


WHERE Clause Tests

Functionality Tested

The tests should cover the following:

  • (expression processing)
  • literals of all data types and unknown value
  • all field data types (some only are possible in temp-tables)
  • operators including precedence (including CONTAINS and :: which are database-specific)
    • logical OR
    • logical AND
    • bitwise OR
    • bitwise XOR
    • bitwise AND
    • logical NOT
    • bitwise NOT
    • =, EQ, <>, NE, <, LT, >, GT, , LE, , GE, MATCHES, BEGINS, CONTAINS
    • binary +, binary -
    • *, /, MODULO
    • unary +, unary -
    • : and ::
    • ()
  • function calls including:
    • built-in functions (for which we have SQL UDFs)
    • built-ins which can't be UDFs (ECF: aren't there some 4GL built-in functions which cannot be or are not implemented as a database UDF?)
    • functions implemented in 4GL code:
      • which do not reference the query's buffer
      • which do reference the query's buffer
  • handle-based attributes and methods, including chaining
  • system handles, "instance" handles and system handles that are referenced by instance handles
  • OO properties, data members, class event references, method calls including chaining and both instance and static references

Current Status

Implementation Details

Instructions to Run the Tests

Limitations or Known Issues

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