


Feature #2481

Feature #2252: implement GUI client support

Feature #2446: implement BUTTON and IMAGE GUI widgets (runtime and conversion support)

enable, test and fix clipping for both rectangle and button GUI widgets

Added by Greg Shah over 9 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



rect_test7_p2j_gui0.jpg - Clipping sample test 7 number 0 (39.5 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/10/2015 11:25 AM

rect_test4_issue_p2j_gui.jpg - P2J problematic screen (37.4 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/10/2015 08:36 PM - Clipping in rectangle fix (14 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/10/2015 08:36 PM - Fix for UI artifact added (141 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/11/2015 07:13 PM - Clipping support, testing candidate (149 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/13/2015 06:54 PM

button19_1_p2j_gui_issue.jpg - Fill in UI issue (31.6 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/14/2015 08:46 AM - New ThinCLient fix. (149 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/14/2015 12:55 PM - Repacked without ThinClient (24.9 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 04/14/2015 01:47 PM


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

  • Parent task set to #2446

#2 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Some interesting investigation results:

During debugging clip/draw code I've found two points to be considered and at least first one is seems to be a kind of bug.

1. The widget coordinate has one pixel skew to left and up from what we have in 4GL. I know it is always expected to be (0,0) for upper left starting point inside the current drawing area and seems like good approach but gives incorrect placement for widget shape. I have faced this feature in both button and rectangle widgets I worked with. The solution to have the same picture as in 4GL - to make starting point as (1,1).

I suggest this is the expected behavior because we draw one pixel black rectangle for window interior at coord (0,0) so in our implementation the area available to draw is (1,1) while in 4GL it is (0,0), so we need to shift every widget to right/bottom for 1 pixel to exactly match 4GL.

2. The java clipping tool has interesting feature. When we specify clipRect(x,y,width,height) the area available to be changed does not include the right and bottom lines of the rectangle. So the actual area available to draw is (x,y,width-1,height-1). This constraint should be taken into account when clipping rectangle is creating and passing to widget's draw() primitive.

#3 Updated by Greg Shah about 9 years ago

1. The widget coordinate has one pixel skew to left and up from what we have in 4GL. I know it is always expected to be (0,0) for upper left starting point inside the current drawing area and seems like good approach but gives incorrect placement for widget shape. I have faced this feature in both button and rectangle widgets I worked with. The solution to have the same picture as in 4GL - to make starting point as (1,1).

I suggest this is the expected behavior because we draw one pixel black rectangle for window interior at coord (0,0) so in our implementation the area available to draw is (1,1) while in 4GL it is (0,0), so we need to shift every widget to right/bottom for 1 pixel to exactly match 4GL.

Are we just incorrectly reporting the coordinates of the Window's "client area"? The 1-pixel black rectangle should not be part of the client area, but considered part of the window border I think.

#4 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Are we just incorrectly reporting the coordinates of the Window's "client area"? The 1-pixel black rectangle should not be part of the client area, but considered part of the window border I think.

It is possible, I need to check. I have put the screen from P2J with rectangle frame marked in yellow color to document the subject of discussion.

#5 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

It is not Window issue, my explanation was bad. It is Frame issue. If there is no outer box in a frame our coordinates look good(using NO-BOX in DEFINE FRAME statement). If we use boxed frame - we need one pixel shift. Our coordinate calculation approach does not take into account if the frame is boxed or not, assuming any time there is no box.

#6 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

It is not Window issue, my explanation was bad. It is Frame issue. If there is no outer box in a frame our coordinates look good(using NO-BOX in DEFINE FRAME statement). If we use boxed frame - we need one pixel shift. Our coordinate calculation approach does not take into account if the frame is boxed or not, assuming any time there is no box.

This is fixed in my #2451 work, so don't worry about it. You can use NO-BOX for now, if the 1pixel problem interferes with your clipping work.

#7 Updated by Greg Shah about 9 years ago

Does the solution delegate the calculation of the correct drawing space to the container?

#8 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Does the solution delegate the calculation of the correct drawing space to the container?

The root cause was the fact that the frame's inner scroll pane was not positioned/sized to take into consideration the frame's box status - it was always on the frame's (0,0) coordinate. As all coordinates are relative to parent, all child widgets were miss-placed by 1 pixel.

