


Bug #7824

Simplify idle connection settings and apply the default configuration for the web client debugging if the debug agent is set.

Added by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago. Updated 8 days ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



7824a.patch Magnifier (25.1 KB) Sergey Ivanovskiy, 12/08/2023 02:16 AM

7824b_14976.patch Magnifier (3.11 KB) Sergey Ivanovskiy, 02/08/2024 07:01 AM


#1 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

These two timeout parameters of webClient

          <node class="integer" name="maxIdleTime">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="300000"/>
          <node class="integer" name="maxHttpIdleTimeout">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="300000"/>

define timeouts of inactivity (idle timeouts) in milliseconds for a websocket session and its http/https session. maxIdleTime is used by WebClientProtocol.onConnect by websocket session and maxHttpIdleTimeout is used by GuiWebDriver.init to set http configuration for the embedded web server that impacts http/https sessions.

#2 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP
  • Assignee set to Sergey Ivanovskiy

I created task branch 7824a.

#3 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

Also "maxIdleTimeout" is erroneously (or intentionally) used by WebServer to set its http/https session idle timeout.

#4 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

Also "maxIdleTimeout" is erroneously (or intentionally) used by WebServer to set its http/https session idle timeout.

Does it make sense to set getHttpConfiguration().setIdleTimeout(0) for WebServer? It means infinite idle timeout for REST, SOAP and WebHandler?

#5 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

maxHttpIdleTimeout is set to 0 (infinite timeout) if this setting is not defined in the directory under webClient container. But maxIdleTimeout is set to -1 (connection timeout) if this setting is not defined in the directory and it has consequences when debugging the large customer application.

#6 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

Now I think that all these parameters should be present. It seems that it would be enough to fix the correct default value for maxIdleTimeout that should be 0 instead of -1. Are there another ideas?

#7 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

There are the web server idle timeout and the embedded web server idle timeout. The first one is set for WebServer and the second one is set for EmbeddedWebServerImpl by WebGuiDriver.init. How can we simplify these settings? I found that if the web server idle timeout is set to connection timeout, then it can affect the embedded web server idle timeout for the large customer application during the web client debugging.

#8 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

  • Subject changed from There are two different connection timeout parameters that are effected by each other so they must be merged to Simplify idle connection settings and apply the default configuration for the web client debugging if the debug agent is set.

I changed the subject because these configuration parameters are needed to be different as they are used differently.

#9 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 9 months ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from WIP to Review

Committed rev 14754 (7824a). This version should simplify debugging.

#11 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

Could this task be reviewed? I rebased 7824a.

#12 Updated by Greg Shah 7 months ago

Is there any documentation about the connection settings (the full set, not just the ones changed here)?

Hynek: Please review.

#13 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

Hynek, please review rev 14867 (7824a) that removed MAX_HTTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT and added CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and INFINITE_TIMEOUT. Now I am collecting these settings in one document to post here and to add to the documentation after the review.

#14 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

This is what was changed in this task in one patch.

#15 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

These web client settings (under webClient node)

"webSocketTimeout" = WebClientDebugConfig.MAX_IDLE_TIME
"watchdogTimeout" = WebClientDebugConfig.WATCH_DOG_TIMEOUT
"maxIdleTime" = WebClientDebugConfig.MAX_IDLE_TIME
"maxHttpIdleTimeout" = WebClientDebugConfig.INFINITE_TIMEOUT
"delayBetweenTriesToConnect" = WebClientDebugConfig.DELAY_BETWEEN_CONNECT_TRIES
"pingPongInterval" = WebClientDebugConfig.PING_PONG_INTERVAL
"maxLostPings" = WebClientDebugConfig.MAX_LOST_PINGS
"delayBetweenPingTries" = WebClientDebugConfig.DELAY_BETWEEN_PING_TRIES
"enableDebugLogging" = WebClientDebugConfig.ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING

are set automatically for the debug mode. The debug mode is detecting automatically if clientConfig/jvmArgs has debug settings as in this example
          <node class="string" name="jvmArgs">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="-Xmx1024m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9988"/>

These settings are default

"webServerMaxIdleTimeout"  = HttpConfigurationConstants.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT

"embWebServerMaxIdleTimeout" = HttpConfigurationConstants.INFINITE_TIMEOUT

but for the debug mode it needs to change settings for "webServerMaxIdleTimeout" manually
"webServerMaxIdleTimeout"  = HttpConfigurationConstants.INFINITE_TIMEOUT

because it could affect the debug mode and these setting is set at the server start time.
I do not know how to improve this part of settings.

