


Hotel ChUI Demo Application

This demo application is suitable for use with FWD v3.1. See Hotel ChUI Demo Application for FWD v3.0.0 for the version that can be used with FWD v3.0.


Download Revision Date Description
ABL Source Code and FWD Project 57 2018-08-21 This is the original ABL source code and schema for the application. It also includes all the configuration files and build scripts needed to convert and run the application using FWD.
Converted Java Source Code 57 2018-08-21 This is the converted Java application code generated by FWD.

Screen Shots and Video

See the converted Java code in action.

FWD Terminal (native) Client - Linux FWD Swing Client - Linux FWD Web Client - Linux
Login Native Login Swing Login Web
Menu Menu Menu
Checkout Checkout Checkout
FWD Terminal (native) Client - Windows FWD Swing Client - Windows FWD Web Client - Windows
Login Login Login
Menu Menu Menu
Checkout Checkout Checkout

Get Started

Following are details about how to configure and run the Hotel project on FWD and on Opendge and also details on how to use this project as a starting point to convert and run your application.

This document does not address how to install/build/setup FWD on your system. Please refer to the official FWD Documentation for those details.

You will find steps on what input you need (as OpenEdge sources), how to configure the project for conversion, import the database, and finally build and execute your application using the FWD server.

The conversion process is automated using bash or Windows command scripts and also using ANT, with various tasks provided in the existing build.xml file. The ANT version used is 1.9.6 or later.

Setup, Convert and Run the Hotel Application Using FWD

To run the Hotel application using FWD, there are some steps required to prepare the conversion configuration and runtime for your operating system. The next sections will detail how to use the existing scripts to configure the project and also a description of all the configuration changes made by these scripts.

Download and Unpack the Project Code

These instructions assume that there is a directory structure as follows:

Purpose Linux Windows
Top level project directory. ~/projects/ c:\projects\
FWD project location ~/projects/p2j/ c:\projects\p2j\
Hotel conversion project location ~/projects/hotel/ c:\projects\hotel\

In the table of the Downloads section, download the .zip file labeled "ABL Source Code and FWD Project".

Unpack the project (assumes the downloaded file is named ~\projects\ on Linux and c:\projects\ on Windows):

Linux Windows
cd ~/projects
unzip -d hotel/
First install JDK to use jar tool as zip extractor.
cd c:\projects
mkdir hotel
cd hotel
jar xf ..\

Ensure FWD is Installed and Built

The FWD technology is shipped in source code form. This means that you must:

  1. Install the technology dependencies for building and running FWD. This includes the Java Development Kit (JDK), Apache Ant and other software including a C++ compiler.
  2. Build the FWD binaries so that they can be used for both conversion and runtime execution of the result.

The most common way to do this is to follow the instructions in Development Environment Setup. At the end of those instructions, the system will have a fully built FWD installation that can be used for conversions, reporting and for the execution of the Hotel project.

Complete those instructions before continuing here.

Create the FWD Directory Symlink in the Hotel Project Directory

The standard conversion project configuration can use a local FWD installation directly. This would be done inside the top level of the conversion project.

Linux Windows
The most common approach is to use a symlink from the conversion project directory to the FWD directory. The following instructions assume that the FWD sources have been built in ~/projects/p2j/ and the conversion project being setup is in ~/projects/hotel/ (we are using the Hotel sample application as the example here).

cd ~/projects/hotel/
ln -s ../p2j/ p2j
Since Windows Vista, symlinks (soft links) are available using the mklink utility. The command is(it is required to run command line as Administrator to complete this task):
cd c:\projects\hotel\
mklink /D p2j ..\p2j

If you encounter You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation. you may need to run mklink with elevated privileges (Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and Run As Administrator). Make sure there aren't any explicit Deny permissions set for the Administrators group on the target directory.
In Windows XP this does not work so it requires copying the full c:\projects\p2j directory instead of making a link. Alternatively, the FWD install can be placed directly on the conversion project directory.

