


Feature #1652

Feature #1651: add support for dynamic database features

add conversion and runtime support for dynamically prepared temp-tables

Added by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 280.00 h)
version_resolved: - conversion for dynamic creation of TEMP-TABLE (43.8 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 01/23/2013 11:52 AM (45.5 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 01/29/2013 10:55 AM - p2j project update (74.4 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 02/08/2013 12:57 PM - testcases (3.26 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 02/08/2013 12:57 PM (71.5 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 02/11/2013 01:51 PM - p2j project update (152 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 02/12/2013 11:13 AM - sample files used for testing (6.27 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 02/12/2013 11:13 AM (4.9 KB) Eric Faulhaber, 02/12/2013 05:23 PM (24.1 KB) Eric Faulhaber, 02/13/2013 12:08 PM - Replaces older version (145 KB) Eric Faulhaber, 02/14/2013 04:35 PM - Replaces older version (39.7 KB) Eric Faulhaber, 02/14/2013 04:35 PM (26 KB) Ovidiu Maxiniuc, 03/01/2013 08:03 AM (84.1 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 06/06/2013 05:57 PM (128 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 06/25/2013 05:24 AM (161 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 07/07/2013 10:34 AM (217 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 07/16/2013 11:14 AM (6.39 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 07/17/2013 04:07 AM (89.6 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 07/17/2013 08:52 AM (4.11 MB) Stanislav Lomany, 08/07/2013 08:22 PM (4.15 MB) Stanislav Lomany, 08/23/2013 12:59 PM (81.9 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 08/25/2013 10:36 AM (282 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 09/24/2013 09:14 AM (3.9 MB) Stanislav Lomany, 09/24/2013 05:42 PM (283 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 10/02/2013 07:46 AM (164 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 01/24/2014 01:19 PM (3.95 MB) Stanislav Lomany, 01/24/2014 01:21 PM (10.6 KB) Stanislav Lomany, 01/27/2014 01:29 PM


Feature #1955: add conversion support for CREATE-TEMP-TABLE statementClosedOvidiu Maxiniuc

Feature #2122: add runtime support for dynamically prepared temp-tablesClosedStanislav Lomany

Feature #2128: generate and load DMO interface and implementation classes for dynamic temp-tables at runtimeClosedStanislav Lomany

Related issues

Related to Database - Feature #2161: Changing UNDO attribute of dynamic table New 08/12/2013
Related to Database - Bug #2236: HQL error generated from dynamically converted query with extent field reference in where clause Closed


#1 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

This feature will require (at minimum) dynamically:
  • converting the statement at runtime into some representation of a temp table definition that can be used by the runtime;
  • updating or replacing the Hibernate SessionFactory instance which is used for temp table support, in order to include the new temp-table definition;
  • creating the temp table in the H2, in-memory, temp-table database;
  • generating a new DMO class (and instance) for the created temp table on the fly (or some representation of a DMO that will act sufficiently like one behind the RecordBuffer dynamic proxy, and play nicely with Hibernate if necessary).

#2 Updated by Greg Shah over 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Milestone 7

#3 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

Added 1st implementation of conversion for dynamic creation of TEMP-TABLE and a few related methods and attributes.

#4 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

Changed implementation to take advantage of new handle implementation.
I created a new interface (DynamicTempTable) and an abstract class (AbstractDynamicTempTable) that declares needed attributes/methods and are wired by conversion rules.

#5 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130129b:

I see some problems with the DynamicTempTable interface. I believe all of the getXXX methods belong in the parent (Buffer) interface, since AFAIK, they all apply to buffers in general, not just temp-table buffers [LATER CORRECTION: getDefaultBufferHandle is only about temp-tables]. Also, we cannot use the JavaBean-style method naming convention for any methods in the Buffer interface (or its sub-interfaces), because these have the potential to collide with names in the generated DMO interfaces. So, for example, getField should simply be field, because there might be a database table with a field column, which would result in a conflicting getField method in the DMO interface.

The changes to attributes_methods.rules must be adjusted accordingly. BTW, please follow the convention in this rule set of adding new ftype == ... rules in alphabetical order by token type name.

Why is AbstractDynamicTempTable an abstract class? There are neither abstract methods nor unimplemented methods from the DynamicTempTable interface. What is supposed to extend it? Since it is emitted into converted business logic, I would prefer a shorter name that doesn't imply abstractness.

If I understand correctly, the flow of creating a dynamic temp-table and using it involves calling CREATE TEMP-TABLE, invoking one or more ADD/CREATE methods on it, then invoking the TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE method. Evidently, the NAME attribute can be set as well, but I'm not clear when, based on the documentation. Is the idea that we define the DMO proxy (and dynamically add the definition to Hibernate's config) during the TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE step? I know this is a runtime-related question, but I want to get my head around the intended design.

#6 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

I have moved the getField() to Buffer interface and renamed it to simply field() so there would be no collisions with DMOs.
I have sorted the attributes alphabetically.

Regarding the class that implements DynamicTempTable. At moment of naming it, it did make sense to me, but now, it does't. Maybe DynamicTempTableImpl, but, again, it's rather long :(. Maybe rename the interface into DynamicTempTableInterface and naming the class DynamicTempTable ? I need help here.

Yes, the flow of dynamically creating temp-tables is like you described:
  • create it
  • add fields/indexes (just store these internally)
  • prepare (this is where temp-tables get truly created)
  • naming it: The NAME attribute of the Temp-table object handle is writeable for dynamic and AVM-generated temp-tables. A new temp-table name cannot be assigned until after the TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE method has been executed.

#7 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Regarding the class that implements DynamicTempTable. At moment of naming it, it did make sense to me, but now, it does't. Maybe DynamicTempTableImpl, but, again, it's rather long :(. Maybe rename the interface into DynamicTempTableInterface and naming the class DynamicTempTable ? I need help here.

How about TempTable for the interface and TempTableFactory for the class? Is "factory" appropriate? Does the class need to do more than act as a mechanism to define and configure dynamic temp tables?

#8 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

How about TempTable for the interface and TempTableFactory for the class? Is "factory" appropriate? Does the class need to do more than act as a mechanism to define and configure dynamic temp tables?

If we design this class with only the overloaded methods that create dynamically temp-tables then yes, I suppose it should be a factory. But I was thinking that this class will also handle all the other specific methods and attributes, like defining structure and populating the table. In this case, "builder" would be more appropriate.

#9 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

In this case, "builder" would be more appropriate.

Works for me.

#10 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

I attached the update pack and testcases.

#11 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Does this update include all of the changes you rolled into your last (combined) update for #1668, or do I need to merge?

#12 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130208a:

I reviewed this update in combination with your 20130201a update, which was necessary to make sure I had everything, since it appears this update is not a superset of 20130201a. It turned out to be quite confusing.

  • In progress.g (0201a), you added a comment in the header that you had "changed KW_BUF_VAL's type to METH_POLY". However, that token's type is ATTR_POLY. Is the comment wrong, or is the code wrong?
  • The two versions of methods_attributes.rules were very difficult to reconcile with the version currently in bzr. The version of this ruleset in the older update (0201a) seems more recent in some respects than the version in 0208a, except for the dynamic temp table content. There is a lot of content in 0201a that seems unrelated to this issue: basic handle processing, XML processing, etc. Why all this additional code? Also, the additions were still largely out of alphabetical order, making review considerably more difficult than it needed to be.
  • We cannot use JavaBean-style method names in Buffer[Impl].java, as they have the potential to conflict with DMO method names.
  • In discussion with Vadim, we decided that buffer field attributes and methods belong in FieldInterface/FieldReference, not Buffer/BufferImpl.
  • bufferRelease belongs in Buffer, not P2JQuery.
  • (0201a) has a number of new, static, create methods (there is no version of this file in 0208a). These methods are emitted by buffer_definitions.rules. However, there should be no public static methods in It is meant to be an internal class that is never used directly from converted code, and only exists to implement methods declared in In other words, there should be no methods in BufferImpl that are not in Buffer, other than possibly some private helper methods, if necessary. These static methods should be in

Because of all the above issues, I was unable to reconcile your 0201a and 0208a updates with each other and with the current version of the code in bzr.

