


Bug #1830

implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-GET-FILE support

Added by Greg Shah over 11 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
40.00 h

get_file_test0_4gl_opened.jpg - P2J GET-FILE dialog demo (239 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 02/12/2016 07:03 PM

FileChooser-1.png - medium sized icons (35.1 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 09:53 AM

FileChooser-2.png - small icons (34.2 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 09:54 AM

FileChooser-3.png - list view (36.9 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 09:54 AM

FileChooser-4.png - tiles view (34.4 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 09:54 AM

FileChooser-5.png - content view (36.8 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 09:54 AM

FileChooser-6.png - history (35.9 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 10:03 AM

FileChooser-7.png - details view (36.8 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 11/02/2017 10:13 AM

Related issues

Related to User Interface - Feature #3291: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-COLOR Closed
Related to User Interface - Feature #3290: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-FONT Closed
Related to User Interface - Feature #3289: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-GET-DIR Closed
Related to User Interface - Feature #3313: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-PRINTER-SETUP Closed
Related to User Interface - Feature #5510: delegated click mode for SYSTEM-DIALOG GET-FILE New


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Milestone 12

#2 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 8 years ago

This is the simple demo for SYSTEM-DIALOG GET-FILE statement. As you can see it is the native OS dialog. So we have the options for how to implement this in P2J.

1. Implement everything from scratch keeping look and feel to match the Windows style. In this model all elements are drawing and working using Java tools.
2. Implement link to call the native API respective procedure. In this model we call down the native library function and look and fill will depend on the OS the client is running on.

The way number 2 looks simpler to implement and will be seamless for clients running on Windows, but in Linux it will produce file dialog with current Linux GUI style and this can confuse user because be very different comparing to the rest of the P2J GUI L&F. What do you think?

#3 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 8 years ago

Is this the next task in queue, correct?

#4 Updated by Greg Shah over 8 years ago

Actually, I'm trying to avoid doing this task for the current project. I am waiting to hear back from the customer. Please hold off on this task for now.

#5 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 8 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Actually, I'm trying to avoid doing this task for the current project. I am waiting to hear back from the customer. Please hold off on this task for now.


#6 Updated by Greg Shah over 8 years ago

  • Target version deleted (Milestone 12)

The customer has confirmed that these statements will soon be disabled in their code. We do not have to work this task at this time.

#7 Updated by Greg Shah over 8 years ago

Implement everything from scratch keeping look and feel to match the Windows style. In this model all elements are drawing and working using Java tools.

For future reference, we will have to implement this approach. Everything must work in a cross-platform manner. I realize this means we have to duplicate the look and feel of the Windows dialog.

Please note that in regard to the web client, it is not clear if we need to enable inspection/selection of files at the browser-side. Most likely the correct solution is to have this dialog show the files from the Java client system, even if the UI is being rendered in the browser. This is consistent with how we do all other file system access, so I think that is the correct solution.

#8 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to Ovidiu Maxiniuc

Conversion finished. At this moment, a code like:

     TITLE "Choose a File to Convert" 
     FILTERS "Source Files (*.p)" "*.p",
             "GUI Source Files (*.w)" "*.w",
             "R-code Files (*.r)" "*.r",
             "All supported (*.r, *.p, *.w)" "*.r; *.p; *.w",
             "All files (*.*)" "*.*" 
     UPDATE OKpressed
     INITIAL-DIR "c:\" 

Is converted to something like this:
new FileDialog(sourcefile)
   .setInitialFilter(plus(1, 3))
   .setFilters("Source Files (*.p)", "*.p", 
               "GUI Source Files (*.w)", "*.w", 
               "R-code Files (*.r)", "*.r", 
               "All supported (*.r, *.p, *.w)", "*.r; *.p; *.w", 
               "All files (*.*)", "*.*")
   .setTitle("Choose a File to Convert")

The class FileDialog and support method and ready. At runtime the configured parameters will be sent to client, as expected.