The result is a p2j/ directory in the top level conversion project directory. This is sufficient to support all other conversion processing which is usually automated via an Apache Ant build script.

The "p2j" is a historical name for "Progress 4GL to Java". References to that name are still present in the code. Those references will be removed and/or replaced with references to "fwd", but that work is not yet complete.

Prepare the Hotel Project's Configuration

In order to convert and run the Hotel ChUI sample application, some configuration is necessary.

The project contains a script which will automatically prepare that configuration for you. Alternatively, you can manually configure the project.

To prepare the project using the script, execute prepare_hotel.cmd on a Windows OS or on a Linux OS. This script will read predefined settings for the Hotel ChUI project or compute values which are dependent on your installation, updating configuration files as necessary to convert and run the Hotel application. For the web client, it is required to have some manual edits done, specific to your OS installation - follow the Manual Configuration section if you plan to test or use the web client(s).

If you want to better understand what the script configures on your behalf, continue reading this section. Otherwise, you can go directly to the following section, to learn how to convert and build the project.

Manual Configuration

Open the deploy/server/directory.xml file with a text editor and change these settings, which are required to use the FWD ChUI Web Client:
  1. Search for [spawner-path] and replace it with the full path to the spawn executable. On UNIX systems, we recommend to install this program in /opt/spawner/spawn (Linux) or c:\hotel\deploy\spawner\spawn.exe (Windows).
  2. Search for [client-start-dir] and replace it with the full path to the deploy/client folder. Assuming your project is in ~/hotel folder on Linux and in c:\hotel\ on Windows, it will look like:
    • /home/<username>/hotel/deploy/client, where <username> is your Linux OS user name
    • c:\hotel\deploy\deploy\client, if running on Windows
  3. Search for [os-user] and replace it with your OS username (case sensitive). The prerequisite here is that [os-user] must have access to the [spawner-path] and the [client-start-dir].

Database Choice

By default, the Hotel sample project is configured to use the H2 database. H2 was chosen for the demo because it is implemented in Java and when used in embedded mode (as it is in this case), it requires virtually no deployment effort. Since there is no installation or configuration of an external database, this is the simplest way to go if you are trying to get the demo up and running quickly.

The project build also provides the option to use a PostgreSQL database as the back end. If this is your first look at FWD and you just want to get the sample application going, we recommend staying with the default of using H2 as the back end. However, if you already have gotten the sample application running and now you want to confirm that a PostgreSQL back end can be used, here is what you need to do:

  1. Install and configure the PostgreSQL database server, create a database cluster, and install the base support for PL/Java. This process is documented in Database Server Setup for PostgreSQL on Linux (note: these instructions are for Linux only at this time). Go only as far as restarting the database cluster. The sample application project build will do the rest.
  2. Enable PostgreSQL as a backing database in the project build. There are two ways to do this, which are described in the next sub-sections.
Automate the PostgreSQL configuration

The automated way is to modify the hotel.input.linux (or file by changing the h2 line and adding two other lines after it (with the target PostgreSQL host and port):

Linux Windows

After this, running (or prepare_hotel.cmd for Windows) will automatically configure the backend database to target your specified PostgreSQL installation, for both import and runtime.

Manual configuration for PostgreSQL
To automated steps done by the previous sub-section can be done manually by following these steps, assuming you have already prepare the Hotel project with H2 database:
  • modify the file and change the db.h2=true line to db.h2=false, and db.postgresql=false to db.postgresql=true (this will override the default setting for the same property in build.xml). This will allow the import to target the PostgreSQL database.
  • modify the deploy/server/directory.xml file to access the PostgreSQL database:
    • identify the server/standard/database/hotel node and delete it
    • open the deploy/server/directory_db_postgresql.xml.template and make the following replacements. Once these replacements are executed (for all occurrences), copy the <node class="container" name="hotel"> node as a child for the server/standard/database/ node in deploy/server/directory.xml.
String Replacement
[dbname] hotel
[dbhost] localhost or your target PostgreSQL host name or IP
[dbport] 5433 or your target PostgreSQL database port
[dbuser] fwd_user or your DB role name
[dbuserpass] user or your DB role password

If the PostgreSQL server was installed successfully and a FWD database cluster was created and configured properly, a PostgreSQL database for the sample application will be created and populated with data when you next deploy the project (see below).

