


Bug #5699

broken logfile name on Windows appserver clients (and probably other cases on Windows)

Added by Greg Shah almost 3 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
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% Done:



Screenshot from 2022-12-12 20-26-50.png (50.8 KB) Galya B, 12/12/2022 01:27 PM

Related issues

Related to Runtime Infrastructure - Bug #5701: logfile names for -O outputToFile use the spawner pid instead of the Java (FWD client process) pid Closed
Related to Runtime Infrastructure - Bug #5703: rationalize, standardize and simplify the client-side log file name configuration Closed
Related to Runtime Infrastructure - Feature #7147: Make FWD log outputs consistent New


#1 Updated by Greg Shah almost 3 years ago

Spawned appserver clients (and batch processes?) can be configured in the server's directory with a log filename for redirection of stdout.

          <node class="container" name="ffappsrvprocess">
            <node class="container" name="clientConfig">
              <node class="string" name="outputToFile">
                <node-attribute name="value" value="client_%appserver%_%pid%_%timestamp%_%userid%.log"/>

If this is present, it is processed by ProcessBuilderParameters.getOutputToFile() on the server before the launch of the spawner. In the above example, the spec is:


3 of the placeholders are processed in ProcessBuilderParameters.getOutputToFile():

%appserver% - comes from the appserver entry in the process account, if it is there
%timestamp% - System.currentTimeMillis(), which seems to be there
%userid% - the FWD process account name, which seems to be there as ffappsrvprocess

The process account:

          <node class="process" name="ffappsrvprocess">
            <node-attribute name="appserver" value="ffappsrv"/>
            <node-attribute name="enabled" value="TRUE"/>
            <node-attribute name="description" value="Process for ffappsrv AppServer."/>
            <node-attribute name="alias" value="ffappsrvprocess"/>
            <node-attribute name="master" value="FALSE"/>
            <node-attribute name="server" value="FALSE"/>

So the appserver name should appear as ffappsrv.

But the resulting log names (when the clients are spawned on Windows) are in this form:


The %pid% placeholder is swapped out in the spawner. It looks to me like a portion of the spec (%appserver%_%pid%) converts into f11616 when we would have expected ffappsrv_11616.

I extracted the Linux version of the spawner's replacement code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define MAX_FILENAME 4096

char* replace_str(char* string, const char* placeholder, char* value)
   static char buffer[MAX_FILENAME];
   int len;
   char *p;

   p = strstr(string, placeholder);

   if (!p)
      // placeholder not found
      return string;

   len = p - string;
   strncpy(buffer, string, len); 
   buffer[len] = 0;

   sprintf(buffer + len, "%s%s", value, p + strlen(placeholder));

   return buffer;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   static char buffer[MAX_FILENAME];

   char* string = "client_ffappsrv_%pid%_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log";
   char* placeholder = "%pid%";

   char value[32];

   /* convert pid to string */
   sprintf(value, "%u", getpid());

   char* filename = replace_str(string, "%pid%", value);

   printf("%s\n", filename);

When I compile and run this on Linux, the output is OK (client_ffappsrv_148443_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log). I don't have a WIN32 dev environment setup at this time. My best guess here is that the replace_str() function in winspawn.c has some logic problems. This is probably related to the usage of the WIN32 wide character support in that code.

#3 Updated by Greg Shah almost 3 years ago

  • Related to Bug #5701: logfile names for -O outputToFile use the spawner pid instead of the Java (FWD client process) pid added

#4 Updated by Greg Shah over 2 years ago

  • Related to Bug #5703: rationalize, standardize and simplify the client-side log file name configuration added

#5 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

  • Assignee set to Galya B

#6 Updated by Galya B over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP

I was able to reproduce it. The problem is in replace_str function. I've added to the code a few comments to show values of vars runtime, when the functions is executed with the args string = client_ffappsrv_%pid%_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log, placeholder = %pid%, value = 11616:

LPWSTR replace_str(LPWSTR string, LPCWSTR placeholder, LPWSTR value)
   static WCHAR buffer[MAX_SIZE];
   WCHAR *p;
   int len;

   p = wcsstr(string, placeholder);                              ////// %pid%_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log

   if (!p)
      // placeholder not found
      return string;

   len = (p - string) / sizeof(WCHAR);                           ////// 8
   wcsncpy(buffer, string, len); 
   buffer[len] = 0;                                              ////// client_f

   swprintf(buffer + len, sizeof(buffer), L"%ls%ls", value, p + wcslen(placeholder)); ////// client_f11616_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log

   return buffer;

The calculation of len seems to be giving wrong results, which cuts the string after the 8 character before concatenating it with the pid and the rest of the string.

I'm working on revamp of that function to make it easier to understand and maintain.

#7 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

Is string not a pointer to WCHAR? If the contents of string are not wide characters, then that explains the result. For the input string client_ffappsrv_%pid%_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log, the placeholder is found 16 characters in (after client_ffappsrv_). The sizeof(WCHAR) is probably twice as large as the characters in the string, which leads to the len == 8 result.

#8 Updated by Galya B over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from WIP to Review

Greg Shah wrote:

Is string not a pointer to WCHAR? If the contents of string are not wide characters, then that explains the result. For the input string client_ffappsrv_%pid%_1631901774729_ffappsrvprocess.log, the placeholder is found 16 characters in (after client_ffappsrv_). The sizeof(WCHAR) is probably twice as large as the characters in the string, which leads to the len == 8 result.

The minus operator probably calculates number of characters instead of size. Not sure. Let's replace it with something more expressive - wcslen that is documented to return the number of characters:

len = wcslen(string) - wcslen(p);

I've tested it and it works fine.

Please review branch 3821c, revision 14429. I messed up the branch creation / co and pushed from the local branch directly to 3821c. I'll be more careful next time. Btw can you protect 3821c from me until I understand bzr?

#9 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

Code Review Task Branch 3821c Revision 14429

The change is good, however you are missing the history entry.

#10 Updated by Galya B over 1 year ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Code Review Task Branch 3821c Revision 14429

The change is good, however you are missing the history entry.

Just pushed it in revision 14430. Bzr commit of a few lines of changes to a local branch is very slow. Is it normal?

#11 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

I messed up the branch creation / co and pushed from the local branch directly to 3821c. I'll be more careful next time. Btw can you protect 3821c from me until I understand bzr?

  1. Post a .diff of your proposed changes in Redmine OR use a task branch that is created specifically off of 3821c.
  2. Unbind (bzr unbind) your local copy of 3821c until it is time to commit changes. Any accidental commit will then just be local and won't update the central repo.

Bzr commit of a few lines of changes to a local branch is very slow. Is it normal?

In your current setup, you are just using a local copy bound to the central repo. Any local commit in a "checkout" is modifying the central copy. As noted above, you can unbind to disconnect.

#12 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Review to Test
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

When you believe that all functional requirements of the task are complete, please set the % Done to 100%.

#13 Updated by Galya B over 1 year ago

Greg Shah wrote:

In your current setup, you are just using a local copy bound to the central repo. Any local commit in a "checkout" is modifying the central copy. As noted above, you can unbind to disconnect.

I got it, it was just too late. The guide has way too many words and I get lost in it. The create command needs to be executed on the remote server instead on localhost and I didn't get that initially. In git you can create it locally and push/create to the remote.

#14 Updated by Galya B over 1 year ago

I ran the server on Windows with a batch process and was able to confirm the new behavior of the spawner of properly replacing pid.

#15 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Test to Closed

#16 Updated by Greg Shah over 1 year ago

  • Related to Feature #7147: Make FWD log outputs consistent added

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