


Feature #3908

implement browse column VIEW-AS COMBO-BOX

Added by Greg Shah over 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Related issues

Related to User Interface - Feature #3811: more misc UI features Closed
Related to User Interface - Feature #4049: implement mouse wheel for combo-boxes New
Related to User Interface - Bug #4075: Combo-box columns 4GL quirks New 05/08/2019
Related to User Interface - Bug #4415: combo-box item selection via screen-value assignment has deviations New


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

#2 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to Stanislav Lomany

#4 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

What branch should I use for this task?

#5 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

You can create a new 3908a or you can use 3811a if you think it will make merging easier.

#6 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Created task branch 3908a from P2J trunk revision 11301.

#7 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Rebased task branch 3908a from P2J trunk revision 11302.

#8 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Please summarize status here.

When will this be complete and stable?

#9 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Please summarize status here.

I'm working on rendering/screen-value part. Because combo-box cells behavior differs from other widget types. Other issues seem to be less significant.

When will this be complete and stable?

The best estimate is the day after tomorrow, the worst - the end of this week.

#10 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

FYI. When a combo-box cell gains focus, it displays the value which corresponds the cell value. If there is no corresponding value in combo box-list, it displays the last used combo-box value for this column. So, from a user's perspective if a cell has no corresponding value in the combo-box, a random value will be displayed. I love Progress.

#11 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

So, from a user's perspective if a cell has no corresponding value in the combo-box, a random value will be displayed.

I'm trying to imagine the insane code inside the 4GL that causes this. It makes no sense at all.

I love Progress.

Do you love horror movies too? :)

#12 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

I'm trying to imagine the insane code inside the 4GL that causes this. It makes no sense at all.

I guess that's the lack of code that sets "empty" combo-box value if there is no corresponding one. Nevertheless I assume we need to support this.
One more thing: this random value is not saved when we leave the cell. In order to save it, a user has to explicitly re-select it from the drop-down list.

#13 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Currently browse cells are rendered at the server side: value --srv--> screen-value. Combo columns add a new layer at the client side value --srv--> screen-value --client--> item description. This is NOT value --srv--> item description, it is supported by the following evidences:

  1. Normally SCREEN-VALUE attribute contains cell text, but because of #3908-10 it's not quite usable. However for combo columns it returns item values rather than descriptions.
  2. Item description is chosen basing on the formatted screen value.
  3. We can modify the list of items (add/remove items) and the column is supposed to be redrawn basing on the new value -> description mapping. So it is redrawn without re-fetching the rows.
I wrote that it is supposed to be redrawn because this functionality is buggy in 4GL:
  1. When a new item is added, the cells matching the new item are redrawn, but only if the browse is scrolled or, if nearby cells are navigated, it is partially or fully redrawn.
  2. When an existing item is removed, the cells matching the removed item are not redrawn until you select an another item for this cell. 4GL doesn't seem to invalidate some kind of cache.

I'm not going to support these two quirks.

#14 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

I'm trying to understand your syntax in the last note.

I assume that value means the raw data in the backing lvalue (variable or database field). Correct?

I assume that screen-value is the character instance that is returned from the combo-box-cell-widget:screen-value attribute. Correct?

The item-description is clear, though this only occurs for the list-item-pairs mode. I assume that in the simple list mode, it works as expected (the value is always displayed)?

What do you mean by --srv--> and --client-->?

I'm not going to support these two quirks.

I'm OK with that. Please add tasks for these and make them related to #3908 and #2596.

#15 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

I assume that value means the raw data in the backing lvalue (variable or database field). Correct?


I assume that screen-value is the character instance that is returned from the combo-box-cell-widget:screen-value attribute. Correct?

Yes, it normally matches text of any kind of cell.

The item-description is clear, though this only occurs for the list-item-pairs mode. I assume that in the simple list mode, it works as expected (the value is always displayed)?


What do you mean by --srv--> and --client-->?

I mean the that rendering happens on the client or on the server side.

#16 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Strange, but only character combo columns display the item description instead of the item value in a cell. However if you assign screen-value manually in a trigger (NOT row-display trigger), it works for all data types.

#17 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

If there is no corresponding value in combo box-list, it displays the last used combo-box value for this column. So, from a user's perspective if a cell has no corresponding value in the combo-box, a random value will be displayed.