I find this solution more elegant than writing a dedicated method with lot (maybe one hundred) of overloaded signatures. The constructor takes only the mandatory arguments (in this case the sourcefile). If an option is present in source code, the corresponding method is added to construct. When all are set we launch the dialog with execute method.
There are only two issues here:
  • the order of the options is reversed (I will probably fix that in a next iteration);
  • all of calls are generated on a single line, which is a little too long - I chopped it down here for readability.

#9 Updated by Greg Shah almost 7 years ago

I agree, the approach is reasonable.

#10 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

#11 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

#12 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3289: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-GET-DIR added

#13 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3313: implement SYSTEM-DIALOG-PRINTER-SETUP added

#14 Updated by Greg Shah almost 7 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830a Revision 11164

I really like the chaining implementation. Its design is smart and your implementation in uistatements is well written (reusable code) and easy to understand.

1. ColorTable.ColorChooserDialog needs javadoc.

2. ChuiWidgetFactory, GuiWidgetFactory, WidgetFactory, WidgetFactoryAdapter are missing their history entries.

3. The ThinClient.pause() changes to add wnd.window().setVisible(true); seems dangerous. Doing this will realize the window, which has many implications. Matching window realization exactly with the same locations in the 4GL is thus quite important. How safe do you think this change is?

4. Please move the UI dialog processing out of the FileSystemOps class. Such processing (even though it is file system related), should be exclusively in the ui/client/ package.

5. Please move HelpService and PrintingService out of util and into ui.

6. FileDialogGuiImpl should be in ui/client/gui/.

7. FileDialogImpl should be in ui/client/chui/.

8. AbstractFileChooserDialog, DirDialogImpl, FileDialogGuiImpl need standard headers to be added.

#15 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc almost 7 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Code Review Task Branch 1830a Revision 11164

I really like the chaining implementation. Its design is smart and your implementation in uistatements is well written (reusable code) and easy to understand.

Thank you. Reusability was one of the goals when I implemented this. I wanted to push this mechanism up (to AAST/CommonAstSupport) so that other statements with lots of options can benefit from it, but changes are major. I decided to let is as a POC for now and implement this in TRPL for SYSTEM-DIALOGs only.

1. ColorTable.ColorChooserDialog needs javadoc.


2. ChuiWidgetFactory, GuiWidgetFactory, WidgetFactory, WidgetFactoryAdapter are missing their history entries.


3. The ThinClient.pause() changes to add wnd.window().setVisible(true); seems dangerous. Doing this will realize the window, which has many implications. Matching window realization exactly with the same locations in the 4GL is thus quite important. How safe do you think this change is?

You are right about realization of windows. However, I noticed that at some moment, the ABL shows the window but FWD does not.

4. Please move the UI dialog processing out of the FileSystemOps class. Such processing (even though it is file system related), should be exclusively in the ui/client/ package.

I moved the two factory methods from FileSystemOps class to FileDialog. However, I think they can stay to FileSystemOps. The methods do not create true UI dialogs, instead FileDialog is a container that collect options (via method chaining), and then the request is sent to client based on those options. The client will create true dialogs for user interaction and send the result back to blocking FileDialog.execute() method.

5. Please move HelpService and PrintingService out of util and into ui.


6. FileDialogGuiImpl should be in ui/client/gui/.


7. FileDialogImpl should be in ui/client/chui/.


8. AbstractFileChooserDialog, DirDialogImpl, FileDialogGuiImpl need standard headers to be added.

Added. Javadocs too.

Committed revision 11165. This branch will soon be merged into 1818a.

#16 Updated by Greg Shah almost 7 years ago

I moved the two factory methods from FileSystemOps class to FileDialog. However, I think they can stay to FileSystemOps. The methods do not create true UI dialogs, instead FileDialog is a container that collect options (via method chaining), and then the request is sent to client based on those options. The client will create true dialogs for user interaction and send the result back to blocking FileDialog.execute() method.

I'm trying to move interactive (UI) code out of util. Over time we may do many things with the code in util, including running client portions on the server or in remote processes. When there are dependencies on an interactive UI, even if hidden in a secondary class like FileDialog), it makes it harder to do non-interactive things with the util code.