As your top priority, please provide a single update which includes all of your updates related to all the issues under #1651. It should be built on top of the current version of code in bzr, plus my merged version of Vadim's changes for #1947 and #1668, which is named (and is attached to #1947). Do not include any unrelated code which is not checked into bzr. Also, there is, unfortunately, considerable, conflicting feature overlap between what Vadim has done and what you added. I already reviewed/merged/approved Vadim's changes, so please do not replace any of that new work with yours where there are conflicts.

We need this update as soon as possible. Vadim is continuing to make changes for #1668, using as a baseline, and he will need to merge with your changes very soon.

#13 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

I reviewed this update in combination with your 20130201a update, which was necessary to make sure I had everything, since it appears this update is not a superset of 20130201a. It turned out to be quite confusing.

Sorry for confusing you. I merged in 20130201a all my changes for CREATE * tasks and some conversions for attributes and methods conversion from #1668. I eliminated changes that became deprecated.

  • In progress.g (0201a), you added a comment in the header that you had "changed KW_BUF_VAL's type to METH_POLY". However, that token's type is ATTR_POLY. Is the comment wrong, or is the code wrong?

That was what I fist saw in the documentation. After a short chat with Constantin it's now clear to me that there is an error and KW_BUF_VAL is indeed, an indexed ATTR_POLY.

  • The two versions of methods_attributes.rules were very difficult to reconcile with the version currently in bzr. The version of this ruleset in the older update (0201a) seems more recent in some respects than the version in 0208a, except for the dynamic temp table content. There is a lot of content in 0201a that seems unrelated to this issue: basic handle processing, XML processing, etc. Why all this additional code? Also, the additions were still largely out of alphabetical order, making review considerably more difficult than it needed to be.

The "unrelated" stuff were methods/attributes from the #1668 (in the order they appear in that list), the note that accompanies the package 0201a list the full attributes and methods that the update handles. Sorry again for the alphabetical issue, I was not aware at that time.

  • We cannot use JavaBean-style method names in Buffer[Impl].java, as they have the potential to conflict with DMO method names.

I understand it. I fixed and if I find any occurrences I will fix them.

  • In discussion with Vadim, we decided that buffer field attributes and methods belong in FieldInterface/FieldReference, not Buffer/BufferImpl.

The current update does no affect Buffer nor BufferImpl.

  • bufferRelease belongs in Buffer, not P2JQuery.

Ok. I observed that change when merging files.

  • (0201a) has a number of new, static, create methods (there is no version of this file in 0208a). These methods are emitted by buffer_definitions.rules. However, there should be no public static methods in It is meant to be an internal class that is never used directly from converted code, and only exists to implement methods declared in In other words, there should be no methods in BufferImpl that are not in Buffer, other than possibly some private helper methods, if necessary. These static methods should be in

I have changed that the Create Buffer project.

Because of all the above issues, I was unable to reconcile your 0201a and 0208a updates with each other and with the current version of the code in bzr.

As your top priority, please provide a single update which includes all of your updates related to all the issues under #1651. It should be built on top of the current version of code in bzr, plus my merged version of Vadim's changes for #1947 and #1668, which is named (and is attached to #1947). Do not include any unrelated code which is not checked into bzr. Also, there is, unfortunately, considerable, conflicting feature overlap between what Vadim has done and what you added. I already reviewed/merged/approved Vadim's changes, so please do not replace any of that new work with yours where there are conflicts.

We need this update as soon as possible. Vadim is continuing to make changes for #1668, using as a baseline, and he will need to merge with your changes very soon.

I did that. Please see the attached update. I removed any unrelated code, only bzr + vmn_upd20130207b + things related to creating temporary tables.

#14 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I did that. Please see the attached update. I removed any unrelated code, only bzr + vmn_upd20130207b + things related to creating temporary tables.

This update seems much cleaner and easier to review, thank you. However, please note that I asked for all updates related to all the issues under #1651 (the parent issue for all the dynamic database work you have been doing), not just the things related to temporary tables. This must include all CREATE QUERY work, all CREATE BUFFER work, all CREATE TEMP-TABLE work, and all the methods and attributes you had to implement to for these (except where they overlap/conflict with work already in I'm sorry if this was not clear.

#15 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

I merged the changes from all CREATE TEMP-TABLE / BUFFER / QUERY tasks using the last as base. However, this update seems not to be complete, some of the rules refer some classes that do not exist in the package. I hope you have them all in order to obtain a compilable project.

#16 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I merged the changes from all CREATE TEMP-TABLE / BUFFER / QUERY tasks using the last as base. However, this update seems not to be complete, some of the rules refer some classes that do not exist in the package. I hope you have them all in order to obtain a compilable project.

Yes, please see #1947, note 44 -- I added a correction shortly after posting that entry.

#17 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130212a:

Everything here looks good, except we are missing updated versions of AbstractQuery and QueryWrapper to match the expanded P2JQuery interface. Right now, it won't compile without these classes (even with Costin's update). Please add these missing files and resubmit the update ASAP.

#18 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130212a (cont):

I am uploading an update with 3 newer versions of the files you provided. 2 have very minor documentation updates, the other is merged with an update from (currently under test). Please roll these into your update when you provide the newer AbstractQuery and QueryWrapper versions.

#19 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

  • File added

I added the forgotten files and merged with your update.

#20 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130213a:

QueryWrapper did not compile, due to missing (new) P2JQuery method implementations in the inner class DefaultDelegate. I added the missing methods. Also, I added a comment to the header in this file and in AbstractQuery. I also moved the static methods you added to AbstractQuery further up in the file, to meet coding standards. Update is attached.

Everything else looked good. We will go into regression test with your update overlaid with mine.

Since this code did not compile, I have to assume this version was not tested against your testcases. Please run these tests ASAP to make sure everything still works after all this merging.

#21 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

That's strange, the files I sent DefaultDelegate inner class had the new method implemented (they were returning nulls). I compiled and converted the testcases. Might be lost in the merging process !?...

However, there is a small issue with the implementation of BUFFER-COPY (KW_BUF_COPY). It's implemented only in the basic form, without optional parameters. I believe the method should be overloaded to support the additional parameters, not only the first one: BUFFER-COPY ( source-buffer-handle [ , except-list [ , pairs-list [ , no-lobs ] ] ] )

[LaterEdit: There are two minor warnings, javadoc will complain in a couple of places that the string parameter does not match the predicate form javadoc comment.]

#22 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

That's strange, the files I sent DefaultDelegate inner class had the new method implemented (they were returning nulls). I compiled and converted the testcases. Might be lost in the merging process !?...

You are right! My mistake during the merge over here, sorry.

BTW, please don't return null from DefaultDelegate methods. Just return a safe value of the correct data type which would make sense for an uninitialized query (i.e., one that was declared, but not properly defined/prepared yet). Generally, that will be false for logical return types that indicate success, or unknown value or some other sensible no-op result for other return types.

However, there is a small issue with the implementation of BUFFER-COPY (KW_BUF_COPY). It's implemented only in the basic form, without optional parameters. I believe the method should be overloaded to support the additional parameters, not only the first one: BUFFER-COPY ( source-buffer-handle [ , except-list [ , pairs-list [ , no-lobs ] ] ] )

[LaterEdit: There are two minor warnings, javadoc will complain in a couple of places that the string parameter does not match the predicate form javadoc comment.]

Agreed, please fix these issues and resubmit only the affected files, as a separate update. We are going to try to get the existing update into regression testing as is. I don't want to hold it back for another day.

#23 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

  • File added

Fixed issues and attached update. I added a couple of BUFFER-COPY method declarations. At least enough to get a compilable source for my testcases. However, because of the optional parameters and because the conversion can generate both java-built-in datatype and p2j mutable types, the method with needed signatures will be written when converting customer's code.

