


Feature #6424

fill gaps in Java Open Client replacement (appserver client support)

Added by Greg Shah about 2 years ago. Updated 2 months ago.

Target version:
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% Done:



FWDTest-result.log Magnifier (3.09 KB) Galya B, 04/17/2024 09:36 AM

FWDTest-server.log Magnifier (9.44 KB) Galya B, 04/18/2024 06:44 AM

Related issues

Related to Base Language - Support #6488: write tests which use Java Open Client to access the appserver testcases New
Related to Runtime Infrastructure - Feature #6673: rework appserver agent approach to use a shared queue instead of a check-in/check-out registry New


#1 Updated by Greg Shah about 2 years ago

  • Review the OE classes for their Java Open Client and add helper methods to LegacyJavaAppserverClient as needed to functionally replace anything missing.
  • Investigate 'cancel request' and multi-threading for the remote appserver.

#3 Updated by Galya B 6 months ago

Are there any examples how to setup a java client in FWD and in OE?

#4 Updated by Constantin Asofiei 6 months ago

I have a Java project which shows how to execute OpenClient calls in both FWD and OE, I'll make it available in the next few days.

#5 Updated by Galya B 5 months ago

  • Related to Support #6488: write tests which use Java Open Client to access the appserver testcases added

#6 Updated by Galya B 3 months ago

Constantin, where is the project on the shared drives? I remember you gave me a path, I can't find now.

#7 Updated by Galya B 3 months ago

Nevermind, it was on devsrv01: scp devsrv01:/tmp/ . .

#8 Updated by Galya B 3 months ago

This will need a guide - how to use gradle cache to run and debug a Java client project.

#9 Updated by Constantin Asofiei 3 months ago

Galya, I've placed the project under devsrv01:/tmp/ There is a small readme.txt in the project root.

This has examples on how to use OpenClient from both FWD and OpenEdge. Please post any questions you have.


#10 Updated by Galya B 3 months ago

There are some failing tests. Is it the deployment or it's fine?

#11 Updated by Galya B 3 months ago

This is the server log of errors.

#12 Updated by Galya B 2 months ago

I think we're doing a partial review of the Java client in #8456 and #8661. At least I'm getting familiar with the client code. The test project is less more complicated than the customer project I'm reviewing.

I wonder what should be the focus of this task.

#13 Updated by Galya B 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP
  • Assignee set to Galya B

There is one point in AppServerConnectionPool that is bothering me. It's used only by LegacyJavaAppserverClient and LegacyServiceHandler:

   /** The pool of workers dedicated to executing legacy services. */
   private PriorityBlockingQueue<LegacyServiceWorker> workers = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>();

   /** Mapping of workers by their connection ID. */
   private Map<String, LegacyServiceWorker> workersByConnection = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

   public boolean dispatch(String connectionID, Consumer<LegacyServiceWorker> work, String target)
      // TODO: increase the workers based on the appserver settings (max_agents, etc)????

      // find a worker
      LegacyServiceWorker worker;
      if (connectionID == null)
            worker = workers.take();
         catch (InterruptedException e1)
            // work interrupted
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Interrupted worker for " + target);

            return false;
         worker = workersByConnection.get(connectionID);

         if (worker == null)
            // work interrupted
                    "Could not find worker for connection " + connectionID + " when processing " + target);

            return false;

      Throwable[] exc = new Throwable[1];

      CountDownLatch down = new CountDownLatch(1);
      worker.addWork(() ->
            // this ensures the queue remains sorted...

         catch (Throwable t)
            exc[0] = t;

      boolean done = false;
         if (timeout == 0)
            done = true;
            done = down.await(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      catch (InterruptedException e)
         // work interrupted
         LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Interrupted worker for " + target);

         return false;
         // this ensures the queue remains sorted...

      if (exc[0] != null)
         if (exc[0] instanceof RuntimeException)
            throw (RuntimeException) exc[0];

         throw new RuntimeException(exc[0]);

      if (!done)
         LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, type + " call " + target + " terminated, timeout elapsed.");
         return false;

      return true;

I think the queue workers doesn't stay sorted as expected. The calls to dispatch sometimes have connectionId and sometimes not, so sometimes the if block is executed, other times the else. When there is a connectionID the taken worker is not the next in the queue, but the logic below still applies.

addWork adds a task. When the task starts execution the worker it uses get's removed from its place in the queue (even if it's not the next element) and added back as last. The same operation is repeated on task execution completed (in the finally block). This method is not synchronized, also tasks will be executed by different workers in different threads, so remove-add is not one atomic operation.

workers.take() removes a worker, but adds it back right before the execution of the task starts.

I would suggest to remove the remove/add from both places:


Then add workers.add(worker) right after worker = workers.take();. This way the queue will always be sorted. workers.take() will never block for long and will work as the else case, where no blocking operation is present, in other words the tasks will be immediately added to the loop / queue in the worker itself.

#15 Updated by Galya B 2 months ago

  • Related to Feature #6673: rework appserver agent approach to use a shared queue instead of a check-in/check-out registry added

#17 Updated by Constantin Asofiei 2 months ago

Galya B wrote:

There are some failing tests. Is it the deployment or it's fine?

The failing tests are known failures at this time.

The errors in the server log - I can't say how/where they are related.

About the queue question:
  • the OpenClient first needs to establish a connection - this means it gets a worker from the queue, and saves that connection on the OpenClient side. This is the case where take() is called.
  • future calls will always be done via this worker.
  • a persistent procedure call ran on this worker will be posted to the worker's queue, and will not bypass this
  • in Session-free, the binding is not done on the connection, you can have multiple persistent procedures ran on the same connection, each binding on a different agent's session (or actual agent in classic appserver)
  • the workers use a PriorityBlockingQueue which is thread-safe. Also, the add/remove is meant to re-sort the queue so that the workers with the smallest amount of pending tasks are in front of the queue (which will be picked up when another OpenClient connection is established). Plus take() will block until a worker is available - this does not mean that an FWD agent is available to get the request.

So, the point here: there will always be a worker available to OpenClient, but is not guaranteed that an agent will be available to get and execute the task.

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