Some time ago we removed many of the UI references from util. I don't want to add new ones. Thanks for moving this out.

#17 Updated by Greg Shah almost 7 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830a Revision 11165

The changes are good.

#18 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830b Revision 11199.

The changes are impressive, hands down. I found only some minor issues.

  • build.xml is missing change history entry.
  • It may be a bit confusing that ColorRgb class besides RGB also declares HSL fields and related HSL logic.
  • TC.chooseFont() contains:
    // focus has to be restored no matter enabled or not
    // focusManager.setFocusOn(saveFocus);

    Should the focus be restored? If not, please remove the lines so that they don't confuse the reader.
    Same for the file/dir and color dialogs.
  • Is posting of FOCUS_GAINED in TC.chooseFont needed? The font dialog is a system dialog which should not process legacy events, right? Same for the file/dir and color dialogs.
  • In TC.chooseFont the call to FM.setFont is commented out and so the settings from the font dialog don't get applied anywhere. Is this expected?
  • ComboBox.itemListeners is missing is missing javadoc.
  • In ComboBox there is a comment: "TODO: this is needed to deliver changes to client-side. Not fully tested for side-effects." Is this something that could possibly break? If so it should be tested. If not, the TODO should go away.
  • There are multiple debug outputs with System.(out|err).println, these should be removed.
  • DirDialogImpl is missing file change history entry.
  • FileDialogImpl.defaultExtension is not used anywhere, it only gets assigned in setFilters.
  • FontChooserGuiImpl.Preview inherits from ButtonGuiImpl. Why not AbstractWidget? Is the Preview using any of the button features?
  • Instead of
    background = loadImage(ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme().getName() + "/colordialog/gamut.png");
    we should probably have a loadImage method on the ThemeManger. The resource location should be an implementation detail of the theme manager.
  • GamutPicker.loadImage should at least log the IOException.
  • ContentThumbView.draw, ContentIcon and DetailsIcon are missing comments.
  • Several methods in FileChooserUtils are missing comments.
  • FileDialogGuiImpl.showHistory is not implemented, is this expected?
  • ButtonsPane.setWidgetLocation is missing javadoc.
  • ListThumbView.ListItem is missing javadoc.
  • SimpleLabel.ctor contains ""// TODO ?"
  • SmallIconsThumbView.SmallIcon is missing javadoc.
  • TileIcon is missing javadoc.

#19 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Ovidiu, I added you as the issue watcher. Please see the review in note 18.

#20 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago


I got the notification because I am the assignee. Thank you very much for the quick review. I will do the fixes during the weekend.

#21 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:


I got the notification because I am the assignee. Thank you very much for the quick review. I will do the fixes during the weekend.

Btw. to give you heads up, the changes will conflict around the generic modal dialog changes with 1795b which I am about to check in (once the ChUI regression tests pass).

#22 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

  • build.xml is missing change history entry.


  • It may be a bit confusing that ColorRgb class besides RGB also declares HSL fields and related HSL logic.

I created a new class specialized in HSL color space. I added methods to convert from and to RGB.

  • TC.chooseFont() contains:
    Should the focus be restored? If not, please remove the lines so that they don't confuse the reader. Same for the file/dir and color dialogs.

Focus restored to previous holder.

  • Is posting of FOCUS_GAINED in TC.chooseFont needed? The font dialog is a system dialog which should not process legacy events, right? Same for the file/dir and color dialogs.

These are system dialogs, but they are built with FWD client-side components. The focus should move naturally from last widget holding it to the first widget in the new dialog.

  • In TC.chooseFont the call to FM.setFont is commented out and so the settings from the font dialog don't get applied anywhere. Is this expected?

The method did not exist. Added implementation of FontManager.setFont.

  • ComboBox.itemListeners is missing is missing javadoc.


  • In ComboBox there is a comment: "TODO: this is needed to deliver changes to client-side. Not fully tested for side-effects." Is this something that could possibly break? If so it should be tested. If not, the TODO should go away.

Not yet tested. I added the reminder because I am not aware of the consequences. Do you have any idea how can I pinpoint these, this beside standard devsrv01 and manual tests?