#24 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Code review 20130214a:

I had to make a few changes, updated archive is attached (same name; I will delete the old version).
  • The new bufferCopy variants in Buffer needed a return type of logical, not void. A stray import statement seems to have sneaked into from your testing, which I removed.
  • was missing; I added implementation stub methods to the current version and added that file to the zip.
  • QueryWrapper: I'm accepting your version, but please note my earlier comment returning safe values was just about the inner class DefaultDelegate. The QueryWrapper stub methods have to be implemented anyway, so it was not necessary to replace the null returns in the top level class, though it didn't hurt anything to do so.
  • In AbstractQuery, I fixed my earlier cut-and-paste error in the numbering of the heading entries.

Please note I removed files from if newer versions of those files are in

#25 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

  • File deleted (

#26 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

  • File deleted (

#27 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 11 years ago

Note that the defaultBufferHandle API I think it needs to be added to the Buffer interface too, because there are compile errors in the server projects, as it can not find the TempTablex.Buf.defaultBufferHandle method

#28 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 11 years ago

defaultBufferHandle is pushed up from TempTable to Buffer interface.

#29 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 11 years ago

Update has passed conversion regression test and is committed to bzr rev. 10228.

#30 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from add conversion and runtime support for CREATE-TEMP-TABLE statement to add conversion and runtime support for dynamically prepared temp-tables

#31 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

In addition to the requirements in note 1, we will have to deal with the following:
  • name conversion, to ensure table, field, and index names are legal/valid in the P2J environment;
  • the generation of a .dict AST, such that dynamic query conversion can incrementally load new temp-table definitions into a SchemaDictionary instance when converting WHERE clauses for dynamically prepared queries.

I'm not sure yet as to how we deal with the second piece. It depends on the scope/lifetime of a dynamically prepared temp-table. If it cannot survive the current, external procedure, then we can store it in memory, and a dynamically prepared query in the same procedure can share access to this data structure. Otherwise, we will need to persist it (is there an existing metadata table for this?), and clean it up at an appropriate time. This will require some investigation.

#32 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

In order to use a dynamically prepared temp-table with the existing infrastructure to execute queries and extract data from the results, we will need to dynamically generate a DMO interface (for dynamic proxy creation) and a DMO implementation class (for Hibernate's use).

We will want to remove the dynamically generated DMO interface and implementation class from the associated class loader when they are no longer in use, to prevent an ongoing memory leak. I've looked at the com.goldencode.p2j.classloader package, and I don't think these loaders are suited for this, so we will need something new.

One concern I have is whether we can properly clean up a temp-table that is no longer in use from Hibernate. Can we remove a class-table mapping from the session factory? Also, Hibernate instruments the implementation class -- what are the class unloading implications of this?

#33 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

It looks like the single way to update ORM at runtime is to create/update Configuration object and build a new SessionFactory. Besides that creation of a SessionFactory is an expensive operation, we will have difficulties with switching to the new factory. So if we want true ORM for dynamic tables (theoretically we can use pure JDBC or store data as "field name" -> "value" map etc.), we should modify Hibernate SessionFactoryImpl or implement our own factory. Any better ideas?

#34 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Some thoughts:
1. About dynamic addition / removal of Hibernate entities: Eric, please see my previous note and tell what do you think is the most correct way to solve this problem?
2. As the inner representation of a temp table definition we can use an inner class-container inside TempTableBuilder for fields and can re-use P2JIndex and P2JIndexComponent for indexes.
3. In order to get the information about tables/fields passed to addFieldLike/addIndexLike/etc. we probably should use Hibernate Configuration object.

#35 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

It looks like the single way to update ORM at runtime is to create/update Configuration object and build a new SessionFactory. Besides that creation of a SessionFactory is an expensive operation, we will have difficulties with switching to the new factory. So if we want true ORM for dynamic tables (theoretically we can use pure JDBC or store data as "field name" -> "value" map etc.), we should modify Hibernate SessionFactoryImpl or implement our own factory. Any better ideas?

After researching for a while, no better ideas come to mind. Upon closer inspection, the org.hibernate.cfg.Mappings class I was placing my hope in seems to be about dynamically changing the Configuration, but I guess you still have to create a SessionFactory after making runtime changes. As you say, switching to a new factory while other threads may still be using the old one appears to come with some problems.

How do you see the pure JDBC or name/value mapping working, specifically with regards to cooperating with all the 4GL-compatibility machinery already in the P2J persistence runtime?

If we were to go the SessionFactoryImpl modification or implementation route, what would our version do differently, specifically, to solve this problem?

#36 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

How do you see the pure JDBC or name/value mapping working, specifically with regards to cooperating with all the 4GL-compatibility machinery already in the P2J persistence runtime?

1. Pure JDBC mapping probably will not work - if we want to coordinate with Hibernate state, we need to attach the entity to a session, which is not possible if we do not have a mapping for the entity.
2. For name/value mapping - we have to implement proper getting of field handles, buffer copying / comparison, changing dynamic queries on fly and other things. Doesn't seem to be an elegant solution.

If we were to go the SessionFactoryImpl modification or implementation route, what would our version do differently, specifically, to solve this problem?

First of all, the fact that worries me the most that there can be some reason why was session factory has been made immutable.
Specifically - it's hard to say without practice, but at least we have to update Hibernate mappings, persisters and identifier generators when a new DMO class is registered or removed.

#37 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

It looks like re-implementing/replacing SessionFactoryImpl is a tricky job, but there are some factors that limit our exposure.

Let's look at this problem as replacing the single, immutable SessionFactoryImpl with a subclass that has minimal changes, keeping the "singleton-ish" aspect of SessionFactory (i.e., one SessionFactory per database, never to be replaced at runtime). Rather than replacing the SessionFactory instance on the fly, we want to make a new implementation that is "partially mutable". This would only be used for the temporary table database; we want to continue to use the standard SessionFactoryImpl for permanent databases.

We only care about adding (and later deleting) dynamically generated, temporary tables that exist in a single user's context. These will never be seen by other sessions, so we should add a facility to our SessionFactoryImpl subclass that keeps track of per-context, "extra" mappings, in addition to the standard, static mappings.

Hibernate uses the SessionFactoryImplementor interface to maintain an internal contract among Hibernate packages as to what SessionFactory implementations must do, but it is not consistently used throughout Hibernate. It appears that although they went through the trouble of creating this interface and using it for most internal references, they did not make the choice of implementation configurable.

And while most places in Hibernate reference this interface instead of the concrete SessionFactoryImpl class, there are still 45 direct references to SessionFactoryImpl in Hibernate 4.1.8. Some of these are JavaDoc references, others are casts, and some are more problematic. For example, Configuration.buildSessionFactory actually instantiates SessionFactoryImpl directly. We would need to change this to make SessionFactoryImpl the default, but allow it to be configurable. There are probably other references that will be similarly problematic.

SessionFactoryImpl currently is final. I suggest subclassing it, to avoid having to change all the places in Hibernate which cast to a SessionFactoryImpl instead of SessionFactoryImplementor. However, if we are to offer our changes back to the Hibernate project, a more acceptable approach is probably to fix up all these casts to use the interface instead (unless they specifically require SessionFactoryImpl methods which are not part of the SessionFactoryImplementor interface -- I haven't looked at them that closely).

It will be unavoidable to make changes in Hibernate code, like removing the final modifier from SessionFactoryImpl and making the creation of a SessionFactoryImplementor concrete class configurable in Configuration.buildSessionFactory. However, we want to minimize these changes.

Please investigate the feasibility of this approach and post your findings as you go, rather than waiting until you have all the answers. Be specific, pointing me at the things you find. I want this to be a running design discussion.