Moreover, for non-character columns, when a combo cell gains focus, a random (last selected for this column) value is displayed as selected. So, basically, non-character combo columns are unusable.

#18 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

If there is no corresponding value in combo box-list, it displays the last used combo-box value for this column. So, from a user's perspective if a cell has no corresponding value in the combo-box, a random value will be displayed.

Moreover, for non-character columns, when a combo cell gains focus, a random (last selected for this column) value is displayed as selected. So, basically, non-character combo columns are unusable.

I'm not sure this aspect needs to be duplicated. This seems like a bug in the 4GL, but we should create a task and make it related to #3908 and #2596.

Can we do something simple to allow non-character fields to be functional without breaking compatibility?

Another question: if you don't go into editing mode, does the combo-box work as expected?

#19 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Can we do something simple to allow non-character fields to be functional without breaking compatibility?

Character columns are rendered as a cell and behave as combo-box as one would expect. 4GL rendering should be preserved for non-character columns because of compatibility. While we can afford to stick to correct behavior for all columns, I don't think it affects compatibility.
The issue described in #3908-10 is questionable. Personally, I would like to implement a normal behavior. Because supporting incorrect one requires efforts. Thoughts on this one?

Another question: if you don't go into editing mode, does the combo-box work as expected?

In non-editing mode it is a cell with text. There is a slight chance that it's not a bug, it's a feature, but character and non-character columns rendered in different ways. I'll leave it as is.

Overall I think that the behavior is buggy because combo columns are not widely used, and Progress Corp is fine with keeping this feature in an OKay state and not putting efforts into fixing it.

#20 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

The issue described in #3908-10 is questionable. Personally, I would like to implement a normal behavior. Because supporting incorrect one requires efforts.

I agree, this can be treated as a "quirk" (create a task, link it here and make it related to #3908 and #2596).

#21 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

BTW scrolling with mouse wheel is not implemented for regular combo-boxes.

#22 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Correction: 4GL behaves correctly for non-character columns regarding cell rendering and item selection when a cell gains focus if the value is declared in a character form rather than original data type. I.e.

"opt 1", "01/01/01" 

"opt 1", 01/01/01

However, as I noted before, if we manually assign SCREEN-VALUE to a cell in a non-row-display trigger, then comparison can be performed properly which leads to correct rendering and selection. Combo-box value is converted into a string for comparison using the export format.

#23 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4049: implement mouse wheel for combo-boxes added

#24 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

It is interesting than for integer columns spaces are taken into cosideration for comparision. So

tt.f1 format ">>>9" 
      view-as combo-box LIST-ITEM-PAIRS 
                       "opt 1", "1", 
                       "opt 2", "2", 
                       "opt 3", "3" DROP-DOWN-LIST

won't properly work. It should be
tt.f1 format ">>>9" 
      view-as combo-box LIST-ITEM-PAIRS 
                       "opt 1", "   1", 
                       "opt 2", "   2", 
                       "opt 3", "   3" DROP-DOWN-LIST

#25 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

It is interesting than for integer columns

For decimal columns too.

#26 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Side issue: a regular combo in FWD with decimals should round decimals according to the format prescision before cmparision. E.g. value 2.222 won't select an item 2.22 in FWD. Testcase:

def var v as decimal 
  view-as combo-box list-item-pairs "item 1", 1, "item 2", 2.22, "item 3", 3 size 15 by 5 drop-down-list.

v = 2.222.
form v with frame f1.

update v with frame f1.

#27 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Rebased task branch 3908a from P2J trunk revision 11306.

#28 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Please review 3908a rev 11312, especially the changes for standalone combos.

#29 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Code review 3908a.