  • There are multiple debug outputs with System.(out|err).println, these should be removed.

I removed then or replaced them with LOG.log statements.

  • DirDialogImpl is missing file change history entry.


  • FileDialogImpl.defaultExtension is not used anywhere, it only gets assigned in setFilters.


  • FontChooserGuiImpl.Preview inherits from ButtonGuiImpl. Why not AbstractWidget? Is the Preview using any of the button features?

Switched to AbstractWidget.

  • Instead of
    background = loadImage(ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme().getName() + "/colordialog/gamut.png");
    we should probably have a loadImage method on the ThemeManger. The resource location should be an implementation detail of the theme manager.

Indeed. I prefer to delay this for a future iteration.

  • GamutPicker.loadImage should at least log the IOException.

Failed to load resource will be logged.

  • ContentThumbView.draw, ContentIcon and DetailsIcon are missing comments.

Javadocs added.

  • Several methods in FileChooserUtils are missing comments.

Javadocs added.

  • FileDialogGuiImpl.showHistory is not implemented, is this expected?

Indeed. I delay this for a future iteration.

  • ListThumbView.ListItem is missing javadoc.

Javadoc added.

  • SimpleLabel.ctor contains ""// TODO ?"


  • SmallIconsThumbView.SmallIcon & TileIcon is missing javadoc.

Javadocs added.

Committed revision is 11200. I tried to rebase but we seem to overlap with IsModal and ModalBox which target for the same goal. I will do the merge tomorrow.

#23 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

After replacing ModalBox with IsModal interface and fixing other regressions caused by rebase operation I committed to revno 11203.
Now the comboboxes cannot be selected by mouse, but this is a known issue.

#24 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Code review 1830b revision 11208.

Here is a few minor points.

Please remove "Invalidates HSL encoding." from ColorRgb.

In FontManager there are now two very similar methods getFont and getFontDetails. It seems that getFont is subset of getFontDetails.

In TC.chooseColor please make "TODO: all widgets (part of the specified window) having this color are immediately redrawn." more explicit so that it is clear whether the statement describes the FWD or 4GL behavior.

In AbstractFileChooserDialog setSelectedPath should move below the public methods. Also shouldn't getSelection be renamed to getSelectedPath so that it matches selectedPath and setSelectedPath?

The parameter windowId in FontChooserGuiImpl.createInstance is not referenced. I think ths should hold the window id specified in the corresponding 4GL statement. This applies to the other dialog classes, too.

#25 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Code review 1830b revision 11208, part two.

In DirDialogGuiImpl the copyright statement should only contain the current year.

DirChooserLayoutManager implements statement contains fully qualified interface id. Is this needed?

FolderTree.root and doLayout are missing javadoc.

Folder.draw is missing javadoc.

FileChooserUtils steels a LOG instance from FileDialogGuiImpl.

In FileDialogImpl "File/Dir does not exists:" -> "File/Dir does not exist:"

In FileDialogImpl LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Search not yet implemented [" + searchPattern + "]"); should instead be logged with UnimplementedFeature class.

And thanks for the javadoc fixes.

#26 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Code review 1830b revision 11208.

Please remove "Invalidates HSL encoding." from ColorRgb.


In FontManager there are now two very similar methods getFont and getFontDetails. It seems that getFont is subset of getFontDetails.

I dropped my getFont and wired to improved getFontDetails.

In TC.chooseColor please make "TODO: all widgets (part of the specified window) having this color are immediately redrawn." more explicit so that it is clear whether the statement describes the FWD or 4GL behavior.

This is the goal (4GL behavior). For the moment, FWD will apply the new color to new widgets that are created (I think because we usually cache the color resolver).

In AbstractFileChooserDialog setSelectedPath should move below the public methods. Also shouldn't getSelection be renamed to getSelectedPath so that it matches selectedPath and setSelectedPath?

Thanks for spotting this. Replaced.

The parameter windowId in FontChooserGuiImpl.createInstance is not referenced. I think ths should hold the window id specified in the corresponding 4GL statement. This applies to the other dialog classes, too.

