae)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda6), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000334af)] void KeyDown( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda5), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000334b0)] void KeyPress([] short* KeyAscii); [id(0xfffffda4), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000334b1)] void KeyUp( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000334b2)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000334b3)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000334b4)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Generated when a Tab object is clicked, or the tab's Value setting has been changed. Used to check parameters before actually generating a Click event."), helpcontext(0x000334b5)] void BeforeClick([] short* Cancel); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(1efb6596-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft TabStrip Control"), helpcontext(0x00033493) ] coclass TabStrip { [default] interface ITabStrip; [default, source] interface ITabStripEvents; }; [ uuid(24b224e0-9545-4a2f-abd5-86aa8a849385), helpstring("Microsoft TabStrip Control"), helpcontext(0x00033493) ] coclass TabStrip2 { [default] interface ITabStrip; [default, source] interface ITabStripEvents; }; [ uuid(9a948063-66c3-4f63-ab46-582edaa35047), helpstring("Microsoft TabStrip Control"), helpcontext(0x00033493) ] coclass TabStrip3 { [default] interface ITabStrip; [default, source] interface ITabStripEvents; }; [ uuid(1efb6597-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("StatusBar Tabs collection"), helpcontext(0x000334b6), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface ITabs : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334b7)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* psCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334b7)] HRESULT Count([in] short psCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* pvIndex, [out, retval] ITab** ppTab ); [id(0x00000000), propputref, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* pvIndex, [in] ITab* ppTab ); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000334b8)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* pvIndex, [out, retval] ITab** ppTab ); [id(0x00000002), propputref, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000334b8)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* pvIndex, [in] ITab* ppTab ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334b9)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* pvIndex); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334ba)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Adds a Tab object to a Tabs collection."), helpcontext(0x000334bb)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* pvIndex, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvKey, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvCaption, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvImage, [out, retval] ITab** ppTab ); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(1efb6598-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x0003349b) ] coclass Tabs { [default] interface ITabs; }; [ uuid(1efb6599-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An individual object, analogous to a page, contained in a TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x000334bc), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface ITab : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000334bd)] HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000334bd)] HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334be)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334be)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000334bf)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000334bf)] HRESULT Index([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334c0)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334c0)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c1)] HRESULT ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c1)] HRESULT ToolTipText([in] BSTR pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c2)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] float* pfWidth); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c2)] HRESULT Width([in] float pfWidth); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c3)] HRESULT Height([out, retval] float* pfHeight); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334c3)] HRESULT Height([in] float pfHeight); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334c4)] HRESULT Top([out, retval] float* pfTop); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334c4)] HRESULT Top([in] float pfTop); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334c5)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pfLeft); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334c5)] HRESULT Left([in] float pfLeft); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x000334c6)] HRESULT Selected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSelected); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x000334c6)] HRESULT Selected([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSelected); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334c7)] HRESULT Image([out, retval] VARIANT* pvImage); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334c7)] HRESULT Image([in] VARIANT pvImage); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the Tab is highlighted.."), helpcontext(0x00033784)] HRESULT HighLighted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbHighLighted); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the Tab is highlighted.."), helpcontext(0x00033784)] HRESULT HighLighted([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbHighLighted); [id(0x00000001), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334be)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(1efb659a-857c-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control."), helpcontext(0x0003349b) ] coclass Tab { [default] interface ITab; }; [ uuid(66833fe4-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft Toolbar Control"), helpcontext(0x000334c8), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IToolbar : IDispatch { [id(0xfffffdf8), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000334e9)] HRESULT Appearance([out, retval] AppearanceConstants* pnAppearance); [id(0xfffffdf8), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000334e9)] HRESULT Appearance([in] AppearanceConstants pnAppearance); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if users can customize the Toolbar."), helpcontext(0x000334ea)] HRESULT AllowCustomize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbAllowCustomize); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if users can customize the Toolbar."), helpcontext(0x000334ea)] HRESULT AllowCustomize([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbAllowCustomize); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Toolbar control's collection of Button objects."), helpcontext(0x000334eb)] HRESULT Buttons([out, retval] IButtons** ppButtons); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Toolbar control's collection of Button objects."), helpcontext(0x000334eb)] HRESULT Buttons([in] IButtons* ppButtons); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("ToolBar Controls Collection"), helpcontext(0x000334f6)] HRESULT Controls([out, retval] IControls** ppControls); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000334ec)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000334ec)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000334ed)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000334ed)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000334ee)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000334ee)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000334ee)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334ef)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* psMousePointer); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334ef)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants psMousePointer); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images."), helpcontext(0x000334f0)] HRESULT ImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images."), helpcontext(0x000334f0)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000005), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images."), helpcontext(0x000334f0)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Enables/disables ToolTips for tool buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f1)] HRESULT ShowTips([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* bShowTips); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Enables/disables ToolTips for tool buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f1)] HRESULT ShowTips([in] VARIANT_BOOL bShowTips); [id(0xfffffe08), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style"), helpcontext(0x000334f2)] HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] BorderStyleConstants* psBorderStyle); [id(0xfffffe08), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style"), helpcontext(0x000334f2)] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] BorderStyleConstants psBorderStyle); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether buttons can be wrapped or not"), helpcontext(0x000334f3)] HRESULT Wrappable([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbWrappable); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether buttons can be wrapped or not"), helpcontext(0x000334f3)] HRESULT Wrappable([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbWrappable); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of the buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f4)] HRESULT ButtonHeight([out, retval] float* pfButtonHeight); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of the buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f4)] HRESULT ButtonHeight([in] float pfButtonHeight); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of the buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f5)] HRESULT ButtonWidth([out, retval] float* pfButtonWidth); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of the buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334f5)] HRESULT ButtonWidth([in] float pfButtonWidth); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Help context of topic to be displayed when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog."), helpcontext(0x000336ac)] HRESULT HelpContextID([out, retval] long* plHelpContextID); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Help context of topic to be displayed when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog."), helpcontext(0x000336ac)] HRESULT HelpContextID([in] long plHelpContextID); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Help file to be used when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog."), helpcontext(0x000336ca)] HRESULT HelpFile([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrHelpFile); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Help file to be used when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog."), helpcontext(0x000336ca)] HRESULT HelpFile([in] BSTR pbstrHelpFile); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000334f7)] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(0x0000000a), helpstring("Invokes the Customize Toolbar dialog box when the user double-clicks on a Toolbar control."), helpcontext(0x000334f8)] HRESULT Customize(); [id(0x0000000b), helpstring("Saves a Toolbar configuration in an initialization (.ini) file."), helpcontext(0x000334f9)] HRESULT SaveToolbar( [in] BSTR Key, [in] BSTR Subkey, [in] BSTR Value ); [id(0x0000000c), helpstring("Restores a toolbar, created with a Toolbar control, to its original state after being customized."), helpcontext(0x000334fa)] HRESULT RestoreToolbar( [in] BSTR Key, [in] BSTR Subkey, [in] BSTR Value ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state."), helpcontext(0x000337a2)] HRESULT DisabledImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppDisabledImageList); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state."), helpcontext(0x000337a2)] HRESULT DisabledImageList([in] IDispatch* ppDisabledImageList); [id(0x00000011), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state."), helpcontext(0x000337a2)] HRESULT DisabledImageList([in] IDispatch* ppDisabledImageList); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted."), helpcontext(0x000337a3)] HRESULT HotImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppHotImageList); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted."), helpcontext(0x000337a3)] HRESULT HotImageList([in] IDispatch* ppHotImageList); [id(0x00000012), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted."), helpcontext(0x000337a3)] HRESULT HotImageList([in] IDispatch* ppHotImageList); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines how the Toolbar is drawn."), helpcontext(0x00033792)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] ToolbarStyleConstants* penumStyle); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines how the Toolbar is drawn."), helpcontext(0x00033792)] HRESULT Style([in] ToolbarStyleConstants penumStyle); [id(0x00000013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether button text is displayed below or to the right of the button image."), helpcontext(0x000337a8)] HRESULT TextAlignment([out, retval] ToolbarTextAlignConstants* penumTextAlignment); [id(0x00000013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether button text is displayed below or to the right of the button image."), helpcontext(0x000337a8)] HRESULT TextAlignment([in] ToolbarTextAlignConstants penumTextAlignment); }; [ uuid(66833fe5-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for Toolbar Control"), helpcontext(0x000336b3) ] dispinterface IToolbarEvents { methods: [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Occurs when the user clicks on a Button object in a Toolbar control."), helpcontext(0x000334fb)] void ButtonClick([] Button* Button); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Generated after the end user customizes a Toolbar control's appearance using the Customize Toolbar dialog box."), helpcontext(0x000334fc)] void Change(); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334fd)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000334fe)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000334ff)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033500)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda7), helpstring("Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x00033501)] void DblClick(); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Occurs when the user selects an item from a button dropdown menu."), helpcontext(0x000337a1)] void ButtonMenuClick([] ButtonMenu* ButtonMenu); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Occurs when the user clicks the dropdown arrow on a button with Style = tbrDropdown."), helpcontext(0x000337d4)] void ButtonDropDown([] Button* Button); }; [ uuid(66833fe6-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft Toolbar Control"), helpcontext(0x000334c8) ] coclass Toolbar { [default] interface IToolbar; [default, source] interface IToolbarEvents; }; [ uuid(7dc6f291-bf55-4e50-b619-ef672d9dcc58), helpstring("Microsoft Toolbar Control"), helpcontext(0x000334c8) ] coclass Toolbar2 { [default] interface IToolbar; [default, source] interface IToolbarEvents; }; [ uuid(8b2add10-33b7-4506-9569-0a1e1dbbebae), helpstring("Microsoft Toolbar Control"), helpcontext(0x000334c8) ] coclass Toolbar3 { [default] interface IToolbar; [default, source] interface IToolbarEvents; }; [ uuid(66833fe7-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar Buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334d2), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IButtons : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334d3)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* psCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334d3)] HRESULT Count([in] short psCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IButton** ppButton ); [id(0x00000000), propputref, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IButton* ppButton ); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000334d4)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IButton** ppButton ); [id(0x00000002), propputref, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000334d4)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IButton* ppButton ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334d5)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334d6)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Adds a Button object to a Buttons collection and returns a reference to the created object."), helpcontext(0x000334d7)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Caption, [in, optional] VARIANT* Style, [in, optional] VARIANT* Image, [out, retval] IButton** ppButton ); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppDispatch); }; [ uuid(66833fe8-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar Buttons"), helpcontext(0x000334d2) ] coclass Buttons { [default] interface IButtons; }; [ uuid(66833fe9-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar Button"), helpcontext(0x000334d8), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IButton : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstr_ObjectDefault); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstr_ObjectDefault); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000334d9)] HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000334d9)] HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR pbstrCaption); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334da)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334da)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000334db)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000334db)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000334dc)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000334dc)] HRESULT Index([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334dd)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000334dd)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334de)] HRESULT ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x000334de)] HRESULT ToolTipText([in] BSTR pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000334df)] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbVisible); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000334df)] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbVisible); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e0)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] float* pfWidth); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e0)] HRESULT Width([in] float pfWidth); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e1)] HRESULT Height([out, retval] float* pfHeight); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e1)] HRESULT Height([in] float pfHeight); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334e2)] HRESULT Top([out, retval] float* pfTop); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334e2)] HRESULT Top([in] float pfTop); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334e3)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pfLeft); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000334e3)] HRESULT Left([in] float pfLeft); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e4)] HRESULT Value([out, retval] ValueConstants* psValue); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000334e4)] HRESULT Value([in] ValueConstants psValue); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the button style"), helpcontext(0x000334e5)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] ButtonStyleConstants* psStyle); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the button style"), helpcontext(0x000334e5)] HRESULT Style([in] ButtonStyleConstants psStyle); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the description displayed when the user clicks a Button object during a customization operation."), helpcontext(0x000334e6)] HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrDescription); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the description displayed when the user clicks a Button object during a customization operation."), helpcontext(0x000334e6)] HRESULT Description([in] BSTR pbstrDescription); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334e7)] HRESULT Image([out, retval] VARIANT* pvImage); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334e7)] HRESULT Image([in] VARIANT pvImage); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334e8)] HRESULT MixedState([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbMixedState); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x000334e8)] HRESULT MixedState([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbMixedState); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Button object's collection of ButtonMenu objects."), helpcontext(0x00033793)] HRESULT ButtonMenus([out, retval] IButtonMenus** ppButtonMenus); [id(0x00000011), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Button object's collection of ButtonMenu objects."), helpcontext(0x00033793)] HRESULT ButtonMenus([in] IButtonMenus* ppButtonMenus); [id(0x00000001), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000334da)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(66833fea-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar Button"), helpcontext(0x000334d8) ] coclass Button { [default] interface IButton; }; [ uuid(66833feb-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar ButtonMenus"), helpcontext(0x00033794), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IButtonMenus : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033795)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* psCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033795)] HRESULT Count([in] short psCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IButtonMenu** ppButtonMenu ); [id(0x00000000), propputref, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IButtonMenu* ppButtonMenu ); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033796)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IButtonMenu** ppButtonMenu ); [id(0x00000002), propputref, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033796)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IButtonMenu* ppButtonMenu ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033797)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033798)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Adds a ButtonMenu object to a ButtonMenus collection and returns a reference to the created object."), helpcontext(0x00033799)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [out, retval] IButtonMenu** ppButtonMenu ); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppDispatch); }; [ uuid(66833fec-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar ButtonMenus"), helpcontext(0x00033794) ] coclass ButtonMenus { [default] interface IButtonMenus; }; [ uuid(66833fed-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar ButtonMenu"), helpcontext(0x0003379a), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IButtonMenu : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrObjectDefault); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstrObjectDefault); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003379b)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003379b)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003379c)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003379c)] HRESULT Index([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003379d)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003379d)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a reference to the parent Button of a ButtonMenu object."), helpcontext(0x0003379e)] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IButton** ppParent); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a reference to the parent Button of a ButtonMenu object."), helpcontext(0x0003379e)] HRESULT Parent([in] IButton* ppParent); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x0003379f)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x0003379f)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in the ButtonMenu item."), helpcontext(0x000337a0)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in the ButtonMenu item."), helpcontext(0x000337a0)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000337d3)] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbVisible); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000337d3)] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbVisible); }; [ uuid(66833fee-8583-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ToolBar ButtonMenu"), helpcontext(0x0003379a) ] coclass ButtonMenu { [default] interface IButtonMenu; }; [ uuid(8e3867a1-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft StatusBar Control"), helpcontext(0x000335e8), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IStatusBar : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when a StatusBar control's Style property is set to Simple."), helpcontext(0x000335ec)] HRESULT SimpleText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrSimpleText); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when a StatusBar control's Style property is set to Simple."), helpcontext(0x000335ec)] HRESULT SimpleText([in] BSTR pbstrSimpleText); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the the single (simple) or multiple panel style"), helpcontext(0x000335ed)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] SbarStyleConstants* psStyle); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the the single (simple) or multiple panel style"), helpcontext(0x000335ed)] HRESULT Style([in] SbarStyleConstants psStyle); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Panel objects."), helpcontext(0x000335ee)] HRESULT Panels([out, retval] IPanels** ppPanels); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Panel objects."), helpcontext(0x000335ee)] HRESULT Panels([in] IPanels* ppPanels); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ef)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* psMousePointer); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ef)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants psMousePointer); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335f0)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335f0)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000005), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335f0)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Enables/disables ToolTips for panels"), helpcontext(0x000336a9)] HRESULT ShowTips([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* bShowTips); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Enables/disables ToolTips for panels"), helpcontext(0x000336a9)] HRESULT ShowTips([in] VARIANT_BOOL bShowTips); [id(0x00000006), propget, hidden, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000335f1)] HRESULT PanelProperties([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrPanelProperties); [id(0x00000006), propput, hidden, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000335f1)] HRESULT PanelProperties([in] BSTR pbstrPanelProperties); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events"), helpcontext(0x000335f2)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events"), helpcontext(0x000335f2)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffe00), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000335f3)] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** ppFont); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000335f3)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFont); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335f4)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335f4)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335f5)] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); }; [ uuid(8e3867a2-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for Status Bar Control"), helpcontext(0x000336b2), nonextensible ] dispinterface IStatusBarEvents { methods: [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Similar to the standard Click event, but the PanelClick event occurs when a user presses and then releases a mouse button over any of the StatusBar control's Panel objects."), helpcontext(0x000335f6)] void PanelClick([] Panel* Panel); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Similar to the standard DblClick Event, the PanelDblClick occurs when a user presses and then releases a mouse button twice over a StatusBar control's Panel object."), helpcontext(0x000335f7)] void PanelDblClick([] Panel* Panel); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335f8)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000335f9)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335fa)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000335fb)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda7), helpstring("Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000335fc)] void DblClick(); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(8e3867a3-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft StatusBar Control"), helpcontext(0x000335e8) ] coclass StatusBar { [default] interface IStatusBar; [default, source] interface IStatusBarEvents; }; [ uuid(627c8b79-918a-4c5c-9e19-20f66bf30b86), helpstring("Microsoft StatusBar Control"), helpcontext(0x000335e8) ] coclass StatusBar2 { [default] interface IStatusBar; [default, source] interface IStatusBarEvents; }; [ uuid(585aa280-ed8b-46b2-93ae-132ecfa1dafc), helpstring("Microsoft StatusBar Control"), helpcontext(0x000335e8) ] coclass StatusBar3 { [default] interface IStatusBar; [default, source] interface IStatusBarEvents; }; [ uuid(8e3867a4-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("StatusBar Panels collection"), helpcontext(0x000335fd), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IPanels : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335fe)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* sCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335fe)] HRESULT Count([in] short sCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IPanel** ppPanel ); [id(0x00000000), propputref, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IPanel* ppPanel ); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a Panel object to a Panels collection and returns a reference to the created Panel."), helpcontext(0x000335ff)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Style, [in, optional] VARIANT* Picture, [out, retval] IPanel** ppPanel ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033600)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033601)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IPanel** ppPanel ); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033601)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IPanel* ppPanel ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033602)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(8e3867a5-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("StatusBar Panels collection"), helpcontext(0x000335fd) ] coclass Panels { [default] interface IPanels; }; [ uuid(8e3867aa-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("StatusBar Panel"), helpcontext(0x00033617), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IPanel : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a StatusBar control, bottom, top, left, right, or floating"), helpcontext(0x00033618)] HRESULT Alignment([out, retval] PanelAlignmentConstants* psAlignment); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a StatusBar control, bottom, top, left, right, or