


Feature #7418

assess the security of the Jetty web server

Added by Constantin Asofiei 11 months ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




#1 Updated by Constantin Asofiei 11 months ago

The main internet-exposed point of FWD is the Jetty web server. This includes the web server running on the FWD server, and the one running on the FWD client (after logging in).

If Jetty can be exploited (somehow) and gain access to the machine where the FWD client started the web browser, then if this same machine is used for the FWD server, it will expose it. As of trunk rev 14616, FWD is using Jetty version 9.4.22.v20191022.

A first point should be to document all URLs served by Jetty. This includes:
  • the Admin Console written in GWT (/admin).
  • the /chui, /web, and /embedded URLs for FWD clients
  • Hynek, is sheet.war starting another web server? If so, what URL is it using?
  • the URLs opened via OPEN-MIME-RESOURCE, with input from the user
  • HTML-BROWSER resource, with URLs calculated by the application and/or input from the user

Please add if I missed anything. I think we should document also the JS libraries used in FWD, and in what part (the login page or after login, admin, etc).

#2 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 11 months ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

  • Hynek, is sheet.war starting another web server? If so, what URL is it using?

No, it doesn't start new server. It uses GuiWebDriver.websrv by adding new handler to it with the method GuiWebDriver.addHandler.

The exposed endpoints are: https://fwdhost/sheet/&lt;widgetId> and wss://fwdhost/sheet/<widgetId>/push.

#3 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 11 months ago

I think we should also document the full stack for each exposed endpoint including versions. For example for Keikai the enpoints are handled by Servlet API, on top of that is ZK framework (with zul page templating and zk web components) and on top of that is Keikai.

#4 Updated by Greg Shah 11 months ago

And we need to differentiate between FWD server jetty and FWD client jetty.

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