


Reports can be run at any time, by using the ant report_server task. This task will execute the front end conversion phase (which consists of parsing, fixups and gap analysis) and:
  1. generate schema and code reports; these will be found in the rptdb/ database. This can be ran individually via the rpt or rpt-no-front tasks.
  2. generate the callgraph database, which will be found in the callgraph/ folder.

There will be a rpt_schema_${LOG_STAMP}.log and a rpt_code_${LOG_STAMP}.log file where you can see details of the report generation process. The callgraph_${LOG_STAMP}.log will show you the result of the callgraph generation process. Also, the cvt_f2_${LOG_STAMP}.log will show you the results of the front conversion phase. The ${LOG_STAMP} will be a timestamp in the yyyyMMdd_hhmmss format.

Since running reports performs the front end of conversion, it will overwrite any intermediate artifacts created by previous conversion or reporting runs, such as *.ast, *.jast, *.cache, *.parser, *.lexer, *.pphints, *.schema, *.dict, and *.p2o files in the data and abl subdirectories. This has no effect on the ability to run the sample application if the project was previously converted and built, and is noted here only for informational purposes.

To access the web server running the FWD Analytics, follow these steps:
  • execute either or report.cmd (if on Windows) file, found the deploy/server folder. If the script does not start, make sure the 8443 port is not in use by another FWD application server or another installed service on your machine. If you want to change the port, edit the script and change the port in the -port 8443 line to a free port.
  • open a browser and open the https://localhost:8443/ URL. If you have not installed the root CA in your browser, you will get a certificate-related error message. Either accept the certificate and go further or install the root CA now.
  • use admin as user name and hotel (or your application name specified during prepare_template run) as password. You will be prompted to change the password - change it.
  • now you can explore the FWD Analytics

More information about the FWD's analytics tool can be found in its dedicated page, Code Analytics.