#16 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Code review 7824a revisions 14862..14867.

I may be misinterpreting the changes, but I don't see how the debug mode is enabled when the client is directly given the -Xrunjdwp jvmArgs option in the directory. applyDebugProfile seems to be called only when the debug port is assigned implicitly by createResourceQueue from the range minAgentPort,maxAgentPort.

#17 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Code review 7824a revisions 14862..14867.

I may be misinterpreting the changes, but I don't see how the debug mode is enabled when the client is directly given the -Xrunjdwp jvmArgs option in the directory. applyDebugProfile seems to be called only when the debug port is assigned implicitly by createResourceQueue from the range minAgentPort,maxAgentPort.

Also applyDebugProfile should use the added string constants.

#18 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Code review 7824a revisions 14862..14867.

I may be misinterpreting the changes, but I don't see how the debug mode is enabled when the client is directly given the -Xrunjdwp jvmArgs option in the directory. applyDebugProfile seems to be called only when the debug port is assigned implicitly by createResourceQueue from the range minAgentPort,maxAgentPort

The agent port is assigned by WebClientManager that reads jvmArgs option in the directory. But the agent range must be configured too.

#19 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

The agent port is assigned by WebClientManager that reads jvmArgs option in the directory. But the agent range must be configured too.

So when the range is not configured, will the debug mode be enabled?

#20 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

At this moment the debug mode is not enabled if the agent range is not configured. For the known application there are at least two clients spawned and if the jvmArgs setting were used directly, then it would block the web client.

#21 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

The agent range is common for the debugger and jmx agents so jvmArgs just describes jmx and/or debug agents should be started with the web client.

#22 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

We can change the code of WebClientsManager for the case when agent range is not configured but the jvmArgs is given so it builds the port range from the provided single port. I would do this change in order to make settings consistent if there are no objections.

#23 Updated by Greg Shah 7 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

These web client settings (under webClient node)
are set automatically for the debug mode. The debug mode is detecting automatically if clientConfig/jvmArgs has debug settings as in this example

These settings are default
but for the debug mode it needs to change settings for "webServerMaxIdleTimeout" manually
because it could affect the debug mode and these setting is set at the server start time.
I do not know how to improve this part of settings.

Please write this up in Web Clients which is a part of the Directory Configuration Reference. I expect this is not just about debugging. It should document all the connection settings for web clients, including the content discussed in #7149 and #7981.

#24 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

At this moment the debug mode is not enabled if the agent range is not configured. For the known application there are at least two clients spawned and if the jvmArgs setting were used directly, then it would block the web client.

There may be several ways how to provide the Jave debug options for the spawned clients. I usually provide the debug options in jvmArgs in the directory. I then take responsibility for making sure the network ports don't conflict. So I think it makes sense to enable the debug mode for whatever client that was started with Java debugger for the sake of the increased flexibility.

#25 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

We can change the code of WebClientsManager for the case when agent range is not configured but the jvmArgs is given so it builds the port range from the provided single port. I would do this change in order to make settings consistent if there are no objections.

Yes, this would benefit all the other deployment/configuration cases.

#26 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

We can change the code of WebClientsManager for the case when agent range is not configured but the jvmArgs is given so it builds the port range from the provided single port. I would do this change in order to make settings consistent if there are no objections.

Yes, this would benefit all the other deployment/configuration cases.

Please review the committed revision 14868 (7824a).

#27 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 7 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

Please review the committed revision 14868 (7824a).

Code review.

According to the javaoc parseJMXPort (and parseDebuggerPort) should return -1 if the port is not found.

In parseJMXPort (and parseDebuggerPort), instead of getting a fixed sub string it will be safer to use matching group of the added regular expression. Just make the decimal a group (\\d+) and retrieve it with the matcher, @String port =

Otherwise the changes look good.