The windowId should be window the new dialogs are modal to. However, the new classes are DialogBox frames. The windowId of such objects points to their top-level window (a DialogBoxWindow instance), otherwise topLevelWindow() ceases working.

In DirDialogGuiImpl the copyright statement should only contain the current year.


DirChooserLayoutManager implements statement contains fully qualified interface id. Is this needed?


FolderTree.root, doLayout and Folder.draw are missing javadoc.


FileChooserUtils steels a LOG instance from FileDialogGuiImpl.


In FileDialogImpl "File/Dir does not exists:" -> "File/Dir does not exist:"


In FileDialogImpl LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Search not yet implemented [" + searchPattern + "]"); should instead be logged with UnimplementedFeature class.


I committed the changes to revision 11209. This revision also contain a fix for Back/Forward navigation in file chooser. I also dropped hidden path in file choosers (as windows does, by default).

Meanwhile, the regression test on devsrv01 ended with two unexpected failures:
  • gso_17, step 79: an extra line in gso_17.sum file;
  • tc_pay_sfc_003, step 55: the 180 sec elapsed. I think the server was too busy.

#27 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

The parameter windowId in FontChooserGuiImpl.createInstance is not referenced. I think ths should hold the window id specified in the corresponding 4GL statement. This applies to the other dialog classes, too.

The windowId should be window the new dialogs are modal to. However, the new classes are DialogBox frames. The windowId of such objects points to their top-level window (a DialogBoxWindow instance), otherwise topLevelWindow() ceases working.

The window of windowId should be passed to DialogBoxWindow.setOwner() before the modal window is realized/created.

Btw. my print dialog has the same issue.

#28 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

The window of windowId should be passed to DialogBoxWindow.setOwner() before the modal window is realized/created.
Btw. my print dialog has the same issue.

I use FrameGuiImpl.initialize. As you can see, at lines 403-405 its DialogBoxWindow is created and realized at once.

#29 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

The window of windowId should be passed to DialogBoxWindow.setOwner() before the modal window is realized/created.
Btw. my print dialog has the same issue.

I use FrameGuiImpl.initialize. As you can see, at lines 403-405 its DialogBoxWindow is created and realized at once.

Yes, FrameGuiImpl is the place where the change must happen. But I think we can defer this, given the low severity of this and the potential of breaking things.

#30 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Branch 1830b was rebased to latest trunk (r11186). Current revision is 11210.

I tried to understand the extra line from gso_17.sum but it doesn't make sense. The gso_17.txt (which is created in same test) does not contain any reference to employee 1234.

#31 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

It may be just a rare timing issue.

Eugenie: what do you think?

#32 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

The extra line is (14):
1234 14.0 6.1 0.0 20.2 -7.9 18.4 16.0 -5.4

It is possible that I encountered this issue before, but I cannot remember for sure. Also, I can duplicate it each time (without restoring the db). And in subsequent manual tests the gso_17.txt file does have employee 1234 listed.

So, indeed, this seems like a synchronization issue. The gso_17.txt is generated first and gso_17.sum right after it. If the server was busy (there were 3 testing instances running) it is possible that another thread/driver to add employee 1234 before the .sum was generated.

#33 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Ignore this failure.

#34 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago


After doing some manual tests I identified a possible regression in 1830b/11210 that caused a NPE. Because of the lack of time I did not further investigate this. Instead I rolled-back changes in ComboBox and patched it in new code so it does not require retesting. Committed revision 11212.

I am ready to merge this branch into trunk.

#35 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Please rebase and then merge to trunk.

#36 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Branch 1830b was rebased and merged to trunk as r11188.
The branch was archived and a notification email sent to team members.

#37 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

An update from Ovidiu:

File dialogs are well connected with Windows Explorer. One can use it as a 'shell' and: create files/folders, rename, move them and even launch applications. Of course we will not support them all. I am not a fan of Windows explorer, however, the dialog continued to surprise me, these days. It saves user searches, allow user to filter files from crt directory by date/size/type. The images/text/pdf files have previews. Directories and folders have different icons depending on their content. Search is sometime fails to select a file from crt dir. The basic functionality is there but I could work this task the next whole year. The percent for this task depends on how deep we choose to go.