Eugenie: this is fixed in FrameGuiImpl.resizeScrollPane. Here is the code which places the scroll-pane in the correct location:

   private void resizeScrollPane(int captionHeight)
      boolean box = config().box;

      // location
      NativePoint np = new NativePoint(0, captionHeight);
      if (box)
         np.translate(1, 1);

      fs.setPhysicalLocation(np.x, np.y);
      // size
      NativeDimension nd = physicalDimension();
      nd.width  = nd.width - (box ? 2 : 0);
      nd.height = nd.height - captionHeight - (box ? 2 : 0);

#9 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Eugenie: this is fixed in FrameGuiImpl.resizeScrollPane. Here is the code which places the scroll-pane in the correct location:

Thank you. This gives expected look for boxed frames.

The fixed FrameGuiImpl.resizeScrollPane will be included in your update, so I do not need to include it in mine, correct?

#10 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

This update includes rectangle related clipping functionality plus minor clean up. The GuiSimulator also has minor fix in dimension computing. To get the real size(inclusive) we have make right - left + 1, for example if left = 2, right = 3, the dimension should be 2, not 1.

I've found one screen distortion while rectangle drawing in certain conditions. The example:

define rectangle r size 4 by 4.
define frame f r with size 60 by 12 title "Rectangle Test #4, FG BG COLOR test".

/* Yellow on blue */
r:fgcolor = 13.
r:bgcolor = 1.
/* Color pairs */
r:dcolor = 2.
r:pfcolor = 3.

view frame f.

message "FG, BG, D, PF COLORS: " r:fgcolor r:bgcolor r:dcolor r:pfcolor "Press a key to disable filled.".

hide all.

r:filled = false.

view frame f.

The second view displays one phantom rectangle(see the picture attached). For now I can not say if this is rectangle specific or general issue.

The button part test/fix is still in progress.

#11 Updated by Greg Shah about 9 years ago

Code Review

I'm OK with the changes.

#12 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

The update for review adds fix for UI screen phantom rectangle issue. The TC.viewWorker() needs to use indirect repaint() instead of draw() for widget to be refreshed.

#13 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

The update for review adds clipping feature tested and multiple minor fixes taking into account changed widget coordinates base (0,0). Confirmed to work with button tests including dynamic buttons and image based buttons.

Also TC.drawAffectedWidgets() method changes the widget drawing by replacing draw() with repaint(). This fixes one more phantom painting like for rectangle widget. This is happening when button widget become enabled/disabled. Does someone else note the similar artifacts in other places? For example in fill-in drawing. May be we ca not safely call draw() method from TC code.

So this is candidate for testing if there are no notes/objections.

#14 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie, from the update, the only changes I'm not OK with are the TC changes:
  1. drawAffectedWidgets - this is not called in a TC.eventDrawingBracket, it's called in a TC.eventBracket(true,...) - so the repaint()'s PaintEvent will not be picked up and processed by the event manager loop, it will be discarded.
  2. viewWorker - this is not even called in a TC.event, so is not even possible to capture this event. But the original draw() call is bracketed by widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff calls, which forces output sync, to let any drawing done inside these brackets end up on screen.

So: TC does rely on explicitly called draw(), at least when used in conjunction with widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff. And we can't easily replace these with repaint() calls, without a more in depth analysis of what the widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff are supposed to fix.

#15 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eugenie, from the update, the only changes I'm not OK with are the TC changes:
  1. drawAffectedWidgets - this is not called in a TC.eventDrawingBracket, it's called in a TC.eventBracket(true,...) - so the repaint()'s PaintEvent will not be picked up and processed by the event manager loop, it will be discarded.
  2. viewWorker - this is not even called in a TC.event, so is not even possible to capture this event. But the original draw() call is bracketed by widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff calls, which forces output sync, to let any drawing done inside these brackets end up on screen.

So: TC does rely on explicitly called draw(), at least when used in conjunction with widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff. And we can't easily replace these with repaint() calls, without a more in depth analysis of what the widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff are supposed to fix.

The fact is: using draw() call in both cases causes the screen distortions(at least in GUI mode). And I think in other cases too. During fill-in implementation didn't you see the same issue as on the picture attached?

#16 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eugenie, from the update, the only changes I'm not OK with are the TC changes:
  1. drawAffectedWidgets - this is not called in a TC.eventDrawingBracket, it's called in a TC.eventBracket(true,...) - so the repaint()'s PaintEvent will not be picked up and processed by the event manager loop, it will be discarded.
  2. viewWorker - this is not even called in a TC.event, so is not even possible to capture this event. But the original draw() call is bracketed by widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff calls, which forces output sync, to let any drawing done inside these brackets end up on screen.

So: TC does rely on explicitly called draw(), at least when used in conjunction with widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff. And we can't easily replace these with repaint() calls, without a more in depth analysis of what the widgetDrawingOn and widgetDrawingOff are supposed to fix.

