

Eduard Soltan

  • Registered on: 05/14/2023
  • Last connection: 07/02/2024





10:33 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Greg Shah wrote:
> Are all of your testcases meeting the following criteria?
> * Checked into xfer [[p2j:Testca...


04:34 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
4347a was merged into trunk revision 15310, and archived.


09:08 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Committed on 4347a, revision 15212.
08:56 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
I tested Ctrl-C tests, with 4347a changes. And haven't got any regressions.
Also tested customer scenario, and it ...


11:00 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Committed on 4347a, revision 15210.
Changed implementation to insert Ctrl-C into TypeAhead queue.
Added as spec...


11:01 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Committed on 4347a, revision 15209.
I implemented a mechanism to interrupt a Conversation thread and synchronize the...


10:25 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Greg Shah wrote:
>I think we might have to insert @CTRL-C@ into the type ahead queue. Interestingly, that should ev...


04:02 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Imagine an situation.
If I am in timer thread and control is on the client side, I send a interrupt message to the c...


04:51 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Greg Shah wrote:
> Perhaps we need to down-call to cause this to occur. But I don't think it is as simple as making...


07:27 AM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Greg Shah wrote:
> 8. In @StopAfterTimer.addTimeOut()@, directly raising @NumberedException@ seems to be incorrect. ...

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