We do not need to go all the way. Can you please describe the list of current functionality and add some screen shots here? If the core is working well we will probably close this. The intention is to provide the basic function. But I need to know the specific list of things done and left to do before we make that decision.

#38 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

The basic functionality is there. One can navigate to desired location and select the desired file. Here are some screen-shots with more infos:

medium sized icons
Shows my directory with GCD Books in medium sized icons. All sub-directories are rendered the same icon. All files are represented by a single icon regardless of their type. Content is sorted with directories first, alphabetically, case sensitive.

Navigation (Back, Forward, Up) using the mouse and direct input of directory path in address combo is possible. If the selected directory is empty or no files met the selected type a specific test is displayed. If an operation is not possible, the button is disabled (ex: the Forward button here and Up button in FileChooser-4.png below).

small icons
Shows the filtered testcases working directory as small icons. The .ast/.jast/etc files are not displayed because they do not met the active extension filter (*.r *.p *.w).

list view
The list view of my Downloads virtual folder.

tiles view
My root folder is shown in tiles view. I am on Linux so / is the only root. In Windows all disk drives should be visible and accessible in the shortcut panel (left), under Videos virtual folder.

content view
The content view of my hotel_gui/p2j workspace folder. The mouse is about to validate the overwriting of admin.gradle file. The actual content of the files is not previewed. Folders are represented as empty even if they might have some content.

details view
Here you can see the details of files. Custom sorting is not available. Custom filtering is not available.

Known bugs and other things that are not implemented:
  • keyboard navigation: cursor keys, Alt + cursor key, directly input file name;
  • recent locations popup. Its content is similar to address popup shown in FileChooser-6.png, above;
  • search combobox does not work;
  • Organize button/popup. Contextual popup menu on icons with copy/cut/paste/delete/create new and other operations;
  • New folder button does not work;
  • More options. It should allow selection of the view mode using a popup. However, the modes can be iterated using the just previous button (it was used to loop through the screens above);
  • Help button - does not work;
  • Hide folders - does not work.

Please let me know which of these I should focus on next.

#39 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

These seem important:

  • keyboard navigation
  • search combobox
  • New folder
  • More options (at least the user should be able to pick the view mode)

Unless you disagree, these seem like ones we can defer:

  • recent locations popup
  • Organize button/popup
  • Help button
  • Hide folders

I think the buttons/menus should be removed which link to the missing parts otherwise the user will be confused.

What do you think?

#40 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

These seem important:

  • keyboard navigation
  • search combobox
  • New folder
  • More options (at least the user should be able to pick the view mode)

Unless you disagree, these seem like ones we can defer:

  • recent locations popup
  • Organize button/popup
  • Help button
  • Hide folders

I think the buttons/menus should be removed which link to the missing parts otherwise the user will be confused.

What do you think?

I agree. I will hide/disabled the non-working components.

#41 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830c Revision 11229

Overall, the changes are really good. I especially like the better theme support for these dialogs. I have very little to suggest, though I must admit the changes are so large that I did skim some of them.

1. ContentThumbView.drawForeground() and (to a lesser degree) DetailsThumbView.drawForeground() are repetitively calling hasFocus(), isSelected() and isMouseOver(). Presumably, these could be called once and cached locally for the duration of the method.

2. The DirDialogGuiImpl constructor needs javadoc.

#42 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Hynek: please do a code review of 1830c.

#43 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Bug

Ovidiu: Please take a look at the in process fill-in/editor mouse selection changes that Sergey is implementing now in #3454 (the changes are in 3413a). He is not done but it close to done. Is there any concern about compatibility here? Especially in regards to the LineEditor class?

#44 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

I committed changes suggested in note 41 to revision 11230.

Regarding the LineEditor. There are a few changes related to mouse/focus handling in Windows that differ a bit from P4GL. I will do a in-depth check when Sergey finishes his changes.

