


Support #7850

questions and answers about ABLUnit support in FWD

Added by Greg Shah 9 months ago. Updated 2 months ago.

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#1 Updated by Roger Borrello 3 months ago

I get this when the converted test suite (1 test) tries to compile:

    [javac] /home/rfb/projects/testcases_v2_dev2/src/com/goldencode/testcases/tests/base_language/stanza_ini/ error: incompatible types: Suite cannot be converted to Annotation
    [javac] @Suite
    [javac]  ^
    [javac] 1 error

The 4GL for Suite.cls is:
block-level on error undo, throw.


class tests.base_language.stanza_ini.Suite:
end class.

#2 Updated by Roger Borrello 2 months ago

I was attempting to build ABL unit for FWD using ant -Dtests.module=base_language ablunit-tests-gui. Is that correct? I received an error when it was processing DBConnection.

rfb@rfb:~/projects/testcases_v2_dev$ ant -Dtests.module=base_language ablunit-tests-gui
Buildfile: /home/rfb/projects/testcases_v2_dev/build.xml

  [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource It could not be found.
  [typedef] Could not load definitions from resource It could not be found.

/home/rfb/projects/testcases_v2_dev/build.xml:1056: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/rfb/projects/testcases_v2_dev/build_ablunit.xml:56: Problem: failed to create task or type DBConnection
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.

#3 Updated by Roger Borrello 2 months ago

I was finally able to figure out how to get a test for stanza_ini to run under ABL Unit. I have a single test in the suite:

using Progress.Lang.*.
using OpenEdge.Core.Assert from propath.
using support.test.*.

block-level on error undo, throw.

/* Core tests for stanza INI file usage, refs #8353 */

define variable gSupWarns as logical no-undo.
define variable gIniName  as character.
define variable gDir      as character.

procedure setUp:
        gIniName = "env.ini" 
        gDir     = "./" 
        gSupWarns = session:suppress-warnings.
    session:suppress-warnings = false.

    os-delete ./env.ini no-error.
end procedure.

procedure Test1:

    define variable errNums as integer   extent 1 no-undo.
    define variable errMsg  as character extent 1 no-undo.

    /* Case 1 load should fail. No oddities */
        errNums[1] = 4449
        errMsg[1]  = "The LOAD of " + string(gIniName) + " in path " + string(gDir) + " failed. (" + string(errNums[1]) + ")".

    LOAD gIniName DIR gDir no-error.
    support.test.AssertExt:Errors(errNums, errMsg, true).

end procedure. /* Test */

procedure TearDown:
    os-delete ./env.ini no-error.
    assign session:suppress-warnings = gSupWarns.
end procedure.

/* EOF */

The LOAD of the ini is supposed to take place on the client. I am getting an NPE reported, but the 4GL Unit Testing wiki section on running the client has a note:

Note: there is probably no need to run the client in debug mode, since all unit test code is executed on the server, and nothing interesting happens at the client side.

The command I'm running is:

java -Djava.library.path=../../p2j/build/lib -jar /home/rfb/projects/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.9.0.jar --class-path ../lib/testcases.jar:../../p2j/build/lib/p2j.jar --select-class com.goldencode.testcases.tests.base_language.stanza_ini.TestSuiteClass

I build this command by trial-and-error, and it turns out I do need to debug the client, in order to determine why I was getting an NPE. By adding -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=2999 to my command, I was able to debug the client. Perhaps the wiki needs to strike that?

I also would like to know if I am invoking the jUnit console properly, as the wiki mentions using junit-platform-console-1.9.x.jar, but that doesn't include all the dependencies required.

#4 Updated by Greg Shah 2 months ago

Note: there is probably no need to run the client in debug mode, since all unit test code is executed on the server, and nothing interesting happens at the client side.

This is not correct. Anything that normally happens on the FWD client (redirected UI for reports, access to the file system, stream processing, sockets, native library calls...) will still happen on the client.

Please edit the documentation to correct that.

I'll let Vladimir answer your other question about invoking junit.

#5 Updated by Vladimir Tsichevski 2 months ago

Roger Borrello wrote:

I get this when the converted test suite (1 test) tries to compile:
The 4GL for Suite.cls is:

You should not name your 4gl class as Suite, otherwise you have a name clash in the converted Java code between the your Java class name and the annotation name.

#6 Updated by Vladimir Tsichevski 2 months ago

Roger Borrello wrote:

The LOAD of the ini is supposed to take place on the client. I am getting an NPE reported, but the 4GL Unit Testing wiki section on running the client has a note:

Note: there is probably no need to run the client in debug mode, since all unit test code is executed on the server, and nothing interesting happens at the client side.

The key word is "probably". I myself do run both the server and client parts from eclipse, unless I need to debug FWD in native ChUI mode.
From my experience, I rarely need the Debug Eclipse launching configuration for the client process, and use the Run Eclipse command instead.

The command I'm running is:
I build this command by trial-and-error, and it turns out I do need to debug the client, in order to determine why I was getting an NPE. By adding -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=2999 to my command, I was able to debug the client. Perhaps the wiki needs to strike that?

The wiki just defines minimum requirement for the Java process options, set be the JUnit5 console launcher and FWD. You can debug the client Java proces as any other Java process, there are no specific requirements or restriction. The wiki does not describe Java debugging, since this is unrelated.

In your case, I would use suspend=y instead of suspend=n, so the process will pause until you connect with debugger.

I also would like to know if I am invoking the jUnit console properly, as the wiki mentions using junit-platform-console-1.9.x.jar, but that doesn't include all the dependencies required.

I've update the page: added more details about the FWD client classpath and removed the explicit reference to junit-platform-console-1.9.x.jar.

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