


Feature #1791

implement dynamic UI support

Added by Greg Shah over 11 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 184.00 h)
version_resolved: (107 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 02/22/2013 10:11 AM (109 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 02/22/2013 02:18 PM - merged to 10188 (109 KB) Greg Shah, 02/22/2013 04:37 PM

err.log Magnifier (5.53 KB) Vadim Gindin, 11/19/2013 04:42 PM

widget_del.p.ast (8.32 KB) Vadim Gindin, 11/25/2013 05:04 PM (53.2 KB) Vadim Gindin, 11/26/2013 04:15 PM (354 KB) Vadim Gindin, 11/29/2013 02:55 PM (415 KB) Vadim Gindin, 12/04/2013 05:00 PM (415 KB) Vadim Gindin, 12/06/2013 06:14 PM (416 KB) Vadim Gindin, 12/18/2013 01:11 PM - New approach starting point (2.53 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 07/31/2014 05:32 PM - Testcases to find out ID implementation (5.69 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/04/2014 02:17 PM - New ID allocation implementation (130 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/10/2014 06:50 PM - ThinClient class modifications added (253 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/11/2014 12:04 PM - Session type checking added (253 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/11/2014 03:43 PM - Notes resolution except #7 (289 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/13/2014 04:05 PM - Rework for ID helpers implementation (275 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/14/2014 11:44 AM - Widget registry implementation proposal (279 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/14/2014 05:12 PM - Widget ID cleanup (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/15/2014 03:15 PM - More ID registry clean up for frames (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/16/2014 06:24 PM - More clean up for ID (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/18/2014 09:51 AM - Shared frames handling rework (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/19/2014 03:42 PM - Moving tiny editor ID constant to WidgetId class (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/20/2014 09:42 AM - Repacked without extra ClientIdHelper (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/20/2014 10:32 AM - Fix for old ID approach regression and merge with 10600 (280 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/21/2014 08:49 PM - Merge with recent code base and ScreenBuffer rework (299 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/27/2014 05:40 PM - State map access isolation (302 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/28/2014 08:05 PM - Initial login screen changes (311 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/29/2014 05:54 PM - Timco majic login screen fix (6.52 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 08/29/2014 05:54 PM - Fix for state related regression (311 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/01/2014 04:03 AM - More fixes for state map issues (311 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/01/2014 05:04 PM - Shared frames regression fix (296 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/04/2014 07:49 PM - Fix for missing shared frames to replace (295 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/17/2014 02:58 PM - Dynamic widgets support adding (310 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/18/2014 11:57 AM - Cleaned comment in GenericWidget (310 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/19/2014 09:57 AM - Main dynamic widget support (153 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/27/2014 12:24 PM - Minor fixes an common code grouping for dyn widget approach (153 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/28/2014 04:28 PM - Fix for widget type getting (162 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 09/29/2014 05:15 AM - History entry fix (8.01 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 10/10/2014 09:21 AM - Testcases as of 10/13 (11.3 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 10/13/2014 04:06 PM - Testcases as of 10/15 (13.5 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 10/15/2014 04:56 PM - Next stage of dynamic widget implementation (214 KB) Eugenie Lyzenko, 10/24/2014 03:29 PM


Feature #2025: conversion support for the CREATE_WIDGET statementClosedConstantin Asofiei

Feature #2026: conversion support for CREATE_BROWSEClosedStanislav Lomany

Feature #2027: preliminary runtime support for CREATE_WIDGET and an IN WINDOW clauseClosedVadim Gindin

Feature #2028: complete runtime support for dynamic UIClosedEugenie Lyzenko

Related issues

Related to User Interface - Feature #2018: runtime support for CURRENT-WINDOW, ACTIVE-WINDOW and DEFAULT-WINDOW system handles Closed 08/06/2013 08/13/2013
Related to User Interface - Feature #1789: implement the toggle-box widget Closed 02/10/2015
Related to User Interface - Bug #2396: memory leak when using shared frames New
Related to User Interface - Feature #3246: reduce the amount of data being sent to the client-side when an UI attribute is being changed Closed


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

CREATE WIDGET (for static widget types and for the case of VALUE), CREATE BROWSE, DELETE WIDGET

#2 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Milestone 12

#3 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

High priority for milestone 4:

CREATE WINDOW my-handle-var
   ASSIGN attr1 = expr1
          attr2 = expr2.

I think this can be handled by a factory method (which returns a WrappedResource that is assigned to the named handle var) and the widget type can be passed as the parameter. Then the attribute assignments should emit after that, implicitly dereferencing the same handle.

The CREATE BROWSE can be left alone for now.

#4 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

The conversion rules to emit this were pretty simple (I have code for all except CREATE BROWSE), although I'm not sure how to name the factory class, as WidgetFactory is already taken by a p2j.ui.client.driver class, and if I add another one in p2j.ui.WidgetFactory, I will need to disambiguate in lots of classes, so I chose CreateWidgetFactory for now. The same for runtime part, was pretty straightforward too, just instantiate a p2j.ui.*Widget, depending on the text.

Now, the hard part. The ASSIGN clause can set the widget's attributes before it was attached to a frame. Thus, the P2J runtime will fail to set the attribute using the handle, as when the unwrap is done, the contained widget is not valid, as it was not attached to a frame. More, 4GL allows setting the attributes even outside the ASSIGN clause, before the widget was attached to a frame, as in:

create button h.
h:row = 1.
h:column = 1.

For this, I think we need to change GenericWidget.isValid to return true if is not attached to a frame. More, we will need this runtime change to be released together with the conversion change, as MAJIC uses CREATE WINDOW statement. I see that all this code is commeted out, but nevertheless, I will leave the protection code on.

#5 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

Yes, I like the approach. The assignments for a CREATE WIDGET can be easily dealt with by implicitly using the handle (or if the code explicitly uses the handle too). So with your protection code on isValid() I think we are OK. FYI, the customer code uses this heavily in GUI and a little bit in the server code, so that is why we definitely need to support it.

As for the name, how about DynamicWidgetFactory?

#6 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

Attached update adds CREATE WIDGET support (explicit and VALUE versions). Converted code looks like:

def var h as handle.
def var ch as char.
create window h assign column = 1 row = 1.
create value(ch).
create value("WINDOW").

java code:

DynamicWidgetFactory.create((ch).toStringMessage(), h);
DynamicWidgetFactory.create("WINDOW", h);

If IN WIDGET-POOL clause is present, there are API versions which accept this too.

#7 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

The trigger phrase was not touched - should I work on this too ?

#8 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

No, leave the trigger phrase out for now.

2 questions:

1. Why not do everything using an enum: WidgetTypes.WINDOW, WidgetTypes.FILLIN...


Would be:

DynamicWidgetFactory.create(WidgetTypes.WINDOW, h);

2. Why not statically convert String literal widget names into the well known match:


This is the same as this, right?


#9 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

1. Why not do everything using an enum: WidgetTypes.WINDOW, WidgetTypes.FILLIN...

In the end, we will still have to match a text, as the worst case scenario is when a character var/complex expression is used with CREATE VALUE(...). I chose the approach of having dedicated APIs because IMO is cleaner, but I can switch to only one API DynamicWidgetFactory.create API which accepts an enum constant.

2. Why not statically convert String literal widget names into the well known match:
This is the same as this, right?

Yes, they are the same. I will disambiguate the string literal, if it is a known widget type. Is it OK to do it in the pre-annotation phase (in fixups or progress.g) - I'm thinking of directly creating the widget-type AST, as if CREATE WINDOW was used instead of CREATE VALUE.

#10 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

I chose the approach of having dedicated APIs because IMO is cleaner, but I can switch to only one API DynamicWidgetFactory.create API which accepts an enum constant.

You are probably right that the result is better this way. It is just a big more work on the conversion side. Go with your approach.

Is it OK to do it in the pre-annotation phase (in fixups or progress.g) - I'm thinking of directly creating the widget-type AST, as if CREATE WINDOW was used instead of CREATE VALUE.

No, please do this after post_parse_fixups.

#11 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

I chose the approach of having dedicated APIs because IMO is cleaner, but I can switch to only one API DynamicWidgetFactory.create API which accepts an enum constant.

You are probably right that the result is better this way. It is just a big more work on the conversion side. Go with your approach.

OK, so I'll drop the enum idea.

Is it OK to do it in the pre-annotation phase (in fixups or progress.g) - I'm thinking of directly creating the widget-type AST, as if CREATE WINDOW was used instead of CREATE VALUE.

No, please do this after post_parse_fixups.

OK, I'm working on it. Let me know if you want me to merge it with #2013 SELF update (I mean, if you want to put it into testing later tonight).

#12 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

Yes, please do merge it with the #2013 update. We will put them both in together.

#13 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

Merged with #2013, fixed conversion of CREATE VALUE(type) when the type is a known widget type.

#14 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

Merged up to bzr 10188. This version will be going into testing next.

#15 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

Passed conversion testing. Checked into bzr as 10190.

#16 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 11 years ago

What should #2027 "prelimiary runtime support" contain? Do you mean to avoid implementing the exotic cases in this task?

For the runtime implementation of dynamic widgets, I see these major points:
  1. the dynamic widget creation is already added (by DynamicWidgetFactory) - so nothing to do to actually create the widget
  2. the pool behavior is not implemented - should be done for #2027; estimate is 20 hours for this
  3. the widget deletion I don't think is properly implemented - this is linked to pooling, should be done for #2027; another 20 hours estimate
  4. determine if is possible to move widgets from a frame to another frame (if a handle to the widget is obtained) - this can be done in #2028
  5. for these, the estimate for #2027 is 40 hours; this does not include implementing new widgets
For the IN WINDOW clause, things get more complicated, as we need to determine:
  1. I think the WINDOW attribute is highly related to this
  2. if this clause is missing, does it assume that CURRENT-WINDOW is used? or it uses the WINDOW attribute?
  3. what happens just after a frame is defined, using DEFINE FRAME, CREATE FRAME or FORM statement (i.e. a statement which doesn't actually display the frame): does this attribute get set to something?
  4. the estimate for this at this time is somewhat a shot in the dark, so my best guess is 40 hours for preliminary support (please explain what #2027 should not include)

#17 Updated by Greg Shah about 11 years ago

Do you mean to avoid implementing the exotic cases in this task?

Yes. I mean for #2027 to be the minimum needed for the server code to work properly. I don't have a problem with the work listed above (including the 4GL research). It seems reasonable.

Then we will complete the runtime work in #2028 for the GUI project.

I will go with 60 hours as the estimate.

#18 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

What should #2027 "prelimiary runtime support" contain? Do you mean to avoid implementing the exotic cases in this task?


  1. the pool behavior is not implemented - should be done for #2027; estimate is 20 hours for

Could you please describe more concrete what do you mean here? As I can see DynamicWidgetFactory already contains pool logic in create(..) methods.

#19 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Vadim Gindin wrote:

  1. the pool behavior is not implemented - should be done for #2027; estimate is 20 hours for

Could you please describe more concrete what do you mean here? As I can see DynamicWidgetFactory already contains pool logic in create(..) methods.

The widget pooling is implemented (i.e. widgets get added/deleted properly, when pools are used); what you need to focus on is what happens when a dynamic widget gets deleted (how is the UI affected, same for frame layout, etc).

#20 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Well I tried to concentrate on what will happen with UI if some dynamic widget is deleted and wrote some test procedure:

def var wh as widget-handle.
def button b_quit label "Quit" AUTO-ENDKEY.
def button b_make label "Make button".
def button b_del label "Delete button".

def frame butt-frame
  b_make b_del b_quit
  with centered size 40 by 5 side-labels.

on choose of b_make in frame butt-frame
  create button wh.

  assign wh:frame = frame  butt-frame:handle
        wh:column = 4 
        wh:label = "Dynamic button" 
        wh:sensitive = true
        wh:visible = true
        wh:row = 2.

on choose of b_del in frame butt-frame
  delete widget wh.
enable all with frame butt-frame.

wait-for choose of b_quit in frame butt-frame.

It shows 3 buttons: to create dynamic button, delete it and quit. I converted this procedure and converted Java class failed during execution of the make button trigger i.e. dynamic button creation failed (see err.log). I also debugged the problem and found out that ThinClient.enable(..) is called with widgetId=-1. I suspect that is the problem: widgetId is not transferred.. I don't know could you help me with it?

I also tried to analyze existing procedures linked with dynamic widgets creation. I found some amount of procedures related to widget_pool. In these procedures there are only simple form of create button is used. Simple - without any attributes. It seems that the real case of dynamic button creation is not really implemented or good tested. Do I wrong?

I also found, that the statement "create button .. assign" is not supported by rules (corresponding converted Java class had compile error). After that I was forced to separate button creation and attributes filling.

And at the final of this comment I need the common advice. Bearing in mind your experience with UI testing I want to ask: how to test effectively UI changes after some action? Should I track positions of elements and how it changed or there is some other way, more nice?

#21 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Vadim Gindin wrote:

It seems that the real case of dynamic button creation is not really implemented or good tested. Do I wrong?

You are correct; this is what #2027 task is about: a first pass at the runtime for dynamic widgets.

Before starting working on how dynamic widgets should be implemented, you need to understand how the static frames/widgets work. Look into GenericFrame.createFrame, how the interfaces for a static frame look and what GenericFrame.pushScreenDefinitions and WidgetRegistry.pushDefinition do, when a new frame is being registered. You will notice that a widget is implemented on both sides: on the server-side a widget will have a GenericWidget instance associated with it and on the client-side there will be a corresponding p2j.ui.client.widget.Widget implementation (see AbstractWidget too).

You will need to determine a way to interact with the client-side and push or remove dynamic widgets and dynamic frames.

#22 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

I thought that I can write more simple test to check the support of DELETE statement, i.e. I don't need to create button with assigning properties to created button (with showing it on the screen). Here this procedure:

def var delwh as widget-handle.

/* default pool - session pool */
if delwh <> ? then 
  message "Strange error: delwh have created and not initialized but not empty: " delwh.

create button delwh.
if delwh = ? then
  message "Error: delwh is ?".

delete widget delwh.
if valid-handle(delwh) then
  message "Error: delwh is not empty: " delwh.

/* specific created pool */
create widget-pool "somePool".

create button delwh in widget-pool "somePool".
if delwh = ? then
  message "Error: delwh is ?".

delete widget delwh.
if valid-handle(delwh) then
  message "Error: delwh is not empty: " delwh.

/* delete widget for invalid handle */
create button delwh in widget-pool "somePool".
if delwh = ? then
  message "Error: delwh is ?".

delete widget-pool "somePool".

delete widget delwh.
if valid-handle(delwh) then
  message "Error: delwh is not empty: " delwh.

I tried to write it in a Constantin's manner: output messages only in cases of error. It is so except the last case. There is an error in Progress: firstly create a button in a pool, deleted pool and trying to delete this button after that. When the pool is deleted the Progress automatically deletes all widgets in it, so following DELETE WIDGET (button) statement raises the error Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object (3135).

In other cases (first two - create/delete button in default or specified pool) the Progress don't output anything, that means - button successfully deleted.

Converted class works similar: in first to cases it outputs nothing and in third case it outputs the error. The only error message differs: Invalid or inappropriate handle value given to DELETE OBJECT or DELETE PROCEDURE statement (5425). Should I correct the error message in this case?

This procedure shows that DELETE WIDGET statement is implemented correctly (except the error message). Should I try some additional tests to check it?

#23 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Should I correct the error message in this case?

No, do not focus on it; this is a conversion issue (to show the proper message, we need to add some boolean flag that DELETE WIDGET was used, as we distinguish between DELETE WIDGET and DELETE OBJECT only by the number of passed widgets). For the DELETE WIDGET wid1 wid2 wid3 case, the error messages are OK.

The widget-pool task #1792 did not test what happens during the resource deletion; all tests were done to make sure the pooled resources get deleted at the appropriate time, when widget-pools are used.

I appreciate encoding the expected behaviour within the tests, but I think you will not find this approach useful for what it expects you; to test how the UI behaves when widgets are added dynamically, you will have to record somewhere how the UI looks after the dynamic widget was added, after was deleted, etc, and this for every kind of widget. Also, you will have to think how to test the dynamic frame layout (i.e. a widget is added in the middle of the frame - how is the layout affected?). From all these tests, you will need to determine some rules describing how the frame is affected.

Greg: do we have a list of which widgets should be implemented first? In the reports for the #2155 and M7, I did not find any CREATE_WIDGET statements.

#24 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Some intermediate results:

1) Here is three ways creation of dynamic widgets in static containers, creation of dynamic containers (frames and windows) and creation of dynamic widgets in dynamic containers. I'll start from easiest: dynamic widgets for static containers.

2) Interesting moment. Appearing properties have not default values and should be set manually. When dynamic widget is being created (appearing properties are set) but its container (frame for example) is not set - widget cannot be shown. Progress shows corresponding error while trying to process appearing properties (SENSITIVE attribute for example). This error may look like this: **Unable to process SENSITIVE attribute. Button widget is not in a frame. When I set the frame attribute of a button but didn't set appearing properties - a button won't be shown silently.

3) Here are two ways of work with dynamic widgets: assigning properties in same statement (assign phrase in create widget statement) or in separate assign statement. This feature makes the moment of dynamic widget drawing unobvious. From one side I cant draw the widget during CREATE WIDGET processing because of not all properties could be set. From the other side I have to draw dynamic widget without additional statement (like enable or display). So when to do it?

4) I think that there should be new method in the ThinClient that combines the logic of pushScreenDefinition and enable methods in the context of dynamic widget been created.

5) Call the client from some place.. At this moment I don't know from where.

6) I think we should not process dynamic widgets in enable methods - explicitly skip it.

#25 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

Greg: do we have a list of which widgets should be implemented first? In the reports for the #2155 and M7, I did not find any CREATE_WIDGET statements.

For the server project (M7), we only need the CREATE WINDOW support (see note 3 above). It does use the "embedded ASSIGN" too.

#26 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Vadim Gindin wrote:

2) ... When I set the frame attribute of a button but didn't set appearing properties - a button won't be shown silently.

But I expect for the i.e. button to be attached to the frame after its FRAME attribute is set, even if is not yet visible.

3) Here are two ways of work with dynamic widgets: assigning properties in same statement (assign phrase in create widget statement) or in separate assign statement. This feature makes the moment of dynamic widget drawing unobvious. From one side I cant draw the widget during CREATE WIDGET processing because of not all properties could be set. From the other side I have to draw dynamic widget without additional statement (like enable or display). So when to do it?

This is logical, a widget will be part of the UI only when is attached to a frame. Also, you need to differentiate between attaching a widget to the frame and displaying/enabling it. An attach will only register the widget with the client-side, while i.e. display/enable will change visibility for an existing, attached widget.

4, 5) Remember, attaching a widget and enabling/disabling it are different things.

6) I think we should not process dynamic widgets in enable methods - explicitly skip it.

Not sure about this. There is the ENABLE ALL case, which enables all widgets in a frame:

def var h as handle.
def var ch as char.

form ch with side-labels size 20 by 10 frame f1.

create fill-in h.
h:frame = frame f1:handle.
h:row = 5.
h:visible = true.

enable all with frame f1.

wait-for go of frame f1.

This will enable all the fill-in's in the frame.

Greg: beside for the CREATE WINDOW statement, there are the IN WINDOW clause and the assignment of CURRENT-/DEFAULT-/ACTIVE-WINDOW handles to a dynamic window, which I think should be implemented too, for M7 (or at least checked how they work). As a side note, CREATE WINDOW works only in a GUI environment, in 4GL; the batch mode and the remote appserver requests do not allow it, either. Any idea why this is needed for the server project? Do they run the server in a GUI mode?

#27 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

Greg: beside for the CREATE WINDOW statement, there are the IN WINDOW clause and the assignment of CURRENT-/DEFAULT-/ACTIVE-WINDOW handles to a dynamic window, which I think should be implemented too, for M7 (or at least checked how they work).

The IN WINDOW support is included in task #2027.

The CURRENT-/DEFAULT-/ACTIVE-WINDOW support is in #2018.

As a side note, CREATE WINDOW works only in a GUI environment, in 4GL; the batch mode and the remote appserver requests do not allow it, either. Any idea why this is needed for the server project? Do they run the server in a GUI mode?

No, they don't run it in GUI mode. It is a combination of appserver and some batch clients. The customer server code also runs on UNIX (Solaris).

I have assumed that this code works "enough" on the server to allow the core functionality to operate properly OR the code is not used on the server. We do know they have a bunch of GUI code that is mixed into the server code because it is in shared files.

We will certainly need this work for the GUI project anyway.

#28 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

I will probably repeat the Constantin's question, but I'm recalling, CHUI supports only one (default) window and CREATE WINDOW won't work in CHUI. If we implement CREATE WINDOW in-spite of this fact - how to test it?

#29 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

CHUI supports only one (default) window and CREATE WINDOW won't work in CHUI. If we implement CREATE WINDOW in-spite of this fact - how to test it?

Test what happens in the ChUI/batch mode. Are there errors? If so then throw errors in the same way. Does it partially work or silently fail? We should work the same way. Does it actually work even though the docs say it should not?

#30 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Simple test:

def var mywin as widget-handle.
create window mywin.

It fails with error message:

CREATE WINDOW in character mode is not supported. (4139)"

It fails in batch mode ("./bpro" command) but with other message:

CREATE WINDOW in character-mode is not supported. (4139)
Cannot create widget of type WINDOW. (3181)

#31 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

Good. Make sure to generate the proper errors in our code. That means that we should be pretty safe for M7.

#32 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

How to distinguish batch mode from usual mode?

#33 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

Right now we store it on the server in EnvironmentOps. See isBatchMode() and setBatchMode() in that class.

We also have work in #1787 that is going on right now to implement proper batch mode support on the client (for all of the UI features that have different behavior). As part of that, I would expect that we will have knowledge of batch mode on the client too.

#34 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

I'm trying to implement conversion of full form of CREATE WIDGET statement - a form with assign statement.
I wrote simple procedure to solve conversion problems of create widget someHandle assign .. problems. Here it is:

def var wh-tmp as widget-handle.

create button wh-tmp
        visible = true
        row = 2.

I ran conversion process and got intermediate files *.parser and *.ast. Here is the *.parser file:

block [BLOCK] @0:0
   statement [STATEMENT] @0:0
      def [DEFINE_VARIABLE] @1:1
         wh-tmp [SYMBOL] @1:9
         as [KW_AS] @1:16
            widget-handle [KW_WID_HAND] @1:19
   statement [STATEMENT] @0:0
      create [CREATE_WIDGET] @3:1
         button [KW_BUTTON] @3:8
         wh-tmp [VAR_HANDLE] @3:15
         assign [KW_ASSIGN] @4:7
            = [ASSIGN] @5:17
               visible [ATTR_LOGICAL] @5:9
               expression [EXPRESSION] @0:0
                  true [BOOL_TRUE] @5:19
            = [ASSIGN] @6:13
               row [ATTR_DEC] @6:9
               expression [EXPRESSION] @0:0
                  2 [NUM_LITERAL] @6:15

It looks correctly. ASSIGN statement is a child of CREATE BUTTON statement.

But let's look at widget_del.p.ast (attached to this task). Here we can see that ASSIGN statement is not a child but it's a "brother" of CREATE WIDGET statement. I think it's wrong. I don't understand why this happens. I reviewed grammar rules (progress.g), related to this statements. It looks correct: attribute_assign_clause is a child of create_widget_stmt. Could you advice me why AST incorrectly formed during conversion.

P.S. About implementation. I'm going to make DynamicWidgetFactory.create..(..) methods returning created widget to be able to assign the attributes to it after those calls. It may looks like this:

GenericWidget widget = DynamicWidgetFactory.createButton(..);
widget.setLabel("Some button");

Am I on the right way?

#35 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

I am surprised that the "embedded assign" portion is not working. I think it was working properly back in April.

But let's look at widget_del.p.ast (attached to this task). Here we can see that ASSIGN statement is not a child but it's a "brother" of CREATE WIDGET statement. I think it's wrong. I don't understand why this happens.