#45 Updated by Hynek Cihlar over 6 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830c Revision 11230

The condition evt instanceof KeyInput && modalActive == 0 is never true since modalActive is always > 0 in the context of the method call.

Why the change of ComboBox.itemListeners from list to set? With the set the listeners will be invoked in indeterminate order, which (at best) could be source of confusion.

Please add the information to TC.isModalBoxActive() that the frame dialog-boxes do not count in modalActive even though they are technically modal windows (boxes).
int max = rgb ? 255 : 240; // in RGB color space max is 256, in HSL is only 240
255 != 256

+      if (val < 0)
+      {
+         val = 0;
+      }
+      int max = rgb ? 255 : 240; // in RGB color space max is 256, in HSL is only 240
+      if (val > max)
+      {
+         val = max;
+      }

+      int max;
       if (val < 0)
+      {
+         val = 0;
+      }
+      // in RGB color space max is 256, in HSL is only 240
+      else if (val > (max = rgb ? 255 : 240))
+      {
+         val = max;
+      }

In ContentThumbView and DetailsThumbView there is a commented line // cfg.widthPixels = 400;

// setHeight(cc.heightFromNative(yOffset0)); in FolderTree.

int rx = 100000; => int rx = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Better not to introduce any artificial limits. Similar in findLeft(), findUp() and findDown().

Use java.util.logging.Logger instead of Throwable.printStackTrace(); at multiple places.

FileDialogGuiImpl.createNewFolder in the catch handlers also log the exception object, otherwise the cause may be lost.

FileChooserUtils.isVirtualFolder(): '$' is a permissible character in the unix file systems, shouldn't this be somehow accounted for? Also in FileDialogGuiImpl.openFolder()@.

FileDialogGuiImpl.expandFolder() there is a block of commented out code.

FileDialogGuiImpl.expandFolder() (and createNewFolder(), navigate()) exception handler doesn't log the exception object.

FileDialogGuiImpl.onSelect() compares file system names as raw strings. Instead File or Path should be used.

FileDialogGuiImpl instead of "classic".equals(ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme().getName()) safer to compare against the theme class. Or maybe introduce special-purpose methods in ThemeManager for built-in themes (i.e. isClassic(), etc.).

Folder.lookup() is not used.

FileDialogGuiImpl.createNewFolder() will silently fail when there will exist directories "New Folder (n)" for all n>= 1 && n <= 999. Is this how Windows behave?

Folder.toString() use File.separator instead of "\".

The way the search thread works can cause virtually unlimited number of threads to be spawned and eventually cause the client process to crash. The think is that each search selection event will start new thread, which itself checks whether another thread is not running only after it performs the file IO. Consider a slow network file system for example.

FileDialogGuiImpl, some of the fields contain "Note: Not implemented yet", but to me they seem to be implemented, like search.

Seeing the amount of new translatable strings I am wondering whether we should start thinking about i18n.

#46 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Seeing the amount of new translatable strings I am wondering whether we should start thinking about i18n.

Yes, we will need to do this sooner or later. The hard coded strings for error/warning messages and UI elements really should come from resource bundles.

#47 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Please make sure to update the gap analysis marking rules (e.g. rules/gaps/lang_stmts.rules) to update the status of all the SYSTEM-DIALOG-* variants. Right now the runtime support is marked as "stubs".

#48 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Please make sure to update the gap analysis marking rules (e.g. rules/gaps/lang_stmts.rules) to update the status of all the SYSTEM-DIALOG-* variants. Right now the runtime support is marked as "stubs".

Thank you for reminding me. I completely forgot about gap maintenance.

#49 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP
  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Code Review Task Branch 1830c Revision 11230

The condition evt instanceof KeyInput && modalActive == 0 is never true since modalActive is always > 0 in the context of the method call.

This is correct. I removed the code. The GO, STOP, ERROR, ENDKEY and END-ERROR actions are not honoured in these dialogs.

Why the change of ComboBox.itemListeners from list to set? With the set the listeners will be invoked in indeterminate order, which (at best) could be source of confusion.

