


Feature #1788

implement define rectangle and rectangle widget support

Added by Greg Shah over 11 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Marius Gligor
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
60.00 h

rectangle-widget.pdf (207 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/07/2014 02:36 PM (279 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/08/2014 02:43 PM (47.9 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/14/2014 01:23 PM (47.9 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/14/2014 02:50 PM

rectangles.png (13.2 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 05:19 AM (48.4 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 05:19 AM

rect-5.p Magnifier - test case (489 Bytes) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 05:19 AM

chui_colors.p Magnifier - test case (704 Bytes) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 05:19 AM

rect-6.p Magnifier (684 Bytes) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 07:22 AM

rect-6.png (13.2 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/15/2014 07:22 AM (57.4 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/16/2014 01:51 PM (57.6 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/30/2014 12:09 PM (57.6 KB) Marius Gligor, 04/30/2014 12:22 PM

Related issues

Related to User Interface - Feature #2425: implement GUI rectangle widget Closed


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Milestone 12

#2 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Marius Gligor
  • Start date set to 01/30/2014
  • Estimated time changed from 32.00 to 60.00

For now this will only be implemented in ChUI mode.

Start by writing 4GL testcases to show the features of the rectangle widget. In particular:

  • How do you use DEFINE RECTANGLE to define such widgets with different options, sizes and so forth.
  • How does this render visually?
  • How does this affect layout of other widgets?
  • How does the resulting widget behave in regard to input? As far as I understand it is an output-only widget and doesn't have any event processing. Confirm this.

Once the behavior has been fully explored using testcases, document the findings here. Those findings essentially form the specification for the changes you will write to implement rectangle support.

For an idea of how we write such testcases, please review my recent testcase work in testcases/uast/library_calls/. This is a bit different, but it shows a pretty good example of the kinds of things we do to fully understand a 4GL feature. Luckily, rectangle support will be much less work than the #1634 that goes with the library_calls testcases.

Please note that I do expect this will take more time than normal, since it is your first deep work in the 4GL.

#3 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP

#4 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

Also I looked over P2J project code in order to understand how to implements P4 widgets on P2J and I found a class com.goldencode.p2j.ui.RectangleWidget. Seems that someone already started the implementation for RECTANGLE.

That is some stubbed out support on the server side. I think it is not complete. There is no client-side implementation yet.

Do you have a manual or a tutorial for developers which explains how to implements P4GL widgets on P2J?

Unfortunately, no. The best thing to do is write a simple testcase that uses a DEFINE BUTTON and uses that button in a frame. Then convert it and review the generated frame definition/business logic. Then follow the code in the runtime on both the server side and the client side for the button widget.

#5 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Today I did a lot of RECTANGLE tests using the customer's P4GL environment.
Also I converted a small procedure working with BUTTON and FRAME widgets.
Bellow are the results of my researches after this tests.
Please let me know if what I stated bellow are true or false.

1. RECTANGLE widget looks like BUTTON widget except:

- Rectangles are readonly widgets.
- Rectangles does not accept user inputs except mouse events to move or resize.
ChUI implementation does not support mouse events so we can state that rectangles have no inputs.
- Rectangles cannot gain the focus. We cannot navigate to rectangles using key navigation, no tabstop properties are defined for rectangles.
- No action triggers could be associated with rectangles.
- Optional rectangle could have a border (edge).
- Rectangles can be used only on the FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND of a FRAME widget.

2. Server side implementation reside in package: com.goldencode.p2j.ui
@LegacyResource(resource = LegacyResource.BUTTON)
public class ButtonWidget extends ControlEntity

3. Client side implementation reside in package: com.goldencode.p2j.ui.client
public abstract class Button extends AbstractWidget

4. ChUI implementation reside in package: com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui
public class ButtonImpl extends Button

5. The following classes are used in creation process of widgets:

- com.goldencode.p2j.ui.client.ChuiWidgetFactory
- com.goldencode.p2j.ui.client.UiUtils 
Example from: UiUtils.reconstructComponent(com.goldencode.p2j.ui.ComponentConfig)
case ComponentConfig.BUTTON :
clazz = Button.class;

6. ComponentConfig - is used to store widget attributes.

7. In order to generate Java code for RECTANGLE widgets we have to write some rules.

#6 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

I think this is generally correct. Since we will be implementing the GUI as well, please do plan to support the mouse events.

I think it is possible to support mouse events on some ChUI terminals. We have not implemented that support yet and we don't plan to do it soon.

#7 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Here is the RECTANGLE widget description extracted form P4GL manuals and some remarks:
- Some attributes are used by RECTANGLE widget only most are common to other widgets as well.
- Some attributes are available only for Character interface others only for Graphical interface but most are available on both interfaces.
- Some attributes are available on all platforms others are platform specific like TOOLTIP and HWND which are available on Windows OS only.
- RECTANGLE widgets could be static created using DEFINE RECTANGLE or dynamic created using CREATE RECTANGLE

#8 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Today I tried to convert some small RECTANGLE test cases using the current implementation for RectangleWidget and the current defined rules.

1. Some tests are converted without errors others not. For example the following statements are converted without errors:

define rectangle but size-char 20 by 6.

However I saw that the converted code looks like a BUTTON conversion because I found a setLabel statement inside the converted code but RECTANGLE widgets has no label attribute.

public static class Rect0Frame0Def
extends WidgetList {
RectangleWidget but = new RectangleWidget();
public void setup(CommonFrame frame)
addWidget("but", "", but);

2. When I added a NO-FILL option the following statements are no longer converted.


I attached the results of my conversions.
Now I'm working to understand how conversion process works, rules which are applied and the structure of generated files.
I think that finally I have to do some changes on the existing rules for RECTANGLE widgets.

