


Flushing and Validation Tests

Functionality Tested

The tests should cover the following:

  • the goal is to have a large variety of tests which together define the behavior of when newly created records, or records read from the database and updated, need to be validated and flushed (back) to the database; we need to understand:
    • are validation and flushing joined at the hip, or are there cases when they are performed separately?
    • what are the conditions under which a newly created record is validated? flushed?
    • what are the conditions under which an updated record is validated? flushed?
    • what is the relationship between validation/flushing of:
      • field updates?
      • index updates?
      • partial index updates?
      • does it differ between newly created records and records read from the database?
    • what are the conditions under which a write triggers should fire (or should not fire), and is this related to validation and flushing?

Current Status

Implementation Details

Instructions to Run the Tests

Limitations or Known Issues

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