


Web Server

TBD: should include all the Jetty stuff in the FWD server including servlets, web services...


Legacy (4GL) REST

Legacy (4GL) SOAP

Custom Servlets

Static Web Content

Static web content can be served by the Jetty web server embedded inside the FWD application server. It is configured with help of these directory settings under /server/default root node.


        <node class="container" name="web-static-content">
          <node class="container" name="applicationSystemHelp">
            <node class="string" name="context">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/app/help"/>
            <node class="string" name="resource">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/com/goldencode/testcases/HTML/"/>
            <node class="string" name="file">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="index.html"/>


  • The container name (e.g. applicationSystemHelp) is just a string identifier. It has no meaning or usage other than to group these values into a unique entry.
  • The value /app/help of context node defines the public context path to the web static resources.
  • The resources can be located by the value /com/goldencode/testcases/HTML/ of resource node.
  • The optional node file defines the welcome page that is displayed for https://host:port/app/help.

The web static resource can be located within the application jar file or the file system on the FWD server. The values of context and resource are given by case-sensitive absolute paths starting from the root /.

These 3 nodes: context, resource and file are children of the named container node that represents the web static resource.

          <node class="container" name="applicationSystemHelp">
            <node class="string" name="context">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/app/help"/>
            <node class="string" name="resource">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/com/goldencode/testcases/HTML/"/>
            <node class="string" name="file">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="index.html"/>

The name "applicationSystemHelp" of this container node can be any unique string identifier. All web resource container nodes are children of the web-static-content root node.

        <node class="container" name="web-static-content">
          <node class="container" name="applicationSystemHelp">
            <node class="string" name="context">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/app/help"/>
            <node class="string" name="resource">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/com/goldencode/testcases/HTML/"/>
            <node class="string" name="file">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="index.html"/>
          <node class="container" name="licenseAgreementsHelp">
            <node class="string" name="context">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/app/license"/>
            <node class="string" name="resource">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="/com/goldencode/license/"/>
            <node class="string" name="file">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="main.html"/>

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