#28 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 7 months ago

Please review rev 14889 (7824a) that fixed refs: #7824-17 and #7824-27.

#29 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 6 months ago

7824a has been rebased. It seems that it can be merged into the trunc. Are there any objections?

#30 Updated by Hynek Cihlar 6 months ago

  • Status changed from Review to Merge Pending

Code review 7824a revision 14897. The changes are good, I have no more objections.

#31 Updated by Greg Shah 6 months ago

This can merge after 7889a.

#32 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 6 months ago

Planning to merge within next 15 minutes after rebase.

#33 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 6 months ago

7824a has been rebased, merged into the trunc as rev 14893 and archived.

#34 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 6 months ago

  • Status changed from Merge Pending to Test

#35 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

  • % Done changed from 100 to 90
  • Status changed from Test to WIP

According to #7143-673 it needs to support this debugger option suspend=y. Created 7824b.

#37 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Status changed from WIP to Review

Please review the committed rev 14976 (7824b).

#38 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

Added the corresponding patch for the trunc source.

#39 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

Added the corresponding patch for the trunc source.

Thanks, Sergey. The patch looks good, I'll apply it so I can test.

#40 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Sergey, I applied the patch, and it doesn't work properly. It actually has suspend as null when it tries to build the args. I tried initializing suspendOption to "n" and that works for allowing the spawner to work, but it doesn't honor the value in the directory.xml.

#41 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Roger Borrello wrote:

Sergey, I applied the patch, and it doesn't work properly. It actually has suspend as null when it tries to build the args. I tried initializing suspendOption to "n" and that works for allowing the spawner to work, but it doesn't honor the value in the directory.xml.

Is an addition to required, as well? I see the javaDebuggerSinglePortNumber is handled there:

       javaDebuggerSinglePortNumber = ClientBuilderOptions.parseDebuggerPort(jvmArgs);

#42 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

This pattern should work. I tested

      Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("suspend=([ny])");
      Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(" -Duser.language=en -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=9988,ttt");
      if (m2.find())
         if ( != null)
            System.out.println("0->" +;
         if ( != null)
            System.out.println("1->" +;

The output should be

#43 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Yes, the pattern works, but I had to add this to allow the server to start:

+   /** Storage for debugger suspend option */
+   private String suspendOption = "n";

Because the value was "null" when substituted in. I protected that case with below, which probably isn't necessary after performing the initialization of suspendOption:
    public void updatePortForJavaDebuggerAgent(int debuggerPort)
-      if (debuggerPort > 0)
+      if ((debuggerPort > 0) && (suspendOption != null))

Still the "suspend=y" was not honored because the initialize method is never called prior to the spawn. It looks like it should be called somewhere before spawning, perhaps ClientSpawner.updateWebClientOptions? It was never changed from suspendOption = "n" .

#44 Updated by Greg Shah 5 months ago

Sergey is busy with other tasks, so you will have to implement the fixes and Sergey can review your changes.

#45 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Sergey is busy with other tasks, so you will have to implement the fixes and Sergey can review your changes.

Updates are included in r14980, and ready for review.

#46 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

Roger, your code changes helped me to find out what was missed. I think that WebClientCnfig should not have this suspend option as its field because suspend option is shared between all instances. It is enough to have

   protected ClientBuilderOptions(ClientBuilderOptions copy, String[] accountIds)
      this.accountIds = accountIds;                =;
      this.command               = copy.command;
      this.classPath             = copy.classPath;
      this.libPath               = copy.libPath;
      this.spawner               = copy.spawner;
      this.spawnerDebugEnabled   = copy.spawnerDebugEnabled;
      this.workingDirectory      = copy.workingDirectory;
      this.configFile            = copy.configFile;
      this.jvmArguments          = new LinkedList<String>(copy.jvmArguments);
      this.bootstrapConfig       = new LinkedList<String>(copy.bootstrapConfig);
      this.debuggerSuspendOption = copy.debuggerSuspendOption;

so this.debuggerSuspendOption is filled from WebClientBuilderOptions.cbo static field.

