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Package com.goldencode.p2j.xml

Classes used to simplify manipulation of XML documents, including parsing, programmatic creation, and serialization.

See: Description

Package com.goldencode.p2j.xml Description

Classes used to simplify manipulation of XML documents, including parsing, programmatic creation, and serialization.

Eric Faulhaber
June 14, 2007
Access Control




This package contains classes which provide simplified access to XML documents using the Document Object Model (DOM) idiom.  Transformation between DOM objects and AST representations is supported.  XML Document objects can originate from various sources:
Once in memory a DOM can be:


This package has dependencies on the following J2SE packages:
The current implementation uses only public APIs within these packages, however, there is one vendor specific dependency introduced when porting this package to Java Standard Edition 6.  Namely, the XmlHelper.write(Document dom, Writer writer, boolean pretty) method currently relies upon the Apache Xalan XSLT processor for formating support when performing pretty printing.  Specifically, we pass an output property of "{}indent-amount" (a Xalan-specific extension) to the Transformer class when serializing a DOM to an output stream.  The intention is to remove this dependency in a future implementation, which will insulate us from changes to the underlying XSLT implementation, should this change in future Java versions.


  1. Remove the Xalan XSLT processor dependency for pretty printing.
  2. Invent a mechanism for tracking line and column numbers for XML documents, as well as source file names for those documents which originate from the file system.  This would be very helpful for providing more useful diagnostic information when reporting TRPL errors and warnings.
  3. Add logging.
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