This is intentional. Please see rules/annotations/embedded_attribute_assign_rewrite.rules. The idea is that it is supposed to emit exactly as you have described (on the following lines as separate setter calls).

#36 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Vadim Gindin wrote:

I'm trying to implement conversion of full form of CREATE WIDGET statement - a form with assign statement.

The conversion part should be working properly. Your test converts to this:

            handle.unwrapWidget(whTmp).setVisible(new logical(true));
            handle.unwrapWidget(whTmp).setRow(new integer(2));

Considering that a new dynamic resource (widget or not) is ALWAYS saved in a handle, and that handle is used in any subsequent assign or other statement, I don't see where the problem is.

#37 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

I'm sorry, I muddled files with same names in different folders.. My mistake. You're right. Embedded assign works correctly. The problem is in a triggers phrase. The same procedure with triggers:

def var wh-tmp as widget-handle.

create button wh-tmp
        visible = true
        row = 2
        on choose
          message "Choosed".

Converted code contains compile error:

   DynamicWidgetFactory.createButton(whTmp, "choose", TriggerBlock0.class, WidgetDel.this);
   handle.unwrapWidget(whTmp).setVisible(new logical(true));
   handle.unwrapWidget(whTmp).setRow(new integer(2));

There is no createButton method with this signature. I'm digging in it.

#38 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

AFAIK the trigger phrase in the CREATE statement is not used by the server project, so should not be worked by #2027. Please focus on adding the CHUI/batch-mode errors for CREATE WINDOW and check how IN WINDOW clause works in CHUI/batch mode.

#39 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

I'm posting update about CREATE WINDOW errors.

IN WINDOW clause is used in a big amount of statements:
ENABLE, frame phrase, MESSAGE, HIDE, PAUSE, PROMPT-FOR, STATUS, SYSTEM-DIALOGs, VIEW, DISPLAY. In all cases if IN WINDOW clause is omitted current window is used (documentation says). Should I test all of these statements?

I tried to test MESSAGE and DISPLAY statements:

message "text" in window default-window:handle.

It works fine in CHUI mode and don't work in batch mode, showing the error:

Cannot access the HANDLE attribute because the widget does not exists. (3140)
Could not find widget handle for window from expression. (3138)

DISPLAY, ENABLE statements shows the same result: work in CHUI mode and show this error in batch mode.

Should I test all statements?

I also converted first test to java. Here is the result:

message("text", defaultWindow());

It shows compile error because message(..) methods doesn't support window parameter. Should I make support of this clause for all statements in this task?

#40 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

The server project uses the IN WINDOW clause only with the DISPLAY statement, in only one program; that program acts like this:
  • determines which window to use, depending on some conditions:
    1. if not batch mode, then: if some condition, then use current-window, else use a dynamically created window
    2. if batch mode, use default-window handle.
  • uses a DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW h. to output some data.

The code snippet would look like this:

def var wh as handle.

if not session:batch-mode
then do:
   if <some-condition> then do:
      output to some-file.txt.
      wh = current-window.
   else create window wh assign width = 180.
else wh = default-window.

display <data> with frame ff in window wh.

And something else: although an error is displayed, the CREATE WINDOW does initialize the handle to something, in CHUI mode:

def var h as handle.
create window h assign width = 180. /* this will show error */
message h h:width current-window default-window active-window. /* all handles are the same here */

The good news is that all current-/default-/active-window handles refer the same resource and also in CHUI mode CREATE WINDOW will assign the handle to the same window. More, in chui mode, changing the WIDTH is a no-op.

About the update:
  1. your sources are a little old, please make sure you work on the latest revision
  2. DynamicWidgetFactory: do not add constants with error message text; their usage is limited only to certain methods (i.e. where the error is displayed), so there is no gain from this.
  3. I guess you didn't check how the ERROR-STATUS is affected by this statement:
    def var h as handle.
    create window h no-error.
    message error-status:error error-status:num-messages error-status:get-message(1)

    In chui mode, this shows that a condition is not raised and the error-status:error flag is not set, but error messages are recorded; use a ErrorManager.recordOrShowError(<error-codes>, <error-texts>, false, false, false) for this case.
    In batch mode, this shows that the error-status:error flag is set and error messages are recorded; please use a ErrorManager.recordOrThrowError(<error-codes>, <error-text>, false, false) for this case. Also, do not use multiple ErrorManager API calls, when more than one error message is recorded/thrown - do this in one call. To test that a condition is raised in batch mode, use this:
    def var h as handle.
    output to some-file.txt.
    do on error undo, leave:
       create window h.
       message "this must not be reached".
    output close.
To conclude, for #2027:
  1. make sure you have tests which check the error for both modes
  2. in chui mode, allow CREATE WINDOW to pass and initialize the handle with LogicalTerminal.currentWindow
  3. make sure the DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW statement works for both valid and invalid handles

All other findings (default-/current-/active-window behaviour in batch/chui mode, width attribute, etc) can be deferred for the #2018 task.

#41 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Well, I'm close to finish this task. See next update.

By the way DISPLAY methods are not implemented. Will we make it in other task?

#42 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

Update review:
  1. DynamicWidgetFactory.createWindow - I think you are missing a return, in case the window can't be created and should default to current-window... More, if in batch mode and NO-ERROR clause is present, the h.assign(LogicalTerminal.currentWindow()); code will still execute, when it shouldn't:
       public static void createWindow(handle h, character widgetPool)
          if (!isAbleToCreateWindow())
             h.assign(LogicalTerminal.currentWindow()); /* this needs to be executed only if non-batch mode. */
             // a return is missing here
          create(LegacyResource.WINDOW, h, widgetPool);
  2. LogicalTerminal.applyChanges contains changes not related to this task.
  3. the conversion changes I guess are trying to fix a DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW statement without a frame-phrase?

By the way DISPLAY methods are not implemented. Will we make it in other task?

No, add it now; for CHUI/batch mode, the DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW will either:
  • perform the DISPALY, if the passed handle is a valid handle and is a window
  • show some error if the passed handle is invalid or is not a window.
GenericFrame.display(..., handle hWin) must:
  1. validate the passed handle and show proper error messages if the handle is invalid or not a window.
  2. if the handle is valid and a window, go ahead and call the GenericFrame.display APIs which don't take a window handle (as in CHUI mode this will always target current-window).

#43 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

My next update.

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Update review:
  1. DynamicWidgetFactory.createWindow - I think you are missing a return, in case the window can't be created and should default to current-window... More, if in batch mode and NO-ERROR clause is present, the h.assign(LogicalTerminal.currentWindow()); code will still execute, when it shouldn't:


  1. LogicalTerminal.applyChanges contains changes not related to this task.

Yes, this class contains changes for two tasks. I will clear it close to regression testing if you don't mind.

  1. the conversion changes I guess are trying to fix a DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW statement without a frame-phrase?

It works with and without frame-phrase.

By the way DISPLAY methods are not implemented. Will we make it in other task?

No, add it now; for CHUI/batch mode, the DISPLAY ... IN WINDOW will either:
  • perform the DISPALY, if the passed handle is a valid handle and is a window
  • show some error if the passed handle is invalid or is not a window.
GenericFrame.display(..., handle hWin) must:
  1. validate the passed handle and show proper error messages if the handle is invalid or not a window.
  2. if the handle is valid and a window, go ahead and call the GenericFrame.display APIs which don't take a window handle (as in CHUI mode this will always target current-window).

I've implemented.

#44 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

1. max line width is 98, so please format accordingly
2. something I forgot to mention: widget pool validation for CREATE statements is done before anything else; please add tests using the IN WIDGET-POOL clause (the named pool name either unknown or for an not-existing existing pool) and make sure it works properly.
3. should have mentioned it earlier, but the CREATE WINDOW can have a CREATE VALUE(ch) version, where ch might (or might not be) a window string. Thus, move the window-related code to the create(String widgetType, handle h, character widgetPool) method, AFTER the widget-pool and the widget-type validation (and executed only if a WINDOW is supposed to be created).
4. I don't understand this test in createWindow:

         if (EnvironmentOps.isBatchMode().booleanValue() && ErrorManager.isSilent())

In note 42, I mentioned that handle assignment "needs to be executed only if non-batch mode". Your test is checking if in batch mode; did you find otherwise?
5. Don't understand the need of the ErrorManager.isSilent() check: please explain why you use it; if NO-ERROR clause is used, then any error is silently recorded (no condition is thrown).

1. max line width is 98, so please format accordingly
2. the comment for the error message in isAbleToDisplayWindow:

         // TODO define resource name (BUTTON, BUFFER, ..) and write in ()
         String ms = "Wrong type of object handle ()  " 
                  + "-- must be a window handle";
         ErrorManager.recordOrThrowError(3139, ms);

I think it relates to the fact that the handle's resource type is used in the error message. For this, do a handle.unwrapType(hWin).getResourceType() to obtain the resource type.
3. internally, you can use the handle._isValid API which returns a Java boolean to avoid using the handle.isValid which returns a 4GL-style logical.

1. the file needs to be merged.

#45 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Here is the widget-pool (in CREATE statements) simple tests:

def var mywin as widget-handle.
create widget-pool "p".
create window mywin in widget-pool "p".

Works as without pool: shows an error CREATE WINDOW in character mode is not supported (4139)

def var mywin as widget-handle.
/*create widget-pool "p".*/
create window mywin in widget-pool "p".

Shows an error Trying to create a widget in widget-pool "p", but pool does not exist. (3178).

def var mywin as widget-handle.
def var p as char.
p = ?.
create window mywin in widget-pool p.

Shows an error Unable to evaluate widget pool name. (3177)

These tests works as expected (after I moved window-related code to create(...) method as you advised).

All other remarks are corrected. See next update.

P.S. You are right about isSilent() method. My mistake - it is really not needed there. I removed it.

#46 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 10 years ago

OK, the implementation looks good. Please merge with the latest revision, remove any changes in LogicalTerminal that are not related to this task and get it regression tested.

This work for will be enough for the server project. Greg: should we continue with #2027 further on, with the other dynamic widgets?

#47 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

We will come back to the rest of this later. Let's get the M7 changes tested and committed.

#48 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Regression passed, committed to bzr rev #10421.

#49 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

Please post the final changes.

#50 Updated by Vadim Gindin over 10 years ago

Here it is.

#51 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

One issue that needs to be addressed is how the order of attribute assignment (in the CREATE widget statement) can affect the success/failure of actual assignment that occur at runtime. Some examples can be seen in #1789 note 30. In some cases an error message may be displayed. In other cases, the attribute assignment may be silently bypassed.

In P2J we may just generate an NPE (which is not correct). Considering that silent bypassing of assignments can be present in working applications, we must make sure P2J operates the same way as the 4GL in this regard.

#52 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

The window-related features will be implemented in a different task. For #2028, focus on the general dynamic widget support like getting the attributes assigned properly, handling error processing properly, getting deletion supported properly. If you avoid the CREATE WINDOW right now, then you can test this in ChUI and in P2J.

#53 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 10 years ago

Some general considerations.

The first issue discovered for dynamic widgets is related to the proper attribute setting. The key problem is when dynamic widget is creating - the widget id is not being set. And P2J code to set the attribute value uses widget id to get the particular widget instance. For id == -1 the widget instance is null and this causes the NullPointerException.

The proper is is assigned to the static widget when the frame containing the widget is initialized(GenericFrame.CreateFrame(), GenericFrame.SetupFrame() - the method GenericFrame.coreInitialize()). For dynamic widgets this procedure is now omitting. The P2J code makes binding between widgets and the frame that owning the widgets. Every widget id is tightly related to the frame id it belongs.

The dynamic widgets has no such dependency. The good place to assign the correct widget id for dynamic widget is the moment when we assign the FRAME attribute of the dynamic widget. On the other hand we need to implement possibility to work with dynamic widgets without/before FRAME attribute initialized(as it is happening in 4GL). Another word we need some container that holds the dynamic widget and allows to dereference/manipulate with widget internals until it is assigned to some frame. After this assignment all widget operations will become up to the frame that become the owner of the dynamic widget.

#54 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko about 10 years ago

Additional investigations show the 4GL still has limitation for usage attribute setting and corrected FRAME attribute value. Some attributes like SENSITIVE requires the FRAME attribute to be set properly or before the requesting for SENSITIVE to be set. Otherwise the error message is displaying:

**Unable to process SENSITIVE attribute.  TOGGLE-BOX widget is not in a frame. 
Press space bar to continue.

**Unable to process SENSITIVE attribute.  BUTTON widget is not in a frame. 
Press space bar to continue.

The application continues execution declining the action that produces the error. The other attribute setting(like ROW or COLUMN or even LABEL) does not generate such error.

The other types of error like setting coordinates that causes the widget or part of it to be outside the containing frame is critical and after displaying error like this:

TOGGLE-BOX widget does not fit in parent FRAME f1. (4041)

Procedure complete. Press space bar to continue.

stops the application execution.

#55 Updated by Greg Shah about 10 years ago

The good place to assign the correct widget id for dynamic widget is the moment when we assign the FRAME attribute of the dynamic widget.

I think this is too late for dynamic widgets.

On the other hand we need to implement possibility to work with dynamic widgets without/before FRAME attribute initialized(as it is happening in 4GL).

Yes, this is exactly why we must not have the widget ID depend on setting the FRAME attribute. Before we decide on an approach, please make a list of the places in our code where we are dependent upon the relationship between a widget ID and its containing frame's ID. For example, on the server side there is GenericFrame.getWidgetForId() and on the client side there is use of WidgetId.frameIdFromWidgetId() in ThinClient.view_(). I know there are many other locations with this dependency.

It doesn't seem like our current approach is a good match for the 4GL. It seems like the 4GL just assigns IDs sequentially. Currently, I don't know of a reason why we must match their algorithm exactly, but it may make sense to be closer to their implementation, especially if there are other good reasons for it.

The application continues execution declining the action that produces the error. The other attribute setting(like ROW or COLUMN or even LABEL) does not generate such error.

We need to plan for how to support this behavior in a clean way. I don't want every method to be duplicating lots of error handling, but we need to be able to match the runtime error processing where needed.

#56 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

I think the following methods are involved in widget-frame ID relationship in more or less degree:

server side processing

isEntered() <- GenericFrame.getFrameBufferRef().isEntered(config.getID())
isNotEntered() <- GenericFrame.getFrameBufferRef().isEntered(config.getID())
apply() <- LogicalTerminal.apply(GenericFrame frame, int widgetId, String event)
setFormat() <- LogicalTerminal.setFormat(int widget, String format)
pushScreenDefinition() <- GenericFrame.pushScreenDefinition()

pushScreenDefinition() - prepare the new screen defiition based upon frame-widget ID's relationship
getSelection() <- LogicalTerminal.getSelection(int widgetId)
underline() <- LogicalTerminal.underline(GenericFrame frame, int[] widgetIds)
getWidgetForId(int id)
wrapWidgetsToFieldGroup() - uses widget array to prepare the field group
view(FrameElement[] data) - ID based frame content viewer

mergeChanged(ScreenBuffer diff)

setLocation() <- ThinClient.setLocation()
refreshFrameWidget() <- ThinClient.refreshFrameWidget()
waitFor() <- ThinClient.waitFor()
getCurrentFrame() <- ThinClient.identifyFrame()
getAnyWidgetForId() <- ThinClient.getAnyWidgetForIdInt()

Full class

The frame should contain the valid widgets[] array inside.

client side processing
processEnable() <- Frame.enabledWidgetsByList()
nextPrompt() <- Frame.setFocusId()
view_() <- WidgetId.frameIdFromWidgetId()
refreshFrameWidget() <- WidgetRegistry class




As general considerations: Currently we encode the frame ID in every widget ID by assigning the number 1000, e.g. 1001 means first widget in first frame, 2014 - 14 widget in 2 frame. This is reasonable and looks useful to detect static frame-widget relationship. I would suggest to keep this approach but extending it: the higher octet of the 32-bit int value to give for frame ID, lower - for widget ID. This gives us 65535 frames and 65535 widgets for each frame for static widgets. For dynamic widgets the frame half of ID will be 0 meaning there is no frame binding at this time, limiting the total number of possible dynamic widgets to 65535. And we will need the single place method to calculate/manage the widget ID for create/delete for dynamic widgets to avoid multiple inline ID calculation.

#57 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Another consideration for dynamic widget ID. According to Progress documents the dynamic widgets exist until explicit deletion or session ends. So the widget number for dynamic case should be global per session. On the other hand if we incorporate the frame ID into widget ID when frame attribute is assigned the resulting dynamic widget ID should not accidentally duplicate already existed ID for static widget in the same frame. So in the widget ID we need to have the flag field indicating whether the widget is static or dynamic. This can be the highest bit of the 32-bit integer for example or something like this. In this model we will have 65535 widgets for every frame and 65535 global dynamic widgets for any frame to be attached to.

#58 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Some new investigation results. The widgets are adding while frame creation.

   The widget is taken from the WidgetList map.
   Then for every widget in a frame the frame attribute is initialized and the Id attribute is calculated and set.
   After this the new screen buffer is creating for the frame and its content with UNINITIALIZED state.

   Then GenericFrame.pushScreenDefinition() adds frame config and widgets configs to the freshly created ScreenDefinition instance.
   Then LogicalTerminal.pushScreenDefinition() is called causing the client side to transfer the frame content from server to the client.

At this moment every widget(including frame itself) has valid id to reference/enumerate the widget object(from ScreenDefinition widgets[] array) and associated frame on client side and this is persistent during the frame life cycle.

Client side retrieve the widget from WidgetRegistry class by integer id. This registry is filling on the frame/widget reconstruction stage.

The idea of the dynamic widget implementation can be based on the fact the widget id is not directly related to the frame id it belongs, meaning the id for widget can be more than frame id + 999. The only requirement for widget id is it must be unique. So we can set up some id generator inside DynamicWidgetFactory, something like:

   /** The base for new Id to be set for new widget creation. */
   // This is the just starting point, can be other to not intersect with static widget id values
   private static final int DYN_ID_BASE = 32768;

   /** Keeping track of the next Id number to assign for widget creation. */
   private static int nextIdAvailable = DYN_ID_BASE + 1;
    * Retrieve the unique per session integer id number for next new widget to create.
    * @return The integer Id number for next dynamic widget to create. 
   public static int getIdForNewWidget()
      return nextIdAvailable++;

This method will return new id for every new widget creation:
   public static void create(String widgetType, handle h, character widgetPool)
         Constructor<? extends GenericWidget> ctor = widCls.getDeclaredConstructor(boolean.class);
         WrappedResource res = ctor.newInstance(true);


         int newId = getIdForNewWidget();

         WidgetPool.addResource(res, widgetPool);

Then the next key point in dynamic widget life cycle is the assigning the frame attribute. For dynamic widget we can modify the respective method in following way(
   public void setFrame(GenericFrame frame)
      this.frame = frame;

      // For dynamic widgets this is the place where we need to initialize all frame internals
      // related to the wiget integration into the frame functionality
      if (dynamic)

in the GenericFrame.addDynamicWidget(GenericWidget) method we can concentrate all required calls to make new dynamic widget operational, like this(
This is just schematic implementation to demonstrate general approach
    * Adding new dynamic widget to the current frame.
    * @param    dynWidget  The widget to be added to current frame.
   void addDynamicWidget(GenericWidget dynWidget)
      n2w.put("dynWidget", dynWidget); // The name certainly should be something more real and unique

      // Add new widget to the widgets array

      // This implementation should be replaced with dynamic size array for efficiency
      GenericWidget[] newWidgets = new GenericWidget[n2w.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++)
         newWidgets[i] = widgets[i];
      newWidgets[widgets.length] = dynWidget;
      widgets = newWidgets;

      // Refresh frame definition if exists(if not to do this the client will not see the new widget)
      if (frameDef != null)

This works in simple test and I think this approach is potentially implementable.

#59 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Sorry it has taken me so long to review your results.

As general considerations: Currently we encode the frame ID in every widget ID by assigning the number 1000, e.g. 1001 means first widget in first frame, 2014 - 14 widget in 2 frame. This is reasonable and looks useful to detect static frame-widget relationship.

Unfortunately, this is no longer appropriate. It does not match how Progress assigned IDs. Progress seems to have a very simple ID algorithm, which just keeps track of the next ID number available, when it assigns a new ID, it seems to just increment that integer. It doesn't leave gaps and it doesn't encode special information (like the containing frame) in the ID.

We are going to move to an equivalent system. Encoding the frame ID into the widget ID was a short-cut that is now doing more harm than good.

I would suggest to keep this approach but extending it: the higher octet of the 32-bit int value to give for frame ID, lower - for widget ID. This gives us 65535 frames and 65535 widgets for each frame for static widgets. For dynamic widgets the frame half of ID will be 0 meaning there is no frame binding at this time, limiting the total number of possible dynamic widgets to 65535.

I don't want to do this, because it just makes things even less compatible with Progress. I am not requiring us to generate IDs the eactly same way as Progress, but I want it to be very close. The new dynamic widget support is the core reason to simplify things right now.

Frame IDs, window IDs and widget IDs will all come from the same exact "nextWidgetId" integer.

And we will need the single place method to calculate/manage the widget ID for create/delete for dynamic widgets to avoid multiple inline ID calculation.

I agree that the nextWidgetId will be stored once per-session and it will be used from all places that create a new widget (whether from a frame definition or from a dynamic CREATE WIDGET statement.

The only requirement for widget id is it must be unique. So we can set up some id generator inside DynamicWidgetFactory, something like:

I don't want to have separate ID "address space" for dynamic and static widgets. Progress does not do that. We won't do that.

Instead, we can just assign the ID as soon as a widget is instantiated (no matter whether it is dynamic or not). Then it will be there already, whenever the frame or other code needs it.

This means we need to know:

  1. All the places in the code that must be fixed because they rely upon the frame ID to be calculated from a widget ID. These places can lookup the frame from the widget, since the containing frame is something that the widget should be able to report. In other words, we are removing the "short-cut" lookup approach. Of course, some simple helpers can be added to our widget code to make this easy to call.
  2. All the places that assign new widget IDs (to a frame, widget or window) that must be changed to use the new simple algorithm for assignment. The WidgetId class and helpers in LogicalTerminal (e.g. findNextID()) are where we do this today. I'd like to hide this all inside the WidgetId class in the changed version (there is no reason for LogicalTerminal to have this code).

The idea of the dynamic widget implementation can be based on the fact the widget id is not directly related to the frame id it belongs, meaning the id for widget can be more than frame id + 999.

Not in the new approach.

Please focus on implementing ONLY the new ID approach for now. Let's get this working, regression tested and checked in first. Then you can followup with a more complete dynamic approach.

#60 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for your review is the starting point for new widget approach. The public method in WidgetId class:

getIdForNewWidget() to request the ID for new widget
freeIdToUse() to signal the given ID is no more using and can be distributed to another new widget.

The internal idea of implementation is to have some ID pool from where we can get next available ID for new widget. The pool is 0-based ArrayDeque. Initially we allocate some amount of the ID values to return to new widget. If the pool become exhausted - we allocate next portion of ID to distribute. If at run time the ID is no more used(widget become deleted) - the ID returns to the pool to be used further. This avoids ID leakage when multiple widget delete/create cycles encountered in a code.

Continue working. The next step will be to find all ID usage for static widgets and shifts to the new simple approach isolating the ID internals inside the WidgetId class.

#61 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0731a

We can't use this approach.

First of all, widget ID allocation will be used on the server. The server CANNOT use static data to store IDs because it must be per-session not JVM-wide. Context local data must be used.

From what I have seen, the Progress widget ID allocation approach is a simple sequential increment. Can you find any scenario where the 4GL doesn't do this? They may have some protection for never re-allocating the same ID, but if they don't re-use IDs then only in a wrapping case could they re-use something. Who knows if Progress even checks such things? Before we implement an approach that recycles widget IDs, please create some Progress 4GL testcases to try to determine how this works. Some questions:

  1. What is the starting point for the first ID ever created for the session?
  2. When you allocate a large number (1000 or more) of IDs by using a CREATE WIDGET statement) and then you deallocate some (10 or 100) of those IDs, does Progress ever re-use those IDs?
  3. If you CREATE and DELETE widgets for a very long time (millions or billions), can you get the widget ID to "wrap around" and become negative or go back to its starting point?