The fact is: using draw() call in both cases causes the screen distortions(at least in GUI mode). And I think in other cases too. During fill-in implementation didn't you see the same issue as on the picture attached?

No, I haven't encountered this issue. Can you tell me the test and steps to recreate this? Although the drawing in GUI is done using relative coordinates, the GuiDriver.draw ensures the coordinates are translated properly, so the drawn/clipping region matches the coordinate/size of the widget being drawn.

#17 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

No, I haven't encountered this issue. Can you tell me the test and steps to recreate this?

This is the uast/button/gui_btn_test19_2.p. Just put focus inside fill-in and type something:

message "Hit a key to start".

def button b_sam label "Sample" auto-go default.
def button b_quit label "Quit".
def var vInt as INTEGER view-as FILL-IN.
def var bVar as logical.

def frame fr
  b_sam vInt b_quit
  with centered size 80 by 20 title "Button Test #19_2, Auto Go default button attribute demo" 
  default-button b_sam.

on choose of b_sam in frame fr
  message "Sample button pressed".

on go of frame fr
  message "GO event has been fired".

enable all with frame fr.

wait-for window-close of current-window or choose of b_quit in frame fr.

Although the drawing in GUI is done using relative coordinates, the GuiDriver.draw ensures the coordinates are translated properly, so the drawn/clipping region matches the coordinate/size of the widget being drawn.

Yes, I know, this should go this way. But sometimes coordinate translation become inconsistent.

#18 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

Yes, I know, this should go this way. But sometimes coordinate translation become inconsistent.

Do you see this with other widgets beside FILL-IN? Because looks like with my frame layout changes in #2451 (pending work) what you noticed is no longer an issue.

#19 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Do you see this with other widgets beside FILL-IN? Because looks like with my frame layout changes in #2451 (pending work) what you noticed is no longer an issue.

I see this in rectangle, button and fill-in. The key point is: you need the frame containing the widgets to be titled and boxed.

#20 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

Do you see this with other widgets beside FILL-IN? Because looks like with my frame layout changes in #2451 (pending work) what you noticed is no longer an issue.

I see this in rectangle, button and fill-in. The key point is: you need the frame containing the widgets to be titled and boxed.

Do you have a recreate for rectangle/button, with the same (or similar) mis-placement as the fill-in? I can't find anything problematic with buttons in gui_btn_test19_2.p.

#21 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Do you have a recreate for rectangle/button, with the same (or similar) mis-placement as the fill-in? I can't find anything problematic with buttons in gui_btn_test19_2.p.

The issue is triggering by certain conditions, different for different widgets.

For rectangle the testcases is: gui_btn_test0.p, press the "Fill on/off" and "Round on/off" buttons to see.

For button itself the good testcases is: gui_btn_test5.p, press "Enable on/off" button to see effect.

I have updated all button/rectangle testcases in bzr test repo 1266, so you can download from there.

If you do not see any UI distortions(meaning fixed with your work) - it is good, I just remove the ThinClient from update and can start regression testing.

#22 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Sorry for rectangle it is better to use rect_test4.p, after filling become off.

#23 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

The update has modified TC to brace widget painting inside TC.eventDrawingBracket() for both cases, viewWorker() and drawAffectedWidgets(). How about this?

#24 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie, the tests you mention work fine with my #2451 work, and are incorrect without it: so this problem was related to some layout issue.

So, the plan is: remove the TC changes, add the FrameGuiImpl.resizeScrollPane change I mentioned in note 8 (we can benefit from it now), and if all changes are in the GUI package, you can release it without testing, if Greg is OK with them, too.

#25 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

So, the plan is: remove the TC changes, add the FrameGuiImpl.resizeScrollPane change I mentioned in note 8 (we can benefit from it now), and if all changes are in the GUI package, you can release it without testing, if Greg is OK with them, too.

Another word neither FrameGuiImpl(the updates will come from you) not ThinClient are included in my update, correct?

And yes, all my changes are in ui.client.gui package.

#26 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

Another word neither FrameGuiImpl(the updates will come from you) not ThinClient are included in my update, correct?

Yes, TC must not be included in your update. But do include in your update the FrameGuiImpl change I mentioned in note 8.

#27 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

The repacked update for review with modified FrameGuiImpl and removed ThinClient.

#28 Updated by Greg Shah about 9 years ago

Code Review

I'm good with the changes. Please go ahead and check them in since they only affect GUI and won't be tested by MAJIC regression testing.

#29 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 9 years ago

0414b committed in bzr as 10834. Will be distributed shortly.

#30 Updated by Greg Shah about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

#31 Updated by Greg Shah over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from Milestone 12 to GUI Support for a Complex ADM2 App

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