#38 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

Another factor that may simplify making our partially-mutable SessionFactoryImplementor is the fact that we know the limits of the dynamic temp tables that we will create. We don't have to handle every possible association between tables. The only association we will support is the "normalization" of extent fields into a separate table. We do this as a Hibernate list association, using an internal composite-element. For example, in the p2j_test database, a Person DMO has such an association:

    <!-- List of composite elements -->
    <list access="field" cascade="evict" lazy="true" name="composite5" table="person__5">
      <!-- Second level cache -->
      <cache usage="nonstrict-read-write"/>
        <column index="person__5_fkey" name="parent__id"/>
      <index column="list__index"/>
      <composite-element class="PersonImpl$Composite5">
        <property column="schedule" name="schedule" type="p2j_character"/>
        <!-- Hours -->
        <property column="hours" name="hours" type="p2j_integer"/>

It appears a lot of the up-front work SessionFactoryImpl does is the compilation of the many types of associations Hibernate handles. Hopefully, limiting those we need to support in our context-local "extension" mechanism to the above will limit our pain.

Note also that the current project calls for replacing this association with an array column, so please give some consideration to that as an additional, not-too-distant future mapping requirement.

#39 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

To clarify my last post, there will be no ORM associations allowed between dynamically generated temp-tables and existing, statically defined temp-tables. So, hopefully we can avoid whatever compilation/sweep Hibernate would normally do to figure out those cross-table associations, when we add new, context-local table mappings.

#40 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

It will be unavoidable to make changes in Hibernate code, like removing the final modifier from SessionFactoryImpl and making the creation of a SessionFactoryImplementor concrete class configurable in Configuration.buildSessionFactory. However, we want to minimize these changes.

Please investigate the feasibility of this approach and post your findings as you go, rather than waiting until you have all the answers. Be specific, pointing me at the things you find. I want this to be a running design discussion.

For the most part references to SessionFactoryImpl can be replaced with references to SessionFactoryImplementor with the following exceptions:
1. Static function SessionFactoryImpl.deserialize. It doesn't use the internal state of SessionFactoryImpl and we can leave it as is.
2. Hard-coded SessionFactoryImpl instantiation in Configuration and SessionFactoryBuilderImpl. We can define a configuration property which specifies the factory class and change the instantiation code appropriately. SessionFactoryBuilderImpl is not used in our case.
3. SessionFactoryImpl.getTransactionEnvironment used in AbstractSessionImpl.getTransactionEnvironment - it uses internal state of the factory and I suggest to add this function to the SessionFactoryImplementor interface.

#41 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Here is the proof of concept of mutable session factory. BTW, since our factory extends SessionFactoryImpl, we don't need to worry about changing direct references to SessionFactoryImpl to SessionFactoryImplementor interface.

#42 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

This is a good start. The following lines in the test app concern me:

// add entity to the already created session factory
configuration.addFile(new File("Tt.hbm.xml"));
PersistentClass pc = configuration.getClassMapping("Tt");
((MutableSessionFactoryImpl) sessionFactory).add(pc, configuration);

Specifically, I imagine the configuration.buildMappings() call can be quite expensive with a large number of existing mappings. Does this recompile all mappings -- old and new -- each time? I guess it would, since an incremental use case was not envisioned during the original design. Can you please test this with a scenario which adds a single table atop a large number of existing mappings? We need to know the cost of this operation in a realistic environment.

What about removing a mapping, once we're done with it? Since we will be adding many mappings over the uptime of the server, it would be very good to be able to purge them when they're no longer needed.

#43 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Specifically, I imagine the configuration.buildMappings() call can be quite expensive with a large number of existing mappings. Does this recompile all mappings -- old and new -- each time? I guess it would, since an incremental use case was not envisioned during the original design. Can you please test this with a scenario which adds a single table atop a large number of existing mappings? We need to know the cost of this operation in a realistic environment.

Regarding entities definitions Configuration is designed for incremental adding (it has a queue inside). Of course there is some overhead for additional structures. In the test project initial builtSessionFactory takes 600 ms and subsequent buildMappings calls - 60 ms. I'll let you know the results with a large number of tables later.

What about removing a mapping, once we're done with it? Since we will be adding many mappings over the uptime of the server, it would be very good to be able to purge them when they're no longer needed.

I'm working on that.

#44 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

For 100 tables initial builtSessionFactory takes 1500 ms and subsequent buildMappings calls - 15 ms.

#45 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

I'm not so concerned about the initial time, this will be part of server startup. It is good that the incremental calls are relatively fast, but strange that the time went down from 60ms with a small number of tables to 15ms with more tables. We need it to scale well with several thousand tables.

What class of hardware were you using for these measurements?

#46 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

For 5000 tables addition of a new one takes about 50 ms.

What class of hardware were you using for these measurements?

Mobile i5 @ 2.3 GHz.

#47 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Eric, how we a going to implement classes of entities for dynamic tables? I gravitate towards Javassist.

#48 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

I want to be careful about adding another bytecode manipulation library to the project. We have a few options already: ASM is already in use for the com.goldencode.proxy project. Greg suggested using the same technique as he uses in the test harness project, which is to generate Java source in memory and compile it using

Note that we need both a DMO interface and implementation class. We also need a custom class loading and unloading strategy.

What in your opinion makes Javassist a different/better solution for our needs?

#49 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

What in your opinion makes Javassist a different/better solution for our needs?

I didn't notice that we are already using ASM so I picked the one that seemed the most friendly to me.

I like Greg's idea.

#50 Updated by Greg Shah about 11 years ago

Check out the harness project using bzr and look in src/com/goldencode/compile/ for the backing code. Also look at:

src/com/goldencode/harness/test/ (this actually emits the source code for a class than implements DynamicCode)
src/com/goldencode/harness/test/ (the interface being implemented dynamically)
src/com/goldencode/harness/test/ (this executes the instance of the DynamicCode class that is generated)

To see how we encode the Java inside the baselines, see the docs/harness.html#run-code in the harness project.

Let me know if you have any questions. The result should be very easy to create using this approach. It is very readable (in my opinion) and can also be debugged easily if we allow caching of the generated source code.

#51 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

"The dynamic temp-table object is scoped like the buffer object. It is created in a widget pool and ends when the widget pool ends or when it is deleted with the DELETE OBJECT statement."
Do we support widget pools? DELETE OBJECT?
What will be our strategy of dropping unused dynamic tables and mappings? I suggest to delete them when a user session is finished.

#52 Updated by Greg Shah about 11 years ago

We will be supporting both widget pools and the DELETE OBJECT. That work is not yet complete. See #1983.

Constantin can provide guidance on how to hook into the widget pool infrastructure. We should plan to exactly duplicate the 4GL scoping of these dynamic resources.

#53 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Since table names can be the same across multiple or even one user context, I think we should use <table name>___<unique id> format for table and entity class names, e.g. "person___1234". The only drawback I see is that we should take this into consideration when converting dynamic queries like "for each person" to HQL at runtime.

#54 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Since table names can be the same across multiple or even one user context, I think we should use <table name>___<unique id> format for table and entity class names, e.g. "person___1234". The only drawback I see is that we should take this into consideration when converting dynamic queries like "for each person" to HQL at runtime.

My initial thought was that our subclass/extension of SessionFactoryImpl would be context-aware (i.e., would exist in a P2J package which could use ContextLocal to contain the dynamic temp-table mappings), but after seeing your proof of concept, it seems that approach would require a lot more rework of the SessionFactory internals. So, I agree with your naming proposal.

#55 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

I was working on the code generation for dynamic DMOs. At first I started with the approach that re-uses hibernate/java templates using graft function, however later I switched to the approach that completely re-uses DMO generation phase from the conversion process, i.e. runs pattern engine on the rules which:
1. generate hbm.xml
2. generate DMO class and interface JASTs
3. convert JASTs to java code
At this point it works, but I have to make the following modifications in the conversion engine:
1. Do not read configuration from cfg folder.
2. Produce in-memory ASTs or code instead of writing it to files.

Also, definition of a DMO in dmo_index.xml looks like this:

<schema impl="_temp.impl" name="_temp">
  <class interface="TempRecord1">
      <component name="f1"/>
      <component name="f2"/>
    <index name="idx__tt1_index1" unique="true">
      <column name="f1"/>
      <column descend="true" name="f2"/>

But for adding a new DMO Configuration class provides only functions for adding new hbm.xml files, so we must find a way to pass this part of configuration to Configuration/SessionFactory:
1. schema name can be specified in hbm.xml
2. unique definintion can be replaced with properties in hbm.xml
3. there is no direct replacement for index section, so it looks like another bit Hibernate code modifications is required.