Please note that you can't just use CREATE without ever using DELETE because you would run out of memory.

Also note that you should not run your tests from the procedure editor, but instead do it from the command line with the -p <testcase_name> option. Otherwise your results might be invalid because the procedure editor is itself 4GL code.

#62 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

From what I have seen, the Progress widget ID allocation approach is a simple sequential increment. Can you find any scenario where the 4GL doesn't do this?

Consider the case when after some static widget allocations Progress creates 10 dynamic widget, then say 2 of then are freed. And then creates the dynamic widget again. If the old ID are not used - the new number will e assigned leaving gaps in widget ID "array". In this scenario it is possible to exceed the ID capacity(for example 32-bit integer) having only several widgets that will be created and deleted.

And the question. What is the widget ID in 4GL, is it attribute or something else? Another word what is the best way to check the widget ID in 4GL? Or this is undocumented internal feature we can not explicitly check?

#63 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The only I've found is WIDGET-ID attribute. But it is declared as working only in Windows GUI. Is it what we implementing here?

#64 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

We can at least use it for now to see how Progress creates its widget ids. Yes, it only works on GUI and without it the default value is reported as ?.

We are not necessarily trying to duplicate this feature exactly, right now. But on the other hand, I would like to be more compatible rather than less.

Please determine how it works and then we can decide on an approach.

#65 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The investigation findings:

1. The starting point for ID allocation is 65535. Neither 0 nor 1. And more important this is the topmost limit. All next ID allocations will have decreased ID, from 65535 to 1.

2. Reusing is not possible. If there are the free ID upper than currently deleted - they will not be used. The next ID == (last allocated -1) is used instead.

3. The wrapping is working this way. The last possible widget ID is 1. If this number was used the system display the message:

**Unable to realize BUTTON widget. (4025)

and the widget is not creating.

But the on the further creation will use the next available ID number from the top. It is actually the first available ID not used by static widgets. If there are the dynamic widgets allocated at this time - they will be destroyed. So we returning to the state when no dynamic widgets allocated.

This is the picture of the found implementation. Looks like there is a limit of 65535(16-bit integer) for dynamic widget creation. The question is will we have to implement this approach for compatibility?
- 16-bit up limit
- decreased allocation
- no re-usage
- forcing destroy on ID number wrapping
All features or may be only part of them?

#66 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

If there are the dynamic widgets allocated at this time - they will be destroyed. So we returning to the state when no dynamic widgets allocated.

How did you determine that this was the behavior?

#67 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

How did you determine that this was the behavior?

Consider the testcase dyn_wid_test6.p. It has two pair of buttons, one to create/destroy single widget, other to create/destroy 10 widgets simultaneously. The created widgets can exists any time until explicit destroy. It also has buttons to consume 10000, 1000, 100 and 10 widgets in one pressing by create/destroy in a loop.

Initially I made this test to create group of widgets in a some ID distance from start to occupy continuous region of ID and see what is happening when wrap around is reaching. I wanted to see what will be the next ID after 1 when some numbers consumed. Whether the Progress starts from static ID end or after region occupied by existed dynamic widgets.

So when I got 1 number the next creation shows the error message and existed widgets disappears. Trying to explicitly delete them produces the invalid handle error. And ID assigning starts from the end of static widget ID. That's why I concluded the dynamic widgets were terminated.

#68 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Another issue we need to solve in P2J implementation is the new implementation for WidgetId.frameIdFromWidgetId(int widgetId). The old one based on the fact the frame id is embedded into the widgetId which will not the case in new implementation(not depending what approach we choose to take). When frame id cane be easily computed from widgetId the method is safe to be called either from server or client context(LogicalTerminal, EventDefinition or ThinClient classes). Yes, it is possible to extract frame ID from widget not having frame ID embedding into widget ID because after frame attribute is assigned every widget has frame information inside. But now we need to differentiate the server and client context for this calculation because classes used in this process will be different for server and client sides.

#69 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

So when I got 1 number the next creation shows the error message and existed widgets disappears.

This is not exactly what is happening. After the message is displayed, I the 4GL raises a STOP condition. If you change the code to have this at the end:


You will see the AFTER DO BLOCK message just after the "error" message and then the program will exit.

Consider that the default behavior for a STOP condition is to restart the application (which will just re-run the startup procedure which is dyn_wid_test.6 in this case). That makes it look like everything is deleted, but it really isn't. I think you need to rework your tests to take this STOP condition into account and see if the dynamic widgets are really still there.

#70 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

But now we need to differentiate the server and client context for this calculation because classes used in this process will be different for server and client sides.

This lookup doesn't need to be in the WidgetId class. The client widget classes can have helpers to access their containing frame widget/frame id and the server widgets classes will also have such helpers.

#71 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Yes, you are right, just after attempt to create new widget in "wrap around" case - when widget with ID = 1 was just deleted the already existed widgets are not terminating but remains accessible. But the "wrap around" case generates STOP condition exception which reloads the application so all previously created widgets(what is happening after the application is up and running) will be destroyed anyway and the program start executing like after initial start. So:
1. The dynamic widgets live until application stops.
2. It is not possible to pass through ID = 1 down limit without STOP condition. So the ID number is never reused without STOP.

This means Progress has serious constraint for using dynamic widgets and often delete/create is not recommended, correct? And do we really need to implement this behavior?

#72 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

This means Progress has serious constraint for using dynamic widgets


often delete/create is not recommended

It looks so.

And do we really need to implement this behavior?

Probably so. Before I say for sure, please do this test: run the same test without the -usewidgetid and see if it behaves the same way. The WIDGET-ID attribute will report as ? but otherwise I think it will work.

#73 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Probably so. Before I say for sure, please do this test: run the same test without the -usewidgetid and see if it behaves the same way. The WIDGET-ID attribute will report as ? but otherwise I think it will work.

Absolutely different result. There is no STOP condition when expected. It is possible to continue create/delete dynamic widgets after planned "wrap around" place. May be the upper limit is more in this case? 32-bit integer?

#74 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Interesting. We won't implement this feature right now.

Since we can't "see" the widget IDs that are generated in this case, we just need to know if there are any obvious limits that need to be implemented. Please try to CREATE a large number with NO DELETE. Please determine how many can be created before there is some kind of failure. If it is a 32-bit integer, then out of memory may be the limiting factor.

#75 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The process of ID saturation has some notes. I made simple creation loop without delete. The results vary from run to run. The maximum I've got is 9972 creations. This looks not adequate. With DELETE following by creation - much more, about several hundred. But I think this can be application design issue, not Progress limitation.

So I created and run another loop with PAUSE 1 NO-MESSAGE after creation. I think it can give us the clear picture. But it takes a time(because 1 second is the minimal pause possible in Progress). But I hope we will finally have the result.

#76 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

I made simple creation loop without delete. The results vary from run to run. The maximum I've got is 9972 creations.

Make sure to run this directly from the command line (with -p) instead of from the procedure editor. The procedure editor is running in the same Progress environment and it will take up resources that could cause your results to vary. Otherwise, I don't know why it would vary from run to run.

With DELETE following by creation - much more, about several hundred.

Do you mean "several hundred thousand"?

So I created and run another loop with PAUSE 1 NO-MESSAGE after creation. I think it can give us the clear picture.

What is your thinking behind this? Why do you think the problem is timing related?

#77 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Eugenie, check if this limit is not somehow related to some pro arguments. At least for recursivity issues, I've found that the following enhances the stack depth:
-nb 20000 -s 10000000 -mmax 65534

There might be other arguments which can affect the available memory allocated for dynamic resources.

#78 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Make sure to run this directly from the command line (with -p) instead of from the procedure editor. The procedure editor is running in the same Progress environment and it will take up resources that could cause your results to vary. Otherwise, I don't know why it would vary from run to run.

OK. I'm runing the tests with command processor(with or without -usewidgetid):

prowin32 -p test.p

Do you mean "several hundred thousand"?

Yes, exactly, sorry.

So I created and run another loop with PAUSE 1 NO-MESSAGE after creation. I think it can give us the clear picture.

What is your thinking behind this? Why do you think the problem is timing related?

Without pausing the application become not responsible from Windows point of view and just freezes.

#79 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

I am interested in the results of your PAUSE version. But we already have enough knowledge to know that there are more than 64K of widgets that can be created in a normal environment.

We know this:

1. Unless the -usewidgetid feature is enabled in the 4GL, the widget IDs are not visible directly to 4GL code. We don't have a current need to implement -usewidgetid mode right now. Since the widget IDs are not visible, there are no special requirements of what numbers are assigned.

2. The size of the "address space" of widget IDs is unclear right now, but it is large enough that we don't have to limit it to a 16-bit integer.

With this, we can keep a very simple widget ID approach.

  • Keep an int counter called nextId.
  • Let's assume that the DEFAULT-WINDOW will have an ID of 1.
  • The initial value of nextId can be 2 which can be the ID of the first allocated widget other than the DEFAULT-WINDOW. This should be defined as the constant WIDGET_ID_RANGE_BEGIN.
  • Keep a boolean flag called wrapped which is initialized to false.
  • I don't want to keep a list of de-allocated IDs. This just takes up memory, additional processing time and requires notification when widgets are destroyed.
  • When a new ID needs to be allocated, the code can look something like this:

public int allocateId()
   while (true)
      // we are deliberately assigning the value before incrementing
      int candidate = nextId++;

      if (wrapped)
         // lookup candidate in the widget registry to see if a widget of that ID already exists
         // don't keep a new widget registry, use the one that already exists

         // if the id is already in use
         if (<id_is_in_use>)

         // don't return directly from here

      if (nextId < 0)
         wrapped = true;
         nextId  = WIDGET_ID_RANGE_BEGIN;

      // at this point we know that candidate is OK so we exit our loop

   return candidate;

The common case is very fast and only in the (very unlikely) case where we wrap (2 billion widget IDs must be allocated first), do we need to check the widget registry.

#80 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

I am interested in the results of your PAUSE version. But we already have enough knowledge to know that there are more than 64K of widgets that can be created in a normal environment.

We know this:

1. Unless the -usewidgetid feature is enabled in the 4GL, the widget IDs are not visible directly to 4GL code. We don't have a current need to implement -usewidgetid mode right now. Since the widget IDs are not visible, there are no special requirements of what numbers are assigned.

2. The size of the "address space" of widget IDs is unclear right now, but it is large enough that we don't have to limit it to a 16-bit integer.

More findings for extended stack use:
The loop stopped at 9974 widget creation without delete.

But interesting point is: with widget deletion the process can reach even 32-bit integer limit without any issue and go further(> 6000000 numbers and I have stopped). So I guess the widget ID limitation works only for -usewidgetid option. Without this option there is no such limitation(and even there is no widget ID concept in use). And the only limitation for no -usewidgetid option is the memory/handle resources limit available for application to use.

OK with your approach for implementing.

Only question to be clear. The ID will be incrementing for new widget? Meaning allocation direction from 1 to UPPER_LIMIT, correct? I'm asking because if we will need -usewidgetid to be implemented further - we will have to rework this code once again(more or less).

#81 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

The ID will be incrementing for new widget?


Meaning allocation direction from 1 to UPPER_LIMIT, correct?

No. At this time I don't want to set an upper limit. The int will naturally "wrap" to a negative value at the approx 2 billion mark. The algorithm as I specified relies upon that fact.

I'm asking because if we will need -usewidgetid to be implemented further - we will have to rework this code once again(more or less).

I understand.

#82 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The update is the new widget ID allocation approach for you to review. Does not include the dynamic widget ID support code developed at this time to separate these two subtask and get working widget ID code first.

#83 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The question/clarification for new ID approach update. I've found the class EventDefinition is used on both on the server and client sides. The change regarding new widget ID is inside the lookup() method. I made assumption this method is calling on the client side only. But may be it will be better to have opportunity to determine if the context is server or client at run time. So we need to implement the call to do this if it is not already implemented. What do you think?

#84 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Forgot to add to previous update. Also the javadoc comments added in WidhetId class.

#85 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update adds client/server session type checking into

#86 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0811b

1. In WidgetId, the class javadoc states "Every JVM session has it's own set of widget ID.". The use of "JVM session" suggests you are talking about static data that is stored per-JVM instance. Instead, please state this: "The widget ID address space is stored and managed on a context local basis. This means that each user's P2J session maintains an independent set of widget ID allocations.".

2. Please move the logic from WidgetId.SessionArea.allocateId() into WidgetId.allocateId(). WidgetId.SessionArea.allocateId() should not exist. The SessionArea should only have the nextId and wrapped members.

3. This code in allocateId() doesn't do exactly what is suggested:

            // protection from infinite loop when there is no free ID to allocate
            // we are here on the second wrapping
            if (nextId < 0 && wrapped)
               throw new RuntimeException("No free ID to allocate!");

All we know here is that we are wrapping for the second (or a subsequent) time. We do NOT know that we have wrapped twice in a row before returning from allocateId(). In other words, we don't know if there are unallocated IDs, so this is not safe. Additional state will be needed to provide this feature. I think it is a good idea, but we just need to code it properly.

4. WidgetId.possibleValidFrameId() does not do anything useful in this new approach. Get rid of it.

5. The WidgetId.allocateWindowID() can't work for allocating anything other than the DEFAULT-WINDOW, which is not sufficient. It breaks code we already have working in GUI. In addition, we aren't keeping any special IDs for window widgets, except for the very first/implicit window created. Please remove WidgetId.allocateWindowID() and just make sure that the default window that is created at startup uses WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID (which should be a public member).

6. In regard to the changes for EventDefinition, I really don't want this code to have client and server specific implementation code:

      // determine if the calling environment is the client side or server side
      if (ThinClient.getInstance() != null)
      {  // got client session we are on the client side
         fId = ThinClient.frameIdFromWidgetId(widgetId);
      {   // not a client considered as server side
         fId = LogicalTerminal.frameIdFromWidgetId(widgetId);

As a general approach, I do NOT want to add code like this throughout the project. Perhaps we need an approach like the following:

  • For features that need to be implemented on both the server and client, we create an API (Java interface).
  • We create a factory class that can be used to obtain a helper object that implements that Java interface.
  • The startup code for the client (ThinClient) and the server (LogicalTerminal) would register client-specific or server-specific instances of that helper, which can be used to actually do the lookups needed.

7. In GenericFrame.getWidgetForId(), the approach is slow. The LogicalTerminal.lookupFrameIdFromWidgetId() is even slower. Please investigate keeping a single server-side registry of all widgets, including windows, frames and all the contained widgets. This should be a map of id to widget. Then we can obtain a widget reference very quickly by lookup into this map. Obtaining a frame ID from a widget ID would involve lookup of the widget and then getting the containing frame out and asking the frame for its ID. This will also allow LogicalTerminal.isWidgetIdInUse() to be done very simply (if the ID exists in the widget registry, then it is in use). The key to making this work is to ensure that we properly add/remove from this registry at all the right times.

#87 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

5. The WidgetId.allocateWindowID() can't work for allocating anything other than the DEFAULT-WINDOW, which is not sufficient. It breaks code we already have working in GUI. In addition, we aren't keeping any special IDs for window widgets, except for the very first/implicit window created. Please remove WidgetId.allocateWindowID() and just make sure that the default window that is created at startup uses WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID (which should be a public member).

I'm looking for the best way to do this. Found the default window is not pushing from server to client. We just create similar objects on both sides with default ID 999. So I think the solution can be just replacement WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID with WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID in all places that refer to WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID. And get rid of the WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID. If the window is dynamic - the ID will be changed on the window registration step as any other widget. Is it OK?

Or if such modification is to deep, we can change the default number for SESSION_WINDOW_ID constant in WindowConfig class this way:
/** Permanent ID of the session window. */
public static final int SESSION_WINDOW_ID = WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID;
This allows to minimize the required changes.

#88 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

I think the solution can be just replacement WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID with WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID in all places that refer to WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID. And get rid of the WindowConfig.SESSION_WINDOW_ID. If the window is dynamic - the ID will be changed on the window registration step as any other widget. Is it OK?

Yes, this sounds like a reasonable plan.

#89 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Working on the point #7 from your note. But have the update to upload meantime.

In this update for review: FrameIdFromWidgetId() methods has been removed from both ThinClient and LogicalTerminal because we do not need anymore static interfaces to private methods. Instead the methods lookupFrameIdFromWidgetId() are made public. The new API interface introduced to handle the ID related requests related to both client and server code - WidgetIdWorker. The worker class WidgetIdHelper takes the client or server implementation via initWorker() static call and stores the reference in session context area(not sure may be we can just use simple static member for real worker class instead). The both LogicalTerminal and ThinClient classes implements the single method of the WidgetIdWorker interface - lookupFrameIdFromWidgetId().

#90 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The point to clarify:

Please investigate keeping a single server-side registry of all widgets, including windows, frames and all the contained widgets. This should be a map of id to widget.

In the LogicalTerminal there are already several maps that serve similar functions: frameRegistry, sharedFrameRegistry, windowRegistry. Must the new widget map be a replacement for all of them? Or new map will work in addition to existed ones and old maps and new will exist simultaneously?

#91 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0813a

This version is very good.

My only concern is how this will work in certain scenarios like CTRL-C or "single" mode (where the server and client are actually running in the same JVM). To eliminate these things from being a problem I suggest the following changes:

  • Create two special classes: ClientIdHelper and ServerIdHelper.
  • In each of these classes, have them call a static member (yes, it will have to be put back) in ThinClient or LogicalTerminal to get the ID.
  • At startup, an one of these helpers is registered instead of directly storing an instance of ThinClient or LogicalTerminal.

Your approach is cleaner in code but since it has the potential for problems because of some of our use-cases, we need to make it slightly more complex in order to use the static methods.

Other answers:

Must the new widget map be a replacement for all of them?


Or new map will work in addition to existed ones and old maps and new will exist simultaneously?

Yes, it should be in addition and must exist simultaneously.

#92 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for review reflects the recent notes to using ThinClient or LogicalTerminal to work with ID. I need to know whether this implementation is acceptable or not.

The widget registry is still under construction.

#93 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The question. May be it is better to move ClientIdHelper class to com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui package(the same place as ThinClient class) and remove import statement rather than having this class in com.goldencode.p2j.ui? What do you think?

#94 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0814a

Yes, the approach is correct. Some minor feedback:

1. The ClientIdHelper should be in the com.goldencode.p2j.ui.client package.

2. The default constructor does not need to exist for either the ClientIdHelper or the ServerIdHelper. Java will create an implicit one for us.

The widget registry is still under construction.


#95 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

May be it is better to move ClientIdHelper class to com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui package(the same place as ThinClient class) and remove import statement rather than having this class in com.goldencode.p2j.ui?

We are moving all code out of the com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui package, so I don't want to add new code there now.

#96 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The next update for your review contains widget ID registry implementation in addition to other notes resolution. The location of the registry is LogicalTerminal. This map can contain every entity that has the allocates ID:
1. Widget or pseudo widget(header) that is adding to the frame in GenericFrame class. So we do not need special method for header widget(getAnyWidgetForIdInt method is now completely the same as getWidgetForId).
2. Frame or shared frame that passes the registration process.
3. Window except default session window.

For now the entity can be removed from this map if frame is being de-registering. If frame is moved from shared to usual state nothing is changed in this map.

The question: the map has data pair <Integer,GenericWidget>. On the other hand we can(and other maps uses this) use both int and Integer as key object. The Integer is a wrap for int. And the question: is it equal to use of the 10 and Integer(10)? Will we get the same value for map.get(10) and map.get(new Integer(10))? Do we need to use only Integer wrap class to work with map?

The update does not contain dynamic widget implementation code.

#97 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0814b

1. The locking for the widget registry (and frame registries...) needs to be improved. Right now, you can edit the same map simultaneously because different lock objects are being used:

synchronized (lt.frameRegistry) in LT.registerFrame()
synchronized (lt.frameRegistry) in LT.replaceFrame()
synchronized (lt.frameRegistry) in LT.releaseSharedFrame()
synchronized (frameRegistry) in LT.deregisterFrameInt()
synchronized (lt.frameRegistry) in LT.registerWindow()
synchronized (lt.frameRegistry) in LT.deregisterWindow()
synchronized (lt.widgetRegistry) in LT.registerWidgetIdObject()
no read protection in LT.isWidgetIdInUse()
no read protection in LT.lookupFrameIdFromWidgetId()
no read protection in LT.getWidgetForId()
no read protection in LT.getAnyWidgetForIdInt()

Please add a new data member to LT:

private Object registryLock = new Object();

Then in all of these places, replace synchronization on frameRegistry or widgetRegistry with registryLock. Add synchronization in the read locations that are not protected today.

2. Memory leak for regular widgets because there is no deregisterWidgetIdObject(). If there is no natural place to put that logic in GenericFrame, then we need to add some extra processing whenever a frame is removed from the registry, to walk all its non-dynamic widgets (header and non-header) and remove them all.

3. I agree we no longer need LT.getAnyWidgetForIdInt(). Just reuse LT.getWidgetForId().

4. In LT.registerWidgetIdObject() there is this code:

      // simple check for validity
      if (widget == null || widgetId <= WidgetId.DEFAULT_WINDOW_ID)

Put logging here before the return so that we can know if this ever occurs (it shouldn't, but if it does we need to know).

#98 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

The question: the map has data pair <Integer,GenericWidget>. On the other hand we can(and other maps uses this) use both int and Integer as key object. The Integer is a wrap for int. And the question: is it equal to use of the 10 and Integer(10)? Will we get the same value for map.get(10) and map.get(new Integer(10))? Do we need to use only Integer wrap class to work with map?

It is safe as long as you are only allowing autoboxing using int and Integer. If you ever mix in Long or long, it will not work right. But your code should be safe.

The update does not contain dynamic widget implementation code.

Please do that next work in a separate update. Let's get the current update finished, tested and checked in on its own.

#99 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for your review includes:

1. Operations with widget registry are now have protection locking
2. Adding code to remove widget ID from registry on frame deregistration stage. GenericFrame does not have obvious places to do this so it is in LogicalTerminal. GenericFrame is used to get the array of the widget ID to delete.
3. Also the special method to deregister single widget has been added to LogicalTerminal. Not it is not used but we will need it on the dynamic widgets handling will be included in code.
4. The common code for LT.getAnyWidgetForIdInt() and LT.getWidgetForId() is moved to LT.getAnyWidgetForIdInt() body because it is private, non-static and used by some methods in LT.
5. Warning log generation has been added to widget register/deregister code.

Several notes:

I have faced with the classes redefinition issues during log implementation. In LT we have included both com.goldencode.util and com.goldencode.p2j.util packages and both have LogHelper classes inside. Is this expected? So to compile LT I had to define LogHelper this way:

   private static final Logger LOG =

And this is something that breaks the code writing rules accepted in GCD. May be we need to consider classes renaming to avoid duplications?

Also I had to declare single class import for Logger:

import java.util.logging.Logger;

If not to do this the ErrorManager class from java.util.logging conflicts with our same class from com.goldencode.p2j.util. Another point to think about class renaming?

#100 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update adds more cleanup for frame deregistration. Looks like we need to remove widgets even when the frame is moving from shared state to private and back. The common code has moved to the separate method. And because the method deregisterFrameContent() is always calling from locked code - it has no lock inside.

#101 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Checking the code with frame related testcases I have found potential issues with widget registry. This is related to the shared frame's life cycle. On the one hand we have GenericFrame.createSharedFrame() reflecting to def new shared frame ... Progress statement. And on the other hand GenericFrame.importSharedFrame() reflecting to def shared frame .... The second statement belongs to the external procedure being called from code where first statement is defined. From the LogicalTerminal point of view we just move the frame from sharedFrameRegistry to frameRegistry. The result - we call initialization procedure twice and allocate ID for widget inside the frame also twice(except the frame ID itself.