floating"), helpcontext(0x00033618)] HRESULT Alignment([in] PanelAlignmentConstants psAlignment); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that allows the width of a Panel object to be automatically sized when the panel's contents change or the parent form resizes"), helpcontext(0x00033619)] HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] PanelAutoSizeConstants* psAutoSize); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that allows the width of a Panel object to be automatically sized when the panel's contents change or the parent form resizes"), helpcontext(0x00033619)] HRESULT AutoSize([in] PanelAutoSizeConstants psAutoSize); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the bevel appearance of a Panel object, inset, raised, or none"), helpcontext(0x0003361a)] HRESULT Bevel([out, retval] PanelBevelConstants* psBevel); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the bevel appearance of a Panel object, inset, raised, or none"), helpcontext(0x0003361a)] HRESULT Bevel([in] PanelBevelConstants psBevel); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events"), helpcontext(0x0003361b)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events"), helpcontext(0x0003361b)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time"), helpcontext(0x0003361c)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* sIndex); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time"), helpcontext(0x0003361c)] HRESULT Index([in] short sIndex); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection"), helpcontext(0x0003361d)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection"), helpcontext(0x0003361d)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container"), helpcontext(0x0003361e)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pfLeft); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container"), helpcontext(0x0003361e)] HRESULT Left([in] float pfLeft); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum width of a Panel object"), helpcontext(0x0003361f)] HRESULT MinWidth([out, retval] float* pfMinWidth); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum width of a Panel object"), helpcontext(0x0003361f)] HRESULT MinWidth([in] float pfMinWidth); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object"), helpcontext(0x00033620)] HRESULT Picture([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppPicture); [id(0x00000009), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object"), helpcontext(0x00033620)] HRESULT Picture([in] IPictureDisp* ppPicture); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the style of a StatusBar Panel object"), helpcontext(0x00033621)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] PanelStyleConstants* psStyle); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the style of a StatusBar Panel object"), helpcontext(0x00033621)] HRESULT Style([in] PanelStyleConstants psStyle); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033626)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033626)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control"), helpcontext(0x00033623)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control"), helpcontext(0x00033623)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x00033676)] HRESULT ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object."), helpcontext(0x00033676)] HRESULT ToolTipText([in] BSTR pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden"), helpcontext(0x00033624)] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbVisible); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden"), helpcontext(0x00033624)] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbVisible); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object"), helpcontext(0x00033625)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] float* pfWidth); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object"), helpcontext(0x00033625)] HRESULT Width([in] float pfWidth); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object"), helpcontext(0x00033620)] HRESULT Picture([in] IPictureDisp* ppPicture); [id(0x0000000e), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033626)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(8e3867ab-8586-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("StatusBar Panel"), helpcontext(0x00033617) ] coclass Panel { [default] interface IPanel; }; [ uuid(35053a20-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft ProgressBar Control"), helpcontext(0x00033485), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IProgressBar : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault([out, retval] float* pfValue); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault([in] float pfValue); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a control's maximum value."), helpcontext(0x00033486)] HRESULT Max([out, retval] float* pfMax); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a control's maximum value."), helpcontext(0x00033486)] HRESULT Max([in] float pfMax); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a control's minimum value."), helpcontext(0x00033487)] HRESULT Min([out, retval] float* pfMin); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a control's minimum value."), helpcontext(0x00033487)] HRESULT Min([in] float pfMin); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033488)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* pMousePointers); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033488)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants pMousePointers); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033489)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppPictureDisp); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033489)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppPictureDisp); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033489)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppPictureDisp); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a control's current Value property."), helpcontext(0x0003348a)] HRESULT Value([out, retval] float* pfValue); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a control's current Value property."), helpcontext(0x0003348a)] HRESULT Value([in] float pfValue); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdf8), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x0003348b)] HRESULT Appearance([out, retval] AppearanceConstants* penumAppearances); [id(0xfffffdf8), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x0003348b)] HRESULT Appearance([in] AppearanceConstants penumAppearances); [id(0xfffffe08), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003348c)] HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] BorderStyleConstants* penumBorderStyles); [id(0xfffffe08), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003348c)] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] BorderStyleConstants penumBorderStyles); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003348d)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* bEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003348d)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003348e)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the Progress Bar is displayed vertically or horizontally."), helpcontext(0x0003376d)] HRESULT Orientation([out, retval] OrientationConstants* penumOrientation); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the Progress Bar is displayed vertically or horizontally."), helpcontext(0x0003376d)] HRESULT Orientation([in] OrientationConstants penumOrientation); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the control displays progress with a standard segmented bar or a smooth bar."), helpcontext(0x0003376e)] HRESULT Scrolling([out, retval] ScrollingConstants* penumScrolling); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the control displays progress with a standard segmented bar or a smooth bar."), helpcontext(0x0003376e)] HRESULT Scrolling([in] ScrollingConstants penumScrolling); [id(0xfffffdda)] HRESULT Refresh(); }; [ uuid(35053a21-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for ProgressBar Control"), helpcontext(0x000336b0), nonextensible ] dispinterface IProgressBarEvents { methods: [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("MouseDown event"), helpcontext(0x0003348f)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("MouseMove event"), helpcontext(0x00033490)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("MouseUp event"), helpcontext(0x00033491)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Click event"), helpcontext(0x00033492)] void Click(); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(35053a22-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft ProgressBar Control"), helpcontext(0x00033485) ] coclass ProgressBar { [default] interface IProgressBar; [default, source] interface IProgressBarEvents; }; [ uuid(a0e7bf67-8d30-4620-8825-7111714c7cab), helpstring("Microsoft ProgressBar Control"), helpcontext(0x00033485) ] coclass ProgressBar2 { [default] interface IProgressBar; [default, source] interface IProgressBarEvents; }; [ uuid(c74190b4-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x00033528), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface ITreeView : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003353e)] HRESULT DropHighlight([out, retval] INode** ppNode); [id(0x00000001), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003353e)] HRESULT DropHighlight([in] INode* ppNode); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003353e)] HRESULT DropHighlight([in] VARIANT* ppNode); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the TreeView loses focus"), helpcontext(0x0003353f)] HRESULT HideSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbHideSelection); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the TreeView loses focus"), helpcontext(0x0003353f)] HRESULT HideSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbHideSelection); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x00033540)] HRESULT ImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x00033540)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x00033540)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of the indentation for a TreeView control."), helpcontext(0x00033541)] HRESULT Indentation([out, retval] float* pfIndentation); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of the indentation for a TreeView control."), helpcontext(0x00033541)] HRESULT Indentation([in] float pfIndentation); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033542)] HRESULT LabelEdit([out, retval] LabelEditConstants* psLabelEdit); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033542)] HRESULT LabelEdit([in] LabelEditConstants psLabelEdit); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the style of lines displayed between Node objects."), helpcontext(0x00033543)] HRESULT LineStyle([out, retval] TreeLineStyleConstants* psLineStyle); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the style of lines displayed between Node objects."), helpcontext(0x00033543)] HRESULT LineStyle([in] TreeLineStyleConstants psLineStyle); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033544)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* psMousePointer); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033544)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants psMousePointer); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033545)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033545)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000008), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033545)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Node objects."), helpcontext(0x00033546)] HRESULT Nodes([out, retval] INodes** ppNode); [id(0x00000009), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of Node objects."), helpcontext(0x00033546)] HRESULT Nodes([in] INodes* ppNode); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the delimiter string used for the path returned by the FullPath property."), helpcontext(0x00033547)] HRESULT PathSeparator([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrPathSeparator); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the delimiter string used for the path returned by the FullPath property."), helpcontext(0x00033547)] HRESULT PathSeparator([in] BSTR pbstrPathSeparator); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033548)] HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] INode** ppNode); [id(0x0000000b), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033548)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] INode* ppNode); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033548)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] VARIANT* ppNode); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x00033549)] HRESULT Sorted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSorted); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x00033549)] HRESULT Sorted([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSorted); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x0003354a)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] TreeStyleConstants* psStyle); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x0003354a)] HRESULT Style([in] TreeStyleConstants psStyle); [id(0x0000060e), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([out, retval] OLEDragConstants* psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060e), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([in] OLEDragConstants psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdf8), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x0003354b)] HRESULT Appearance([out, retval] AppearanceConstants* psAppearance); [id(0xfffffdf8), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x0003354b)] HRESULT Appearance([in] AppearanceConstants psAppearance); [id(0xfffffe08), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003354c)] HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] BorderStyleConstants* psBorderStyle); [id(0xfffffe08), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003354c)] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] BorderStyleConstants psBorderStyle); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003354d)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003354d)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffe00), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003354e)] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** ppFont); [id(0xfffffe00), propput, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003354e)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFont); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003354e)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFont); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003354f)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003354f)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0x0000000e), helpstring("Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations."), helpcontext(0x00033550)] HRESULT HitTest( [in] float x, [in] float y, [out, retval] INode** ppNode ); [id(0x0000000f), helpstring("Returns the number of Node objects that fit in the internal area of a TreeView control."), helpcontext(0x00033551)] HRESULT GetVisibleCount([out, retval] long* plVisibleCount); [id(0x00000010), helpstring("Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033552)] HRESULT StartLabelEdit(); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x00033553)] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the tree."), helpcontext(0x00033785)] HRESULT Checkboxes([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbCheckboxes); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the tree."), helpcontext(0x00033785)] HRESULT Checkboxes([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbCheckboxes); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the