

Tomasz Domin

  • Registered on: 03/05/2022
  • Last connection: 07/02/2024





09:31 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #7799: automated vulnerability scanning
Greg Shah wrote:
> This is a good start but we will need to refine the results as noted in #7799-9. We must make it...


10:45 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Pushed @hotel_gui@ revision 326 updated to support Java 17.
10:09 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #7799 (Review): automated vulnerability scanning
The feature has been merged into trunk with #6692
In order to check
@./gradlew dependencyCheckAnalyze@
After ...
08:20 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Merged into trunk revision 15265.
06:26 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Rebased to current @trunk/15264@
Pushed with overwrite @6692a/15304@
Preparing to merge to trunk.


12:30 PM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Rebased to current @trunk/15259@
Pushed @6692a/15299@
12:26 PM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Roger Borrello wrote:
> I have updated the @container@ project so that base images are created that contain JDK 17. ...
11:21 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
6692a rev 15244 - Reverted @mariadb-java-client@ to @FWD@ compatible version: "3.1.2"
Greg - please let me know w...


05:27 AM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
6692a rev 15244 - Removed unneeded @janusgraph@ dependency: @metrics-graphite@ and transitive @amqp-client@


03:37 PM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
6692a rev 15243 - Restore dependencies: implicit for @batik-ext@ and explicit for @slf4j-api@ and @jcl-over-slf4j@ wh...

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