The example is frame_driver.p and frame_user.p test pair.

So the question is it OK to have two copies of widget with different ID, one for frame defined in caller and other - for frame declared in calling procedure? Or we need to clean caller's widget registry entries at the moment when control is passing from caller to calling and clean calling frame widgets when the control is returning from calling procedure to caller?

Another possible approach can be checking inside the widget registry when we allocate new ID. If the given widget is already in registry - we could use already allocated ID instead getting new one.

What do you think?

#102 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Adding some improvements in this update:
1. Deregister frame when it is destroyed
2. Adding static method to deregister all widgets inside the frame

#103 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0818a

1. Please rename the following:

registerWidgetIdObject() to registerWidget()
deregisterWidgetIdObject() to deregisterWidget()
getAnyWidgetForIdInt() to getWidgetForIdInt()

2. Please remove getAnyWidgetForId(). It is just a less efficient way to call getWidgetForId(), so we don't need it.

3. The call to LogicalTerminal.deregisterFrame() from inside GenericFrame.destroy() should not be there. The frame actually still exists at that point and it is only after the client hides the frame that it can be fully cleaned up. See LT.applyChanges(). There may be code that assumes the frame is still in the registry. At least on the client side, the IDs are still in use and we cannot allocate these IDs again before the frame is "really gone".

4. The LogHelper and ErrorManager name collisions are expected.

5. The deregisterFrameContent() code should still have the locking implemented. Adding it will not deadlock the code because the lock is already held by that thread. The key reason it makes sense to put it in is to make sure that code added later to call it from somewhere else might not be already owning the lock. Someone that didn't read the code carefully might now realize it. This also means that deregisterFrameContent() does not need to hold the lock because it doesn't directly edit or read the protected resources.

6. Shortly, I will write another note about the shared frame processing. I think the current approach you are taking is not correct.

#104 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

5. The deregisterFrameContent() code should still have the locking implemented...

You mean private deregisterFrameContentInt() must have lock inside and deregisterFrameContent should not have lock? Or both of them must have locks inside?

#105 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

In regard to the shared frame processing, it is quite complex. I'm not sure that our basic approach is 100% correct. That means your changes will have to be crafted carefully and tested well.

The basic idea of shared frames is that a 4GL program can create a frame that can be used by multiple programs. Those programs are "further down" the call-stack. They "import" the shared frame by its text based name that was used in the source code. The strange thing in the 4GL is that the same basic frame must be defined in all programs that are going to use it. So you can't define it in only 1 place. If 2 programs are going to share a frame, as long as both programs reference the same frame name AND both those frame definitions are structurally the same (the same list of widgets), then the frames can be shared. If I recall correctly, the two frame definitions do NOT have to be identical. Some configuration can be different. I don't know if we have fully explored the possibilities there.

When we implemented this, we found that when a called program uses a shared frame, it will change that frame's state. But some of the state does NOT change! We have to carefully preserve and copy back the state that changes but not then state that doesn't change.

I will refer to the shared frame registry as sharedframereg and the normal frame registry as framereg. The following is describing how the current P2J does things. It is not describing your changes.

  1. When a non-shared frame is created, the GF.createFrame() is called. This creates the proxy object GF.createFrameProxy() which uses the Java dynamic proxy support to create a runtime instance that implements the list of given Java interfaces. Then it calls GF.initializeNewFrame() which really just calls GF.initialize(). GF.initialize() calls LT.registerFrame() which allocates the frame ID and saves the ID in the framereg. Then GF.initialize() calls GF.coreInitialize() which creates the widget lists, the field group and allocates IDs for all the widgets. It also "cross-links" the widgets back to their containing frame. GF.initialize() then creates a new screen buffer. The last thing that GF.createFrame() does is call the GF.setupFrame() which just uses reflection to call the frame interface's setup() method that forces the proper configuration into the frame and its widgets.
  2. Before that frame can be used, the converted business logic will call openScope() to associate the frame with the block processing of the program. Some frame behaviors are dependent upon the scoping notifications that are provided by the blocks to which they are scoped.
  3. When a new shared frame is created, we call GF.createSharedFrame(). This goes through the normal processes for GF.createFrame() (it allocates IDs for the frame and the widgets, registers them...), but it also will save the frame in the SharedVariableManager so that it can be "imported" later. If an already existing frame of the same name is found in the SharedVariableManager, that frame will be replaced in the SharedVariableManager but the previous frame instance will be returned. When this instance is not null, we call LT.releaseSharedFrame() to unconditionally clear the old frame from the sharedframereg. At this point, the new frame only exists in the framereg.
  4. LT.releaseSharedFrame() is the only way that shared frames actually "go away" permanently. Until that is called, a shared frame will exist in either the framereg or the sharedframereg. Since LT.releaseSharedFrame() is only called from inside GF.createSharedFrame(), this means that we only permanently get dispose of a shared frame when we create a new shared frame of the same name. This suggests that we have a memory leak, since there seems to be no particular point in time when we otherwise clear shared frames out of the sharedframereg. I don't know the reason that we keep these frames around after they have been otherwise disposed of. Constantin: do you know?
  5. The program that created the shared frame can use it like a normal frame (opening a scope and then referencing it in client calls like display()). It really is a normal frame.
  6. At some point a called program (possibly many levels down the call stack) will reference the shared frame name and call GF.importSharedFrame(). This will NOT call the GF.createFrame() directly. Instead, it first calls the GF.createFrameProxy() to get a new dynamic proxy instance that can be used to reference the instance of the specific frame definition that is known to this called program. That instance can be slightly different from the original frame, but it must be structurally the same. This instance is the "newframe". The previously shared frame ("oldframe") is then looked up in the SharedVariableManager. We then read the oldframe's frame ID and call LT.activateSharedFrame(). LT.activateSharedFrame() only exists to move any existing frame (with that same ID) from the sharedframereg to the framereg. See below for how a frame can have been moved into the sharedframereg. We then save off the visibility state of the old frame. At this point we create an instance of the SharedFrameCleaner, passing it references to the old and new frames. Please note that at this point we have NOT allocated any new ID for the new frame.
  7. The SharedFrameCleaner exists to make a partial copy of the original frame state into the new frame. It also calls LT.replaceFrame() to put the new frame into the framereg instead of the old frame instance. This SharedFrameCleaner instance is also registered with the TransactionManager so that when the called external procedure exits, the SharedFrameCleaner will have its finished() method called. In that method it copies some state from the new frame back into the old frame. It also calls LT.replaceFrame() to put the old frame into the framereg instead of the new frame instance. It is during the SharedFrameCleaner constructor that the new frame's ID is set to be the same as the old frame's ID.
  8. After the SharedFrameCleaner is instantiated/registered with the TransactionManager, the GF.importSharedFrame() will call GF.coreInitialize(). This will assign new IDs for the widgets, but because of the way we do things, those widgets will have the same IDs in the new frame that the corresponding widgets had in the old frame.
  9. At the end of the method GF.importSharedFrame() will restore widget visibility from its saved off state and then call GF.setupFrame() to finish the configuration of the new frame. At that point, the new "imported" frame instance can be used by the called external procedure.
  10. Although scope-related block events can cause GF.destroy() to be called, that just calls LT.destroyFrame() which for normal frames will just add the frame to a list that the client can mark as eligible for destruction (dialog boxes are handled synchronously). It does NOT and should not remove the frame from the framereg at this point.
  11. Once the client has actually hidden the frame, it will notify the server and in the LT.applyChanges() method, the frame will be removed from the framereg. The strange thing is that shared frames will be added back into the sharedframereg by this code.

Some thoughts on your implementation:

  • I think the sharedframereg is NOT needed after your changes. It is only used to make sure that shared frame IDs are not allocated in LT.findNextID(). Since your widget registry already takes care of this, we can simplfy our code by removing all references to the sharedframereg (LT.sharedFrameRegistry).
  • If we have to keep the current "feature" of leaving the shared frames around indefinitely, then we will just keep them in the widget registry directly. That would mean that LT.deregisterFrameInt() would only remove the frame from the widget registry if it is NOT shared.
  • We can remove the LT.activateSharedFrame() method completely.
  • The LT.releaseSharedFrame() would be changed to remove the shared frame from the widget registry instead of the sharedframereg.
  • The processing of LT.replaceFrame() probably needs to remap the new frame's contained widgets into the widget registry in place of the old frame's. Otherwise the old frame's widgets can be referenced by accident. I don't think we need to remove the IDs, we must replace them.

Based on the above points, please ask any questions you may have.

#106 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

5. The deregisterFrameContent() code should still have the locking implemented...

You mean private deregisterFrameContentInt() must have lock inside and deregisterFrameContent should not have lock?

Yes. Please move the locking from deregisterFrameContent() into deregisterFrameContentInt.

#107 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

I think the sharedframereg is NOT needed after your changes. It is only used to make sure that shared frame IDs are not allocated in LT.findNextID(). Since your widget registry already takes care of this, we can simplfy our code by removing all references to the sharedframereg (LT.sharedFrameRegistry).

The problem here is sharedframereg is a map of <id, GenericFrame> while widget registry is a map of <id, GenericWidget>. So we can not store full data for GenericFrame object in widget registry, only FrameWidget part of it.

#108 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

11. Once the client has actually hidden the frame, it will notify the server and in the LT.applyChanges() method, the frame will be removed from the framereg. The strange thing is that shared frames will be added back into the sharedframereg by this code.

Correct me if I'm wrong. The sharedframereg is used to "reserve" ID for possible further usage of this frame as shared in some next code(we can not predict whether we encounter this frame or not in future), correct? And we do not need the GenericFrame instance data of this object map, just remember this ID was used by "some" shared frame before. That's why I think it is moved into sharedframereg on the deregistration step instead of removing - to be able to move it back to framereg and replace with new internal data.

This means if we preserve this approach we will not release this shared frame related resource until LT session ends. This memory leak is a cost of ready to use shared frame pool.

#109 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The processing of LT.replaceFrame() probably needs to remap the new frame's contained widgets into the widget registry in place of the old frame's. Otherwise the old frame's widgets can be referenced by accident. I don't think we need to remove the IDs, we must replace them.

You mean we need the new widgets to be associated with the old IDs?

#110 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

The problem here is sharedframereg is a map of <id, GenericFrame> while widget registry is a map of <id, GenericWidget>. So we can not store full data for GenericFrame object in widget registry, only FrameWidget part of it.

We can always use a map of <int, Object> instead.

The sharedframereg is used to "reserve" ID for possible further usage of this frame as shared in some next code(we can not predict whether we encounter this frame or not in future), correct?

I think so.

And we do not need the GenericFrame instance data of this object map, just remember this ID was used by "some" shared frame before.

No, LT.activateSharedFrame() actually does move the GenericFrame instance over to the framereg. That instance is the old frame and although it "gets replaced", it also gets restored by the finished() method of the SharedFrameCleaner.

This means if we preserve this approach we will not release this shared frame related resource until LT session ends. This memory leak is a cost of ready to use shared frame pool.

Yes, I think we do have a memory leak. But this isn't about having a pool of ready-made resources. These resources are very specific frames that may be active. The problem is that some are not active but we keep them around.

Anyway, don't worry about the memory leak for now. We will discuss that further later this week when Constantin gets back. For now, focus on getting the new widget registry implemented properly with the same level of features as we already support.

You mean we need the new widgets to be associated with the old IDs?

Yes, but we need to be able to restore the old widgets back into the registry too (just like the old frame is restored, during the finished() method of the SharedFrameCleaner.

#111 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

We can remove the LT.activateSharedFrame() method completely.

In this case we need to move the work this method does(updating framereg with data of the frame that become active) into LT.replaceFrame(), correct?

#112 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

We can remove the LT.activateSharedFrame() method completely.

In this case we need to move the work this method does(updating framereg with data of the frame that become active) into LT.replaceFrame(), correct?

No, I don't think it is needed at all. There is no need for the sharedframereg, so there is no need to move frames between the framereg and sharedframereg. The reason for the sharedframereg is to ensure that:

  1. The shared frame ID is not reused while it can still be active.
  2. The shared frame is not garbage collected.

The fact that the frames will always live in the widget registry is enough to ensure both of these things. The point to replaceFrame is to temporarily save (swap) and restore (swap back) the old shared frame instance in the framereg with the new frame instance. Please look at the SharedFrameCleaner carefully to see that the constructor does the save off (old to new) and the finished does the restore (new back to old). This has nothing to do with the old sharedframereg functionality.

#113 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for your review includes:
1. Methods renaming for registerWidgetIdObject(), deregisterWidgetIdObject(), getAnyWidgetForIdInt()
2. getAnyWidgetForId() removed
3. Lock has been moved to internal private method deregisterFrameContentInt()
4. Frame and content deregistration now in LT.deregisterFrameInt()
5. The LT.sharedFrameRegistry has been completely removed.
6. No more LT.activateSharedFrame()
7. All shared frames handling now goes via widgetRegistry
8. widgetRegistry can take GenericFrame as value, the code for getWidgetForIdInt has changed to handle different data type and to be able to react to invalid ID as input parameter.
9. GenericFrame has new method to restore static widget registry after shared frames "swap"
10. LT.replaceFrame() now remove static widgets for "old" frame from registry.

General notes.
- The shared frames importing uses SharedFrameCleaner constructor where we replace "old" frame with "new". In the constructor "old" widgets for the given frame are removed from registry. After this the method GF.importSharedFrame() calls coreInitialize() which in turn take new ID for widgets in "new" frame and fills the widget registry. I think this is OK because from formal point of view we have new frame with new widgets.
- When it is time to get "old" frame back the SharedFrameCleaner in finished() makes LT.replaceFrame() that removes widget that were put for "new" frame and makes one more call GF.restoreWidgetRegistry(). This restores "old" widgets(with old ID) in the widget registry

Please comment if this approach is OK or not.

#114 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0819a

I like it.

Does it work? :) Please test it with standalone testcases, including shared frames. If that all works, then put it into runtime regression testing.

#115 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Does it work? :) Please test it with standalone testcases, including shared frames.

Yes, but there is one little thing I've missed here. Initially I verified code with shared frames test so it works. But there is one artificial frame that exists on the client side that interfere with new ID approach. Consider ThinClient.INPUT_FRAME_ID. This serves the tinyInput editor for messages that allow to change the value. This editor frame has only FillIn widget inside and consumes two sequential ID, INPUT_FRAME_ID and INPUT_FRAME_ID+1. In our code it 1 and 2. And this immediately conflicts with ID reserved to default window.

I think these widgets do not have the server side counterpart because they exist only at editing time. So what we can do in this situation? To reserve two more ID (2 and 3) for this editor starting WIDGET_ID_RANGE_BEGIN from 4? Or to reserve two numbers somewhere in the end(0x7FFFFFFF-2 and 0x7FFFFFFF-1). Because it can be too expensive to consume dynamic ID from server side(in case of frequently using this tiny editor we will waste the ID numbers). What do you think?

#116 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Also I guess this artificial frame and fill-in will neither be in widget registry not the part of server side frame. So looks like we will never know if it currently exists and ID occupied.

#117 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

I think these widgets do not have the server side counterpart because they exist only at editing time.


To reserve two more ID (2 and 3) for this editor starting WIDGET_ID_RANGE_BEGIN from 4?

Yes, this seems the easiest choice.

Because it can be too expensive to consume dynamic ID from server side(in case of frequently using this tiny editor we will waste the ID numbers).

As far as I know, we have no such need today.

Also I guess this artificial frame and fill-in will neither be in widget registry not the part of server side frame. So looks like we will never know if it currently exists and ID occupied.

I think that is OK.

#118 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for your review moves the INPUT_FRAME_ID constant to WidgetId class. The WIDGET_ID_RANGE_BEGIN now starts from 4. And I have updated the javadoc for WidgetId to reflect implementation change.

If you do not mind I'll start the runtime regression testing process. If you think we need to rename INPUT_FRAME_ID to something more client specific - let me know please.

#119 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0820a

I like the changes. Well done.

If you do not mind I'll start the runtime regression testing process.

Yes, please do.

If you think we need to rename INPUT_FRAME_ID to something more client specific - let me know please.

No, the Javadoc changes suitably describe the implementation.

#120 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Sorry, I did not remove ClientIdHelper from old location, so 0820a has two files with same class. Repackaged in 0820b. Regression testing is in progress.

#121 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The update certainly has a regressions in frame ID handling(on client side I guess). After main syman menu displaying pressing v causes on client side:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid frame ID 118
    at com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui.ThinClient.getFrame(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui.ThinClient.getChanges(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy4.standardEntry(Unknown Source)
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.ClientCore.start(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.ClientCore.start(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.ClientDriver.start(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.CommonDriver.process(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.ClientDriver.process(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.main.ClientDriver.main(

And the client silently exits to command prompt.

The server side has multiple:

[08/20/2014 12:05:08 EDT] (com.goldencode.p2j.ui.LogicalTerminal:WARNING) Attempt to request widget for invalid ID!


Looking for problematic code. Looks like old ID implementation still exists somewhere on the client side.

#122 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Looks like I've found the root cause. It really the interference of new ID approach and old one. The method is WidgetRegistry.removeFrame(). Consider this:

         int base = frame.config().getID();
         Widget comp = frame;

         for(int ndx = base; comp != null; ndx++)
            comp = widgetList.remove(new Integer(ndx));

This code worked in previous approach because we had frame ID like N000 and 999 widgets for every frame: N001-N999. So while we had up to N998 widgets in the frame the ndx++ will retrieve non-existed widget and the loop stops at the last widget for given frame. But now when we have sequence of the increasing numbers this code will destroy all widgets in the client's registry from base to the end of the list(including possible other frames and so on). Even in old approach having 999 widget for the frame was potentially dangerous because the next number could been the valid frame ID.

So the update for your review fixes this problem. Also merged with the recent(10600) code base.

I have tested this fix with simple MAJIC screens and it works. So if you do not have notes, I'll start the regression testing.

Another question I asked myself while debug this issue. When we deregister frame content all widget must be deregistered including possible frames? Or if some frame is a part of another frame we need to consider the situation when we have to keep that frame registered when removing other widgets from parent frame? What do you think? There is nothing to worry about here?

#123 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  1. LT.releaseSharedFrame() is the only way that shared frames actually "go away" permanently. Until that is called, a shared frame will exist in either the framereg or the sharedframereg. Since LT.releaseSharedFrame() is only called from inside GF.createSharedFrame(), this means that we only permanently get dispose of a shared frame when we create a new shared frame of the same name. This suggests that we have a memory leak, since there seems to be no particular point in time when we otherwise clear shared frames out of the sharedframereg. I don't know the reason that we keep these frames around after they have been otherwise disposed of. Constantin: do you know?

No. I think this was overlooked from the initial implementation.

  1. The program that created the shared frame can use it like a normal frame (opening a scope and then referencing it in client calls like display()). It really is a normal frame.

The key point here is that this is the same frame (i.e. the same resource, with the same handle ID) as the original frame defined via DEFINE NEW SHARED FRAME. In our current implementation, a new frame resource is created by each DEFINE SHARED FRAME instance, and the handle IDs will be different for the master and the child frame definitions.

#124 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0821a

I'm fine with the changes. Let's get this through testing. You can fix the memory leak in the next version.

When we deregister frame content all widget must be deregistered including possible frames? Or if some frame is a part of another frame we need to consider the situation when we have to keep that frame registered when removing other widgets from parent frame?

Frames cannot contain other frames, so this is not a problem.

#125 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Two more issues has been found during testing:
1. NullPointer exception in code LogicalTerminal.deregisterFrameContentInt():

      int[] wId = frameToProcess.getStaticWidgetIds(true);

      synchronized (registryLock)
         for (int i = 0; i < wId.length; i++)

sometimes wId == null because there is nothing to delete. The suggested fix is:
      int[] wId = frameToProcess.getStaticWidgetIds(true);

      synchronized (registryLock)
         // determine widget numbers to remove and protect from NullPointerException
         int widSize = (wId != null) ? wId.length : 0;

         for (int i = 0; i < widSize; i++)

2. The other issue is related to the ScreenBuffer class. We have the state[] to store the widget status. But the old approach makes this calculation to reference byte value, if widget has id, status is: state[id - frameId - 1]. Now this is not correct because we use simple sequential ID approach(this can work in some very simple cases but for sure the current widget ID is not related to frame ID). In testing cycle this causes array out of range exception in ScreenBuffer.mergeChanged() code.

So I would suggest to use another map <Integer, Byte> as status collection to store status byte for every widget ID. And get rid of all inline ID calculation in code.

#126 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

The suggested fix is:

I don't see any reason to enter the synchronized block. Entering it obtains the lock for no reason, which is costly. Just put this code above the synchronized block:

if (wId == null)
   // nothing to do

So I would suggest to use another map <Integer, Byte> as status collection to store status byte for every widget ID. And get rid of all inline ID calculation in code.


#127 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for review includes:
1. Several fixes for ThinClient.(get|set)ScreenBuffer() and GenericFrame.getScreenBufferFromCache() methods to clean up the manual ID calculation.
2. Big rework for ScreenBuffer class. Now it is based on map to store the status byte.
3. Merge with the recent code base.

I have several notes/questions. Will publish later today.

#128 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Some considerations and questions to discuss for inline widget ID calculation in current code. I have found new places not yet handled in update.

1. Consider the code src/aero/timco/majic/security/ It has ID assignments completely different from new approach(and moreover it differs from old one too). Currently the update 0827a stops the client execution with NullPointerException in ThinClient.setScreenBuffer() method:

         // get the widget
         Widget comp = registry().getComponent(id);

         if (frame.isDown())
            comp = frame.getField(comp);

         config = (ComponentConfig) comp.config(); << Here we have null pointer

The login screen has frames with ID 100 and 200 and widgets inside - 1xx and 2xx. These numbers are hardcoded on the client side(like a tiny input message editor).

The question. Is it possible to debug this login screen on local system with p2j/testcases/simple/server environment? I tried to do remote debugging attaching to 2190 client on devbox01 but I can not connect too early due to huge delays in this debug mode to find out why we have null widgets in registry? I guess something is wrong in new ScreenBuffer class but to isolate the issue I need to debug MAJIC login screen.

2. The class ScreenDefinition from p2j/ui/* has method addConfig()->addConfigInt() that adds component config for new widget into the current screen definition. And we have inline ID calculation here too:

      if (wid == -1)
         // auto-generate an ID
         while (widgets.get(new Integer(++last)) != null) { };

         wid = last;

looks like this code is for pseudo widgets like skip or space. Anyway it can produce conflicts with new ID approach when one ID will be assigned to two or more different widgets.

If we can be sure this code is executing only on the server side - we can just use WidgetId.allocateId() instead searching for the last widget in the map and use next ID. But what if the code is executing on the client side too(as for initial MAJIC login screen)?

What I would suggest.

- As we discussed all ID management should be done in one single place. Only on the server side. There can be exception for short lived tiny editor widget(not sure about initial login screen). The client side must only consume ID taken from server.

- In the case the client needs new ID for widget that still not having ID - the client must request server to allocate new ID. This ID consumes on the server side and passes back to the client.

What do you think? I thought we can avoid such complicated schema with client-server calls but looks like getting rid of the inline ID calculation on client side does not let us the choice.

#129 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Found a way to debug login screen locally by tunneling server port 3434 and using -i1 instance to remote connection to my -i100 server instance.

#130 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0827a

1. In ScreenBuffer, you chose to start with an empty state map instead of one populated by UNINITIALIZED values. This means that in many places, we now have code like this:

byte stateCurr = (status != null) ? status.byteValue() : UNINITIALIZED;

This code is everywhere that we read out of the map, because of the "not in the map means UNINITIALIZED" approach. This clutters up the code. More concerning is that it makes it easy to add errors later if someone adds code to read from the map without this protection.

There is a benefit to your approach, which is it takes less memory when widgets are UNINITIALIZED. To keep this benefit, but make it safe please do the following:

  • create helper methods (like resetState()) to handle all direct access to the state map
  • add text to the javadoc for the state map that it must not be accessed directly, but rather only via the helper methods

I think this will also have the benefit of making the state map usage cleaner since there will be more code that is shared. Move as much of the code as possible into the shared helpers so that the callers are as simple as possible.