entire row of the selected item is highlighted and clicking anywhere on an item's row causes it to be selected."), helpcontext(0x00033786)] HRESULT FullRowSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbFullRowSelect); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the entire row of the selected item is highlighted and clicking anywhere on an item's row causes it to be selected."), helpcontext(0x00033786)] HRESULT FullRowSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbFullRowSelect); [id(0x00000013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if items are highlighted as the mousepointer passes over them."), helpcontext(0x00033787)] HRESULT HotTracking([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbHotTracking); [id(0x00000013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if items are highlighted as the mousepointer passes over them."), helpcontext(0x00033787)] HRESULT HotTracking([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbHotTracking); [id(0x00000014), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the TreeView displays scrollbars and allows scrolling (vertical and horizontal)."), helpcontext(0x00033788)] HRESULT Scroll([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbScroll); [id(0x00000014), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the TreeView displays scrollbars and allows scrolling (vertical and horizontal)."), helpcontext(0x00033788)] HRESULT Scroll([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbScroll); [id(0x00000015), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if selecting a new item in the tree expands that item and collapses the previously selected item."), helpcontext(0x00033789)] HRESULT SingleSel([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSingleSel); [id(0x00000015), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if selecting a new item in the tree expands that item and collapses the previously selected item."), helpcontext(0x00033789)] HRESULT SingleSel([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSingleSel); }; [ uuid(c74190b5-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for Tree Control"), helpcontext(0x000336b4), nonextensible ] dispinterface ITreeViewEvents { methods: [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Occurs when a user attempts to edit the label of the currently selected ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033554)] void BeforeLabelEdit([] short* Cancel); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Occurs after a user edits the label of the currently selected Node or ListItem object."), helpcontext(0x00033555)] void AfterLabelEdit( [] short* Cancel, [] BSTR* NewString ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Generated when any Node object in a TreeView control is collapsed."), helpcontext(0x00033556)] void Collapse([] Node* Node); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Occurs when a Node object in a TreeView control is expanded; that is, when its child nodes become visible."), helpcontext(0x00033557)] void Expand([] Node* Node); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Occurs when a Node object is clicked."), helpcontext(0x00033558)] void NodeClick([] Node* Node); [id(0xfffffda6), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033559)] void KeyDown( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda4), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x0003355a)] void KeyUp( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda5), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x0003355b)] void KeyPress([] short* KeyAscii); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x0003355c)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x0003355d)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x0003355e)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x0003355f)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda7), helpstring("Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x00033560)] void DblClick(); [id(0x00000006), helpstring("Occurs when Checkboxes = True and a Node object is checked/unchecked."), helpcontext(0x000337d7)] void NodeCheck([] Node* Node); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(c74190b6-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x00033528) ] coclass TreeView { [default] interface ITreeView; [default, source] interface ITreeViewEvents; }; [ uuid(9181dc5f-e07d-418a-aca6-8eea1ecb8e9e), helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x00033528) ] coclass TreeView2 { [default] interface ITreeView; [default, source] interface ITreeViewEvents; }; [ uuid(95f0b3be-e8ac-4995-9dca-419849e06410), helpstring("Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap."), helpcontext(0x00033528) ] coclass TreeView3 { [default] interface ITreeView; [default, source] interface ITreeViewEvents; }; [ uuid(c74190b7-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Treeview Nodes collection"), helpcontext(0x00033561), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface INodes : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033562)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* psCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033562)] HRESULT Count([in] short psCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] INode** ppNode ); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] INode* ppNode ); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a Node object to a Nodes collection and returns a reference to the created object."), helpcontext(0x00033563)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Relative, [in, optional] VARIANT* Relationship, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Image, [in, optional] VARIANT* SelectedImage, [out, retval] INode** ppNode ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033564)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033565)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] INode** ppNode ); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033565)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] INode* ppNode ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033566)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc)] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(0713e8c0-850a-101b-afc0-4210102a8da7), helpstring("Treeview Nodes collection"), helpcontext(0x00033561) ] coclass Nodes { [default] interface INodes; }; [ uuid(c74190b8-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An object in a TreeView control that can contain images and text."), helpcontext(0x00033567), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface INode : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the first child of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033568)] HRESULT Child([out, retval] INode** ppChild); [id(0x00000001), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the first child of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033568)] HRESULT Child([in] INode* ppChild); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of child nodes a Node object has."), helpcontext(0x00033569)] HRESULT Children([out, retval] short* psChildren); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of child nodes a Node object has."), helpcontext(0x00033569)] HRESULT Children([in] short psChildren); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which specifies if a Node object is expanded."), helpcontext(0x0003356a)] HRESULT Expanded([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbExpanded); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which specifies if a Node object is expanded."), helpcontext(0x0003356a)] HRESULT Expanded([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbExpanded); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control used when the Node is expanded."), helpcontext(0x0003356b)] HRESULT ExpandedImage([out, retval] VARIANT* pExpandedImage); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control used when the Node is expanded."), helpcontext(0x0003356b)] HRESULT ExpandedImage([in] VARIANT pExpandedImage); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the first Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x0003356c)] HRESULT FirstSibling([out, retval] INode** ppFirstSibling); [id(0x00000005), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the first Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x0003356c)] HRESULT FirstSibling([in] INode* ppFirstSibling); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns the fully qualified name of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003356d)] HRESULT FullPath([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrFullPath); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns the fully qualified name of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003356d)] HRESULT FullPath([in] BSTR pbstrFullPath); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x0003356e)] HRESULT Image([out, retval] VARIANT* pImage); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used."), helpcontext(0x0003356e)] HRESULT Image([in] VARIANT pImage); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003356f)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003356f)] HRESULT Index([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033570)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033570)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the last Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033571)] HRESULT LastSibling([out, retval] INode** ppLastSibling); [id(0x0000000a), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the last Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033571)] HRESULT LastSibling([in] INode* ppLastSibling); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the next Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033572)] HRESULT Next([out, retval] INode** ppNext); [id(0x0000000b), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the next Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033572)] HRESULT Next([in] INode* ppNext); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a reference to the parent of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033573)] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] INode** ppParent); [id(0x0000000c), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a reference to the parent of a Node object."), helpcontext(0x00033573)] HRESULT Parent([in] INode* ppParent); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the previous Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033574)] HRESULT Previous([out, retval] INode** ppPrevious); [id(0x0000000d), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the previous Node object in a hierarchy level."), helpcontext(0x00033574)] HRESULT Previous([in] INode* ppPrevious); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the root Node object of a TreeView control."), helpcontext(0x00033575)] HRESULT Root([out, retval] INode** ppRoot); [id(0x0000000e), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the root Node object of a TreeView control."), helpcontext(0x00033575)] HRESULT Root([in] INode* ppRoot); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033576)] HRESULT Selected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSelected); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033576)] HRESULT Selected([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSelected); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control which is displayed when a Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033577)] HRESULT SelectedImage([out, retval] VARIANT* pSelectedImage); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control which is displayed when a Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033577)] HRESULT SelectedImage([in] VARIANT pSelectedImage); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x00033578)] HRESULT Sorted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSorted); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x00033578)] HRESULT Sorted([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSorted); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033579)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033579)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x0003357a)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* bstrText); [id(0x00000013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x0003357a)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR bstrText); [id(0x00000014), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0003357b)] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbVisible); [id(0x00000014), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0003357b)] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbVisible); [id(0x00000015), helpstring("Creates a composite image from an icon and a caption for use in drag and drop operations."), helpcontext(0x0003357c)] HRESULT CreateDragImage([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppDragImage); [id(0x00000016), helpstring("Ensures a ListItem or Node object is visible, scrolling or expanding the control if necessary."), helpcontext(0x0003357d)] HRESULT EnsureVisible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnsureVisible); [id(0x00000017), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text for a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003378a)] HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pocBackColor); [id(0x00000017), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text for a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003378a)] HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR pocBackColor); [id(0x00000018), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a Node object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x0003378b)] HRESULT Bold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbBold); [id(0x00000018), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a Node object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x0003378b)] HRESULT Bold([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbBold); [id(0x00000019), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Node object is checked."), helpcontext(0x0003378c)] HRESULT Checked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbChecked); [id(0x00000019), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Node object is checked."), helpcontext(0x0003378c)] HRESULT Checked([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbChecked); [id(0x0000001a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003378d)] HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pocForeColor); [id(0x0000001a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a Node object."), helpcontext(0x0003378d)] HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR pocForeColor); [id(0x00000012), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033579)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(c74190b9-8589-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An object in a TreeView control that can contain images and text."), helpcontext(0x00033567) ] coclass Node { [default] interface INode; }; [ uuid(bdd1f049-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders."), helpcontext(0x0003357e), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IListView : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged."), helpcontext(0x00033599)] HRESULT Arrange([out, retval] ListArrangeConstants* pArrange); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged."), helpcontext(0x00033599)] HRESULT Arrange([in] ListArrangeConstants pArrange); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects."), helpcontext(0x0003359a)] HRESULT ColumnHeaders([out, retval] IColumnHeaders** ppIColumnHeaders); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects."), helpcontext(0x0003359a)] HRESULT ColumnHeaders([in] IColumnHeaders* ppIColumnHeaders); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003359b)] HRESULT