#56 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

This all makes sense to me, except:

3. there is no direct replacement for index section, so it looks like another bit Hibernate code modifications is required.

Today, we don't rely on the Hibernate mapping for anything related to an index, because it (at least v3.0.5) does a horrible job with multi-column indexes (which are most of our migrated indexes). Please explain this requirement in more detail.

#57 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Eric, I wasn't sure if the definitions of indexes in Hibernate are used by P2J. If they are not used - great!

#58 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

Test update that generates DMO classes (Java code) and mappings (hbm.xml) at server run time using conversion engine. Not all data structures (in DMOs) are supported yet. Main work is performed in com.goldencode.p2j.persist.DynamicTablesHelper.generateTable.

#59 Updated by Eric Faulhaber about 11 years ago

I have to take a deeper look and dig into the details, but so far, nice work getting this going at runtime! Have you run a conversion-only regression test to make sure this doesn't break normal conversion?

I am a bit concerned about some of the singleton pattern changes -- for example, are there issues using ContextLocal at conversion time?

It doesn't look like you did anything with the places we write messages directly to the console during conversion. Do you just let these messages get redirected to the log?

#60 Updated by Stanislav Lomany about 11 years ago

I have to take a deeper look and dig into the details, but so far, nice work getting this going at runtime! Have you run a conversion-only regression test to make sure this doesn't break normal conversion?

Not yet, but conversion of testcases works fine

I am a bit concerned about some of the singleton pattern changes -- for example, are there issues using ContextLocal at conversion time?

At conversion time ContextLocal switches MODE_STANDALONE. Again, didn't test it completely, but works fine so far.

It doesn't look like you did anything with the places we write messages directly to the console during conversion. Do you just let these messages get redirected to the log?


#61 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update for review. Contains changes that allow to run conversion at run time and changes in Hibernate-related rules.

#62 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update for review. Allows potentially manipulate DMOs using P2J framework. I'll post remaining parts and make comments a bit later.

#63 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update - part 2.

#64 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update - part 3 (Hibernate changes).

#65 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

About field name validation for dynamic tables.
1. Basically you can create a field with any name, and this field can be used later thru field handle.
2. There are some limitations for names of fields which can be referenced in QUERY-PREPARE.
3. There are more limitations implied by Hibernate.
I think we should use "field1", "field2" as Hibernate names and parse queries passed to QUERY-PREPARE at run time. Eric, do you agree?

About field format validation: I've used
new NumberFormat(format);
for numeric types and
new date().toString(format);
for dates (this functions display validation errors). That doesn't completely reproduce 4GL behavior, but that seems to be all we have. Also, I haven't found any existing code that performs validation for datetime.

#66 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Eric, I was working on DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE - handle to default buffer which can be used anywhere in the program after the table has been created. And I'm not sure how to handle scoping for this handle (well, to be correct the term "scoping" probably is not applicable to a handle). How should I emulate normal openScope calls? My suggestion is to make a global buffer and emulate single openScope call for the initial external procedure.

#67 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

I think we should use "field1", "field2" as Hibernate names and parse queries passed to QUERY-PREPARE at run time. Eric, do you agree?


#68 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Eric, I was working on DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE - handle to default buffer which can be used anywhere in the program after the table has been created. And I'm not sure how to handle scoping for this handle (well, to be correct the term "scoping" probably is not applicable to a handle). How should I emulate normal openScope calls? My suggestion is to make a global buffer and emulate single openScope call for the initial external procedure.

AFAIK, the default buffer is created within the scope in which the TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE() method is called. We probably should have that method trigger the call to openScope for the associated buffer. Please try to write test cases which use DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE both within and outside the scope in which TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE() is called and see if that sheds any light.

#69 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Default buffer for dynamic tables can be used anywhere, i.e. within and outside of TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE() call scope.

#70 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Then I think your suggested approach makes sense.

#71 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Code review 20130717a/b/c:

Nice work. A very interesting update.

  • What is the TODO comment in DMOIndex.classes()?
  • The property types in DynamicTablesHelper will need to be updated to add int64, datetime, and datetimetz.
  • Please fix the spelling of dynamicDMOClases (dynamicDMOClasses) in DatabaseManager.

Please fix these items and then do a full conversion and runtime regression test. If all goes well, check it in.

#72 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

What is the TODO comment in DMOIndex.classes()

Dynamic table classes are not returned by this function. Since this function is used only in registerDatabase I'll leave it as is and update javadoc.

#73 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Eric, com.goldencode.compile.* classes are from the harness project. They are now required for P2J project too. How should I handle this in bzr?

#74 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

I guess we have the same files in both projects.

Greg: can you think of a better way?

#75 Updated by Greg Shah almost 11 years ago

For now, that is the best way. Later on, we will start to move our utility classes into separate jars, but let's keep it simple at this time.

#76 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE will take some more time if I'm going to implement it completely, specifically it is converted incorrectly: handle.unwrapBuffer(th).defaultBufferHandle() instead of handle.unwrapTempTable(th).defaultBufferHandle() and BufferImpl.bufferCreate doesn't manage transactions correctly.

If there are known rules (transactions, undo, etc.) for buffer handles that can help me, please let me know.

Right now I'm working on the regression (single one).

#77 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Please go ahead and fix the conversion defect. AFAIK, all the information we have regarding rules about buffers is in p2j/dist/docs/api/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/package-summary.html#record_scopes. I haven't read this in a while; don't remember if buffer handles are treated there.

#78 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Eric, please note that in order to authentically implement CREATE-LIKE and ADD-LIKE-FIELD I need to have original 4GL names for tables and fields. I suggest to store them upon conversion in dmo/dmo_name_map.xml with this format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   <schema name="p2j_test">
      <dmo-mapping jname="PersAddr" pname="pers-addr">
         <field-mapping jname="SiteId" pname="site-id"/>
         <field-mapping jname="EmpNum" pname="emp-num"/>
   <schema name="_temp">
      <dmo-mapping jname="TempRecord1" pname="tt">
         <field-mapping jname="RecId" pname="rec-id"/>

#79 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

These names will available via an API. The code will look something like this:

MetaSchema meta = persistence.getMetaSchema();
String jNameTable = meta.getTableName(pTableName);
String jNameField = meta.getFieldName(pTableName, pFieldName);

I'm still working on this piece.

#80 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

This update adds basic support for dynamic tables.

#81 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

When distributing update I forgot to mention that if someone wants to use dynamic temp tables, InMemoryClassLoader should be used as the system one. However we already have MultiClassLoader for TIMCO jars. In order to handle this I suggest to set java.system.class.loader to InMemoryClassLoader if we are NOT planning to use MultiClassLoader OR if are planning to use it, set java.system.class.loader to MultiClassLoader and chain classloaders MultiClassLoader -> InMemoryClassLoader:

public MultiClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
   super(new InMemoryClassLoader(parent));

#82 Updated by Greg Shah almost 11 years ago

Unless there are significant downsides, I think we should implement chaining of both classloaders as our default approach. The bottom line is that we don't want to have to rely upon configuration and we don't want to have to choose between the features. But if there is some significant problems it will cause, please let us know.

#83 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

I have not reviewed the code yet (will do that later today). Is there anything left to do on this task (considering sub-issues #2122 and #2128), besides integrating the MetaSchema API when it's ready?

#84 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

I have not reviewed the code yet (will do that later today). Is there anything left to do on this task (considering sub-issues #2122 and #2128), besides integrating the MetaSchema API when it's ready?

That is actually the old update which you already reviewed (with minor changes). I had to update baseline and regression tests were unstable so it took long before I could distribute it.

The final update (except MetaSchema and Widget pool integration) will be ready on Monday.

#85 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Constantin, Ovidiu, is there any difference between TempTable.uniqueId() and UniqueID.getUniqueID()?