2. The ScreenBuffer.resetState() name suggests that the entire state byte for the given ID will be cleared, but it doesn't reset all state. It bitwise ANDs the state for a given ID with the given mask and saves it back into the map. The caller normally passes a mask that has all flags set except the one(s) to reset. I like the fact that you created a helper method to do this. I just want it named something else. Perhaps it is best to be descriptive like bitwiseAndState().

3. Why do you have buffer.size() < size as a condition in ScreenBuffer.isValidId()?

#131 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

It has ID assignments completely different from new approach(and moreover it differs from old one too).

LoginClient is a temporary and hard-coded "user" of our ThinClient environment. It is not driven by the server side. In fact, there is no server side of the UI for LoginClient. In other words, there is no LogicalTerminal yet. It won't normally be running BUT it does need to be compatible.

It seems to me that it can allocate its own widget IDs (and register them as needed) so long as it properly cleans everything up.

- As we discussed all ID management should be done in one single place. Only on the server side. There can be exception for short lived tiny editor widget(not sure about initial login screen). The client side must only consume ID taken from server.

I agree with this. If we can "fake out" the case for the initial login screen, then this should work fine.

- In the case the client needs new ID for widget that still not having ID - the client must request server to allocate new ID. This ID consumes on the server side and passes back to the client.

What do you think? I thought we can avoid such complicated schema with client-server calls but looks like getting rid of the inline ID calculation on client side does not let us the choice.

Does the ScreenDefinition.addConfig() ever get called on the client when wid == -1? If not, then we don't need any complicated callbacks to the server.

For the login screen, we can't call the server back anyway because it doesn't exist. We just need to add whatever state is needed to ThinClient and other client locations to make things work. Then as part of login screen cleanup we need to remove that state.

#132 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

3. Why do you have buffer.size() < size as a condition in ScreenBuffer.isValidId()?

Yes I had to put the describing comment in the source file. The idea is:
- When we create screen buffer we know how exactly much widgets will be in the class, the size variable covers this.
- But we have no widget values initially, the maps(including state) are empty.
- Also we do not know what will be widgets ID stored in this map. And the ID can be arbitrary, no predefined order expected.

So to verify incoming ID we can check if the ID is already in the buffer. This means the ID is correct. But it is possible for valid ID to not be in screen buffer at given time. This means the screen buffer is waiting to put new widget and has the "slot" in map to store the new number.

If all "slots" in buffer map are occupied(buffer.size() == size) and the new incoming ID is not in this filled map - I guess we can consider the new ID to handle is "invalid", looks like we are trying to handle the widget not belonging to this frame. If we replace old widget with new one(with new ID) for given frame - we need to remove old widget data first. Then we can put the widget with new ID to the free "slot".

That's idea.

#133 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

1. Consider the code src/aero/timco/majic/security/

Please check all Authenticator implementations for how the widget IDs are computed.

#134 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Please check all Authenticator implementations for how the widget IDs are computed.

Except GenericFrame(server side) and ScreenDefinition itself the calls to screen definition:

uses two frames:
1. One with ID 100, of size 18 to display timco logo
2. Another with ID 200, of size 3 to handle user(201)/password(203) pair. Here the skip between widgets and one info string:
"Report any problems to the GSO IT Help Desk at extension: 3062." using ID 205. And this i very strange because the size is 3 and old ScreenBuffer implementation does not allow to put this ID into buffer. But we see this string on majic login. This is strange.

frame ID is 100, of size 11

frame ID is 100, size is 3 widgets

All these cases use ScreenDefinition.addConfig() to place the component, skips require the ID to assign(have -1 initially).

So if these client side calls are in time there is no LogicalTerminal and completely isolated from server code and further client code - all we need is to properly clean up after finish, correct?

We need to hardcode all ID, for these cases, including for skip/space pseudo widgets. To not pass the widget with -1 ID to ScreenDefinition.addConfig() avoiding ID interference.

May be it will be good to reserve some ID range for such purposes, say first 499 or smaller to completely separate usual ID allocation logic from special hardcoded ID usage, starting dynamic ID allocation outside this special range?

#135 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Update for review includes:
1. Renaming ScreenBuffer helper method to bitwise AND the state.
2. Adding helper methods to work with the state map. The public state iterator getter has been removed to exclude any possibility to directly work with map.
3. ScreenDefinition class added with change that removes inline widget ID calculation, getting ID from WidgetId class.

Continue working. Need to fix LoginClient to be able more debugging.

#136 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

all we need is to properly clean up after finish, correct?

You may also need these widgets to be in the WidgetRegistry before starting to display or edit the frames. I'm not sure what other "setup" code will be needed, but there will be a "mirror" set of cleanup for each setup item.

We need to hardcode all ID, for these cases, including for skip/space pseudo widgets. To not pass the widget with -1 ID to ScreenDefinition.addConfig() avoiding ID interference.


May be it will be good to reserve some ID range for such purposes, say first 499 or smaller to completely separate usual ID allocation logic from special hardcoded ID usage, starting dynamic ID allocation outside this special range?

No, let's avoid this for now. As long as you setup and cleanup properly, we don't ever need to know about these because they are gone by the time the "full client" starts.

#137 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0828a

I am fine with the changes.

#138 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

These two updates for review contain fixed login related classes, including one from timco majic related sources. I made debug for login panel and can confirm after login frame dismissed the WidgetRegistry used by ThinClient properly cleans with current LoginClient.clientFinalize(), the widget list is empty before main application starts after login.

#139 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Unfortunately at least one regression I have already found. Consider pressing 'V' from main menu.
The current screen is:

08/29/2014                 SYMAN SERVICE ORDERING                   17:56:26
+----- Repair Station: TIPR833K  TIMCO - GREENSBORO                         ---+
|S/O: 101633  Gen. S/O: 101633   Customer: 101            Stat: I (Invoiced)    
|EstArrv: 09/07/2001  WrkDate:           S-Shft: 0   Site: 1  GSO
|EstDprt: 10/10/2001  WrkTime: 00:00   Cur-Shft: 0   Apprv: Auto N Web N Agg Y  

Expected screen is:
07/30/2014                 SYMAN SERVICE ORDERING                   15:20:32
+----- Repair Station: TIPR833K  TIMCO - GREENSBORO                         ---+
|S/O: 101633  Gen. S/O: 101633   Customer: 101            Stat: I (Invoiced)    
|EstArrv: 09/07/2001  WrkDate:           S-Shft:     Site: 1  GSO
|EstDprt: 10/10/2001  WrkTime: 00:00   Cur-Shft: 0   Apprv: Auto N Web N Agg Y  

The field value for S-Shft: is expected to be initially hidden while we have 0 shown. I suggest this is a kind of state mismatch with new reworked ScreenBuffer implementation for this widget(should be uninitialized but has changed or something like this). Debugging issue. If someone has the info where to dig this please let me know.

#140 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The next update for your review.

Looks like I've found the issue resolution. We need to initialize the state map for every widget in a frame, not depending whether we have the widget value itself. All we need to know is the all ID set for widgets in a frame. This is true after the frame has been completely initialized and all widget has the ID allocated. The method to get ID set iterator has been restored for ScreenBuffer class. In ThinClient now we iterate through the set map to make the screen buffer to set. So we are taking into account the uninitialized widget even if the value is not yet in the screen buffer.

Anyway the regression with SYMAN SERVICE ORDERING is gone.

Also the GenericFrame.remainingIds() has been fixed to get rid of the inline ID calculation. Another minor fix is to take into account the widget map in LogicalTerminal can have both GenericFrame and GenericWidget objects. This is important when getting frame ID from widget ID.

#141 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0829a/b and 0901a

I am fine with the changes.

#142 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Another update today for review. I've faced another issues with lost UNINITIALIZED state. In this update all constructors in GenericFrame and ThinClient(except tiny input editor case) to use new one(taking ID as initial array). The main current issue is the difference from old approach when the state already exists even when there is no widget value.

So we need to use the state map as master map to inspect the ScreenBuffer. Because ThinClient should check state of all widgets in a given frame, not only ones need to display. Also I have changed the map to enumerate ID for all state resetting methods in ScreenBuffer. To base on buffer value is not enough to properly reset all state entries in buffer. Also the method ScreenBuffer.reset() should keep the state map but set the state value to UNINITIALIZED.

Another word approach I've started from was inconsistent. We need to have the state map value for every widget in every time the frame exists. To implement this in new approach we need to know the all widget IDs at the time the new ScreenBuffer is creating. Potentially this can create the problems with further dynamic widgets implementation but for now we need the current approach to be consistent and get regression test passed.

So I'm going to run runtime regression tests to check if all issues are now solved.

#143 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0901b

The changes look good and they do look more correct.

My only question is whether the ScreenBuffer(int frameId, int numWidgets) constructor is ever safe to use in the new approach? If not, shouldn't we get rid of it?

#144 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Status update.

The next regression I've faced is in PO adding screen. This is the serious issue with shared frames behavior with new ID approach. When the new shared frame imported is copies the frame ID and screen buffer reference from old one. But the widget ID become different. So we have IDs inside the screen buffer and in frame itself to be different for same widgets. Moreover we can not even remove old widgets from registry in LogicalTerminal.replaceFrame() method because we need the old widgets until the GenericFrame.importSharedFrame() finishes to merge visibility state.

Looking for solution. Seems we need to copy ID for every widget from old frame to new one.

#145 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

My only question is whether the ScreenBuffer(int frameId, int numWidgets) constructor is ever safe to use in the new approach? If not, shouldn't we get rid of it?

Not sure, it can be useful sometimes for ScreenBuffer.getChanged() method internal call for example.

#146 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The today update for review includes:
1. Merge with the recent code base.
2. Fix for shared frame importing ScreenBuffer regression.

The idea is to use the widget ID of old frame for widgets in new one. We pass the one more optional parameter to GenericFrame.coreInitialize() with array of the widgets from "base" frame and use only ID value from respective widget. Then we register widgets for new frame with old ID in the widget registry. This way we can use ScreenBuffer instance from old frame properly. After frame wk is done the old widgets are restored in registry with it's ID. Another word we use same ID with single shared frame for frame and contained widgets. In every shared frame occurrence. Like we use the same ScreenBuffer for all shared frames. I did some simple testing and it works. Hope the regression testing will be better now, I'll start it shortly. And in this concept there is no ID leak with shared frames.

#147 Updated by Vadim Gindin almost 10 years ago

Sorry, that I'm meddling. Why your updates does not change handle.getResourceId static method (and corresponding ResourceIdHelper), that is used to generate IDs for handles resources? I suspected that this algorithm should be replaced with the new one too.

#148 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0904a

I'm fine with the changes.

#149 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Sorry, that I'm meddling.

You are not meddling. You are CONTRIBUTING. Your questions help us make this project better, so it is a very good thing.

Why your updates does not change handle.getResourceId static method (and corresponding ResourceIdHelper), that is used to generate IDs for handles resources? I suspected that this algorithm should be replaced with the new one too.

It is a good question. This is my perspective:

  • Handle IDs are made visible to the application code when STRING(my-handle) is called. This renders that handle's unique ID as a string. In P2J this is handle.toString().
  • You can obtain a handle instance that matches a particular unique ID by using HANDLE(my-id-representation-as-a-string). In P2J this is handle.fromString(). Interestingly, you can try passing artificially created strings (in the right format) and if you happen to match a currently existing handle that has that ID, then you will in fact obtain that handle.
  • All handles have a unique ID, including non-widget handles like sockets, XML nodes, queries and so forth.
  • Widgets are not the same thing as the handle that references them. For example, if you want to pass a reference to a widget as a handle (to a function that is defined like this: function my-widget-worker returns int (input w as handle): return 0. end., you CANNOT use my-widget-worker(widget-name). Instead, you must use my-widget-worker(widget-name:HANDLE) which obtains the backing handle for that widget.
  • It is true that the 4GL does have an implicit syntax in which you can directly use the widget's name when accessing methods and attributes. This is inconsistent with other handle usage and it makes widgets much more confusing. The 4GL compiler probably just translates such usage into an explicit usage of the associated handle in the "r-code", but it is just not visible to the programmer.
  • Although widgets have a WIDGET-ID attribute, support for this is only activated when -usewidgetid is passed on the 4GL command line as an option. It can only be activated on Windows GUI, ChUI doesn't allow this. When it is activated, it imposes pretty severe limits on the size and behavior of the widget ID pool. If handle IDs and widget IDs were the same thing, then this -usewidgetid feature would probably not be needed.
  • I believe this code shows that handle IDs are different:
def var i as int.
def frame bogus i.
view frame bogus.
message string(i:widget-id in frame bogus) string(i:handle in frame bogus).

Run it with:

prowin32 -p widget_id_vs_handle_id.p -usewidgetid

The resulting message is:

65533 1102

Because of the above, I think the new widget ID approach should be kept separate from the handle IDs.

#150 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg/Eugenie: there are some widgets created on client-side which don't have a server-side counterpart. Looking at the update, my understanding is that the widget IDs are generated by the server-side and pushed down to the client. My problem is this: all widgets (no matter if there is a server-side counterpart or not) need to have an ID, so that their configuration can be uniquely mapped. To not end up with collisions, we need to either:
  1. ensure that the next available ID is pushed from the server-side to client-side and vice-versa (via state sync)
  2. assume that i.e. all negative IDs (or a different range) are for widgets which do not have a server-side counterpart
  3. something else?

#151 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

there are some widgets created on client-side which don't have a server-side counterpart

Please provide more details.

Eugenie handled the tiny input and login client cases already.

ensure that the next available ID is pushed from the server-side to client-side and vice-versa (via state sync)

I like this approach. We will need to send the list of client-side newly allocated IDs AND the list of client-side removed IDs. This is because the server maintains a widget registry and there must be entries in that list for all allocated IDs.

assume that i.e. all negative IDs (or a different range) are for widgets which do not have a server-side counterpart

This makes it harder to implement the "compatible" widget-id support later, so I prefer the sync approach.

#152 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

there are some widgets created on client-side which don't have a server-side counterpart

Please provide more details.

There are lots of places:
  1. label - search for WidgetFactory.createLabel
  2. button - search for WidgetFactory.createButton
  3. fill-in - Browse.startEdit
  4. scrollable-list - DropDown c'tor
  5. message-area, message-line and status-line pseudo-widgets
  6. scrollpane - SelectionList c'tor + Frame c'tor
  7. radio-button - RadioSet c'tor
  8. the GUI window native widgets correspondents (title-bar, caption buttons, popup menu, icon, etc)

#153 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

How many of these cases can act like "real" widgets? In other words, many of these are not treated as widgets by the 4GL. I think 4 through 8 are not real widgets in 4GL terms. Even labels (1) are not really widgets.

For such cases, do we really need widget IDs?

#154 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

How many of these cases can act like "real" widgets? In other words, many of these are not treated as widgets by the 4GL.

Is not only a question if 4GL maps them as real widgets or internal widgets. My goal is to separate the widget's config (and in the end the runtime state) from its concrete implementation, so the first step was to have an external repository for these config instances. When a widget is created its ID is needed to be able to access this repository: the config is either retrieved from the external repo or a new config instance is created and saved to this repo, based on the id. The config reference saved at a widget instance (server-side or client-side) will always reference the "active" configuration from this repository. So, this will make it easy for different concrete implementations for a widget to share state (i.e. when switching from a GUI to a ChUI mode).

Unfortunately, in lots of cases the Label instance is used by P2J to just compute some metrics - and then completely dropped. I really don't like/want to "hack" the underlying infrastructure just for these cases... I think is better to just properly clean up after it, instead of doing anything else more complex.

I think 4 through 8 are not real widgets in 4GL terms.

I agree they are not, but internally for P2J they are widgets, and some of them need to be part of the official WidgetRegistry. I think we can do this: for the widgets which can work safely without sharing the config in the repository (i.e. its state isn't shared with the server-side, the widget has no correspondent when the streams are switched to ChUI, etc), let the config work as it used to.

Even labels (1) are not really widgets.

There is the SIDE-LABEL-HANDLE attribute for a FILL-IN - so 4GL might have some underlying resource for them. More, if you recall, the frame's header (when the labels are on top) is too split into widgets, in 4GL.

#155 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

On a side note, do you now how much work is left on this task? I want to integrate this with my changes.

#156 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

My goal is to separate the widget's config (and in the end the runtime state) from its concrete implementation, so the first step was to have an external repository for these config instances.

This makes sense.

Unfortunately, in lots of cases the Label instance is used by P2J to just compute some metrics - and then completely dropped. I really don't like/want to "hack" the underlying infrastructure just for these cases... I think is better to just properly clean up after it, instead of doing anything else more complex.

Agreed. The alternative leaves too many latent problems in our future because some dependencies are implicitly bypassed.

some of them need to be part of the official WidgetRegistry. I think we can do this: for the widgets which can work safely without sharing the config in the repository (i.e. its state isn't shared with the server-side, the widget has no correspondent when the streams are switched to ChUI, etc), let the config work as it used to.


There is the SIDE-LABEL-HANDLE attribute for a FILL-IN - so 4GL might have some underlying resource for them. More, if you recall, the frame's header (when the labels are on top) is too split into widgets, in 4GL.

Good point.

On a side note, do you now how much work is left on this task? I want to integrate this with my changes.

The is in regression testing, but Eugenie was not able to finish the testing by the time he had to leave on vacation. He will be back tomorrow and this would be his priority.

This update just puts the new ID infrastructure into place. It doesn't solve any of the other dynamic widget issues. Do you want to integrate these changes and take it forward from here while Eugenie works on the next dynamic widget support?

#157 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

This update just puts the new ID infrastructure into place. It doesn't solve any of the other dynamic widget issues. Do you want to integrate these changes and take it forward from here while Eugenie works on the next dynamic widget support?

If the update is stable/passed runtime testing I think is best to release this as it is, first. Eugenie then can continue working on the other dynamic widget support stuff, and I will just have to merge my changes with this update.

#158 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

OK, we will keep going with the current plan. Hopefully it will pass testing and get checked in tomorrow.

#159 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The regression testing has regression. The next update will be tested as fix. What is in the update:

1. Merge with the recent code base.
2. The LogicalTerminal.replaceFrame() is changed to look old frame in widgetRegistry instead of frameRegistry because we remove frame from frameRegistry and there is no sharedFrameRegistry where we stored sleeping shared frames and there is no more activateSharedFrame() method to move shared frame into frameRegistry during GenericFrame.importSharedFrame() method.
3. The method LogicalTerminal.getWidgetForIdInt() changed to relax LOG writing to *.log file. If we include -1 into case of logging - the file become very big(~120M) per testing cycle. We have a lot of pseudo-widgets with -1 ID like label widget.

The new testing round will be started shortly.

#160 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0917a

I am fine with the changes.

Besides the testing, how soon can you make a list of the changes needed to enable the rest of dynamic widget support?

#161 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Now at least two issues/regressions remain:
- one for NullPointerException.
- other with shared variable missing.

So I need to debug them.

Besides the testing, how soon can you make a list of the changes needed to enable the rest of dynamic widget support?

I had a prototype that worked before I started to work new ID implementation. So the changes con look like this:

1. Modify DynamicWidgetFactory.create():

   public static void create(String widgetType, handle h, character widgetPool)
         Constructor<? extends GenericWidget> ctor = widCls.getDeclaredConstructor(boolean.class);
         WrappedResource res = ctor.newInstance(true);


         int newId = WidgetId.allocateId();

         WidgetPool.addResource(res, widgetPool);

2. Modify GenericWidget.setFrame() method to notify frame about requirement to add dynamic widget:

   public void setFrame(GenericFrame frame)
      this.frame = frame;

      // dor dynamic widgets this is the place where we need to initialize all frame internals
      // related to the wiget integration into the frame functionality
      if (dynamic)

3. Add respective calls to GenericFrame to handle dynamic widget creation/delete:

    * Adding new dynamic widget to the current frame.
    * @param    dynWidget  The widget to be added to current frame.
   void addDynamicWidget(GenericWidget dynWidget)
      // adding new widget to the name map
      n2w.put(getDynamicWidgetName(dynWidget), dynWidget);

      // add new widget to the widgets array of the current frame
      GenericWidget[] newWidgets = new GenericWidget[n2w.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++)
         newWidgets[i] = widgets[i];
      newWidgets[widgets.length] = dynWidget;
      widgets = newWidgets;

      // refresh frame definition if exists
      if (frameDef != null)

    * Removing dynamic widget from the current frame.
    * @param    dynWidget  The widget to be deleted from the current frame.
   void deleteDynamicWidget(GenericWidget dynWidget)
      // hide from the screen

      // removing widget from name map

      // remove new widget from the widgets array of the current frame
      GenericWidget[] newWidgets = new GenericWidget[n2w.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++)
         if (widgets[i].getId() != dynWidget.getId())
            newWidgets[i] = widgets[i];
      widgets = newWidgets;

      // refresh frame definition if exists
      if (frameDef != null)

    * Construct the string name for dynamic widget based on unique ID number.
    * @param    dynWidget  The widget the name will be generated to.
    * @return   The String for dynamic widget name in form "dynWid"+"ID".
   private String getDynamicWidgetName(GenericWidget dynWidget)
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("dynWid").append(dynWidget.getId());

      return sb.toString();

4. The call GenericWidget.resourceDelete() to remove widget:

   protected boolean resourceDelete()
      if (!canDelete())
         return false;

      // a static widget can be deleted ONLY if the parent frame is not visible,
      // forced or not
      if (!_dynamic() && frame != null && frame.asWidget().getConfig().isVisible
         return false;

      // TODO: remove the widget, etc
      // removing dynamic widget from associated frame
      if (_dynamic() && frame != null)
      deleted = true;

      return true;

Some notes:

I used GenericFrame.getDynamicWidgetName() to be able to add widget to map having unique name for every widget. This is fast solution, may be we need something smarter.

We will have to think about widgets[] array in GenericFrame class. We need dynamic array and reallocate full every time we add the widget is too expensive. May be ArrayList is a replacement.

#162 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

I am fine with the proposed approach. Some thoughts:

1. The use of reflection (to lookup the constructor) needs some safety code added to handle all possible failure conditions (exceptions and NPE).

2. In regards to the dynamic widget name, I think you can just use the ID as a string. We don't need the "dynWid" prefix since the ID itself cannot ever be a valid static widget name AND we know that the ID is unique.

3. I think it is OK to reallocate the widget array when a dynamic widget is added or removed. Such add/remove operations happen infrequently compared to the number of times we access the widget array in normal use. It is best to leave the widget array as is instead of moving to ArrayList. Otherwise we would have to use ArrayList.toArray() in the common use case when we would otherwise just be able to access the array directly.

Get this update prepared and uploaded for review ASAP. Please also test it with a variety of dynamic widget cases to see if there are any other problems.

#163 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Get this update prepared and uploaded for review ASAP. Please also test it with a variety of dynamic widget cases to see if there are any other problems.

This should be done with the code for new widget ID implementation?

#164 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Yes, it must build upon (add to) that code.

#165 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Your top priority is getting the new widget ID implementation through regression testing and checked in.

However, while you are waiting for tests to run, I want you to make headway on the rest of the dynamic widget work. I'd like to get the ID stuff done this week and the dynamic widget support finished as early next week as possible. Many people's tasks are dependent upon this work.

#166 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Your top priority is getting the new widget ID implementation through regression testing and checked in.


However, while you are waiting for tests to run, I want you to make headway on the rest of the dynamic widget work. I'd like to get the ID stuff done this week and the dynamic widget support finished as early next week as possible. Many people's tasks are dependent upon this work.

I see. Fortunately these task are pretty independent so we can do this in simultaneously.

This update for review includes:
1. Dynamic widget support suggested approach. Forgot to note about ScreenDefinition class change. We need to add method to remove dynamic widget config when widget is gone.
2. Fix for NPE in regression testing. Event we release shared frame we need to keep widgets in registry because they can be used further.

The new testing cycle will be started shortly after DB is restored.