#47 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

Roger, your code changes helped me to find out what was missed. I think that WebClientCnfig should not have this suspend option as its field because suspend option is shared between all instances. It is enough to have
so this.debuggerSuspendOption is filled from WebClientBuilderOptions.cbo static field.

Is that the same for debugAgentPort? I wanted to just follow how that was implements, since they work together for jvmArgs.

#48 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

No, the debug port and the suspend option should be implemented differently. If the port range is not given, then the debug port is defined by the directory, otherwise it is defined by the port range

          <node class="integer" name="minAgentPort">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="9988"/>
          <node class="integer" name="maxAgentPort">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="9999"/>

Then each new client uses its own debug port from this range but the suspend option is the same for all debugged clients.

WebClientBuilderOptions.cbo is initialized when WebClientBuilderOptions.initialize is called at the server startup time. In my code this part was only missed

   protected ClientBuilderOptions(ClientBuilderOptions copy, String[] accountIds)
      this.debuggerSuspendOption = copy.debuggerSuspendOption; // this line is only needed to add after renaming the suspend option

#49 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Thank you for clarifying. This is ready for review as revision 14989. Branch has been rebased to trunk revision 14985.

#50 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 5 months ago

I found minor issue that you missed javadoc for this field

=== modified file 'src/com/goldencode/p2j/main/'
-   /** Storage for debugger suspend option */
-   private String debugSuspendOption;
+   private String suspendOption;

The changes are good and debugSuspendOption name can be here according to your taste.

#51 Updated by Roger Borrello 5 months ago

Oops... fixed and committed in revision 14990. I believe this is ready for merge to trunk.

#52 Updated by Roger Borrello 4 months ago

Branch 7824b was rebased to trunk revision 15011 and is now at revision 15017.

I believe this is ready for merge.

#53 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 4 months ago

Yes, I agree with Roger.

#54 Updated by Greg Shah 4 months ago

Is there any risk associated with these changes?

#55 Updated by Roger Borrello 4 months ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is there any risk associated with these changes?

No. They would only be used in debug scenarios.

Rebased to trunk revision 15012 and is at revision 15018.

#56 Updated by Greg Shah 4 months ago

You've tested non-debug scenarios to confirm that what "should" happen actually is the case?

#57 Updated by Roger Borrello 4 months ago

Greg Shah wrote:

You've tested non-debug scenarios to confirm that what "should" happen actually is the case?

Yes... I've been using this update in all my testing (debug and non-debug) for a couple of weeks now.

#58 Updated by Greg Shah 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Review to Merge Pending

You can merge to trunk.

#59 Updated by Roger Borrello 4 months ago

Branch 7824b has been merged to trunk, and archived.

#60 Updated by Greg Shah 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Merge Pending to Closed

#61 Updated by Galya B 8 days ago

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

These two timeout parameters of webClient

          <node class="integer" name="maxIdleTime">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="300000"/>
          <node class="integer" name="maxHttpIdleTimeout">
            <node-attribute name="value" value="300000"/>

define timeouts of inactivity (idle timeouts) in milliseconds for a websocket session and its http/https session. maxIdleTime is used by WebClientProtocol.onConnect by websocket session and maxHttpIdleTimeout is used by GuiWebDriver.init to set http configuration for the embedded web server that impacts http/https sessions.

Actually maxHttpIdleTimeout is not read from directory. Although that's the name of the client option (client:web:maxHttpIdleTimeout), the actual value read from directory is only embWebServerMaxIdleTimeout.

#62 Updated by Sergey Ivanovskiy 8 days ago

Galya B wrote:

Sergey Ivanovskiy wrote:

These two timeout parameters of webClient
define timeouts of inactivity (idle timeouts) in milliseconds for a websocket session and its http/https session. maxIdleTime is used by WebClientProtocol.onConnect by websocket session and maxHttpIdleTimeout is used by GuiWebDriver.init to set http configuration for the embedded web server that impacts http/https sessions.

Actually maxHttpIdleTimeout is not read from directory. Although that's the name of the client option (client:web:maxHttpIdleTimeout), the actual value read from directory is only embWebServerMaxIdleTimeout.


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