  • setViewAsComboBox(boolean) - the boolean parameter is redundant and should be removed (false value is a no-op), also I didn't find code that would allow to change the column type to fill-in (hColumn:VIEW-AS = "FILL-IN").
  • setModeDropDownList(boolean) - same as above
  • setModeDropDown(boolean) - same as above
  • BrowseColumnWidget.delete is not implemented, is this expected?
  • BrowseColumnWidget.setHonorFormat - missing Override annotatiom, calling the method on a non-combo column will cause an unexpected exception, rather do if (editor instanceof ComboBoxWidget) instead of if (editor != null)
  • comboItemsCache - shouldn't the cache be invalidated when the combo items change?
  • ComboBoxGuiImpl.setValue - the condition config.mode Mode.DROP_DOWN || config.mode Mode.SIMPLE is redundant and should be removed, the original condition entryField != null already covers both cases. The check for modes duplicates the connection between modes and entryField being set.
  • ComboBoxGuiImpl.destroy - shouldn't entryField be destroyed even when browse == null?

#30 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4075: Combo-box columns 4GL quirks added

#31 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

The issues are addressed in 3908a rev 11313

  • setViewAsComboBox(boolean) - the boolean parameter is redundant and should be removed (false value is a no-op),


also I didn't find code that would allow to change the column type to fill-in (hColumn:VIEW-AS = "FILL-IN").

We can add that in the future.

  • setModeDropDownList(boolean) - same as above


  • setModeDropDown(boolean) - same as above


  • BrowseColumnWidget.delete is not implemented, is this expected?

List modification functions do not work properly in 4GL, so we can fix this in the future.

  • BrowseColumnWidget.setHonorFormat - missing Override annotatiom, calling the method on a non-combo column will cause an unexpected exception, rather do if (editor instanceof ComboBoxWidget) instead of if (editor != null)


  • comboItemsCache - shouldn't the cache be invalidated when the combo items change?

Yes, but because list modification functions do not work properly in 4GL, I left it for the future.

  • ComboBoxGuiImpl.setValue - the condition config.mode Mode.DROP_DOWN || config.mode Mode.SIMPLE is redundant and should be removed, the original condition entryField != null already covers both cases. The check for modes duplicates the connection between modes and entryField being set.

I would prefer to leave it as is because entryField != null may be not initialized yet at the point of the config.mode Mode.DROP_DOWN || config.mode Mode.SIMPLE check.

  • ComboBoxGuiImpl.destroy - shouldn't entryField be destroyed even when browse == null?


Greg, should I run regression testing?

#32 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

  • ComboBoxGuiImpl.setValue - the condition config.mode Mode.DROP_DOWN || config.mode Mode.SIMPLE is redundant and should be removed, the original condition entryField != null already covers both cases. The check for modes duplicates the connection between modes and entryField being set.

I would prefer to leave it as is because entryField != null may be not initialized yet at the point of the config.mode Mode.DROP_DOWN || config.mode Mode.SIMPLE check.

OK, makes sense.

#33 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Greg, should I run regression testing?

Yes, go ahead.

#34 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Rebased task branch 3908a from P2J trunk revision 11308.
Passed regression testing basing on trunk revision 11306. Should I commit?

#35 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

It passed ChUI conversion regression testing?

Also: the gap marking changes is not there. Please add those to 4069a.

#36 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

It passed ChUI conversion regression testing?


Also: the gap marking changes is not there. Please add those to 4069a.

OK, I'll mark runtime support as partial.

#37 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

I'll mark runtime support as partial.

I thought only the quirks where missing. Please post a detailed list of anything missing that is not a quirk.

#38 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Missing conversion:

Missing attributes:

These functions may not work as expected (quirk).

Is not implemented because of the quirkiness of the functions above.

#39 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Please rebase from 11309.

Constantin: Do you have an objection to this being merged to trunk?

#40 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: Do you have an objection to this being merged to trunk?

I'm OK with being merged to trunk, it looks safe.

#41 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

OK, go ahead and merge once you've rebased.

#42 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 5 years ago

Rebased task branch 3908a from P2J trunk revision 11309.

3908a has been merged into the trunk as bzr revision 11310.

#43 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4415: combo-box item selection via screen-value assignment has deviations added

#44 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Missing conversion:

Missing attributes:

These functions may not work as expected (quirk).

Is not implemented because of the quirkiness of the functions above.

Is the gap marking up to date for these?

Where something is marked partial, is there a comment that explains the missing part?

Are there separate tasks which document the quirks?

#45 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to WIP

#46 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 4 years ago

Gaps were updated in 3809e rev 11383. Quirks are documented in #4075.

#47 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from WIP to Closed

#48 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

3809e was merged to trunk as revision 11340.

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