#167 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0918a

I only have the following concerns:

1. The changes to LT bring back that memory leak of shared frames, right? I understand it may be needed to defer the cleanup longer than we would like. The problem: can we find the right place to do the final cleanup? I wonder if we can do the removal when exiting the external procedure containing the earliest reference to a given shared frame.

2. Can the TODO from GenericWidget.resourceDelete() be removed now?

#168 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

2. Can the TODO from GenericWidget.resourceDelete() be removed now?

I think we can remove. This is not my TODO but I think if we need more cleanup - it will be found in regression testing.

#169 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

1. The changes to LT bring back that memory leak of shared frames, right? I understand it may be needed to defer the cleanup longer than we would like. The problem: can we find the right place to do the final cleanup? I wonder if we can do the removal when exiting the external procedure containing the earliest reference to a given shared frame.

The method I've modified is: LT.releaseSharedFrame(). It is called only from GenericFrame.createSharedFrame() when the new shared frame is created and previously we already had the frame with same name and same ID. I think we can suppress content cleanup because it will be replaced further by created frame content. So may be this is not a memory leak.

On the other hand I think the shared frame in 4GL approach has memory leak bomb initially. We never know at this time if the frame will be used anymore or not. So once the shared frame is creating we need to keep it until application ends. Correct me if I'm wrong.

#170 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

On the other hand I think the shared frame in 4GL approach has memory leak bomb initially. We never know at this time if the frame will be used anymore or not. So once the shared frame is creating we need to keep it until application ends.

No, there is no such thing as a NEW GLOBAL SHARED frame. You can only create a scoped shared (NEW SHARED) frame which can only be accessed as long as the external procedure that created it exists. When not using persistent procedures, this means that when the external proc exits, all shared frames created by it should be removed.

This memory leak already exists in P2J. So we can go forward with your change anyway. But I do want to fix this sometime soon.

#171 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This memory leak already exists in P2J. So we can go forward with your change anyway. But I do want to fix this sometime soon


Good news. The main regression testing part completed without any regression(only one failed test TC-JOB-002 with known EOF). Starting the CTRL-C part.

#172 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The only change in this update is removed TODO from GenericWidget.resourceDelete().

Is it OK to commit and distribute this one if CTRL-C tests are passing without regression?

#173 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The CTRL-C testing finished without regressions. I had to run 3-way tests in standalone session and they are OK too.

So I'm going to commit and distribute changes if you do not mind.

#174 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Let me take one last look first.

#175 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Let me take one last look first.


No, there is no such thing as a NEW GLOBAL SHARED frame. You can only create a scoped shared (NEW SHARED) frame which can only be accessed as long as the external procedure that created it exists. When not using persistent procedures, this means that when the external proc exits, all shared frames created by it should be removed.

May be we need to have some kind of "exit processing" class/method. When the procedure enter into own scope we create list of shared frames that is filling with frames created inside procedure. So when we leave the procedure scope - the exit handler will remove all shared frames created in this scope.

#176 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

OK, go ahead and commit/distribute

No, there is no such thing as a NEW GLOBAL SHARED frame. You can only create a scoped shared (NEW SHARED) frame which can only be accessed as long as the external procedure that created it exists. When not using persistent procedures, this means that when the external proc exits, all shared frames created by it should be removed.

May be we need to have some kind of "exit processing" class/method. When the procedure enter into own scope we create list of shared frames that is filling with frames created inside procedure. So when we leave the procedure scope - the exit handler will remove all shared frames created in this scope.

Yes, we can leverage support that we already have in the TransactionManager for exit processing. I have created another task for that (see #2396), since the leak is already there today. You don't have to work on that further.

Please move forward with testing/finishing the dynamic widget support ASAP. One area I wonder about is whether the client-side WidgetRegistry needs to add/remove dynamic widgets differently.

LE: EVL checked this into bzr rev 10615.

#177 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

One area I wonder about is whether the client-side WidgetRegistry needs to add/remove dynamic widgets differently.

Some thoughts about this.
1. After the dynamic widget is created and attached to the frame(assigning frame attribute) the widget becomes regular one from the client perspective.
2. Client takes screen definition with static and dynamic widgets. All of them become the part of the WidgetRegistry. I think there is no difference between static or dynamic widgets.
3. When the frame is destroying - all widgets inside are removed from clients WidgetRegistry.

If 1-3 will work fine I think we do not need any special processing for dynamic widgets on the client side. What do you think?

#178 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

If 1-3 will work fine I think we do not need any special processing for dynamic widgets on the client side. What do you think?

If the client can't ever work with widget that is not part of a frame, then you are probably right. We will see.

What is important for now is for you to create and execute a variety of dynamic widget testcases to see if there is some core dynamic widget behavior that we don't support yet. Obviously, you must stay within the attributes/methods and widget types that we already support. That means testing only on ChUI right now.

For now we also can't really test multiple windows. So please focus on testing a wide range of ChUI default-window dynamic widget support. Test:

  • all of the widget types that we support (for ChUI I think that means anything except menus)
  • frames with all dynamic widgets
  • frames with a mixture of dynamic and static widgets
  • dynamic frame creation
  • use of the above different frame types for redirected terminal, for UPDATE/SET/PROMPT-FOR, for ENABLE/WAIT-FOR, for CHOOSE, DISPLAY
  • test firing triggers on dynamic widgets
  • test validation expressions on dynamic widgets

Hopefully you get the idea. Make sure that our support works well.

#179 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

How much testing have you done and what are your findings?

#180 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

There is an issues creating something other than fill-in widget. Consider the following code in DynamicWidgetFactory:

      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.BUTTON,         ButtonWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.COMBO_BOX,      ComboBoxWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.CONTROL_FRAME,  null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.DIALOG_BOX,     null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.EDITOR,         EditorWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.FILL_IN,        FillInWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.FRAME,          FrameWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.IMAGE,          null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.MENU,           null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.MENU_ITEM,      null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.RADIO_SET,      RadioSetWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.RECTANGLE,      RectangleWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.SELECTION_LIST, SelectionListWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.SLIDER,         null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.SUB_MENU,       null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.TEXT,           TextWidget.class); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.TOGGLE_BOX,     ToggleBoxWidget.class);
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.WINDOW,         WindowWidget.class);

Does it mean the following widgets are not supported at this time:

      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.CONTROL_FRAME,  null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.DIALOG_BOX,     null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.IMAGE,          null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.MENU,           null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.MENU_ITEM,      null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.SLIDER,         null); // TODO: what is the widget ?
      widgetFactory.put(LegacyResource.SUB_MENU,       null); // TODO: what is the widget ?

Or we plan to implement the support now?

#181 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Eugenie, you can ignore these for now. Your support for dynamic widget creation should be generic enough to be able to add these too easily, in the future.

#182 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

From the testing I did I can tell we certainly need tp change the ScreenBuffer class. To be able to extent the content of the widgets the frame has. Every new dynamic widget should have at least the state representation in screen buffer.

My plan is to implement the dynamic widgets to be the regular ones from the moment the widget is adding to the frame. It should simplify the debugging and life cycle tracking.

Another point is to give the server part all widget life aspect control. Meaning we will create and delete dynamic widgets on server side. Then widget is attached to the frame on server side and acts as regular widget from the client perspective.

The dynamic widget specifics(like warning messages for incorrect label setting for example) can also be done on the server side.

The first look shows the problems with dynamic frame creation. The trigger for dynamic widgets also does not work as expected(or just does not work).

#183 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

OK, this all sounds like a reasonable approach. How quickly can you implement the necessary changes?

#184 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

OK, this all sounds like a reasonable approach. How quickly can you implement the necessary changes?

I guess if there will be no any hidden issues I do not know at this time I need 1-2 days to have code to run regression testing. Anyway I try to complete ASAP. The areas of work:
- create/delete all widgets known to the DynamicWidgetFactory
- debug/implement widget event processing
- debug/implement error warnings for attributes that can not be set for dynamics
- verify batch mode and mix for dynamic and static widgets

If something is not supported on conversion level(like RADIO-BUTTONS attribute for RADIO-SET widget) I can postpone implementation. Correct?

#185 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

If something is not supported on conversion level(like RADIO-BUTTONS attribute for RADIO-SET widget) I can postpone implementation. Correct?


#186 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Triggering issue to discuss.

The problem I'm currently work with is related to the triggers identification for dynamic widgets. The trigger registration code converted and put into main body in a time when the dynamic widget is not yet created. All we have at this time is prepared handle object without attached WrappedResource object. So we allocate resource ID for null value. handle class put the mapping null<->longIdNumber into idResources, resourceIds maps. And moreover this ID is the same for all dynamic widget triggers registered this way.

So the triggers should be attached to the handle itself, not to the widget object(which might be not yet created). Then after event is happening we need to identify correct handle attached and correct wrapped resource(trigger source).

#187 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

So the triggers should be attached to the handle itself, not to the widget object(which might be not yet created). Then after event is happening we need to identify correct handle attached and correct wrapped resource(trigger source).

We don't want to change how the client works. The client has no knowledge of handles. And to know when to fire a trigger, you must know the widget upon which the event is occurring.

But the good news is that at the time of the WAIT-FOR, when we gather up the event-lists on the server side, that is the time that any event target that is a dynamic widget must already have been created, attached to a frame and enabled for input. This means that we just have to defer the resolution of the widget from the handle, until the time we are sending the event-lists to the client. Please see LogicalTerminal.prepareEventList() and TriggerManager.mergeTriggerRegistry().

By resolving the handle to widget mapping at the server, the client will be unchanged.

#188 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

We don't want to change how the client works. The client has no knowledge of handles. And to know when to fire a trigger, you must know the widget upon which the event is occurring.

Agreed with this approach. From the client view there should be no differences between static and dynamic widgets.

More findings for triggers. The triggers works fine when dynamic widgets are creating on application startup(before the initial event list are constructing).

But imagine the case when dynamic widget creation is the result of user(or application logic) intervention. For example we have a button to create dynamic widgets. So I think this is the case when we get WAIT-FOR but still do not have the dynamic widgets. But the event list already done for null resource handles. This is the case I'm trying to resolve.

#189 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

But imagine the case when dynamic widget creation is the result of user(or application logic) intervention. For example we have a button to create dynamic widgets. So I think this is the case when we get WAIT-FOR but still do not have the dynamic widgets. But the event list already done for null resource handles. This is the case I'm trying to resolve.

Hmmm. Yes, I see your point here. But I think there can't be new triggers added without a new WAIT-FOR. In other words, in the 4GL triggers are something that are new blocks of code that have a scope. And you cannot define a new trigger from inside another trigger. To create a new trigger you must execute an internal or external procedure. You can call such a thing from a trigger BUT while it is executing the client is NOT responsive to user input. So any added triggers only become active if there is another WAIT-FOR (a nested one in this case).

For this reason, I don't think that a dynamically created button can be the direct target of an existing trigger. However, it could be the target of an ANYWHERE trigger. The question is: does our current client code properly handle this case? The trigger would already be existing (ON "CHOOSE" ANYWHERE).

Am I incorrect in my assessment?

#190 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 10 years ago

Greg/Eugenie: first of all, a trigger can't be registered with a handle which is not valid. The widget (dynamic or not) must already exist when the trigger is defined. But this doesn't prohibit for the trigger to be registered with a widget which doesn't belong to a frame. Consider this code:

def var ch as char.
def var h as handle.

create button h.
h:label = "aaa".
h:row = 4.

on any-key of h do:
  message h:type.

form ch with frame f1 size 20 by 10.

on 1 anywhere do:
  h:frame = frame f1:handle.
   view frame f1.
   enable all with frame f1.

wait-for close of current-window.

There is only one WAIT-FOR loop. Pressing 1, it will attach the BUTTON represented by handle h to frame f1. Enabling all widgets in frame f1 will allow you to press i.e. space on the button - the trigger on the button will be seen.

Second case: if the widget referenced by the handle is changed by the trigger, i.e.:

on 1 anywhere do:
   create button h.
   h:label = "bbb".
   h:row = 4.
   h:frame = frame f1:handle.
   view frame f1.
   enable all with frame f1.

The trigger defined on the button with label aaa will no longer be seen. I think the conclusion is that the triggers can be defined only for existing widgets (dynamic or not, attached to a frame or not).

#191 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This is the main dynamic widget support update for review. Has the incorrect attributes handling, dynamic frames, widgets defined in DynamicWidgetFactory, Triggers are verified to work as expected. In 4GL if no widget yet created for handle - no trigger available to attach.

The dynamic widgets are now added to the ScreenBuffer of the respective parent frame. The dynamic frames are creating by GemericFrame from scratch with new interface DynamicFrameTemplate. So we have new GenericFrame instance for every new dynamic frame.

The base approach logic is there however some changes are possible during review/debug/test. So if you do not mind I'll start the regression testing tonight.

As a general note some widgets functionality can conflict with dynamic approach(selection list is an example). But I guess this is not pure dynamic issues but may be hidden widget problems/bugs we did not encounter yet. So if there are no approach objection I think we can commit the changes as the base after testing is done without regressions.

#192 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0927a

It looks good! As you suggest, if it passes testing you can check it in since any broken dynamic features won't cause a problem to MAJIC. However, I do want to resolve these things. They can be fixed now if regression testing failed. Or they can be fixed in the next pass if regression testing passed.

1. Put a comment in LogicalTerminal.addDynamicFrame() that the frame will be removed in FrameWidget.resourceDelete().

2. Why aren't dynamic frames added to the widget pool in DynamicWidgetFactory.create()?

3. I'm not sure opening the scope of a dynamic frame in GenericWidget.setId() is correct. That will associate it with the current block which can be a nested block instead of the external procedure. I suspect that any dynamic frame acts like it is scoped to the same block as its widget pool or possible as its containing external procedure. Please try to test this to confirm.

4. The GenericFrame changes could be done with common code in worker methods and an additional method with an extra boolean dynamic parameter. That would reduce some code duplication.

#193 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The changes passed the regression testing.

3. I'm not sure opening the scope of a dynamic frame in GenericWidget.setId() is correct. That will associate it with the current block which can be a nested block instead of the external procedure. I suspect that any dynamic frame acts like it is scoped to the same block as its widget pool or possible as its containing external procedure. Please try to test this to confirm.

I just thought we need to open the scope somewhere. If it would be done without in openScope() within GenericWidget.setId() - it is better to remove. I'll remove it in today update later. The question here if the dynamic frame is the child of the frame where it created or main window? What do you think, looks like our frames can not have the children frames so all frames, dynamic or static have the same parent - session window. Correct?

#194 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

This update for review reflects your recent notes. I'm going to put it on regression testing cycle shortly.

#195 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Small change to fix resource type requesting in GenericWidget for building the error message. The testing cycle is now restarting for this update.

#196 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

3. I'm not sure opening the scope of a dynamic frame in GenericWidget.setId() is correct. That will associate it with the current block which can be a nested block instead of the external procedure. I suspect that any dynamic frame acts like it is scoped to the same block as its widget pool or possible as its containing external procedure. Please try to test this to confirm.

I just thought we need to open the scope somewhere. If it would be done without in openScope() within GenericWidget.setId() - it is better to remove. I'll remove it in today update later.

I do think we need to open the scope. I just think that the approach will have to be different, because our usual way we open the scope "attaches" itself to the current block. I really doubt that is right.

It is important to write 4GL testcases to determine the right behavior. We should not waste time guessing at what is right. Prove it with testcases. There are questions to answer:

  • Does a dynamic frame scope itself to a block? If so, then which block (containing external proc, nearest top-level block, nearest enclosing block that has certain properties)?
  • Does a dynamic frame scope itself using the widget pool?

Constantin: any thoughts?

The question here if the dynamic frame is the child of the frame where it created or main window?

Do NOT guess. Write testcases to find out how the 4GL works.

What do you think, looks like our frames can not have the children frames so all frames, dynamic or static have the same parent - session window. Correct?

For now, we don't support frame families. But we can document the behavior that is implemented by the 4GL, so that we know what to do later. Please document your results in #1798.

#197 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

Code Review 0929a

The code looks good.

The last problem is the openScope(). We definitely need to execute the openScope() (or at least most of it), but we need to know how to do that properly. Please see the GenericFrame.iterate(), GenericFrame.retry() and GenericFrame.finished() to see all the logic that gets executed based on block processing events. Without the TransactionManager.registerFinalizable(), these don't occur. But it may be that we need to register it differently.

Without the openScope(), the LogicalTerminal registrations and frame state will be wrong too.

In writing testcases for frame scoping, you may be able to determine the behavior as follows:

1. In procedure X, create a named widget pool. Then call procedure Y.
2. In procedure Y, execute CREATE FRAME in a nested REPEAT block (use LEAVE to make sure the REPEAT doesn't loop). REPEAT blocks naturally have scoping/transaction/error properties so if the scope to attaches to the REPEAT, then you should know it. Make sure the CREATE FRAME uses the named widget pool from procedure X.
3. Try to use the frame in procedure Y, but outside (after) the REPEAT block. If that works, then you know that the scope is not at the REPEAT block level. Now, let procedure Y return.
4. Try to use the frame in procedure X, after procedure Y returns. If that works, then you know that the scope is not attached to the external procedure Y.
5. Delete the named widget pool.
6. Try to use the frame again. This should fail if the frame has been deleted.

#198 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

3. Try to use the frame in procedure Y, but outside (after) the REPEAT block. If that works, then you know that the scope is not at the REPEAT block level. Now, let procedure Y return.

The answer is positive, the scope is not at the REPEAT block level

4. Try to use the frame in procedure X, after procedure Y returns. If that works, then you know that the scope is not attached to the external procedure Y.

The answer is positive. Frame handle valid(but frame already not visible at this time). So not attached to external procedure.

5. Delete the named widget pool.

6. Try to use the frame again.

This fails. Application terminates. Frame invalid.

So I think the conclusion is scope is attached to widget pool, correct?

#199 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

So I think the conclusion is scope is attached to widget pool, correct?

It tells us that at least some of the scoping behavior (frame deletion) is deferred to be processed when the widget-pool is deleted.

However, there is other behavior that may still be scoped to the containing block since leaving that block may have hidden the frame. I think we will need more testcases to fully figure out the behavior.

Please post the testcase code here.

How did your regression testing go? Is it complete? If it passes, please do check in your code and distribute it.

#200 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

In other words, we will deal with the dynamic frame scoping as the next update (after you get back).

#201 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Please post the testcase code here.

Here it is. Pretty ugly but I guess do work.

DEFINE VARIABLE frh as widget-handle.
def var bh1 as widget-handle.
def var bh2 as widget-handle.

run xx.

procedure xx:

create widget-pool "fr_pool".

message "press key to start external.".

run yy.

message "press key to use frame outside ext proc.".
pause .

create button bh1 assign
      frame = frh
      label = "Dynamic button xx1" 
      sensitive = true
      visible = true
      row = 3
      column = 4.

delete widget-pool "fr_pool".

message "press key to use frame after widget pool delete.".
pause .

create button bh2 assign
      frame = frh
      label = "Dynamic button xx2" 
      sensitive = true
      visible = true
      row = 3
      column = 24.

end procedure.

procedure yy:

def var i as int initial 1.
def var bh0 as widget-handle.

repeat STOP-AFTER 1:

   create frame frh in widget-pool "fr_pool" assign
      ROW = 3
      COLUMN = 1
      width = 79
      HEIGHT = 15

   i = i + 1.

   IF i > 1 THEN LEAVE.


message "interrnal proc, frame".

create button bh0 assign
      frame = frh
      label = "Dynamic button yy" 
      sensitive = true
      visible = true
      row = 5
      column = 4.


end procedure.

How did your regression testing go? Is it complete? If it passes, please do check in your code and distribute it.

The main part finished without regressions, waiting for CTRL-C part to be done. I do not expect any issues, so I think today later I'll distribute the changes(0929a).

#202 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

The CTRL-C part completed without regressions. Had to start 3-way tests in separate session to get all passed in sum. Will commit shortly.

#203 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko almost 10 years ago

Committed to bzr as 10617.

#204 Updated by Greg Shah almost 10 years ago

From EVL via email:

Just for you to know: in addition there are some missing functionality on client side I've discovered today debugging this approach(like TODO in ThinClient for setLocation() method for example).

#205 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

Investigating the scoping approach for dynamic widgets I've found interesting info in Progress Programming Handbook for 9.1 page 20-2 - 20-14:

Note that dynamic widgets do not adhere to scoping rules. That is, they exist until you delete
them or the session ends. Thus, if you create a dynamic button in the FOR EACH loop of a
subprocedure, that button continues to exist after the subprocedure returns. However, note that
any widget handle variables are locally or globally scoped as you define them. Also, while
dynamic widgets are not scoped, trigger definitions are scoped. Thus, for dynamic widgets,
define persistent triggers or put your trigger definitions in a persistent procedure.

The theory I'm going to check is: we need to keep dynamic frame scope within Dynamic Widget Pool(named or unnamed) that holds the dynamic widget. The features like visibility and trigger attachment will be handles specifically for dynamic frames because they have specific mode for this case.

The testcase I used confirms this theory but I'm going to write more tests, trying to decline it.

#206 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

Small drop to fix the missed/not required history entries. Will be committed and distributed soon.

#207 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

Committed in bzr as 10624. No testing required.

#208 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

Investigating the scoping approach for dynamic widgets I've found interesting info in Progress Programming Handbook for 9.1 page 20-2 - 20-14:

Good information. This is what I expected.

The theory I'm going to check is: we need to keep dynamic frame scope within Dynamic Widget Pool(named or unnamed) that holds the dynamic widget.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "dynamic widget pool". We already have full widget-pool support and I think that should be enough for the dynamic widget case. Let's just use the current widget pool support unless you find proof that it is not sufficient.

The features like visibility and trigger attachment will be handles specifically for dynamic frames because they have specific mode for this case.

Please look carefully at all of the frame features that are called by scoping. Look at the following: GenericFrame.openScope(), GenericFrame.iterate(), GenericFrame.retry() and GenericFrame.finished(). Please also look at all the behavior (client and server) that is caused by the LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() processing. For each of the features being implemented based on these "hooks", try to write testcases to see which of these are needed for dynamic frames. I think much of it is not needed. For example, I suspect that dynamic frames have not automatic DOWN processing on iterate() and they don't reset on retry(). However, there may be some things that are needed like the processing of implicit HIDE.

Document your findings here and check in your testcases to a testcases/uast/dynamic_frame_scoping/ directory.

Constantin: do you have anything to add?

#209 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 9 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: do you have anything to add?

Dynamic widgets can survive the creator procedure, if the procedure is ran persistent. Make sure to test something like this:

def new shared var hframe as handle.
def var hp as handle.

run <some-procedure-which-creates-dynamic-frame>.p persistent set hp.

/* use hframe here - it should work */

delete object hp.

after the instantiating procedure has been deleted, the frame should no longer be valid, and use in VIEW/DISPLAY should no longer be possible. 
but frame visibility state might affect this (i.e. frame's handle is not deleted until the frame is hidden).

This is similar with the buffer's scoping findings: all dynamic buffers are added to a global scope, where they are alive until they are explicitly deleted or their instantiating procedure is deleted. Dynamic frames might have some similar behaviour.

#210 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

For iterate() hook. As we expected from the 4GL documentation the dynamic frame is only one down frame. Trying to use iteration produces the error on compile/syntax check time(dyn_wid_test20.p). The message is:
"Static frame name fdyn conflicts with widget-handle variable. (3517)"

For retry() hook. The dynamic frame does not reset on retry. I have written the testcase similar to existed frame_retry.p. The testcase dyn_wid_test21.p shows the current values in the dynamic frame is not changing. So I guess we can safely ignore this functionality in dynamic frame case.

For finished hook. Actually I think we need some kind of finalization for dynamic frames. Just because any pending actions waiting to be completed should be completed when the frame terminating. For example we need to close and write any opened streams. I'll try to write the appropriate testcase to check this. Continue working.

#211 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

As we expected from the 4GL documentation the dynamic frame is only one down frame.