DropHighlight([out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003359b)] HRESULT DropHighlight([in] IListItem* ppIListItem); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color."), helpcontext(0x0003359b)] HRESULT DropHighlight([in] VARIANT* ppIListItem); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view."), helpcontext(0x0003359c)] HRESULT HideColumnHeaders([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfHide); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view."), helpcontext(0x0003359c)] HRESULT HideColumnHeaders([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfHide); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus"), helpcontext(0x0003359d)] HRESULT HideSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfHide); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus"), helpcontext(0x0003359d)] HRESULT HideSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfHide); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x0003359e)] HRESULT Icons([out, retval] IDispatch** ppIcons); [id(0x00000006), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x0003359e)] HRESULT Icons([in] IDispatch* ppIcons); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x0003359e)] HRESULT Icons([in] IDispatch* ppIcons); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ListItem objects in a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x0003359f)] HRESULT ListItems([out, retval] IListItems** ppListItems); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ListItem objects in a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x0003359f)] HRESULT ListItems([in] IListItems* ppListItems); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335a0)] HRESULT LabelEdit([out, retval] ListLabelEditConstants* pRet); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335a0)] HRESULT LabelEdit([in] ListLabelEditConstants pRet); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view."), helpcontext(0x000335a1)] HRESULT LabelWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfOn); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view."), helpcontext(0x000335a1)] HRESULT LabelWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfOn); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335a2)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335a2)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000a), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000335a2)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335a3)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* pnIndex); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335a3)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants pnIndex); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made."), helpcontext(0x000335a4)] HRESULT MultiSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfOn); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made."), helpcontext(0x000335a4)] HRESULT MultiSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfOn); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335a5)] HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] IListItem** ppListItem); [id(0x0000000d), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335a5)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] IListItem* ppListItem); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335a5)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] VARIANT* ppListItem); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335a6)] HRESULT SmallIcons([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x0000000e), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335a6)] HRESULT SmallIcons([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335a6)] HRESULT SmallIcons([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x000335a7)] HRESULT Sorted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfOn); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x000335a7)] HRESULT Sorted([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfOn); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the current sort key."), helpcontext(0x000335a8)] HRESULT SortKey([out, retval] short* psKey); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the current sort key."), helpcontext(0x000335a8)] HRESULT SortKey([in] short psKey); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order."), helpcontext(0x000335a9)] HRESULT SortOrder([out, retval] ListSortOrderConstants* pOrder); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order."), helpcontext(0x000335a9)] HRESULT SortOrder([in] ListSortOrderConstants pOrder); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the current view of the ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335aa)] HRESULT View([out, retval] ListViewConstants* pnView); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the current view of the ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335aa)] HRESULT View([in] ListViewConstants pnView); [id(0x0000060e), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([out, retval] OLEDragConstants* psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060e), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([in] OLEDragConstants psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdf8), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000335ab)] HRESULT Appearance([out, retval] AppearanceConstants* pnAppearance); [id(0xfffffdf8), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000335ab)] HRESULT Appearance([in] AppearanceConstants pnAppearance); [id(0xfffffe0b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ac)] HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pcrBack); [id(0xfffffe0b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ac)] HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR pcrBack); [id(0xfffffe08), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ad)] HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] BorderStyleConstants* pnStyle); [id(0xfffffe08), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000335ad)] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] BorderStyleConstants pnStyle); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000335ae)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000335ae)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfEnabled); [id(0xfffffe00), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000335af)] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** ppFontDisp); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000335af)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFontDisp); [id(0xfffffdff), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335b0)] HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pcrFore); [id(0xfffffdff), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335b0)] HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR pcrFore); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335b1)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335b1)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0x00000013), helpstring("Finds an item in the list and returns a reference to that item."), helpcontext(0x000335b2)] HRESULT FindItem( [in] BSTR sz, [in, optional] VARIANT* Where, [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* fPartial, [out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem ); [id(0x00000014), helpstring("Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the client area."), helpcontext(0x000335b3)] HRESULT GetFirstVisible([out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem); [id(0x00000015), helpstring("Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations."), helpcontext(0x000335b4)] HRESULT HitTest( [in] float x, [in] float y, [out, retval] IListItem** ppListItem ); [id(0x00000016), helpstring("Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335b5)] HRESULT StartLabelEdit(); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x000335b6)] void Refresh(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] void AboutBox(); [id(0x00000017), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view."), helpcontext(0x000337b8)] HRESULT AllowColumnReorder([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfAllowColumnReorder); [id(0x00000017), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view."), helpcontext(0x000337b8)] HRESULT AllowColumnReorder([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfAllowColumnReorder); [id(0x00000018), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list."), helpcontext(0x000337c2)] HRESULT Checkboxes([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfCheckboxes); [id(0x00000018), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list."), helpcontext(0x000337c2)] HRESULT Checkboxes([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfCheckboxes); [id(0x00000019), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether the scrollbars appear flat."), helpcontext(0x000337b9)] HRESULT FlatScrollBar([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfFlatScrollBar); [id(0x00000019), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether the scrollbars appear flat."), helpcontext(0x000337b9)] HRESULT FlatScrollBar([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfFlatScrollBar); [id(0x0000001a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row."), helpcontext(0x000337ba)] HRESULT FullRowSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfFullRowSelect); [id(0x0000001a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row."), helpcontext(0x000337ba)] HRESULT FullRowSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfFullRowSelect); [id(0x0000001b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns"), helpcontext(0x000337bb)] HRESULT GridLines([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfGridLines); [id(0x0000001b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns"), helpcontext(0x000337bb)] HRESULT GridLines([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfGridLines); [id(0x0000001c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled."), helpcontext(0x000337bc)] HRESULT HotTracking([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfHotTracking); [id(0x0000001c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled."), helpcontext(0x000337bc)] HRESULT HotTracking([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfHotTracking); [id(0x0000001d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled."), helpcontext(0x000337bd)] HRESULT HoverSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfHoverSelection); [id(0x0000001d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled."), helpcontext(0x000337bd)] HRESULT HoverSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfHoverSelection); [id(0x0000001f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background picture for the control."), helpcontext(0x000337c0)] HRESULT Picture([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppPictureDisp); [id(0x0000001f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background picture for the control."), helpcontext(0x000337c0)] HRESULT Picture([in] IPictureDisp* ppPictureDisp); [id(0x0000001f), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the background picture for the control."), helpcontext(0x000337c0)] HRESULT Picture([in] IPictureDisp* ppPictureDisp); [id(0x0000001e), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the picture alignment."), helpcontext(0x000337cb)] HRESULT PictureAlignment([out, retval] ListPictureAlignmentConstants* psAlignment); [id(0x0000001e), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the picture alignment."), helpcontext(0x000337cb)] HRESULT PictureAlignment([in] ListPictureAlignmentConstants psAlignment); [id(0x00000020), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons."), helpcontext(0x000337be)] HRESULT ColumnHeaderIcons([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x00000020), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons."), helpcontext(0x000337be)] HRESULT ColumnHeaderIcons([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000020), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons."), helpcontext(0x000337be)] HRESULT ColumnHeaderIcons([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000021), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if the text background is transparent or uses the ListView background color"), helpcontext(0x000337d8)] HRESULT TextBackground([out, retval] ListTextBackgroundConstants* penumTextBackground); [id(0x00000021), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if the text background is transparent or uses the ListView background color"), helpcontext(0x000337d8)] HRESULT TextBackground([in] ListTextBackgroundConstants penumTextBackground); }; [ uuid(bdd1f04a-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for List View Control"), helpcontext(0x000336af), nonextensible ] dispinterface ListViewEvents { methods: [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Occurs when a user attempts to edit the label of the currently selected ListItem or Node object."), helpcontext(0x000335b7)] void BeforeLabelEdit([] short* Cancel); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Occurs after a user edits the label of the currently selected Node or ListItem object."), helpcontext(0x000335b8)] void AfterLabelEdit( [] short* Cancel, [] BSTR* NewString ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Occurs when a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control is clicked."), helpcontext(0x000335b9)] void ColumnClick([] ColumnHeader* ColumnHeader); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Occurs when a ListItem object is clicked or selected"), helpcontext(0x000335ba)] void ItemClick([] ListItem* Item); [id(0xfffffda6), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335bb)] void KeyDown( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda4), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335bc)] void KeyUp( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda5), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000335bd)] void KeyPress([] short* KeyAscii); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335be)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000335bf)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000335c0)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000335c1)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda7), helpstring("Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000335c2)] void DblClick(); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Occurs when a ListSubItem object is checked"), helpcontext(0x000337c3)] void ItemCheck([] ListItem* Item); }; [ uuid(bdd1f04b-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders."), helpcontext(0x0003357e) ] coclass ListView { [default] interface IListView; [default, source] interface ListViewEvents; }; [ uuid(996bf5e0-8044-4650-adeb-0b013914e99c), helpstring("Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders."), helpcontext(0x0003357e) ] coclass ListView2 { [default] interface IListView; [default, source] interface ListViewEvents; }; [ uuid(979127d3-7d01-4fde-af65-a698091468af), helpstring("Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders."), helpcontext(0x0003357e) ] coclass ListView3 { [default] interface IListView; [default, source] interface ListViewEvents; }; [ uuid(ccdb0df2-fd1a-4856-80bc-32929d8359b7), helpstring("Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders."), helpcontext(0x0003357e) ] coclass ListView4 { [default] interface IListView; [default, source] interface ListViewEvents; }; [ uuid(bdd1f04c-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView Item collection"), helpcontext(0x000335c3), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IListItems : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335c4)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335c4)] HRESULT Count([in] long plCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem ); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a ListItem