Convert and Build Using FWD

At this point, all the configuration is done and is time to convert and build the Hotel application. This must be done with the current directory set to ~/projects/hotel/ (Linux) and c:\projects\hotel\ (Windows).

For the Hotel application, change to the project directory and run the command ant deploy.all, which will:
  1. convert the application source code in the abl/ folder
  2. build the hotel application; and
  3. create and import a H2 database, in the deploy/db/ folder

Once conversion is done, run the or install_spawner.cmd script (if you have Windows OS). If you are running under Linux, the current user must have sudo rights, to make some configurations for the FWD Web Client; the spawner will be installed in the /opt/spawner folder on Linux or in deploy\spawner on Windows.

There will be a cvt_${LOG_STAMP}.log and a build_${LOG_STAMP}.log file where you can see details of the conversion and build process. The ${LOG_STAMP} will be a timestamp in the yyyyMMdd_hhmmss format.

Running the Reports

Reports can be run at any time, by using the ant report_server task. This task will execute the front end conversion phase (which consists of parsing, fixups and gap analysis) and:

  1. generate schema and code reports; these will be found in the rptdb/ database. This can be ran individually via the rpt or rpt-no-front tasks.
  2. generate the callgraph database, which will be found in the callgraph/ folder.

There will be a rpt_schema_${LOG_STAMP}.log and a rpt_code_${LOG_STAMP}.log file where you can see details of the report generation process. The callgraph_${LOG_STAMP}.log will show you the result of the callgraph generation process. Also, the cvt_f2_${LOG_STAMP}.log will show you the results of the front conversion phase. The ${LOG_STAMP} will be a timestamp in the yyyyMMdd_hhmmss format.

Since running reports performs the front end of conversion, it will overwrite any intermediate artifacts created by previous conversion or reporting runs, such as *.ast, *.jast, *.cache, *.parser, *.lexer, *.pphints, *.schema, *.dict, and *.p2o files in the data and abl subdirectories. This has no effect on the ability to run the sample application if the project was previously converted and built, and is noted here only for informational purposes.

To access the web server running the FWD Analytics, follow these steps:
  • execute either or report.cmd (if on Windows) file, found the deploy/server folder. If the script does not start, make sure the 8443 port is not in use by another FWD application server or another installed service on your machine. If you want to change the port, edit the script and change the port in the -port 8443 line to a free port.
  • open a browser and open the https://localhost:8443/ URL. If you have not installed the root CA in your browser, you will get a certificate-related error message. Either accept the certificate and go further or install the root CA now.
  • use admin as user name and hotel (or your application name specified during prepare_template run) as password. You will be prompted to change the password - change it.
  • now you can explore the FWD Analytics

More information about the FWD's analytics tool can be found in its dedicated page, Code Analytics.

Install the Root CA in Your Browser

The Hotel GUI application uses a self-signed root CA for the certificates which are used for https sessions or for SSL communication between the FWD Application Server and the FWD Clients. When accessing a FWD Web Client, unless the self-signed root CA is imported in your browser as a trusted root CA, you will be prompted by your browser to add an exception for the certificate. You can solve this by importing the hotel root CA into your browser. Also, note that this will work only if you access the FWD Web Client and the FWD Embedded App Demo via localhost - the SSL certificates have been created for localhost.

Depending on your browser, follow the steps below to install the root certificate. In all cases, the root CA is saved in the deploy/server/hotel-root.der file.