#86 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

I've found that CLEAR() resets UNDO attribute to true, unless the call was performed on an unprepared table with no fields. Note that the default value of UNDO is false.

If UNDO is false then all table records and all related buffers are deleted on CLEAR. If UNDO is true then the message

CLEAR method may not be called on a static temp-table object, nor on a dynamic 
one with records; use buffer:EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE. (9085)

is displayed if the dynamic table contains record.

def var th1 as handle no-undo.

create temp-table th1.
th1:add-new-field("field1", "integer").
message string(th1:undo).    /* no */

message string(th1:clear()). /* clears */

th1:add-new-field("field1", "integer").
message string(th1:undo).    /* yes */
message string(th1:clear()).  /* displays error */

#87 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago


protected void RecordBuffer.deleteAll()
      // TODO: current table lock level is queried/stored;

      DataModelObject dmo = getDMOProxy();
      final PreselectQuery query = new PreselectQuery(dmo, null, null, "book.bookId asc");   <- BOOK?

#88 Updated by Vadim Nebogatov almost 11 years ago

My mistake, will correct.

#89 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

UNDO attribute can be changed (and takes effect!) after a table has been prepared. I'll leave this "feature" for future releases. Testcase:

def var th1 as handle no-undo.

create temp-table th1.
th1:add-new-field("field1", "integer").

th1:undo = true.

do transaction:
   th1:default-buffer-handle:buffer-field("field1"):buffer-value = 123.
   undo blk, leave blk.

message th1:default-buffer-handle:buffer-field("field1"):buffer-value. /* output is "0" */

#90 Updated by Greg Shah almost 11 years ago

In regard to note 89, please create a separate task for this (and include the testcase). Make sure to make the new task "related" to this one.

#91 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

Constantin, Ovidiu, is there any difference between TempTable.uniqueId() and UniqueID.getUniqueID()?

TempTable.uniqueID should have been removed, all resources which have UNIQUE-ID attribute should implement UniqueID.

#92 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update with new functionality for review.

#93 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Hibernate sources update.

#94 Updated by Vadim Nebogatov almost 11 years ago

I understand for TEMP_TABLE, but why unique id for BUFFER is also ContextLocal?

#95 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 11 years ago

Vadim Nebogatov wrote:

I understand for TEMP_TABLE, but why unique id for BUFFER is also ContextLocal?

I don't think I understand your question. The UNIQUE-ID attribute is a value associated with the resource, but the generator used to generate the IDs should be ContextLocal; BTW, if you implement UNIQUE-ID now, does 4GL follow some kind of progression when generating the UNIQUE-ID or are they random?

#96 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Constantin, you can check com.goldencode.p2j.util.UniqueIdGenerator. Vadim, generator presumes that id's are unique across a session and kind of entities (temp-tables, buffers, etc.). So, each time you start a new session ids will be TEMP-TABLE #1, BUFFER #1, TEMP-TABLE #2 etc. That's NOT always true in 4GL, but for me for the most part - yes. If you think that this way of generation break some critical constraint in 4GL - let me know.

#97 Updated by Vadim Nebogatov almost 11 years ago

Stas, could some conflict between ids happen with using shared buffers?

#98 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Stas, could some conflict between ids happen with using shared buffers?

UniqueIdGenerator only hands out new ids. In my tasks I'm only responsible for assigning these values to dynamic buffers and so far I've reached only default-buffer-handle. So the one who is responsible for handling ids for all other buffers should take into consideration that shared buffers keep their ids.

#99 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

These names will available via an API. The code will look something like this:

MetaSchema meta = persistence.getMetaSchema();
String jNameTable = meta.getTableName(pTableName);
String jNameField = meta.getFieldName(pTableName, pFieldName);

Eric, in order to make ADD-*-LIKE work I need to know the following 4GL definitions for a field:
1. 4GL name;
2. data type;
3. extent size;
4. initial value;
5. 4GL format;
6. label;
7. column label.

Which of these attributes will be available thru MetaSchema? Obviously I can get 2, 3 and 4 using other means.

#100 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

All of these will be available via the MetaSchema API, though the actual metadata tables (e.g., _file, _field, etc.) only support permanent tables. We will have to come up with an alternate implementation to store and expose this information for temp-tables, but I still expect to use the MetaSchema API for this.

#101 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

And what about index information - list of indexes with attributes: primary, word (if we need it), unique?

We will have to come up with an alternate implementation to store and expose this information for temp-tables

Does that mean that I can leave stubs that are supposed to use MetaSchema for both permanent and temp tables?

If I could get MetaSchema interface that would allow me to implement ADD-*-LIKE functions almost completely.

#102 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

And what about index information - list of indexes with attributes: primary, word (if we need it), unique?

Yes, this will be available via MetaSchema as well. However, again, only permanent tables will be supported by the metadata tables (e.g., _index, _index-field). We will need a different implementation for temp-tables.

We will have to come up with an alternate implementation to store and expose this information for temp-tables

Does that mean that I can leave stubs that are supposed to use MetaSchema for both permanent and temp tables?

Yes. Though the backing implementation will differ, I think it makes sense to support both through this interface.

#103 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Update with runtime support for dynamic tables except MetaSchema and COPY-TEMP-TABLE.

#104 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

Hibernate part.

#105 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Have you run this update through regression testing yet? If not, please do. I will review in parallel, but I don't want to hold up a first pass of testing.

#106 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Code review 20130924b:
  • Please add a simple javadoc comment for the MutableSessionFactoryImpl constructor, and add a standard GCD file header and the standard Hibernate license/copyright text to this file. If/when we attempt to contribute this back to the Hibernate project, we will need to replace our file header with an explicit GCD copyright notice and reformat the code to be consistent with Hibernate's code style.
  • Also in MutableSessionFactoryImpl, there are several TODOs. What needs to be done for these, and what is the implication of leaving them undone?
  • You changed the SessionFactoryImpl internal maps we need to access dynamically from type HashMap to ConcurrentHashMap, rather than synchronizing access to all of them together in the add and remove methods in MutableSessionFactoryImpl (and wherever else they already are accessed today). I assume this approach was used to ensure existing access to these maps in SessionFactoryImpl was protected. While this approach also makes the access to these resources from multiple threads more granular and probably a bit faster, but with this granularity comes the potential for these resources to be updated out of step with one another from different threads. Have you analyzed the potential for problematic race conditions that might result from this approach? It seems it would be safer to have less granular synchronization to ensure these resources were always updated consistently. Do you foresee a performance problem with this alternate approach?

#107 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Code review 20130924b:
  • Please add a simple javadoc comment for the MutableSessionFactoryImpl constructor, and add a standard GCD file header and the standard Hibernate license/copyright text to this file. If/when we attempt to contribute this back to the Hibernate project, we will need to replace our file header with an explicit GCD copyright notice and reformat the code to be consistent with Hibernate's code style.
  • Also in MutableSessionFactoryImpl, there are several TODOs. What needs to be done for these, and what is the implication of leaving them undone?
  • You changed the SessionFactoryImpl internal maps we need to access dynamically from type HashMap to ConcurrentHashMap, rather than synchronizing access to all of them together in the add and remove methods in MutableSessionFactoryImpl (and wherever else they already are accessed today). I assume this approach was used to ensure existing access to these maps in SessionFactoryImpl was protected. While this approach also makes the access to these resources from multiple threads more granular and probably a bit faster, with this granularity comes the potential for these resources to be updated out of step with one another from different threads. Have you analyzed the potential for problematic race conditions that might result from this approach? It seems it would be safer to have less granular synchronization to ensure these resources were always updated consistently. Do you foresee a performance problem with this alternate approach?

#108 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

  • Also in MutableSessionFactoryImpl, there are several TODOs. What needs to be done for these, and what is the implication of leaving them undone?

We do not use natural ids, second-level cache for temp-tables and concurrent access for temp-tables, so these parameters are correctly null. But potentially for a general-purpose mutable session factory they shouldn't be null.

