

Eric Faulhaber

  • Registered on: 03/20/2012
  • Last connection: 07/02/2024





04:22 PM Database Bug #8593: H2 performance improvement for table 'truncate by multiplex'
Alexandru Lungu wrote:
> Progress:
> The culprit buffer has its record deleted by an @emptyDataset@ - @clearBuf...


03:22 PM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Eduard reported in today's meeting that he was working to get Ctrl+C testing running. Greg, FYI, there is a 4347a/152...


10:26 AM Database Bug #8878: Jumble sort dictates a full preselect
Original report:
When jumble sort is detected, all queries in a joined query are converted as @PreselectQue...


11:10 AM Database Bug #8868: Fix "Can't normalize FWD value to use it with direct access." error for FieldReference...
Greg Shah wrote:
> Eric: Please review.
Code review 8868a/15280:
H2 direct access is not an area of the code I...


12:52 PM Database Feature #7020: always use "expanded" extent fields
Code review 7020c/15089-15090 (long overdue, sorry):
This update seems to support both @denormalized@ and a new @e...


06:04 PM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Eduard Soltan wrote:
> Committed on 4347a, revision 15205.
I understand from today's meeting that this commit add...


03:04 PM Base Language Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option
Greg or Constantin: please review.


01:52 PM Runtime Infrastructure Feature #6692: move FWD to Java 17
Greg Shah wrote:
> > A remark - I don't think any of customer application would be ready for Java 17 right away - th...


06:07 PM FWD Support #8547: Fix documentation for Non-Standard Save Cache Implementation
Tijs, while I was in the doc for #8653, I reviewed your changes. I updated the UDFs section to point to the existing ...


12:59 PM Database Bug #8621: better resolution of ambiguous constructors/methods in RuntimeJastInterpreter
@RuntimeJastInterpreter.findMatchingConstructor@ currently returns @null@ when it finds more than one c'tor whose sig...

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