Installing the Root CA in Mozilla Firefox

For Firefox, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Preferences menu, look for the Advanced sub-menu.
  2. Select Certificates and click on View Certificates.
  3. Select Authorities.
  4. Click the Import... button.
  5. Search for and select the deploy/server/hotel-root.der file.
  6. Select the first option, Trust this CA to identify websites..
  7. Click OK and the root CA will be imported, and you will find it in this list.

Installing the Root CA in Google Chrome on Ubuntu

For Google Chrome on Ubuntu, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Settings menu, click on Show Advanced.
  2. Click on Manage Certificates, then select Authorities.
  3. Click on Import..., traverse the folders to find the deploy/server/hotel-root.der file. If the selection dialog doesn't show it, select the DER-encoded binary, single certificate from the lower-right selection list. Click Open after you've selected the .der file.
  4. Select the first option, Trust this certificate for identifying websites..
  5. Click OK and the root CA will be imported, and you will find it in this list.

Installing the Root CA in Google Chrome on Windows

  1. Like in Linux, open the Settings menu, click on Show Advanced, then click on Manage Certificates.
  2. This Certificates dialog opens.
  3. Click on Import.... The Certificate Import Wizard opens.
  4. Click Next >.
  5. Type in the path to the certificate (c:\projects\hotel\deploy\server\hotel-root.der), or use the Browse button to navigate and select the certificate. Then click Next >.
  6. Select Place all certificates in the following store if not already selected. Trusted Root Certification Authorities should be selected as in screen-shot. Click Next >.
  7. Confirm the import by pressing Finish. The certificate is imported and you can see it in the list.

Start the FWD Server and Connect to the Application

The scripts required to run the Hotel application are found in the deploy/server and deploy/client folders.

To start the server, open a terminal (if on linux) or a command line (if on Windows) and go to the deploy/server folder. From here, start either the ./ or server.cmd scripts. The server will be started when you can find a line like this, in the server's log file (deploy/server/server.log):

[01/19/2017 14:07:54 EET] (SessionManager.listen():INFO) {00000000:00000001:standard} Server ready

You can now connect a client to the server.

Console Client

The FWD Console Client runs in the terminal and is fully compliant with original Progress 4GL user interface, under both Linux and Windows OS. To start this FWD ChUI Client, go to the deploy/client folder and execute ./ or the client-terminal.cmd script if on Windows OS. On Linux, the Hotel sampel UI is hard-coded to a terminal size of 80 columns by 24 rows (in characters).

Swing ChUI Client

The Swing driver is an alternative to using the console-based client, which is fully functional with only minor limitations. For Swing clients to work, the OS must support a graphics environment. To start the FWD ChUI client in this mode, go to the deploy/client folder and execute ./ or the client-swing.cmd script if on Windows OS.

Web ChUI Client

In this FWD client mode, the application's user interface appears essentially as the original, only the 'console' is presented within the client area of a web browser.

To start the FWD ChUI web client, you need to open the https://localhost:7443/chui link in your browser (recommended are Chrome or Mozilla Firefox). If prompted, accept the certificate, and after that enter your OS credentials on the machine where the FWD server is running. After pressing Login, you might need to accept the certificate again; after this step, the Hotel Login screen will appear. Please note that due to the bug #3272 the password field must not be left empty.

When the Hotel login screen appears, enter hotel as username and hotel as password to login into the application. Note that this login screen is different from the OS login page above. Here the application user name and password are expected, while on the OS login page system account credentials must be used.

All the client log files and reports from the Hotel application will reside in the deploy/client/ folder.

Running the Hotel Application on an OpenEdge System

Using the Existing Scripts to Automate Distribution and Startup

If you are running OpenEdge 10.2B on a Linux machine, you can have the Hotel application ready and running using these simple steps:
  1. if your machine has OpenEdge 10.2B and is running a Linux OS, just execute the ./ script
  2. otherwise, you need to:
    1. execute ant dist.abl to create a zip archive with all the needed files
    2. copy the hotel/distribution/, where YYYYMMDD is the current timestamp, to a Linux machine with OpenEdge 10.2B, in a ~/hotel/ folder
    3. extract the archive using unzip, while in the ~/hotel/ folder
    4. run the ./ script

If you are using a Windows OS or if you want to know more details about what the script does and how to manually import the database, see the next section.