object to a ListItems collection only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000335c5)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Icon, [in, optional] VARIANT* SmallIcon, [out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335c6)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000335c7)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IListItem** ppIListItem ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335c8)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(bdd1f04d-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView Item collection"), helpcontext(0x000335c3) ] coclass ListItems { [default] interface IListItems; }; [ uuid(bdd1f04e-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An item in a ListView control that contains the index of icons associated with it, text, and an array of strings representing subitems that are displayed in Report view."), helpcontext(0x000335c9), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IListItem : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT Default([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT Default([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000335d3)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000335d3)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the state of a ListView control Object item."), helpcontext(0x000335ca)] HRESULT Ghosted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfOn); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the state of a ListView control Object item."), helpcontext(0x000335ca)] HRESULT Ghosted([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfOn); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335cb)] HRESULT Height([out, retval] float* pflHeight); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335cb)] HRESULT Height([in] float pflHeight); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000335cc)] HRESULT Icon([out, retval] VARIANT* pnIndex); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000335cc)] HRESULT Icon([in] VARIANT pnIndex); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000335cd)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* plIndex); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000335cd)] HRESULT Index([in] long plIndex); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335ce)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335ce)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335cf)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pflLeft); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335cf)] HRESULT Left([in] float pflLeft); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x000335d0)] HRESULT Selected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfOn); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected."), helpcontext(0x000335d0)] HRESULT Selected([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfOn); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an small icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000335d1)] HRESULT SmallIcon([out, retval] VARIANT* pnIndex); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an small icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000335d1)] HRESULT SmallIcon([in] VARIANT pnIndex); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335d2)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335d2)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335d4)] HRESULT Top([out, retval] float* pflTop); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335d4)] HRESULT Top([in] float pflTop); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335d5)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] float* pflWidth); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335d5)] HRESULT Width([in] float pflWidth); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an array of strings representing the ListIitem's data."), helpcontext(0x000335d6)] HRESULT SubItems( [in] short Index, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrItem ); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an array of strings representing the ListIitem's data."), helpcontext(0x000335d6)] HRESULT SubItems( [in] short Index, [in] BSTR pbstrItem ); [id(0x0000000e), helpstring("Creates a composite image from an icon and a caption for use in drag and drop operations."), helpcontext(0x000335d7)] HRESULT CreateDragImage([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppImage); [id(0x0000000f), helpstring("Ensures a ListItem or Node object is visible, scrolling or expanding the control if necessary."), helpcontext(0x000335d8)] HRESULT EnsureVisible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfVisible); [id(0x00000009), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335d2)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a collection of ListSubItems belonging to the ListItem."), helpcontext(0x000337d5)] HRESULT ListSubItems([out, retval] IListSubItems** ppSubItems); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a collection of ListSubItems belonging to the ListItem."), helpcontext(0x000337d5)] HRESULT ListSubItems([in] IListSubItems* ppSubItems); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListSubItem object is checked."), helpcontext(0x000337cc)] HRESULT Checked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfChecked); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListSubItem object is checked."), helpcontext(0x000337cc)] HRESULT Checked([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfChecked); [id(0xfffffdff), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335b0)] HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pcrFore); [id(0xfffffdff), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000335b0)] HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR pcrFore); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip"), helpcontext(0x000337b0)] HRESULT ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip"), helpcontext(0x000337b0)] HRESULT ToolTipText([in] BSTR pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListItem object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x000337c1)] HRESULT Bold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfBold); [id(0x00000013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListItem object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x000337c1)] HRESULT Bold([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfBold); }; [ uuid(bdd1f04f-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An item in a ListView control that contains the index of icons associated with it, text, and an array of strings representing subitems that are displayed in Report view."), helpcontext(0x000335c9) ] coclass ListItem { [default] interface IListItem; }; [ uuid(bdd1f050-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView Column Header collection"), helpcontext(0x000335d9), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IColumnHeaders : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335da)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335da)] HRESULT Count([in] long plCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IColumnHeader** ppIColumnHeader ); [id(0x00000002), hidden, helpstring("Adds a ColumnHeader object to a ColumnHeaders collection at both design time and run time."), helpcontext(0x000335db)] HRESULT Add_PreVB98( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Width, [in, optional] VARIANT* Alignment, [out, retval] IColumnHeader** ppIColumnHeader ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335dc)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000335dd)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IColumnHeader** ppIColumnHeader ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335de)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc)] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppUnknown); [id(0x00000006), helpstring("Adds a ColumnHeader object to a ColumnHeaders collection at both design time and run time."), helpcontext(0x000335db)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Width, [in, optional] VARIANT* Alignment, [in, optional] VARIANT* Icon, [out, retval] IColumnHeader** ppIColumnHeader ); }; [ uuid(0713e8c6-850a-101b-afc0-4210102a8da7), helpstring("ListView Column Header collection"), helpcontext(0x000335d9) ] coclass ColumnHeaders { [default] interface IColumnHeaders; }; [ uuid(bdd1f051-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView Column Header"), helpcontext(0x000335df), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IColumnHeader : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT Default([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT Default([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000335e6)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000335e6)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000335e0)] HRESULT Alignment([out, retval] ListColumnAlignmentConstants* pnAlignment); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000335e0)] HRESULT Alignment([in] ListColumnAlignmentConstants pnAlignment); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000335e1)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* plIndex); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000335e1)] HRESULT Index([in] long plIndex); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335e2)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000335e2)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335e3)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pflLeft); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000335e3)] HRESULT Left([in] float pflLeft); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns the index of the subitem associated with a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335e4)] HRESULT SubItemIndex([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns the index of the subitem associated with a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control."), helpcontext(0x000335e4)] HRESULT SubItemIndex([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335e5)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335e5)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335e7)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] float* pflWidth); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000335e7)] HRESULT Width([in] float pflWidth); [id(0x00000006), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000335e5)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000337b7)] HRESULT Icon([out, retval] VARIANT* pnIndex); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x000337b7)] HRESULT Icon([in] VARIANT pnIndex); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns current position of column."), helpcontext(0x000337ae)] HRESULT Position([out, retval] short* piPosition); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns current position of column."), helpcontext(0x000337ae)] HRESULT Position([in] short piPosition); }; [ uuid(bdd1f052-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView Column Header"), helpcontext(0x000335df) ] coclass ColumnHeader { [default] interface IColumnHeader; }; [ uuid(bdd1f053-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView SubItem object"), helpcontext(0x000337b2), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IListSubItems : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of SubItems in the collection."), helpcontext(0x000337a9)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of SubItems in the collection."), helpcontext(0x000337a9)] HRESULT Count([in] long plCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IListSubItem** ppIListSubItem ); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a ListSubItem object to a ListSubItems collection only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000337aa)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* ReportIcon, [in, optional] VARIANT* ToolTipText, [out, retval] IListSubItem** ppIListSubItem ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000337ab)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x000337ac)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IListSubItem** ppIListSubItem ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x000337ad)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(bdd1f054-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView SubItem collection"), helpcontext(0x000337b1) ] coclass ListSubItems { [default] interface IListSubItems; }; [ uuid(bdd1f055-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView SubItem object"), helpcontext(0x000337b2), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IListSubItem : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT Default([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT Default([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to display text for a ListSubItem object."), helpcontext(0x000337b3)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text to display text for a ListSubItem object."), helpcontext(0x000337b3)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0xfffffdff), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a ListSubItem object."), helpcontext(0x000337b4)] HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pcrFore); [id(0xfffffdff), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a ListSubItem object."), helpcontext(0x000337b4)] HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR pcrFore); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListSubItem object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x000337b5)] HRESULT Bold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfBold); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListSubItem object is displayed with a bold font."), helpcontext(0x000337b5)] HRESULT Bold([in] VARIANT_BOOL pfBold); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the subitem's report view icon"), helpcontext(0x000337af)] HRESULT ReportIcon([out, retval] VARIANT* pnIndex); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the subitem's report view icon"), helpcontext(0x000337af)] HRESULT ReportIcon([in] VARIANT pnIndex); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip"), helpcontext(0x000337b0)] HRESULT ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip"), helpcontext(0x000337b0)] HRESULT ToolTipText([in] BSTR pbstrToolTipText); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000337d0)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* plIndex); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x000337d0)] HRESULT Index([in] long plIndex); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000337d1)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000337d1)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000337d2)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000337d2)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000008), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000337d2)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(bdd1f056-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("ListView SubItem object"), helpcontext(0x000337b2) ] coclass ListSubItem { [default] interface IListSubItem; }; [ uuid(2c247f21-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key"), helpcontext(0x0003346b), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IImageList : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of a ListImage object."), helpcontext(0x00033471)] HRESULT ImageHeight([out, retval] short* psImageHeight); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of a ListImage object."), helpcontext(0x00033471)] HRESULT ImageHeight([in] short psImageHeight); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of ListImage objects in an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033472)] HRESULT ImageWidth([out, retval] short* psImageWidth); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of ListImage objects in an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033472)] HRESULT ImageWidth([in] short