  • You changed the SessionFactoryImpl internal maps we need to access dynamically from type HashMap to ConcurrentHashMap, rather than synchronizing access to all of them together in the add and remove methods in MutableSessionFactoryImpl (and wherever else they already are accessed today). I assume this approach was used to ensure existing access to these maps in SessionFactoryImpl was protected. While this approach also makes the access to these resources from multiple threads more granular and probably a bit faster, but with this granularity comes the potential for these resources to be updated out of step with one another from different threads. Have you analyzed the potential for problematic race conditions that might result from this approach? It seems it would be safer to have less granular synchronization to ensure these resources were always updated consistently. Do you foresee a performance problem with this alternate approach?

I didn't want to completely stop Hibernate processing while a new entity is added. Besides concurrent maps, addition of new entity is synchronized externally in DynamicTablesHelper. If you think that full synchronization is the safe approach, I can fully synchronize access to the updated maps. Hibernate code is complicated and it's hard to predict all dependencies, but new entity classes are not accessed until they were completely added and removed only after all references to them have been cleaned up.

#109 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

OK, let's leave the synchronization as is.

Code review 20130924a:

Wow, this is an exciting update and a hugely important area of functionality. Nice work! I would like to see your test cases. Are these checked into the testcases project? Please provide a list of names, or upload them here.

  • Suggestion for a minor improvement in UniqueIdGenerator: in the context anonymous inner class' initialValue implementation, iterate the IdKind enum instead of the explicit put calls, as in for(IdKind kind : IdKind.values()) { map.put(kind, new integer(1)); }. Then, we only need to update the IdKind enum as we add new types.
  • It appears the only class from which MetaSchema will be used is TempTableBuilder. Please list here the signatures you would like to see added to the MetaSchema interface to get the data you need, for each such pending dependency.
  • Please merge with the latest version of BufferManager, which has been committed in the meantime (please fix the header numbering as part of this change -- I missed the double use of 71 in my last review of this class).
  • The singleton implementation in InMemoryClassLoader is not threadsafe. Won't the constructor and getSystemInMemoryClassLoader method can be called on multiple threads?

How did the first round of regression testing turn out?

#110 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

I would like to see your test cases. Are these checked into the testcases project? Please provide a list of names, or upload them here.

I've committed them in bzr: dt-*.p

  • Suggestion for a minor improvement in UniqueIdGenerator: in the context anonymous inner class' initialValue implementation, iterate the IdKind enum instead of the explicit put calls, as in for(IdKind kind : IdKind.values()) { map.put(kind, new integer(1)); }. Then, we only need to update the IdKind enum as we add new types.


  • It appears the only class from which MetaSchema will be used is TempTableBuilder. Please list here the signatures you would like to see added to the MetaSchema interface to get the data you need, for each such pending dependency.
boolean tableExists(String tableName4GL)

String get4GLTableName(Class dmoIface)
String get4GLTableName(String tableName4GL) //get table name in original letter case

P2JField getExistingField(Class dmoIface, String fieldNameHibernate)
P2JField getExistingField(String tableName4GL, String fieldName4GL)

P2JIndex getExistingIndex(Class dmoIface, String indexName4GL)
P2JIndex getExistingIndex(String tableName4GL, String indexName4GL)

Collection<P2JIndex> getExistingIndexes(Class dmoIface)
Collection<P2JIndex> getExistingIndexes(String tableName4GL)

Collection<P2JField> getExistingFields(Class dmoIface)
Collection<P2JField> getExistingFields(String tableName4GL)

Note that 4GL table/field/index name parameters can be in arbitrary form (arbitrary case, may have extra trailing spaces).

  • Please merge with the latest version of BufferManager, which has been committed in the meantime (please fix the header numbering as part of this change -- I missed the double use of 71 in my last review of this class).


  • The singleton implementation in InMemoryClassLoader is not threadsafe. Won't the constructor and getSystemInMemoryClassLoader method can be called on multiple threads?

InMemoryClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) is called only if InMemoryClassLoader is in the chain of system class loaders, i.e. it is called before normal classes are loaded.

How did the first round of regression testing turn out?


#111 Updated by Eric Faulhaber almost 11 years ago

OK, please run it through another round of regression testing after you've made the above changes. Since they are pretty straightforward, I don't need to review it again, unless you end up changing more than anticipated. If all goes well, please commit and distribute it.

#112 Updated by Stanislav Lomany almost 11 years ago

  • File added

OK, please run it through another round of regression testing after you've made the above changes. Since they are pretty straightforward, I don't need to review it again, unless you end up changing more than anticipated. If all goes well, please commit and distribute it.

I also moved tableExists and findExistingTable functions from TempTableBuilder to DynamicTablesHelper because they are is involved in the process of dynamic buffer creation. You may take a look if you want.

#113 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

  • File deleted (

#114 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

And get4GLTableName functions too.

#115 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

20131002a changes look good. Please commit and distribute if testing passes.

#116 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

#117 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to WIP

I am temporarily re-opening this task to track the final implementations of TODOs in DynamicTablesHelper and TempTableBuilder.

#118 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

I was pretty sure that extents work normally for dynamic tables, there are several checked in testcases for them. However I've encountered two problems:
1. Composite elements are not loaded when they are iterated by dynamic queries. I've fixed it by modifying Hibernate jar and post the update shortly.
2. Extent fields cannot be referenced in where clause, see testcase dbuf-query-extent1-dt.p in bzr. Error text:

[01/23/2014 19:54:50 TMT] (com.goldencode.p2j.persist.Persistence:WARNING) [00000001:00000007:syman-->local/_temp/primary] error executing query [select from DynamicRecord1Impl as tt__1 where ((tt__1._multiplex = ?) and (tt__1.field1[2] = 3)) order by tt__1._multiplex asc, asc]

This issue doesn't prevent me from working on COPY-TEMP-TABLE, so it can be reassigned or left for later resolving.

#119 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Is there a stack trace that goes with this error that shows the problem at the Hibernate level?

Hibernate cannot deal with the above HQL directly. We re-write the where clauses for such queries (i.e., those that reference specific extent fields) in the HQLPreprocessor, into HQL that Hibernate can deal with. Are dynamic queries possibly short-circuiting the HQLPreprocessor?

#120 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

Is there a stack trace that goes with this error that shows the problem at the Hibernate level?

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.hibernate.persister.collection.AbstractCollectionPersister.initialize(
        at org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener.onInitializeCollection(
        at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.initializeCollection(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection$4.doWork(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.withTemporarySessionIfNeeded(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.initialize(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection$1ExtraLazyElementByIndexReader.doWork(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.withTemporarySessionIfNeeded(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.readElementByIndex(
        at org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentList.get(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.dynamic._temp.impl.DynamicRecord1Impl.getField1(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.RecordBuffer$Handler.invoke(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.$__Proxy2.getField1(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.FieldReference.getObject(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.FieldReference.get(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.FieldReference.value(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.FieldReference.value(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.FieldReference.value(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.Test3$1.body(

The fix is:

java.util.Set<CollectionPersister> collectionPersistersToProcess = new HashSet<CollectionPersister>(); //ADDED
while (iter.hasNext())
     Property property =;
     if (property.getType().isCollectionType())
        Collection collection = (Collection) property.getValue();
        CollectionPersister persister = persisterFactory.createCollectionPersister(
                                                        null, //TODO accessStrategy?
        collectionPersistersToProcess.add(persister);    //ADDED
        collectionPersisters.put(collection.getRole(), persister);

   for (CollectionPersister persister : collectionPersistersToProcess)    //ADDED

Hibernate cannot deal with the above HQL directly. We re-write the where clauses for such queries (i.e., those that reference specific extent fields) in the HQLPreprocessor, into HQL that Hibernate can deal with. Are dynamic queries possibly short-circuiting the HQLPreprocessor?

The second error doesn't relate to the first error and probably needs a fix in DynamicQueriesHelper. The cause is:

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: field1 of: com.goldencode.p2j.persist.dynamic._temp.impl.DynamicRecord1Impl [select from com.goldencode.p2j.persist.dynamic._temp.impl.DynamicRecord1Impl as tt__1 where ((tt__1._multiplex = ?) and (tt__1.field1[2] = 3)) order by tt__1._multiplex asc, asc]

#121 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

  • File added

Current state of work. Needs regression testing.