Details on How to Import the Database and Run the Hotel Application Manually

The Hotel project is a ChUI application built on OpenEdge 10.2B. To run the application on your legacy system, you need these files:
  1. abldb/ folder contains an already-imported Hotel database, in ABL format, but for Linux OS - you will need to manually create and import the database if you are running Windows OS - see bellow fo details.
  2. data/hotel.df is the database schema
  3. data/dump/hotel/ folder contains the .d export files with the table records for the Hotel database.
  4. abl/ folder contains the ABL sources
  5. the is a script which automates the DB server startup/shutdown and to start the application
There are two ways of gathering the required files:
  1. run the ant dist.abl to create a zip archive; this archive will contain all the files listed above. The archive will be found in hotel/distribution/, where YYYYMMDD is the current timestamp. Copy this file to a machine with OpenEdge environment in a ~/hotel/ folder and extract it, using unzip
  2. copy the files and folders listed above manually on a machine with OpenEdge environment, in a ~/hotel/ folder
Once you've extracted the files, if you want to import the database by hand, follow these steps:
  1. delete all the files in the ~/hotel/abldb/ folder
  2. while in the ~/hotel/ folder, run the OpenEdge Procedure Editor and open Tools/Data Dictionary.
  3. create a database with the abldb/hotel.db physical name and the logical name hotel.
  4. open Admin/Load Data and Definitions/Data Definitions (.df file) and import the data/hotel.df schema
  5. open Admin/Load Data and Definitions/Table Contents (.d file) and:
    1. select all the hotel-related tables
    2. press Show Hidden and select the _User table, too
    3. set as Input Directory the data/dump/hotel/ folder
  6. once the import is complete, exit the Procedure Editor
Now, if you are running Linux, you can run directly the ./ script (make sure for this script to be executable, chmod +x; otherwise, you can follow the same steps as the ones this script will execute:
  1. prostrct repair abldb/hotel abldb/ - required if you didn't create the Hotel database manually and used the existing one in the abldb/ folder
  2. proserve abldb/hotel.db to start a database server
  3. cd abl to change the directory to the ABL sources folder and mpro -db ../abldb/hotel.db -p login.p to execute the application
  4. cd ../ to switch back to the parent folder and shutdown the database server via proshut -by abldb/hotel.db

If your OS is a Windows OS, follow the same steps as above, but execute the server startup/shutdown and program startup manually.

Use the Hotel Project as a Template for a Different Application

This section will explain how to use the existing Hotel application to configure a new application for conversion, database import and runtime setup. You will find details on how to use the existing scripts to automate this process or how to make these changes manually, if you wish so.

Please note that this just covers the most common tasks. While it will be suitable for getting started or for a POC, it is likely that a large application would require some of the other options and advanced techniques documented elsewhere. Please see the Conversion_Handbook for full details.

1. Configure Your Project Using the prepare_template Script

Once you have the OpenEdge sources, exported database schema and a dump of your database table records, it is time to configure the FWD conversion and runtime. This section will explain how to do this using the existing scripts; for a more details description of the required configuration (or if you want to do this manually), see the FWD project configuration requirements section.

Make sure that you have an installation of FWD in a p2j/ subdirectory of the project OR a symlink named p2j/ which points to the FWD installation. If this does not already exist, the template preparation script will fail.