psImageWidth); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines the color to be transparent in ImageList graphical operations."), helpcontext(0x00033473)] HRESULT MaskColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pclrMaskColor); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines the color to be transparent in ImageList graphical operations."), helpcontext(0x00033473)] HRESULT MaskColor([in] OLE_COLOR pclrMaskColor); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the ImageList control will use the MaskColor property."), helpcontext(0x000336a8)] HRESULT UseMaskColor([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbState); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if the ImageList control will use the MaskColor property."), helpcontext(0x000336a8)] HRESULT UseMaskColor([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbState); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects in an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033474)] HRESULT ListImages([out, retval] IImages** ppListImages); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects in an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033474)] HRESULT ListImages([in] IImages* ppListImages); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033475)] HRESULT hImageList([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phImageList); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to an ImageList control."), helpcontext(0x00033475)] HRESULT hImageList([in] OLE_HANDLE phImageList); [id(0xfffffe0b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x00033476)] HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pclrBackColor); [id(0xfffffe0b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x00033476)] HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR pclrBackColor); [id(0x00000006), helpstring("Creates a composite third image out of two ListImage objects and returns a reference to the new object."), helpcontext(0x00033477)] HRESULT Overlay( [in] VARIANT* Key1, [in] VARIANT* Key2, [out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppPictureDisp ); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); }; [ uuid(2c247f22-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for Image List Control"), helpcontext(0x000336ae) ] dispinterface ImageListEvents { }; [ uuid(2c247f23-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key"), helpcontext(0x0003346b) ] coclass ImageList { [default] interface IImageList; [default, source] interface ImageListEvents; }; [ uuid(f91caf91-225b-43a7-bb9e-472f991fc402), helpstring("Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key"), helpcontext(0x0003346b) ] coclass ImageList2 { [default] interface IImageList; [default, source] interface ImageListEvents; }; [ uuid(556c2772-f1ad-4de1-8456-bd6e8f66113b), helpstring("Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key"), helpcontext(0x0003346b) ] coclass ImageList3 { [default] interface IImageList; [default, source] interface ImageListEvents; }; [ uuid(2c247f24-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls."), helpcontext(0x00033478), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IImages : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033479)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] short* psCount); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033479)] HRESULT Count([in] short psCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IImage** ppListImage ); [id(0x00000000), propputref, hidden] HRESULT ControlDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IImage* ppListImage ); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Adds a ListImage object to a ListImages collection and returns a reference to the created object."), helpcontext(0x0003347a)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Picture, [out, retval] IImage** ppListImage ); [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003347b)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x0003347c)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IImage** Item ); [id(0x00000004), propputref, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x0003347c)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IImage* Item ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Removes a specific member from a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003347d)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(2c247f25-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls."), helpcontext(0x00033478) ] coclass ListImages { [default] interface IImages; }; [ uuid(2c247f26-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls."), helpcontext(0x0003347e), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IImage : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003347f)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] short* psIndex); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003347f)] HRESULT Index([in] short psIndex); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033480)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033480)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033481)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033481)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the image Picture"), helpcontext(0x00033482)] HRESULT Picture([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppPictureDisp); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the image Picture"), helpcontext(0x00033482)] HRESULT Picture([in] IPictureDisp* ppPictureDisp); [id(0x00000004), helpstring("Draws the image to a given device context (DC) at a specified location using a specified style"), helpcontext(0x00033483)] HRESULT Draw( [in] OLE_HANDLE hDC, [in, optional] VARIANT* x, [in, optional] VARIANT* y, [in, optional] VARIANT* Style ); [id(0x00000005), helpstring("Creates an icon from a ListImage object in an ImageList control"), helpcontext(0x00033484)] HRESULT ExtractIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppIconDisp); [id(0x00000006), propputref, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x00033481)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); }; [ uuid(2c247f27-8591-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls."), helpcontext(0x0003347e) ] coclass ListImage { [default] interface IImage; }; [ uuid(f08df952-8592-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A calibrated control with a slider for setting or selecting values."), helpcontext(0x00033502), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface ISlider : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _Value([out, retval] long* plValue); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _Value([in] long plValue); [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the increment value when the PageDown or PageUp key is pressed."), helpcontext(0x0003350b)] HRESULT LargeChange([out, retval] long* plLargeChange); [id(0x00000001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the increment value when the PageDown or PageUp key is pressed."), helpcontext(0x0003350b)] HRESULT LargeChange([in] long plLargeChange); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the increment value when the left or right arrow key is pressed."), helpcontext(0x0003350c)] HRESULT SmallChange([out, retval] long* plSmallChange); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the increment value when the left or right arrow key is pressed."), helpcontext(0x0003350c)] HRESULT SmallChange([in] long plSmallChange); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the maximum value of a control."), helpcontext(0x0003350d)] HRESULT Max([out, retval] long* plMax); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the maximum value of a control."), helpcontext(0x0003350d)] HRESULT Max([in] long plMax); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum value of a control."), helpcontext(0x0003350e)] HRESULT Min([out, retval] long* plMin); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum value of a control."), helpcontext(0x0003350e)] HRESULT Min([in] long plMin); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the orientation of a Slider control, horizontal or vertical."), helpcontext(0x0003350f)] HRESULT Orientation([out, retval] OrientationConstants* pOrientation); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the orientation of a Slider control, horizontal or vertical."), helpcontext(0x0003350f)] HRESULT Orientation([in] OrientationConstants pOrientation); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not a Slider control can have a select range."), helpcontext(0x00033510)] HRESULT SelectRange([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSelectRange); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not a Slider control can have a select range."), helpcontext(0x00033510)] HRESULT SelectRange([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSelectRange); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value where a selection starts."), helpcontext(0x00033511)] HRESULT SelStart([out, retval] long* plSelStart); [id(0x00000007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value where a selection starts."), helpcontext(0x00033511)] HRESULT SelStart([in] long plSelStart); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the length of a selection."), helpcontext(0x00033512)] HRESULT SelLength([out, retval] long* plSelLength); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the length of a selection."), helpcontext(0x00033512)] HRESULT SelLength([in] long plSelLength); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets where ticks appear on a Slider control."), helpcontext(0x00033513)] HRESULT TickStyle([out, retval] TickStyleConstants* pTickStyle); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets where ticks appear on a Slider control."), helpcontext(0x00033513)] HRESULT TickStyle([in] TickStyleConstants pTickStyle); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ratio of ticks on a Slider control; 1tick every n increments."), helpcontext(0x00033514)] HRESULT TickFrequency([out, retval] long* plTickFrequency); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ratio of ticks on a Slider control; 1tick every n increments."), helpcontext(0x00033514)] HRESULT TickFrequency([in] long plTickFrequency); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033515)] HRESULT Value([out, retval] long* plValue); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033515)] HRESULT Value([in] long plValue); [id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033516)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000c), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033516)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000c), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033516)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033517)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* psMousePointer); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033517)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants psMousePointer); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x00033518)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x00033518)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x00033519)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to a form or control."), helpcontext(0x00033519)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0xfffffe08), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003351a)] HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] BorderStyleConstants* psBorderStyle); [id(0xfffffe08), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x0003351a)] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] BorderStyleConstants psBorderStyle); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a form or control."), helpcontext(0x0003351b)] void Refresh(); [id(0x0000000e), helpstring("Sets the SelLength to 0."), helpcontext(0x0003351c)] void ClearSel(); [id(0xfffffdd9), hidden, helpstring("Hidden method that can be used to invoke the Click event"), helpcontext(0x0003351d)] void DoClick(); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of visible ticks on a Slider control."), helpcontext(0x0003351e)] HRESULT GetNumTicks([out, retval] long* plNumTicks); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] void AboutBox(); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed in the ToolTip as the slider's position changes."), helpcontext(0x00033772)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string displayed in the ToolTip as the slider's position changes."), helpcontext(0x00033772)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where the tooltip displaying the Slider's changing position is displayed."), helpcontext(0x00033773)] HRESULT TextPosition([out, retval] TextPositionConstants* penumTextPosition); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where the tooltip displaying the Slider's changing position is displayed."), helpcontext(0x00033773)] HRESULT TextPosition([in] TextPositionConstants penumTextPosition); }; [ uuid(f08df953-8592-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for Slider Control"), helpcontext(0x000336b1) ] dispinterface ISliderEvents { methods: [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x0003351f)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda6), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033520)] void KeyDown( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda5), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x00033521)] void KeyPress([] short* KeyAscii); [id(0xfffffda4), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033522)] void KeyUp( [] short* KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda3), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033523)] void MouseDown( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda2), helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x00033524)] void MouseMove( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0xfffffda1), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033525)] void MouseUp( [] short Button, [] short Shift, [] OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, [] OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y ); [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Slider scroll event"), helpcontext(0x00033526)] void Scroll(); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Indicates that the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x00033527)] void Change(); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(f08df954-8592-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A calibrated control with a slider for setting or selecting values."), helpcontext(0x00033502) ] coclass Slider { [default] interface ISlider; [default, source] interface ISliderEvents; }; [ uuid(0b314611-2c19-4ab4-8513-a6eea569d3c4), helpstring("A calibrated control with a slider for setting or selecting values."), helpcontext(0x00033502) ] coclass Slider2 { [default] interface ISlider; [default, source] interface ISliderEvents; }; [ uuid(c8a3dc00-8593-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each contained control in a parent control."), helpcontext(0x00033468), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IControls : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of members in a collection"), helpcontext(0x00033469)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x00000000), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key"), helpcontext(0x0003346a)] HRESULT Item( [in] long Index, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppDisp ); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppUnk); }; [ uuid(c8a3dc01-8593-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Controls collection"), helpcontext(0x000336ad) ] coclass Controls { [default] interface IControls; }; [ uuid(dd9da660-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An object that represents an entry in the listbox portion of the combobox control."), helpcontext(0x00033738), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IComboItem : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _ObjectDefault([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000002), propget, helpstring("Index into ImageList control where the normal image for this item can be found."), helpcontext(0x00033739)] HRESULT Image([out, retval] VARIANT* pvImage); [id(0x00000002), propput, helpstring("Index into ImageList control where the normal image for this item can be found."), helpcontext(0x00033739)] HRESULT Image([in] VARIANT pvImage); [id(0x00000005), propget, helpstring("Number of spaces to indent the text for the item. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels."), helpcontext(0x0003373a)] HRESULT Indentation([out, retval] short* psIndent); [id(0x00000005), propput, helpstring("Number of spaces to indent the text for the item. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels."), helpcontext(0x0003373a)] HRESULT Indentation([in] short psIndent); [id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003373b)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* plIndex); [id(0x00000006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time."), helpcontext(0x0003373b)] HRESULT Index([in] long plIndex); [id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003373c)] HRESULT Key([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKey); [id(0x00000008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection."), helpcontext(0x0003373c)] HRESULT Key([in] BSTR pbstrKey); [id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ComboItem is selected."), helpcontext(0x0003373e)] HRESULT Selected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSelected); [id(0x0000000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines if a ComboItem is selected."), helpcontext(0x0003373e)] HRESULT Selected([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbSelected); [id(0x0000000f), propget, helpstring("Index into ImageList control where the selected image for this item can be found."), helpcontext(0x0003373f)] HRESULT SelImage([out, retval] VARIANT* pvImage); [id(0x0000000f), propput, helpstring("Index into ImageList control where the selected image for this item can be found."), helpcontext(0x0003373f)] HRESULT SelImage([in] VARIANT pvImage); [id(0x00000015), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo."), helpcontext(0x00033740)] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pvTag); [id(0x00000015), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo."), helpcontext(0x00033740)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000015), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo."), helpcontext(0x00033740)] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT pvTag); [id(0x00000017), propget, helpstring("Text label for this item."), helpcontext(0x00033741)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000017), propput, helpstring("Text label for this item."), helpcontext(0x00033741)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); }; [ uuid(dd9da661-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("An object that represents an entry in the listbox portion of the combobox control."), helpcontext(0x00033738) ] coclass ComboItem { [default] interface IComboItem; }; [ uuid(dd9da662-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("The ComboItems Collection."), helpcontext(0x00033742), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IComboItems : IDispatch { [id(0x00000000), propget, hidden] HRESULT _CollectionDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IComboItem** ppComboItem ); [id(0x00000000), propput, hidden] HRESULT _CollectionDefault( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IComboItem* ppComboItem ); [id(0x0000001b), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of members currently in the collection."), helpcontext(0x00033743)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(0x0000001b), propput, helpstring("Returns the number of members currently in the collection."), helpcontext(0x00033743)] HRESULT Count([in] long plCount); [id(0x0000001c), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033746)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] IComboItem** ppComboItem ); [id(0x0000001c), propput, helpstring("Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key."), helpcontext(0x00033746)] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT* Index, [in] IComboItem* ppComboItem ); [id(0x00000019), helpstring("Adds an object to a collection and returns a reference to the created object."), helpcontext(0x00033744)] HRESULT Add( [in, optional] VARIANT* Index, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Text, [in, optional] VARIANT* Image, [in, optional] VARIANT* SelImage, [in, optional] VARIANT* Indentation, [out, retval] IComboItem** ppComboItem ); [id(0x0000001a), helpstring("Removes all objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x00033745)] HRESULT Clear(); [id(0x0000001d), helpstring("Removes the item at the given index from the collection."), helpcontext(0x00033747)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(0xfffffffc), hidden] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IDispatch** ppNewEnum); }; [ uuid(dd9da663-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("The ComboItems Collection."), helpcontext(0x00033742) ] coclass ComboItems { [default] interface IComboItems; }; [ uuid(dd9da664-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft ImageComboBox Control"), helpcontext(0x00033732), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IImageCombo : IDispatch { [id(0xfffffdfb), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in an object."), helpcontext(0x0003375a)] HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0xfffffdfb), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in an object."), helpcontext(0x0003375a)] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0xfffffe0b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033749)] HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pocBackColor); [id(0xfffffe0b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color of an object."), helpcontext(0x00033749)] HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR pocBackColor); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003374b)] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x0003374b)] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbEnabled); [id(0xfffffe00), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003374c)] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** ppFont); [id(0xfffffe00), propput, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003374c)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFont); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x0003374c)] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* ppFont); [id(0xfffffdff), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x0003374d)] HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pocForeColor); [id(0xfffffdff), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x0003374d)] HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR pocForeColor); [id(0xfffffdfd), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle to the control."), helpcontext(0x0003374e)] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phWnd); [id(0xfffffdfd), propput, helpstring("Returns a handle to the control."), helpcontext(0x0003374e)] HRESULT hWnd([in] OLE_HANDLE phWnd); [id(0x00000003), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x0003374f)] HRESULT ImageList([out, retval] IDispatch** ppImageList); [id(0x00000003), propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x0003374f)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000003), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used."), helpcontext(0x0003374f)] HRESULT ImageList([in] IDispatch* ppImageList); [id(0x00000004), propget, helpstring("The default number of spaces to indent the text for newly added items. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels."), helpcontext(0x00033750)] HRESULT Indentation([out, retval] short* psIndent); [id(0x00000004), propput, helpstring("The default number of spaces to indent the text for newly added items. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels."), helpcontext(0x00033750)] HRESULT Indentation([in] short psIndent); [id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("The ComboItems Collection."), helpcontext(0x00033742)] HRESULT ComboItems([out, retval] IComboItems** ppComboItems); [id(0x00000007), propputref, helpstring("The ComboItems Collection."), helpcontext(0x00033742)] HRESULT ComboItems([in] IComboItems* ppComboItems); [id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether the contents in an Image Combo control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x00033751)] HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbLocked); [id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether the contents in an Image Combo control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x00033751)] HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbLocked); [id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033752)] HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] IPictureDisp** ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033752)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000a), propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x00033752)] HRESULT MouseIcon([in] IPictureDisp* ppMouseIcon); [id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over the control at run time."), helpcontext(0x00033753)] HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] MousePointerConstants* penumMousePointer); [id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over the control at run time."), helpcontext(0x00033753)] HRESULT MousePointer([in] MousePointerConstants penumMousePointer); [id(0x0000060e), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([out, retval] OLEDragConstants* psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060e), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x00033691)] HRESULT OLEDragMode([in] OLEDragConstants psOLEDragMode); [id(0x0000060f), propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([out, retval] OLEDropConstants* psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000060f), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x00033692)] HRESULT OLEDropMode([in] OLEDropConstants psOLEDropMode); [id(0x0000000e), propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem."), helpcontext(0x00033754)] HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] IComboItem** ppIComboItem); [id(0x0000000e), propputref, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem."), helpcontext(0x00033754)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] IComboItem* ppIComboItem); [id(0x0000000e), propput, helpstring("Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem."), helpcontext(0x00033754)] HRESULT SelectedItem([in] VARIANT* ppIComboItem); [id(0x00000010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x00033755)] HRESULT SelLength([out, retval] long* plSelLength); [id(0x00000010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x00033755)] HRESULT SelLength([in] long plSelLength); [id(0x00000011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033756)] HRESULT SelStart([out, retval] long* plSelStart); [id(0x00000011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected."), helpcontext(0x00033756)] HRESULT SelStart([in] long plSelStart); [id(0x00000012), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text; consists of a zero-length string if no characters are selected."), helpcontext(0x00033757)] HRESULT SelText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrText); [id(0x00000012), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text; consists of a zero-length string if no characters are selected."), helpcontext(0x00033757)] HRESULT SelText([in] BSTR pbstrText); [id(0x00000014), propget, restricted, hidden, helpstring("Returns/sets the style for an Image Combobox control."), helpcontext(0x00033759)] HRESULT Style([out, retval] ImageComboStyleConstants* penumStyle); [id(0x00000014), propput, restricted, hidden, helpstring("Returns/sets the style for an Image Combobox control."), helpcontext(0x00033759)] HRESULT Style([in] ImageComboStyleConstants penumStyle); [id(0x00000018), propget, restricted, hidden, helpstring("(Windows NT Only) Returns/sets a value that determines whether the edit box uses the slash ('/'), backslash ('') and period ('.') characters as word delimiters."), helpcontext(0x0003375b)] HRESULT UsePathSep([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbUsePathSep); [id(0x00000018), propput, restricted, hidden, helpstring("(Windows NT Only) Returns/sets a value that determines whether the edit box uses the slash ('/'), backslash ('') and period ('.') characters as word delimiters."), helpcontext(0x0003375b)] HRESULT UsePathSep([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbUsePathSep); [id(0xfffffdd8), hidden] HRESULT AboutBox(); [id(0x0000001e), helpstring("Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the list portion of the control."), helpcontext(0x0003375c)] HRESULT GetFirstVisible([out, retval] IComboItem** ppIComboItem); [id(0xfffffdda), helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a control."), helpcontext(0x0003375d)] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x00033690)] HRESULT OLEDrag(); }; [ uuid(dd9da665-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Event interface for ImageComboBox control"), helpcontext(0x0003375f), hidden ] dispinterface DImageComboEvents { methods: [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x00033760)] void Change(); [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Occurs when the list portion of the Image Combo is about to drop down."), helpcontext(0x00033763)] void Dropdown(); [id(0xfffffda8), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x00033761)] void Click(); [id(0xfffffda6), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033764)] void KeyDown( [] short KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda4), helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x00033765)] void KeyUp( [] short KeyCode, [] short Shift ); [id(0xfffffda5), helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x00033766)] void KeyPress([] short* KeyAscii); [id(0x0000060e), helpstring("OLEStartDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336cf)] void OLEStartDrag( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* AllowedEffects ); [id(0x0000060f), helpstring("OLEGiveFeedback event"), helpcontext(0x000336d0)] void OLEGiveFeedback( [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors ); [id(0x00000610), helpstring("OLESetData event"), helpcontext(0x000336d1)] void OLESetData( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] short* DataFormat ); [id(0x00000611), helpstring("OLECompleteDrag event"), helpcontext(0x000336d2)] void OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect); [id(0x00000612), helpstring("OLEDragOver event"), helpcontext(0x000336d3)] void OLEDragOver( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y, [in, out] short* State ); [id(0x00000613), helpstring("OLEDragDrop event"), helpcontext(0x000336d4)] void OLEDragDrop( [in, out] DataObject** Data, [in, out] long* Effect, [in, out] short* Button, [in, out] short* Shift, [in, out] float* x, [in, out] float* y ); }; [ uuid(dd9da666-8594-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628), helpstring("Microsoft ImageComboBox Control"), helpcontext(0x00033732) ] coclass ImageCombo { [default] interface IImageCombo; [default, source] interface DImageComboEvents; }; [ uuid(87dacc48-f1c5-4af3-84ba-a2a72c2ab959), helpstring("Microsoft ImageComboBox Control"), helpcontext(0x00033732) ] coclass ImageCombo2 { [default] interface IImageCombo; [default, source] interface DImageComboEvents; }; };