One thing that is strange is that you can set dynframe:DOWN = 0. which normally means "this is a down frame with the number of lines determined by the available space in the window at runtime". It is possible that this is just ignored, but I am worried that there is some way to make a dynamic frame into a DOWN frame.

I do agree that I can't yet think of a way to make static frame statements like DISPLAY or DOWN work with dynamic frames.

Constantin: do you have any ideas here?

For retry() hook. The dynamic frame does not reset on retry. I have written the testcase similar to existed frame_retry.p.

Where is frame_retry.p? I don't see it in testcases/uast/.

I don't see how dyn_wid_test21.p shows a retry. Does message retry. ever report yes during that code? Where is the error that causes the retry to occur?

#212 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 9 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I do agree that I can't yet think of a way to make static frame statements like DISPLAY or DOWN work with dynamic frames.

Constantin: do you have any ideas here?

I can't find anything on the web related to dynamic frames to be used in stmts which refer to static frames. All I found was a CLEAR ALL reference: which states that CLEAR ALL works poorly with dynamic widgets.

I didn't look over all of Eugenie's tests, but I think this applies:
  1. if a dynamic frame is created dynamically, setting its DOWN to 0 will automatically compute the down relative to the window's height, when the frame is realized, i.e.:
    def var h as handle.
    create frame h.
    h:down = 0.
    view h.
    message h:down.

    But this will not affect the frame's HEIGHT-CHARS attribute: this still needs to be manually specified.
  2. the dynamic widgets in a dynamic frame do not get duplicated for each line in the frame's down body.
  3. if the frame is static, with down set to 0 and it contains both dynamic and static widgets, the static widgets will get duplicated in each line of the frame's down body.
    def frame f1 with down width-chars 40 side-labels.
    def var h as handle.
    create fill-in h.
    h:data-type = "integer".
    h:screen-value = "10".
    h:format = "999,999". /* this ensures if the down body contains it, it will not show an empty space */
    h:frame = frame f1:handle.
    h:row = 1.
    h:column = 15.
    h:visible = true.
    def var i as int.
    do i = 1 to 10:
       display i with frame f1.
       down with frame f1.
  4. a static widget can't change its frame: thus it can't be added to a dynamic frame: **FRAME is an invalid attribute for a static FILL-IN i. (4071)
    def var h as handle.
    def var i as int.
    display i with 10 down frame f1.
    create frame h.
    h:down = 0.
    i:frame = h.
    view h.

The conclusion I think is that stmts which work with static frame/widgets can't work with dynamic frame/widgets.

#213 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago


1. Please ensure that all 3 examples shown in note 212 are checked in to the dynamic widget testcases and are properly handled in P2J.

2. Try using a 0 down dynamic frame inside of a REPEAT loop. Make sure all access to that frame (except for the CREATE) is inside that loop. After iteration, can you detect any features of GenericFrame.iterate()? For example, does the equivalent of resetFrameBuf() get executed?

3. I still want to see if you can get a retry case and make the same test as #2.

4. The analysis of openScope(), finished() and the effects of the client-scope notifications is still needed.

#214 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

More investigation results.

1. There is no changes as result of setting DOWN value to 0.

2. RETRY statement does not reset dynamic frame, the screen values become not changed, dynamic widgets(only one widgets that can be used with dynamic frames) are in state was just before RETRY action(dyn_wid_test25.p).

3. We need to implement the finished() functionality for dynamic frames(the same as for one down static frames). Any pending actions(properly buffer closing, save unsaved data, etc) should be done on frame termination(dyn_wid_test26.p).

4. To be able to run actions from #3 we need to apply openScope(). The good place to do this can be dynamic frame creation moment or the moment when dynamic frame is adding to the WidgetPool.

The points I need to clarify more is the effects of the client-scope notifications. To be continued tomorrow.

#215 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

How do you know that in dyn_wid_test25.p the widget screen-value is not reset during the retry? None of the fillin widgets ever actually display formatted output on the screen so there is no visual record of what is happening. I don't see any code in the test itself to check the state of the screen-value attribute. I don't think that test is really proving anything.

Please do check in your testcases, so that we can just use bzr to access them.

#216 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

The frame scoping related tests (19-26) has been committed in bzr as 1211. I did not add dynamic widget tests there(not related to frame scoping point). I'm planning to upload all other dynamic widgets tests in uast/dynamic_widget. Is it OK?

#217 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

I have committed in bzr the modified version of dyn_wid_test25.p with check for the screen values after retry. And the values are not reset. Do you think it confirm the theory we can skip reset in retry as I think?

#218 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

I'm planning to upload all other dynamic widgets tests in uast/dynamic_widget. Is it OK?

Yes, please do.

I have committed in bzr the modified version of dyn_wid_test25.p with check for the screen values after retry. And the values are not reset. Do you think it confirm the theory we can skip reset in retry as I think?

I think so.

#219 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

I'm planning to upload all other dynamic widgets tests in uast/dynamic_widget. Is it OK?

Yes, please do.

Committed in bzr as 1213.

#220 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

Some consideration for handling LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() signals in server and client sides.

The server side schema:
1. Scope is opening - GenericFrame.openScope() calls LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() for MarkEntry.OPEN_SCOPE event.
2. Scope is closing - GenericFrame.finished() calls LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() for MarkEntry.CLOSE_SCOPE event.
3. Frame is need to be cleaned - GenericFrame.frameCleanup() calls LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() for MarkEntry.DELETED_SCOPE event.
4. Frame is viewed - LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope() causes the events to be added via LogicalTerminal.addMarkEntry(): MarkEntry.CAN_HIDE_OTHERS_EXT for top level transaction block or MarkEntry.CAN_HIDE_OTHERS otherwise as the call of LogicalTerminal$ScopeProcessor.frameViewed().

Client side processing:
The call ThinClient.markFrames(), assuming the dynamic frame is not a down frame does:
1. Clear all widgets for OPEN_SCOPE.
2. Postpone repainting for CLOSE_SCOPE.
3. Force deregistering of page elements for DELETED_SCOPE.
4. Sets can hide others flag for CAN_HIDE_OTHERS.
5. Sets can wipe screen flag for CAN_HIDE_OTHERS_EXT.

So we certainly need to handle OPEN_SCOPE to properly prepare the frame for further usage. Not sure about CLOSE_SCOPE action because it is not clear if the dynamic frame can leave it's scope otherwise than termination case(it is in scope while widget pool is alive, correct?). I think we do not need page frame deregisters, or we can safely call this because it there are no such element - nothing will happen. Not clear for now what purpose of the hide/wipe flags for dynamic frames(point 3, 4 above).

In general, looks like dynamic widgets and frames are designed for some special purpose like creating visual building tools, UI oriented debuggers or like this. Anyway we need testcases to uncover client side behavior, continue working tomorrow.

#221 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

4 more testcases have been committed in bzr as 1214.

Testcase dyn_wid_test27.p demonstrates the client side reaction for leaving the scope. The named widget pool in internal procedure is used. When the control is out of scope - the frame disappears from screen. There is no manual deletion of the widget pool or frame itself. So looks like we need to handle CLOSE_SCOPE.

DELETED_SCOPE with manual deleting the widget pool (dyn_wid_test28.p) has the same effect as CLOSE_SCOPE handling. So we need to perform this cleanup in the first message we encounter, either DELETED_SCOPE or CLOSE_SCOPE.

The testcases dyn_wid_test29.p and dyn_wid_test30.p demonstrate different show/hide behavior for dynamic frames from named and default widget pools. For default case the frame is hiding just after hide statement and showing after view. The named pool frames does not react on hide statement. Until full screen repaint is calling. On the other hand if some static frame overlap the inactive dynamic frame region - dynamic frame is hiding. But may be this is a kind of Progress bug.

Looks like we have info to start implementation. More testcases might be required further to clear details but I guess we have general picture.

#222 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

I think we are almost there.

I agree that dynamic widgets appear to be managed based on the widget-pool. This is consistent with the 4GL documentation. In particular, we know that when the widget-pool goes out of scope or is explicitly deleted, that the resources in the widget-pool will be deleted automatically (as if we did a DELETE WIDGET hndl. for each of the dynamic widgets in that pool.

I think this largely explains the behavior you are seeing.

My concerns are these:

1. In order to use a dynamic frame, what portions of the openScope() need to still be done? I'm sure that most of the openScope() is NOT needed. But I wonder if some of it is needed:

   public void openScope()
      // push down any pending screen definitions
      LogicalTerminal.processDeferredPush();                       <-------- possibly needed

      // register for iterate, retry and finished notifications
      TransactionManager.registerFinalizable(this, false);         <-------- NOT needed

      // associate this frame with a scope in the LT (this is safe to do
      // multiple times and must be safe because of multiple nested calls
      // to this method)

      if (scopeNesting == 0)
         LogicalTerminal.registerFrameInScope(this);               <-------- NOT needed

         // reset frame to its initial state
         resetFrameBuf();                                          <-------- NOT needed
         pendingUpDown = 0;                                        <-------- NOT needed
         hadView       = false;                                    <-------- NOT needed
         canHide       = true;                                     <-------- NOT needed
         hadCondition  = false;                                    <-------- NOT needed

         // the screen buffer cache needs also to be cleared
         screenBufferCache.clear();                                <-------- NOT needed

      LogicalTerminal.signalFrameScope(this, MarkEntry.OPEN_SCOPE);   <-------- probably needed

      scopeNesting ++;                                             <-------- NOT needed

I assume that we DON'T want to call openScope() for dynamic frames, since so much of that logic is not needed. But the portions that are needed should be processed somewhere. I suspect this should be at the end of createDynamicFrame().

2. Which portions of client side OPEN_SCOPE code are needed? Is it as simple as implementing a full OPEN_SCOPE notification?

Have you review the use of Frame.scopeNesting and the other state variables maintained in the LogicalTerminal.markFrames() method for case MarkEntry.OPEN_SCOPE:? Note that DOWN = 0 will cause a dynamic frame to report true for isDown().

3. Which portions of client side CLOSE_SCOPE code are needed? Is it as simple as implementing a full CLOSE_SCOPE notification?

I expect that this should be processed when a dynamic widget is deleted. I'm pretty sure most or all of the CLOSE_SCOPE notification is needed.

In addition, are there any other portions of finished() that are needed?

And where do we cause this notification to occur? Static frames call TransactionManager.registerFinalizable() and get a finished() call as a result, but we won't get this.

4. About DELETE_SCOPE, you noted this previously:

I think we do not need page frame deregisters, or we can safely call this because it there are no such element - nothing will happen. Not clear for now what purpose of the hide/wipe flags for dynamic frames(point 3, 4 above).

It seems like a dynamic widget can be made into a header or footer like this:

   ASSIGN PAGE-TOP = true.  /* or PAGE-BOTTOM = true. */

However, I don't think we need DELETE_SCOPE as long as we do call DESTROY (since DESTROY calls destroyFrame() which also does call forceDeregisterPageElement().

I think this is already handled by FrameWidget.resourceDelete() -> GenericFrame.frameCleanup() -> GenericFrame.destroy() -> LogicalTerminal.destroyFrame() -> ThinClient.destroyFrame()/MarkEntry.DESTROY.

One thing I don't understand is why GenericFrame.frameCleanup() needs to do the MarkEntry.DELETED_SCOPE since it will . It seems like it just causes the forceDeregisterPageElement() to be processed slightly earlier than would happen in the MarkEntry.DESTROY case.

All of this should be gotten "automatically" by either an explicit DELETE WIDGET hndl. or by the implicit delete processing that occurs from the WidgetPool.addResource() that is called in DynamicWidgetFactory.create().

Constantin: do you have any thoughts to add?

#223 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

2. Which portions of client side OPEN_SCOPE code are needed? Is it as simple as implementing a full OPEN_SCOPE notification?

Have you review the use of Frame.scopeNesting and the other state variables maintained in the LogicalTerminal.markFrames() method for case MarkEntry.OPEN_SCOPE:? Note that DOWN = 0 will cause a dynamic frame to report true for isDown().

I think we need only frame.setInScope(true) on the client side. Because for dynamic frames there is no scope nesting, correct? We just need to mark the frame in scope on the client side. I would suggest we need the frame.resetAll() to be executed but when the frame is creating it has nothing inside so we really have nothing to reset.

As to down flag collision I suggest not consider DOWN = 0 case, for example always return false from dynamic frame isDown() call. There is no dynamic down frames.

3. Which portions of client side CLOSE_SCOPE code are needed? Is it as simple as implementing a full CLOSE_SCOPE notification?

I expect that this should be processed when a dynamic widget is deleted. I'm pretty sure most or all of the CLOSE_SCOPE notification is needed.

Yes, I guess so. Except the change for Frame.scopeNesting class member itself(it is always 0 I think). I guess every change for members in Frame class is useless unless we will handle another message for this frame(DELETED_SCOPE for example) - just because leaving the scope the dynamic frame becomes unusable.

#224 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

And where do we cause this notification to occur? Static frames call TransactionManager.registerFinalizable() and get a finished() call as a result, but we won't get this.

Combination of the HandleOps.delete() and frame hiding(if we can not do such cleanup just in HandleOps.delete()). Say we can mark the frame as pending to be closed an perform the real work when it becomes hidden.

I think this is already handled by FrameWidget.resourceDelete() -> GenericFrame.frameCleanup() -> GenericFrame.destroy() -> LogicalTerminal.destroyFrame() -> ThinClient.destroyFrame()/MarkEntry.DESTROY.

One thing I don't understand is why GenericFrame.frameCleanup() needs to do the MarkEntry.DELETED_SCOPE since it will . It seems like it just causes the forceDeregisterPageElement() to be processed slightly earlier than would happen in the MarkEntry.DESTROY case.

Constantin, I think you can explain the goal of this modification in GenericFrame: ** 259 CA 20131013 ... Any comments?

#225 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

All of this should be gotten "automatically" by either an explicit DELETE WIDGET hndl.


or by the implicit delete processing that occurs from the WidgetPool.addResource() that is called in DynamicWidgetFactory.create().

Please clarify this. I see in this method only adding new widget to the set. Do you mean the case when we replace old widget with the new one for same handle? Or the code just should be written in WidgetPool.addResource() like existed in the WidgetPool.scopeFinished() method?

#226 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

I think we need only frame.setInScope(true) on the client side. Because for dynamic frames there is no scope nesting, correct? We just need to mark the frame in scope on the client side. I would suggest we need the frame.resetAll() to be executed but when the frame is creating it has nothing inside so we really have nothing to reset.


Although there is no scope nesting, I don't know that we need to exclude it.

Please make sure it does call resetAll() because in the future if we add some important initialization logic there, it may be important to have that called for all frames.

Unless there is something that is important to exclude, perhaps we just execute all of the MarkEntry.OPEN_SCOPE.

As to down flag collision I suggest not consider DOWN = 0 case, for example always return false from dynamic frame isDown() call. There is no dynamic down frames.

I'm not sure about this. Remember Constantin's finding:

if a dynamic frame is created dynamically, setting its DOWN to 0 will automatically compute the down relative to the window's height, when the frame is realized

The dynamic widgets don't get duplicated AND as far as we have found, you cannot put static widgets into a dynamic frame. However, the frame itself probably acts like a down frame that has no iterations. Anyway, we probably don't need this right now since it is a very unusual case. I don't want to spend time to explore what could be a very complicated area if it is not needed immediately (possibly ever). Just leave the down processing as is.

Yes, I guess so. Except the change for Frame.scopeNesting class member itself(it is always 0 I think). I guess every change for members in Frame class is useless unless we will handle another message for this frame(DELETED_SCOPE for example) - just because leaving the scope the dynamic frame becomes unusable.

Again, unless we really need to exclude something, let's execute all of MarkEntry.CLOSE_SCOPE. Please note that we are not really "leaving the frame's scope" since dynamic frames don't have a scope. They have a lifetime that is defined by the first to occur of these two events:

1. There is an explicit DELETE WIDGET called for that dynamic frame.
2. The widget-pool to which the frame has been added (at creation time) goes out of its scope or is explicitly deleted. At that point, every resource in the widget-pool gets the equivalent of a DELETE WIDGET implicitly called on it.

My point is that the MarkEntry.CLOSE_SCOPE and MarkEntry.DESTROY probably need to occur at the same time for dynamic frames. Perhaps we can add the MarkEntry.CLOSE_SCOPE to GenericFrame.destroy() since there is no finished() call for dynamic frames.

Combination of the HandleOps.delete() and

GenericFrame.destroy() gets called when HandleOps.delete() is executed, right. I think GenericFrame.destroy() is the right place.

frame hiding(if we can not do such cleanup just in HandleOps.delete()). Say we can mark the frame as pending to be closed an perform the real work when it becomes hidden.

Is there some special behavior we need to implement for dynamic frame hiding?

or by the implicit delete processing that occurs from the WidgetPool.addResource() that is called in DynamicWidgetFactory.create().

Please clarify this.

Hopefully my explanation above helps. Please also read the WIDGET-POOL entry in the 4GL docs and also read the javadoc in the WidgetPool class.

I see in this method only adding new widget to the set.

The widget pool is a scoped resource. When it is explicitly deleted OR when it goes out of scope, then all resources inside it are deleted automatically. This means that the programmer does not have to write any cleanup code in the 4GL but the widgets will still be implicitly deleted.

Do you mean the case when we replace old widget with the new one for same handle?


Or the code just should be written in WidgetPool.addResource() like existed in the WidgetPool.scopeFinished() method?

No. I hope the above clarifications helped. If not, ask more questions.

#227 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

And where do we cause this notification to occur? Static frames call TransactionManager.registerFinalizable() and get a finished() call as a result, but we won't get this.

Combination of the HandleOps.delete() and frame hiding(if we can not do such cleanup just in HandleOps.delete()). Say we can mark the frame as pending to be closed an perform the real work when it becomes hidden.

I think this is already handled by FrameWidget.resourceDelete() -> GenericFrame.frameCleanup() -> GenericFrame.destroy() -> LogicalTerminal.destroyFrame() -> ThinClient.destroyFrame()/MarkEntry.DESTROY.

One thing I don't understand is why GenericFrame.frameCleanup() needs to do the MarkEntry.DELETED_SCOPE since it will . It seems like it just causes the forceDeregisterPageElement() to be processed slightly earlier than would happen in the MarkEntry.DESTROY case.

I think at this point DESTROY and DELETED_SCOPE all called in the same way, and should be merged. For static frames accessed outside their instantiating-procedure, their default scope will survive until the frame is deleted/destroyed.

Constantin, I think you can explain the goal of this modification in GenericFrame: ** 259 CA 20131013 ... Any comments?

The goal of the H259 changes is described here: #2196-40 . Mainly, is related to the fact that a static frame can be accessed outside of the instantiating-procedure, when that procedure is ran persistent. And in this case, there is no longer a matter of opening/closing scopes... I think once you obtain a handle for a widget, no more intermediate scope processing is done, when the handle for that widget is used. For static frames, the default scope will end when the frame is destroyed; for dynamic frames, a scope is opened when the frame is created and will be destroyed/closed when the frame is deleted.

#228 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

This is the first drop for your review of the next step in dynamic widget implementation.

Unfortunately I have found one bug that is common to static and dynamic frames. If static or dynamic frame contains nothing - it will not be displayed on the client side. For example:

def frame stfr with row 2 column 1 size 50 by 5.
view frame stfr.

While 4GL in this case shows the empty frame. And while we have this issue - we can not check if the dynamic frame works OK. But we can still work with dynamic widgets inside the static frame(if there is at least one static widget in a frame).

#229 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 9 years ago

Eugenie Lyzenko wrote:

Unfortunately I have found one bug that is common to static and dynamic frames. If static or dynamic frame contains nothing - it will not be displayed on the client side. For example:

Marius, do you think this will be fixed with your current work?

#230 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

Code Review 1024a

The code looks good. Although this should have very little risk, please still put it through runtime regression testing.

Marius had to put in a fix to get empty frames working for his GUI frame implementation in #2416. That fix is what Constantin is referencing and it may be the solution to the bug you have found.

#231 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

The main part completed without regressions. Waiting for CTRL-C one to be done.

#232 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

The CTRL-C part has been completed without regressions, had to start 3-way tests separately to have positive results for them. The results for review has been copied to the shared dir(

So I guess the update 1024a is ready to be checked into bzr and distribute.

#233 Updated by Greg Shah over 9 years ago

Go ahead and check in/distribute.

#234 Updated by Eugenie Lyzenko over 9 years ago

Committed in bzr as 10636. Will be distributed soon.

#235 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

For CREATE BROWSE created task branch 1791a from P2J trunk revision 10898.

#236 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Please change the branch name to 2026a. That way we can match up your specific changes with the child task.

#237 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

For CREATE BROWSE created task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10898.

#238 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

In methods_attributes.rules, please add the new attributes (down and query) to the load_descriptors function instead of to the main body of the file. Over time, we want the entire file to be encoded in the "new" way that is much simpler to read and to maintain.

#239 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav, if you are adding support for DOWN, please make sure that FRAME:DOWN is supported too.

#240 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10901.

#241 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10902.

#242 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Did you expect to remove the query attribute from the methods_attributes.rules in revision 10904 of branch 2026a?

Also, don't forget to update the superinterface with the new attribute interfaces.

#243 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Did you expect to remove the query attribute from the methods_attributes.rules in revision 10904 of branch 2026a?

Yes. It was already defined in the list of methods above:

prog.kw_query, "QueryAssociable", "getQueryAsHandle", "setQueryAsHandle" 

#244 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Is CREATE ... TRIGGERS supposed to be converted properly? Is somebody working on that? Currently

def var wh-tmp as widget-handle.

create button wh-tmp
        visible = true
        row = 2
        on choose
          message "Choosed".

is converted to

DynamicWidgetFactory.createButton(whTmp, "choose", TriggerBlock0.class, Test.this); //WRONG

public class TriggerBlock0
extends Trigger
   public void body()

#245 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

I think this should have been done previously, but it was missed.

We do need TRIGGERS phrase support to be implemented properly. It is used 52 times in 20 files. I have found usage for BUTTON and BROWSE. I did not check every usage location, so other widgets may also be affected. It seems to me that the same code should work for all forms of the statement.

Please do include this in your work.

#246 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

There is file embedded_attribute_assign_rewrite.rules which rewrites CREATE...ASSIGN. I've added rewrite for CREATE...TRIGGERS to it. I think the name of the file doesn't accurately reflect file contents after that. Should I rename the file (say, to create_widget_rewrite.rules) or extract new code to a new file or file name is OK?

#247 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10909.

#248 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Please review task branch 2026a revision 10913.

#249 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026a Revision 10913

I'm OK with the changes.

Should I rename the file (say, to create_widget_rewrite.rules) or extract new code to a new file or file name is OK?

The TRIGGER_PHRASE is also possible in the 4GL as part of variable definitions. We will have to add support for that later. I think it is best to extract the new code into a triggers_phrase_rewrite.rules file so that future (define variable) additions will make sense.

Eric: please review the query changes.

#250 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Committed triggers_phrase_rewrite.rules.
Am I right that I shouldn't run runtime regression testing?

#251 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026a Revision 10914

The changes look good.

Am I right that I shouldn't run runtime regression testing?

Correct, just do conversion testing.

#252 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10910.
Conversion regression passed.
I guess, waiting for Eric to review changes in QueryAssociable?

#253 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

As soon as he approves it, you can merge to trunk. He will have it done shortly.

#254 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Code review 2026a/10914:

What is the purpose of the new variant setQueryAsHandle(QueryWrapper), which is defined in QueryAssociable and implemented in BrowseWidget? Is this just to allow code emitted into business logic to skip the handle instantiation when associating a query with a browse? I don't have a problem with it if that's the point, just making sure I understand correctly.

#255 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Yes, that is the point.

#256 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Should I distribute the update?