Depending on your OS, choose either the script or prepare_template.cmd script and execute it. This will ask you for the following input:
  1. Enter your application name (only letters or digits, first character a letter):
    This is the name of your application, how will be known by FWD; it must include only letter or digits, with the first character being a letter, all lowercase. If your application name is My App, enter myapp.
  2. Edit the regex which matches all your include files (enter for default):
    FWD needs to know a regular expression which matches all your include files; this can be of the *.[fhi] format. If you are running the conversion on an operating system where file names are case-sensitive, make sure to match upper case extensions, too, with a regex like *.[fFhHiI]. The default value for this entry will be *.[fhi].
  3. Edit the regex which matches all your program files (enter for default):
    Same with include files, FWD needs to know a regular expression which matches all your program files. The default value for this entry will be *.[pPwW].
  4. Edit the root package name - Java format (enter for default):
    All your converted Java sources need to be placed in a root package - this must follow the Java format for package names; the default value will be test.<appname>, where <appname> will be the value you entered in the first step. If you want to change it, you can use something like com.mycompany.myapp.
  5. Enter the PROPATH from your progress.ini file (enter for default):
    At this step, FWD needs to know the PROPATH you are using, from your environment or progress.ini file; by default, this will be set to .:. Use the : as a path separator even if you are working on Windows. TODO: provide more details here on how to specify the value so that it doesn't need to be edited.
  6. Enter the legacy database name(s), separated by a comma:
    If you have only one database schema in use (even if is accessed by multiple databases), just enter the legacy database name. Otherwise, if your application uses multiple databases, enter all the names separated by a comma, with the name of your default database first. The script will automatically prepare the conversion, import and runtime to work with all the specified database schemas.
  7. Enter the database type (h2 or postgresql):
    If you want to use the H2 Database Server, enter h2. Otherwise, for using PostgreSQL database server, enter postgresql; in this case, the following additional information will be needed:
    • Edit the PostgreSQL host name for your imported database:
      Specify the host name or IP address of the machine running your PostgreSQL Database Server.
    • Edit the PostgreSQL port for your imported database:
      Specify the port of the target PostgreSQL Database Server.
  8. Enter the SQL admin for your imported database:
    Provide the name of the SQL admin for your database.
  9. Enter the SQL admin password for your imported database:
    Provide the password associated with your SQL admin, for your database.
  10. Enter the SQL user for your imported database:
    You must provide a SQL user for your imported H2 database - this will automatically be created by FWD.
  11. Enter the SQL user password for your imported database:
    You must provide a password for the SQL user specified above.
  12. Does your ABL application currently run on the Windows OS (answer yes/no):
    This question refers to where your OpenEdge ABL application is running, not the OS where you run FWD conversion. If your application was run under Windows OS, enter yes; otherwise, enter no. FWD will be able to run your converted application on a Linux system, even if the legacy application was Windows-based.
  13. Enter the date format from your progress.ini (enter for default):
    Enter the date format used by your OpenEdge installation; by default, this will be mdy, but can be dmy or any other version.
  14. Enter the number group separator from your progress.ini (enter for default):
    Enter the number group separator used by your OpenEdge installation; by default, this will be ,.
  15. Enter the number decimal separator from your progress.ini (enter for default):
    Enter the decimal separator used by your OpenEdge installation; by default, this will be ..
  16. Enter the full class name associated with the entry point for your application:
    Enter the name of the program used to start the legacy OpenEdge application. This name must be a converted Java class name. If you don't know it know, enter something like com.mycompany.myapp.TODO and you can edit it later. Otherwise, if your name is (for example) start.p, enter com.mycompany.myapp.Start - the requirement is to use the full Java class name.

After this (or after checking the reports), open the cfg/p2j.cfg.xml and check the metadata node: here, provide a list of all your meta-table names used by your application.

2. Prepare Your Application Sources, Schema and Database Export

After the project configuration using the prepare_template scripts, the project is ready to have your application files copied to:
  • place the legacy sources of your Openedge ABL application in the abl/ folder. This must include all your sources, uncompiled: programs (all .p and .w files, and any other files which act as OpenEdge programs) and all the include files, while preserving the folder structure.
  • for each distinct database schema, export the schema and copy the generated .df file in the data/ folder. There, you can find the the standard.df schema, associated with the OpenEdge meta tables. The name of the schema file for your database(s) need to have the <dbname>.df format; if a DB name is myapp, then its file is named myapp.df.
  • for each database, create a dump of your table records and place all the .d files in the data/dump/<dbname> folder; also, export the _User meta table for your database and place the _User.d file in the same folder.