#122 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Regarding the second error, this query is generated by the conversion rules for historical reasons, when we handled some extent fields as simple Lists (for which Hibernate parses and handles the array dereferencing syntax field[N]):

from com.goldencode.p2j.persist.dynamic._temp.impl.DynamicRecord1Impl as tt__1
where ((tt__1._multiplex = ?) and (tt__1.field1[2] = 3))
order by tt__1._multiplex asc, asc

But extent fields are now always mapped to lists of composite elements, for which Hibernate cannot deal with the simple dereferencing syntax. Instead of changing the where clauses generated by conversion (which still make logical sense to a reader familiar with extent fields), I decided to preprocess these HQL where clauses into a form that Hibernate could digest. The preprocessed form is less intuitive and so is never seen by the application developer (except in the debugger or in the log file).

The above HQL should never reach Hibernate in this form. Clearly it has, since the error we are getting is org.hibernate.QueryException.

We seem to be bypassing the HQLPreprocessor. I don't see a dbuf-query-extent1-dt.p program in the testcases project. But assuming field1 has extent N, the HQLPreprocessor would rewrite the query as follows before passing it on to Hibernate:

select from com.goldencode.p2j.persist.dynamic._temp.impl.DynamicRecord1Impl as tt__1
join.tt__1.compositeN as tt__1_compositeN
where ((tt__1._multiplex = ?) and (tt__1_compositeN.field1 = 3 and index(tt__1_compositeN) = 2))
order by tt__1._multiplex asc, asc

If we are bypassing the HQLPreprocessor, we are going to have other problems too, since we do a lot of other required fix-ups in this class.

I do have two concerns about using HQLPreprocessor with dynamic tables and queries, however:
  • there may be dependencies inside this class on static data structures which have not been updated with dynamic table data (needs investigation);
  • we may want to avoid bloating the HQLPreprocessor cache with instances for dynamic queries, due to their transient nature.

#123 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Regarding the first error, is it actually necessary to modify Hibernate? I don't know where the code you modified above resides in Hibernate, but I'm concerned this will always load collections when the main record is loaded, which is what I wanted to avoid by normalizing extent fields in the first place.

Can't we accomplish the same thing if we do Session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(record) at the appropriate time (i.e., at the moment we know we need to access the extent field value)? In fact, I tried to do something like this already in the RecordBuffer.Handler.invoke method (around line 9418), but I don't think it's working as I expected, because the cascade attribute for the list of composite-elements in the entity's Hibernate mapping would have to be changed from "evict" to "lock, evict".

#124 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Code review 20140123a:
  • Is the import com.goldencode.p2j.convert.*; statement needed in TemporaryBuffer?
  • The TODO comment in DynamicTablesHelper.get4GLTableName is a bit misleading, in that it still references MetaSchema. More likely, we will store a case-sensitive, original table name annotation during conversion and carry it forward as a DMO Java annotation for use here, or change the existing legacy name annotation to be mixed case and fix up the places that rely on it being lowercased today.
  • I did not cross-reference with Constantin's interim fixes for TempTableBuilder, but it looks from memory like you included those, correct?

Looks good so far. So the remaining items are the related-buffer TODOs in hasRecords and forceClear, correct?

Is there anything left to do in terms of assuring proper field order in a CREATE table LIKE other-table scenario? I saw you added the support method TempTableBuilder.getOrderedPropertyNames and use that from TemporaryBuffer.copyAllRows now. Is there anything left to do for this item?

Please address all remaining items, then regression test ASAP.

#125 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

Regarding the first error, is it actually necessary to modify Hibernate? I don't know where the code you modified above resides in Hibernate, but I'm concerned this will always load collections when the main record is loaded, which is what I wanted to avoid by normalizing extent fields in the first place.

That code is from MutableSessionFactoryImpl.add(PersistentClass persistentClass, Configuration configuration). Our session factory mimics the addition of a persistent class in the original Hibernate session factory. And postInstantiate is the call in the original factory which I've missed. And it does exactly what I needed - creates a collection initializer which absence causes NPE (obviously static tables get their collection initializers from the very beginning).

#126 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

OK, makes sense. I was understanding this to be a different problem.

#127 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

  • Is the import com.goldencode.p2j.convert.*; statement needed in TemporaryBuffer?

That is required for ParmType.

  • I did not cross-reference with Constantin's interim fixes for TempTableBuilder, but it looks from memory like you included those, correct?


Looks good so far. So the remaining items are the related-buffer TODOs in hasRecords and forceClear, correct?

Not quite. What is left:
1. COPY-TEMP-TABLE: error handling
2. COPY-TEMP-TABLE: implement methods for static temp-table
3. COPY-TEMP-TABLE: copy modes: append-, replace- and loose-copy-
4. Minor TODOs in TempTableBuilder.hasRecords and forceClean.
5. Finish with no-op methods that raise error in StaticTempTable.
Except #3 that are no-problem tasks.

Is there anything left to do in terms of assuring proper field order in a CREATE table LIKE other-table scenario? I saw you added the support method TempTableBuilder.getOrderedPropertyNames and use that from TemporaryBuffer.copyAllRows now. Is there anything left to do for this item?

#128 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Stanislav Lomany wrote:

3. COPY-TEMP-TABLE: copy modes: append-, replace- and loose-copy-

I think append- is the only option in scope here, since it can be used in internal code paths. The replace- and loose-copy options are not in use. Unless it is trivial to implement them while implementing the append option, please open a separate task to track these options for future development.

#129 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

I think append- is the only option in scope here, since it can be used in internal code paths. The replace- and loose-copy options are not in use. Unless it is trivial to implement them while implementing the append option, please open a separate task to track these options for future development.

Append is not THAT append that we used to. Please look and the new copyAllRows definition. I've called this append mode skipUnique for more clarity (as it seems to me).

    * @param   append
    *          true to add new records without affecting existing records;
    *          false to remove all existing records before the copy takes place.
    * @param   skipUnique
    *          Corresponds append-mode in COPY-TEMP-TABLE. If there is a unique index on the
    *          target temp-table and a row with a duplicate key is found, the row is not replaced.
    *          This parameter is ignored if replacePrimary is true.

#130 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

OK, that's a bit confusing, but got it. Still, please open a separate task to track the features needed for full compatibility with the COPY-TEMP-TABLE method. Just make it a placeholder for now, you can fill in the details after we finish M7.

#131 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

Update for remaining issues. Presumably does not need regression testing.

#132 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

  • File deleted (

#133 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

Committed to bzr revision 10448.

#134 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

Stas, I looked around this task history and that of related tasks, but I can't seem to find a summary of the configuration changes needed to get dynamic temp-tables working. I've added symlinks for the cfg and data directories into my server directory (required for dynamic queries). How do you handle the need for the runtime conversion to find/access rule-sets? Did you change the classpath in, or copy directories around, or create additional symlinks, or add them to p2j.jar (I didn't see an updated build.xml), or ...?

Please provide a summary of all changes needed to the default, development, project environment to support dynamic temp-tables.

#135 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

The following files and directories have to be accessed from the server classpath:

hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd (if local dtd file is linked in hibernate template)

We have to solve this for testcases project.

#136 Updated by Greg Shah over 10 years ago

As mentioned in #1651 note 5:

7. Long term, we want the standard rules to be loaded from the p2j.jar instead of from the file system.
8. Long term, we want the customer-specific rules and the customer-specific project configuration (e.g. p2j.cfg.xml) to be loaded from the customer's application jar.

Eric: please add a task to M11 to:

1. Eliminate dependencies where easily possible.
2. Build required dependencies the jars.
3. Load these dependencies from the jars.

#137 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from WIP to Closed

#138 Updated by Stanislav Lomany over 10 years ago

Update to Hibernate sources. Committed to bzr revision 10454.

#139 Updated by Greg Shah over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from Milestone 7 to Runtime Support for Server Features

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