#9 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Doing more test cases conversions I think that I found a bug in conversion process. Let me explain:
Trying to convert procedures using BUTTON widgets I found:

1. Statements like: DEFINE BUTTON butt LABEL "Test". are converted without errors.

2. Adding other options for button like SIZE phrase DEFINE BUTTON butt LABEL "Test" SIZE 10 BY 1. are not converted.
An exception is throw (see StringHelper.sweep):

tw.graft("set_widget_attribute", null, lastId,
"attribute", setter,
"instance", wname,
"vartype", atype,
"varvalue", aval)
^ { No replacement value found for key: instance }

Doing some debugs I found that "wname" is null. Here is the stack trace:

Conversion [Java Application]
com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver at localhost:57613
Thread [main] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 427 in TemplateWorker$Template))
TemplateWorker$Template.graftAt(String, Aast, Aast, int, Object[]) line: 427
TemplateWorker$Template.graftAt(String, Aast, long, int, Object[]) line: 309
TemplateWorker$Template.graft(String, Aast, long, Object[]) line: 249
CE4564.execute() line: not available [local variables unavailable]
Expression.execute() line: 323

Expression.execute() try to execute:

tw.graft("set_widget_attribute", null, lastId,
"attribute", setter,
"instance", wname,
"vartype", atype,
"varvalue", aval)

After the call to CE4564.execute() the "wname" is null which means "instance" = null

The rule for SIZE phrase is already defined in rules/convert/frame_generator,xml line 1583: <function name="process_button_options">

The problem is on line 1602: <action>wname = node.getAnnotation("javaname")</action> where node.getAnnotation returns a null value for "wname".
I fixed this bug by replacing the "node" with "butdef" as follow: <action>wname = butdef.getAnnotation("javaname")</action>

Having this fix in place all defined options (attributes) for BUTTON widget are converted without error.

I found the same bug for RECTANGLE widget as well in line 1711. I provided the same fix in line 1711 and the RECTANGLE widget attributes are now converted without error.

#10 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Here is the RECTANGLE widget implementation for character interface and some remarks.

1. The implemented options for character interface which has been tested are presented bellow:

[ EDGE-CHARS width ]
[ DCOLOR expression ]
[ PFCOLOR expression ]
[ { SIZE | SIZE-CHARS } width BY height ]

2. If GRAPHIC-EDGE is defined the border of the RECTANGLE could be a horizontal line, a vertical line, a box or no border depending on rectangle width and height.

3. On P4GL manual I found that EDGE-CHARS, SIZE or SIZE-CHARS should be represented as DECIMAL values.
This means that we could specify something like: EDGE-CHARS 1.75 and the Progress will round up the value to the nearest integer.
I tested on the Progress 4GL environment and I found that is true.
I saw that on other widgets implementations like BUTTON integer values are used for SIZE and SIZE-CHARS.
However in my RECTANGLE implementation I used double values and a round up method to convert the value to an integer.
Is this OK or I should use integer values like on button implementation?

#11 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

I fixed a bug related to colours drawing on RECTANGLE widget according to my latest tests.

#12 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

BGCOLOR, FGCOLOR and TOOLTIP are for GUI only and ignored on ChUI.

[ { EDGE-CHARS width } | { EDGE-PIXELS width } ]
[ DCOLOR expression ]
[ BGCOLOR expression ]
[ FGCOLOR expression ]
[ PFCOLOR expression ]
[ size-phrase ]
[ TOOLTIP tooltip ]

2. DCOLOR and PFCOLOR can be static assigned on DEFINE RECTANGLE statement or assigned dynamic.

3. I fixed the color drawing on rectangles. DCOLOR is used as fill color and PFCOLOR is used for border (edge) color.

#13 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

An uast test having dynamic color assignments.

#14 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Final RECTANGLE implementation code.

#15 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

Code Review 0416a

This is really good. Have you tested it on all 3 ChUI client types?

1. In frame_generator.xml function process_rect_options please change variable names butdef and bchild to something more rectangle-related (e.g. rectdef and rchild).

2. In BaseConfig, the fgcolor and bgcolor should probably be Color instances, not int.

3. In BaseConfig, why are the getters/setters for the new color attributes protected instead of public?

4. The BaseEntity copyright date needs update.

5. In BaseEntity, the setBgcolor(int64 bgcolor), getBgcolor(), setFgcolor(int64 fgcolor) and getFgcolor() should be implemented instead of just throwing UnsupportedOperationException.

6. In BaseEntity, the getTooltip(), getWidthPixels and getHeightPixels methods are missing.

#16 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Yes I tested on all 3 ChUI client types in Linux and in Windows OS.

#17 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

Fixed code review issues.
However FGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, TOOLTIP and SIZE-PIXELS are attributes used on GUI interface only and the final implementation will be done when we'll implements the P2J GUI support.

#18 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

Code Review 0430a

Everything looks good. The only open question is this:

3. In BaseConfig, why are the getters/setters for the new color attributes protected instead of public?

#19 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago


#20 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

Code Review 0430b

It looks good. Please get it regression tested (both conversion and runtime).

#21 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

I restarted the regression tests both CTRL-C part and MAIN part.
This time CTRL-C part took around 58 minutes.
Also are less failures compared to previous tests.

#22 Updated by Marius Gligor about 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

0430b - Passed regression tests. Committed revision 10519.

#23 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Review to Closed

#24 Updated by Greg Shah over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from Milestone 12 to GUI Support for a Complex ADM2 App

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