#257 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

I looked a bit deeper, and something concerns me. From BrowseWidget:

    * Set the query associated with the given resource.
    * @param    qry
    *           The query to associate.
   public void setQueryAsHandle(handle qry)
      if (qry == null || qry.isUnknown() || !qry._isValid())
         UnimplementedFeature.todo("QUERY attribute setter unknown behavior not investigated.");

      Object resource = qry.get();

      if (!(resource instanceof QueryWrapper))
         UnimplementedFeature.todo("QUERY attribute setter wrong resource behavior not investigated.");

      setQuery((QueryWrapper) resource);

    * Set the query associated with the given resource.
    * @param    qry
    *           The query to associate.
   public void setQueryAsHandle(QueryWrapper qry)
      setQueryAsHandle(new handle(qry));

This idiom of wrapping a known resource in a handle which is thrown away immediately is used in several places in P2J, but it is expensive, so we should be careful with it. handle construction involves a trip through ErrorManager.isPendingError, which involves 2 context-local dereferences. Each of these is expensive -- the code path goes through a lot of code in the security manager to check security context and ends with a ThreadLocal lookup. I see ContextLocal.get() show up as a bottleneck in performance profiling a lot, so I'm very sensitive to adding new code paths with this dependency if it's not absolutely necessary. Is this ErrorManager service really needed in this case, or can we just call QueryWrapper.valid() and BrowseWidget.setQuery(QueryWrapper) directly? Then, BrowseWidget.setQueryAsHandle(handle) would invoke setHandleAsHandle(QueryWrapper), instead of the other way around.

#258 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Having written that, I don't know what the converted code that uses this will look like. I don't expect that this code will be hit in tight loops, so it may be just fine. Is it likely this will be called more often than just once, before a browse is used?

#259 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

It is not expected to be used in loops. Should I change the code to

public void setQueryAsHandle(QueryWrapper qry)

and distribute?

#260 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

It is not expected to be used in loops. Should I change the code to


and distribute?

Since it's not expected to be called in loops, you can leave it as is and merge. Thanks.

#261 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

2026a was merged to trunk rev 10911.

#262 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Now that you have had 2-3 days to review the runtime support needed for CREATE BROWSE, please provide an estimate of when you believe that can be ready for testing.

#263 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Here is the set of problems so far:

1. Error if VISIBLE/HIDDEN is set prior to SENSITIVE. Doesn't affect the customer's app. Should I work on it?
2. In P2J ADD-LIKE-COLUMN cannot be called for a static query until it is opened. Requires conversion changes. Doesn't affect the customer's app. Should I work on it?
3. QUERY-PREPARE doesn't work. Is it something with my configuration or do you see the issue too?


def temp-table tt field f1 as integer.
create tt. tt.f1 = 1.
create tt. tt.f1 = 2.
create tt. tt.f1 = 3.

def var qh1 as handle.
def var qh2 as handle.
def var bh1 as handle.
bh1 = buffer tt:handle.

create query qh1.
qh1:query-prepare("for each tt").
message "place1: " + string(qh1:is-open).

qh1:query-prepare("for each tt where tt.f1 > 10").
message "place2: " + string(qh1:is-open).


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.goldencode.p2j.cfg.Configuration.getSchemaConfig(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.schema.SchemaLoader.<init>(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.schema.SchemaDictionary.<init>(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.schema.SchemaDictionary$1.initialValue(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.schema.SchemaDictionary$1.initialValue(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.schema.SchemaDictionary.localInstance(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.DynamicQueryHelper.generateJavaTree(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.DynamicQueryHelper.parse(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.DynamicQueryHelper.parseQuery(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.QueryWrapper.prepare(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.QueryWrapper.prepare(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.QueryScopeReopen$1.body(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.processBody(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.topLevelBlock(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.externalProcedure(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.externalProcedure(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.QueryScopeReopen.execute(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

#264 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

3. QUERY-PREPARE doesn't work. Is it something with my configuration or do you see the issue too?

It must be configuration. QUERY-PREPARE works and is very heavily tested. I don't recognize this specfic error. Please debug into Configuration:228 to see what is going wrong.

#265 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Please resolve all 3 issues. When do you think you have have the changes ready?

Other than those 3 problems, there is no other known work left to do before closing #2026?

#266 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

I found also:
4. Browse does not receive focus when created in a trigger.
5. Error on WIDGET DELETE.
6. Depending on assignment order, there may be various 4GL error messages like "Unable to set ROW-MARKERS because the BROWSE widget has been realised. (4053)". Do I need to implement them?

So far it is the complete list. I think that will take ~4 days overall.

#267 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Depending on assignment order, there may be various 4GL error messages like "Unable to set ROW-MARKERS because the BROWSE widget has been realised. (4053)". Do I need to implement them?

Yes, please do.

So far it is the complete list. I think that will take ~4 days overall.

OK, good.

#268 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

2. In P2J ADD-LIKE-COLUMN cannot be called for a static query until it is opened. Requires conversion changes

Eric, I suggest to emit addBuffer(.., true) at DEFINE QUERY node's place. No runtime changes are required. Example:

def temp-table tt field t1 as integer.
def temp-table tt2 field t2 as integer.

def query q1 for tt, tt2.

message string(query q1:num-buffers).
message string(query q1:get-buffer-handle(1):name) + " " + string(query q1:get-buffer-handle(2):name).

open query q1 for each tt, each tt2.
close query q1.

message string(query q1:num-buffers).
message string(query q1:get-buffer-handle(1):name) + " " + string(query q1:get-buffer-handle(2):name).


externalProcedure(new Block()
         public void body()
            RecordBuffer.openScope(tt2, tt);
            query0.addBuffer(tt, true);   <-----
            query0.addBuffer(tt, true);   <-----
            message(concat(valueOf(query0.bufferHandle(1).unwrap().name()), " ", valueOf(query0.bufferHandle(2).unwrap().name())));
            query0.assign(new CompoundQuery(true, false));
            query0.addComponent(new AdaptiveQuery(tt, (String) null, null, " asc"));
            query0.addComponent(new AdaptiveQuery(tt2, (String) null, null, " asc"));
            message(concat(valueOf(query0.bufferHandle(1).unwrap().name()), " ", valueOf(query0.bufferHandle(2).unwrap().name())));

#269 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Plus issue:
7. Browse with dynamic query hangs on the last record.

#270 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Created task branch 2026b from P2J trunk revision 10916.

#271 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Eric, I found no explicit way to set a dynamic query SCROLLING/NON-SCROLLING. As testing shows, it is scrolling. I've updated P2J accordingly.

#272 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Eric, I suggest to emit addBuffer(.., true) at DEFINE QUERY node's place.

This will double up the buffers in the QueryWrapper.buffers list. What problem does this solve?

#273 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

It allows NUM-BUFFERS and BUFFER-HANDLE to work before the query was opened.

#274 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Unless you change the behavior of QueryWrapper.addComponent, though, it will break their use (and possibly other APIs) after the addComponent calls. I don't think this is just a conversion change, but runtime as well. Please investigate the runtime impact before introducing this. Note that in many static query cases, we don't have a DEFINE QUERY statement at all, just OPEN QUERY. So, addComponent still has to work on its own, without assuming a previous addBuffer call.

#275 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

I'm making changes only to static query case:
  1. OPEN QUERY without DEFINE QUERY - no conversion changes.
  2. OPEN QUERY with DEFINE QUERY - my aim is to add buffers for the period after DEFINE and before OPEN. I'll add addBuffer calls on DEFINE, after that query.assign on OPEN resets buffers before potential addComponent calls.

#276 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

There is a problem related to DynamicWidgetFactory.pushScreen(Un)lock.
  1. Conversion assumes that
    CREATE x.
    ASSIGN x.y = ....

    has different behavior in comparison with
    CREATE x ASSIGN x.y = ....
  2. The problem I need to fix is related to the second case: SENSITIVE attribute can be set to TRUE in one batch (using DynamicWidgetFactory.pushScreen(Un)lock) with FRAME handle. When screen definitions are pushed, the new widget is added, and WidgetRegistry.addWidgetsToFrame disables it by default discarding SENSITIVE value:
    // make widget disabled by default
    if (nextWidget.isEnabled())

    I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Maybe set correct enabled value for dynamic widgets?

#277 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

There is a problem related to DynamicWidgetFactory.pushScreen(Un)lock.
  1. Conversion assumes that
    has different behavior in comparison with

This is expected, as ASSIGN can contain multiple frames/widgets/etc and we can't know which one to push/unlock (or even if the handle actually refers a widget). With CREATE ... ASSIGN, we know for sure the handle refers a widget.

  1. The problem I need to fix is related to the second case: SENSITIVE attribute can be set to TRUE in one batch (using DynamicWidgetFactory.pushScreen(Un)lock) with FRAME handle. When screen definitions are pushed, the new widget is added, and WidgetRegistry.addWidgetsToFrame disables it by default discarding SENSITIVE value:
    I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Maybe set correct enabled value for dynamic widgets?

Yes, I think for dynamic widgets the // make widget disabled by default code should not be executed.

#278 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Plus issue:
8. Error on browse re-creation.

#279 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

I'm making changes only to static query case:
  1. OPEN QUERY without DEFINE QUERY - no conversion changes.
  2. OPEN QUERY with DEFINE QUERY - my aim is to add buffers for the period after DEFINE and before OPEN. I'll add addBuffer calls on DEFINE, after that query.assign on OPEN resets buffers before potential addComponent calls.

OK, I'm fine with this approach.

#280 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Plus issue:
9. Error on ctrl-c processing.

#281 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026b from P2J trunk revision 10919.

#282 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026b from P2J trunk revision 10923.

#283 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

As I suggested, concept of "realized" browse (used in "Unable to set ATTRIBUTE because the BROWSE widget has been realised" error messages) differs from P2J config.[was]Realized behavior. It P2J it is set when a widget becomes visible.

For browse rules are: if the FRAME attribute is set, it is "realized" when VISIBLE is set. Otherwise it is "realized" in WAIT-FOR.

And I'm pretty sure that the complete set of rules is more quirky that I described.

Because we will not see these errors in production, I suggest to create a separate quirk-task and close 2026.

#284 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

For browse rules are: if the FRAME attribute is set, it is "realized" when VISIBLE is set. Otherwise it is "realized" in WAIT-FOR.

I assume you will implement this "basic" approach.

Because we will not see these errors in production, I suggest to create a separate quirk-task and close 2026.

Any quirks outside of the above behavior can be deferred.

#285 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

As I suggested, concept of "realized" browse (used in "Unable to set ATTRIBUTE because the BROWSE widget has been realised" error messages) differs from P2J config.[was]Realized behavior. It P2J it is set when a widget becomes visible.

For browse rules are: if the FRAME attribute is set, it is "realized" when VISIBLE is set. Otherwise it is "realized" in WAIT-FOR.

And I'm pretty sure that the complete set of rules is more quirky that I described.

Because we will not see these errors in production, I suggest to create a separate quirk-task and close 2026.

There is already the #2572 task for the full support for the realized flag - I think is better to post these notes there.

#286 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Constanin, thanks, I'll make reference to this task there.

OK, here is the correct set of rules:
1. Browse is "realized" when it becomes visible. That is an arguable statement, but I think at this point this is OK approach.
2. Setting a widget (static or dynamic) VISIBLE displays the parent frame. - That probably deserves a separate task.
3. You are free to change TITLE of a realized browse with a title. But you cannot set a TITLE for a realized browse without title.

#287 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Guys, at this point config.realized is set in AbstractWidget._setVisible. Setting of config.visible attribute doesn't always go thru that path. What do you think if I'll add this to AbstractWidget.afterConfigUpdateBase?

public void afterConfigUpdateBase(WidgetConfig beforeUpdate)
   WidgetConfig c = config();

   if (c == null)

   if (c.visible && !c.realized)     <--
   {                                 <-- 
     c.realized = true;              <--
     c.wasRealized = true;           <--
   }                                 <--

#288 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

I don't know the answer to the question in note 287. It seems OK to me.

Constantin/Hynek: what do you think?

#289 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 9 years ago

Indeed, the management of realized flag is a bit messy.

Stanislav, your solution seems to be ok when visible config field is set on the server. For the case when it is set on the client a similar logic must execute on the server.

#290 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

For the case when it is set on the client a similar logic must execute on the server.

There is no need to do it explicitly, it is done automatically in pushScreenDefinitions trip.

#291 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

For the case when it is set on the client a similar logic must execute on the server.

There is no need to do it explicitly, it is done automatically in pushScreenDefinitions trip.

Interesting, where exactly does it happen?

#292 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Guys, I want to have a conversation about pushScreenLock/pushScreenUnlock. AFAIK what it does is deferring pushScreenDefinitions until pushScreenUnlock so CREATE...ASSIGN is executed in a batch rather that running assignments one by one. Consider a testcase:

def var h as handle.

def frame fr WITH SIZE 80 BY 20.
view frame fr.

function func returns character:
   pause message "in func".
   return "Func label".

CREATE button h assign
                label = "Default label"  
                frame = frame fr:handle
                visible = true
                label = func().

pause message "end".

In 4GL it first displays the frame (handles visible = true) and then runs func. Unfortunately in P2J it causes NPE:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.goldencode.p2j.ui.ButtonWidget.labelSizeCheck(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.ui.GenericWidget.setLabel(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.ui.GenericWidget.setLabel(

so I made an equivalent testcase with a BROWSE which works fine only without pushScreenLock/pushScreenUnlock:
def temp-table tt field f1 as integer.
def query q for tt scrolling.
open query q for each tt.
def var h4 as handle.

def button btn.
def frame fr4 btn WITH SIZE 80 BY 20.
view frame fr4.

function func returns character:
   pause message "in func".
   return "Func title".

CREATE BROWSE h4 assign 
                width = 40
                height = 10
                query = query q:handle
                title = "Some title" 
                frame = frame fr4:handle
                visible = true
                title = func()

pause message "end".

Any ideas?

#293 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

There is no need to do it explicitly, it is done automatically in pushScreenDefinitions trip.

Interesting, where exactly does it happen?

AspectJ handles it.

#294 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

There is no need to do it explicitly, it is done automatically in pushScreenDefinitions trip.

Interesting, where exactly does it happen?

AspectJ handles it.

You probably mean ConfigFieldSetterAspect. This aspect registers config changes on server or client and helps to synchronize the changes with client or server. However it certainly doesn't contain business logic like 'when config field A is set with a certain value make sure the config field B is set with a certain value' or translated to your case 'when config field visible is set on the client make sure config field realized is set on the server'.

Anyway if your case doesn't require synchronizing realized on the server after visible was set on the client, then I wouldn't bother to put the synchronization logic on the server.

#295 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Guys, I want to have a conversation about pushScreenLock/pushScreenUnlock. AFAIK what it does is deferring pushScreenDefinitions until pushScreenUnlock so CREATE...ASSIGN is executed in a batch rather that running assignments one by one. Consider a testcase:
In 4GL it first displays the frame (handles visible = true) and then runs func. Unfortunately in P2J it causes NPE:

There are two issues here:
  1. LABEL attribute assignment causes NPE if is set BEFORE the dynamic button is attached to a frame (NPE happens regardless if the LABEL assignment is part of CREATE or not, what it matters if the BUTTON is currently attached or not).
  2. pushScreenLock/pushScreenUnlock should be emitted for CREATE ... ASSIGN only if the attribute assignment doesn't contain function calls - so we are sure that the handle/frame is not used (and the user can not interfere with it) until pushScreenUnlock is called.

#296 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Greg/Stanislav: the usage of the GenericWidget.frame field (throughout the server-side widget sub-classes) should be checked and if the frame is used when i.e. an attribute is set determine what is the behavior if the attribute is set before the widget is attached to a frame (like in the BUTTON:LABEL example) and fix it.

#297 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Constantin, can you provide a testcase that fails without pushScreenLock/Unlock?

#298 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Constantin, can you provide a testcase that fails without pushScreenLock/Unlock?

def var h as handle.

def frame fr WITH SIZE 80 BY 20.
view frame fr.

function func returns character:
   pause message "in func".
   return "Func label".

CREATE button h.
h:label = "Default label". /* the NPE is here */  
h:frame = frame fr:handle.
h:visible = true.
h:label = func().

pause message "end".

#299 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

I mean the following:
1. A testcase that includes pushScreenLock after conversion (i.e. testcase should have CREATE..ASSIGN).
2. If we manually remove pushScreenLock form the converted code we will get a bug.

#300 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

I mean the following:
1. A testcase that includes pushScreenLock after conversion (i.e. testcase should have CREATE..ASSIGN).
2. If we manually remove pushScreenLock form the converted code we will get a bug.

The pushScreenLock/unlock are just an optimization in P2J - the 4GL code doesn't batch the assignments in CREATE ... ASSIGN. So, with or without these, P2J should behave the same.

#301 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Unfortunately I think this optimization is incorrect. I will turn it off for browse because of the behavior differences it brings. It would be a good choice to turn it off for all widgets, but I guess it neutralizes P2J bugs caused by setting an attribute before a frame is assigned. So I will create a separate task for all that.

#302 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Unfortunately I think this optimization is incorrect. I will turn it off for browse because of the behavior differences it brings. It would be a good choice to turn it off for all widgets, but I guess it neutralizes P2J bugs caused by setting an attribute before a frame is assigned. So I will create a separate task for all that.

Are you referring to this test in note 292 with this create?

CREATE BROWSE h4 assign 
                width = 40
                height = 10
                query = query q:handle
                title = "Some title" 
                frame = frame fr4:handle
                visible = true
                title = func()

If so, the only issue is the title = func() - please check without this assignment and let me know what the differences are (if any).

#303 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

func() is just a way to show that assignments are executed one by one. The differences I'm taking about is that after browse.frame is assigned and browse.visible is on, browse is considered to be "realized". Following assignments in CREATE..ASSIGN may display "browse is already realized" error messages.

#304 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

func() is just a way to show that assignments are executed one by one. The differences I'm taking about is that after browse.frame is assigned and browse.visible is on, browse is considered to be "realized". Following assignments in CREATE..ASSIGN may display "browse is already realized" error messages.

I would leave the push lock/unlock there and change the runtime this way: if the widget gets "realized", call GenericWidget.setScreenLock(false) before realizing the widget - this way all changes are pushed and the widget attribute assignments move from "batch" to "immediate" from that point forward and the next pushScreenUnlock will be a no-op.

#305 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

realized is set on the client side. Well, I can check locked && visible && !realized on the server side, but wouldn't it be addition of another level of complexity for slight optimization? I've already fixed couple of bugs in pushScreenLock mechanism.

#306 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026a from P2J trunk revision 10927.

#307 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav, go ahead and disable the pushScreenLock/Unlock completely - comment out the code in embedded_attribute_assign_rewrite.rules:76 and leave a comment behind for the reason why this was disabled.

#308 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Please review task branch 2026b revision 10939.

#309 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Rebased task branch 2026b from P2J trunk revision 10928.

#310 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026b Revision 10940

This is really good.

The only thing I see here is that GenericFrame.deleteDynamicWidget() has browse-specific code, which is not optimal. I think this would be better done by adding an empty cleanup() method to GenericWidget. Then BrowseWidget would override it. The browse column deletion would be done inside BrowseWidget.cleanup().

Eric: would you please review the query-related changes?

#311 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 9 years ago

Code review 2026b/10940:

  • query_associations.rules: please refresh my memory...why were we hiding the DEFINE_QUERY node's children, and why is this no longer necessary now? I assume this has to do with the addBuffer change, but isn't there already a QueryWrapper reference on which to invoke those calls?
  • thanks for adding my missing javadoc for the optimize method.
  • please update the class javadoc to reflect the addition of the remove method.

#312 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

  • query_associations.rules: please refresh my memory...why were we hiding the DEFINE_QUERY node's children, and why is this no longer necessary now? I assume this has to do with the addBuffer change, but isn't there already a QueryWrapper reference on which to invoke those calls?

Previously we discarded all information about buffers defined in DEFINE QUERY (i.e. we suppressed emission of references to buffers) and now we pass these references to addBuffer.

#313 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026b Revision 10941

It looks good. Please get it regression tested (both conversion and runtime). If it passes without needing any modifications, then you can go ahead and merge to trunk.

#314 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

(copy from email) There is the regression. Now I got the sense of the comment in GenericFrame.makeFrameVisible:

// direct access; for some reason, this code doesn't push the visibility change to the client
c.visible = true;

If screen definitions are pushed, as it required for realize to work properly, state of the widgets not displayed with DISPLAY becomes "initialized" and their contents are drawn while they shouldn't. E.g.
form i j with frame f1.
display i with frame f1.

will display j value too.

#315 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

I don't like the fact that widget state is modified just by pushing definitions. So I think it is time to put into action the following comment:

public static void ConfigHelper.setModified(WidgetConfig cfg, boolean modified)
   cfg.modified = modified;

   // TODO: should this always get unilaterally set or should this only get set when
   //       modified changes from false to true?
   cfg.state = ScreenBuffer.CHANGED;

Committed 2026b revision 10942.

#316 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026b Revision 10942

I was hoping for more comments in makeFrameVisible() rather than less. Otherwise, I'm fine with the changes.

How is testing going?

#317 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

In addition to the "value is displayed while it shouldn't" (1) changes in makeFrameVisible also brought border drawing issue (2) in majic.
Change in setModified fixes issue (1) but brings "in redirected mode value is not displayed while it should" (3) issue.
So we are dealing with a very sensitive code. Any help appreciated.

#318 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav, please specify some of the MAJIC tests which fail for the 3 issues in note 317 and also a 4GL test related to the 2026b branch changes you are testing.

I'll take a look and see what I find.

#319 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

The following testcase is for
(1) - k should have no value
(2) report.txt should be "Employee: 0"

def var i as integer init 0.
def var k as integer init 0.

form i k with frame f1.
display i with frame f1.

def stream rpt.
output stream rpt to report.txt.

form header
           "Employee:"    at 1
           with page-top width 132 no-labels no-box no-attr-space
           frame f-opt132.
view stream rpt frame f-opt132.
output stream rpt close.

To reveal (3) in majic, call function browser (?).

Browse testcase which I'm trying to put to work:

def var h as handle.

def button btn.
def frame fr btn WITH SIZE 80 BY 20 title "Realized vis before".
view frame fr.

                x = 10
                y = 10
                width = 40
                height = 10
                title = "Browse title" 
                visible = true
                frame = frame fr:handle

h:row-markers = true.
pause message "place 1".
view frame fr.
h:row-markers = true.
pause message "place 2".

Browse should be realized and drawn at view frame fr. This is done by setting realized flag at makeFrameVisible and avoiding premature drawing in BrowseImpl.draw:

if (config.dynamic && !config.realized)

#320 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav, I think you are managing the VISIBLE attribute wrong. Even if you set it in the CREATE BROWSE, the VISIBLE attribute remains "no" until the browse is displayed or the VISIBLE is set AFTER the browse is attached to the frame; setting the VISIBLE attr when the widget is not attached to a frame is a no-op. This interferes with how P2J processes VIEW - it sees the browse already marked as visible and no longer draws/realizes it.

So: I've removed the changes in ConfigHelper.setModified, GenericFrame.makeFrameEnable and makeFrameVisible, changed GenericFrame.setVisible to this:

   public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      if (frame == null)
         // no-op if frame is not set

and things seem stable now.

#321 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Constantin, many thanks! To be sure - are you talking about GenericWIDGET.setVisible?

#322 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 9 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Constantin, many thanks! To be sure - are you talking about GenericWIDGET.setVisible?

Ah, correct, is GenericWidget, not GenericFrame.

#323 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026b Revision 10944

I'm good with the changes. If they pass testing, please merge to trunk.

How is regression testing going?

#324 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

There is single minor regression. I've fixed it and committed the fix. Re-running regression testing.

#325 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 2026b Revision 10945

The change is good. Merge to trunk if it passes.

#326 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

2026b has been committed into the trunk as bzr revision 10929.

#327 Updated by Greg Shah almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

#328 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

Fixed conversion regression brought by 2026b.
Please review task branch 2026c, revision 10931.

#329 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 9 years ago

2026c has been committed into the trunk as bzr revision 10931.

#330 Updated by Greg Shah over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from Milestone 12 to GUI Support for a Complex ADM2 App

#331 Updated by Greg Shah over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3246: reduce the amount of data being sent to the client-side when an UI attribute is being changed added

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