Reverted. Indeed, it is better to let the programmer balance the listeners. If to be notified twice for the same listener is the intention, this is will happen.

Please add the information to TC.isModalBoxActive() that the frame dialog-boxes do not count in modalActive even though they are technically modal windows (boxes).


This seems like an attempt to optimize the generated code using style of C language. I do not agree with you. This is job of the compiler. The original code is more academic/readable so I am keeping it.

In ContentThumbView and DetailsThumbView there is a commented line // cfg.widthPixels = 400;
// setHeight(cc.heightFromNative(yOffset0)); in FolderTree.


int rx = 100000; => int rx = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Better not to introduce any artificial limits. Similar in findLeft(), findUp() and findDown().

Indeed. Fixed.

Use java.util.logging.Logger instead of Throwable.printStackTrace(); at multiple places.
FileDialogGuiImpl.createNewFolder in the catch handlers also log the exception object, otherwise the cause may be lost.


FileChooserUtils.isVirtualFolder(): '$' is a permissible character in the unix file systems, shouldn't this be somehow accounted for? Also in FileDialogGuiImpl.openFolder()@.

Yes, I thought a lot about this. If a user has directory/file that matches omne of the VF_ definition, the file/dir dialogs will treat it as a link to respective virtual folder. In fact I do something very similar to what Windows is doing. Did you know that if you create directories with some 'special' names will obtain links to special/virtual places from Windows? Here is a list of them: Maybe we can use the same VK names?

FileDialogGuiImpl.expandFolder() there is a block of commented out code.


FileDialogGuiImpl.expandFolder() (and createNewFolder(), navigate()) exception handler doesn't log the exception object.


FileDialogGuiImpl.onSelect() compares file system names as raw strings. Instead File or Path should be used.

In this location I am interested to see whether it's a callback from address combo-box and stop the recursion.

FileDialogGuiImpl instead of "classic".equals(ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme().getName()) safer to compare against the theme class. Or maybe introduce special-purpose methods in ThemeManager for built-in themes (i.e. isClassic(), etc.).

isClassic() added. Yet I am thinking of a more complex property system that could be queries (see isMouseHoverSensitive() method).

FileDialogGuiImpl.createNewFolder() will silently fail when there will exist directories "New Folder (n)" for all n>= 1 && n <= 999. Is this how Windows behave?

I don't know. I did not try to create 1000 empty dirs :). This limit is only reached if the user does not rename the directories (s)he creates otherwise the names are reused. Do you suggest to increase the number? Or Are you thinking of some other solution?

Folder.toString() use File.separator instead of "\".

Thanks. Fixed.

The way the search thread works can cause virtually unlimited number of threads to be spawned and eventually cause the client process to crash. The think is that each search selection event will start new thread, which itself checks whether another thread is not running only after it performs the file IO. Consider a slow network file system for example.

This is not true. Only one SearchOperation will be active at a time. When the thread detects that another object has been instantiated and assigned to searchOp, the search loop exits. Please see the run() method. It checks multiple times whether this is the current searchOp.

FileDialogGuiImpl, some of the fields contain "Note: Not implemented yet", but to me they seem to be implemented, like search.


Seeing the amount of new translatable strings I am wondering whether we should start thinking about i18n.

There are more. But solutions exist. I worked before with string bundles with early Java applets using property-like files. Also we can use qt as a source for an idea (see

Committed revision 11254.

#50 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

A new update was committed to 1830c. The latest revision is 11258 after rebase.
Starting standard tests.

#51 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

1830c/r11259 passed the AW and ChUI tests.

#52 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 1830c Revision 11259

I'm good with the changes. I think this should be merged to trunk, but please coordinate with Eric because he is trying to get 3261b into trunk with high priority.

#53 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 6 years ago

Branch 1830c was committed to trunk as r11240.
Notification email was sent to team members and branch was archived.

#54 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Status changed from WIP to Closed

#55 Updated by Greg Shah about 3 years ago

  • Related to Feature #5510: delegated click mode for SYSTEM-DIALOG GET-FILE added

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