


User Interface Testcases

Testcases were written as part of #6856 to explore the functionality of the 4GL User Interface functionality. These suites will be used to test compatibility in FWD.

Status/Coverage Codes Meaning
A Migrated to ABLUnit
N No Coverage
M Minimal Coverage
B Basic Functionality (includes M)
E Error Handling, Exception Processing and Boundary Conditions
T Transaction Processing, UNDO, and Control Flow Coverage
R Covers Related Redmine Bugs
U Covers Old UAST Testcases
F Full Coverage (includes all of the above)
Functional Area Status Total # # Compile in OE # Pass in OE # Convert in FWD # Compile in FWD # Pass in FWD
@-Base Field Tests
Accelerator Keys and Mnemonics Tests
Accumulator (UI) Tests
Builtin Function (UI) Tests
Clipboard Tests
Color Tests
COM Automation Tests
Direct Manipulation Tests
Down Frame Tests
Event Based Statement Tests
Focus Tests
Format String (UI) Tests
Font Tests
Graphic Resource Tests
Key and Mouse Input Tests
Layout and Sizing Tests
Mouse Hover Highlighting Tests
Old School Statement Tests
Nested/Child Frame Tests
Redirected Terminal Tests
Screen Buffer Tests
System Dialog Tests
Validation (UI) Tests
Web Client Tests
Widget Enumeration Tests
Widget Pool (UI) Tests
Widget Tests
Window Tests
Z-Order Tests

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