3. Run Reports

Before generating the reports, you will need to have an already built copy of the FWD project (or a symbolic link to the installation location), named p2j/, inside this project folder. Once you have this, use ant report_server (and ant clean.rpt to clean previous outputs) to generate the reports and callgraph. For the reports to provide an accurate description of your application, all your sources will be parsed and prepared (the "front conversion phase", in FWD, will be executed) - this might take a while, so be patient. To see the progress, look into the cvt_f2_${LOG_STAMP}.log file - here, you will find also any errors FWD encountered during the parsing and prepare phase.

After report generation is finished, you can follow the steps described in Run Hotel Reports to access the FWD Analytics.

If the front phase passes successfully, you can run a full conversion - see next section for details.

4. Run Conversion

Review the documentation on how to run the conversion command. Although the project has ant targets for conversion, you need to choose which target is the correct one and you may need to customize the procedure specification and/or add a file-cvt-list.txt (for -f mode) or a file-ignore-list.txt (for --x mode). Complex projects will usually require -f or -x modes.

For -s or -x modes, you will need to ensure that the has the app.4gl.pattern set properly. If you have .w, .p and .cls files then you would set it to app.4gl.pattern=(*.[pPwW]|*.cls).

If you are using a file-cvt-list.txt file to specify which programs to create, execute ant convert.list; if you are using file-ignore-list.txt then use ant convert.ignorelist; otherwise, execute ant convert. This will start the conversion process of all your entire application, from start to finish. The output is logged in a cvt_${LOG_STAMP}.log file. If all goes well, the entire specified code set will be converted and, depending on its size, may take from minutes to hours.

At this point, all the configuration is done and is time to convert your application. Before conversion, you will need to have a built copy of the FWD project (or a symbolic link), named p2j/, inside this project folder.

In the conversion log, you can find the list of all files picked up and converted by FWD; the conversion will not stop if there are failures in the front phase, but it will stop if there are issues in the middle/back phases. The front phase is the most important: you can see if this has finished after all these lines are output in the log (the Elapsed job time will vary depending on your application size):

     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] P2J Conversion Driver
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] SchemaLoader
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Scanning Progress Source (preprocessor, lexer, parser, persist ASTs)
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Elapsed job time:  00:00:01
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Post-Parse Fixups
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Gap Analysis Marking
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Schema Fixups (data dictionary)
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Schema Fixups (Progress source file schemas)
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] Elapsed job time:  00:00:04

5. Build Your Application

Once you have a successful conversion, you can compile and build the application using FWD: use ant jar to generate the application jar file and ant deploy.prepare to prepare the project for database import and running the FWD server. There will be a build_${LOG_STAMP}.log file where you can see details of the build process.

6. Import the Database

If you have more than one database, make sure all database schema names were properly specified during project prepare.

Importing the database(s) is as easy as running ant import.db (use ant clean.db to delete any previous imported database) - this will create, import and index your database, using your configured database server. If you specify the H2 server, which runs in embedded mode, you will not need to install any DB server. If your database is large, make sure to have enough disk space for the import.

Once this is finished, the database(s) will be created in the deploy/db folder for H2, or in the target PostgreSQL cluster, depending on how the project is configured.

The DDL generated for your database(s) (for all specified dialects) can be found in the ddl/ folder.

7. Run the FWD Server and Connect to Your Application

Before running the FWD server, make sure FWD knows the correct entry point into your application. Open the name_map.xml file with a text editor and look for the full name of your OpenEdge program which acts as an entry point in your application; if your program is named start-my-app.p and resides in abl/my/app/ folder, look for my/app/start-my-app.p name. You will find a line like this:

  <class-mapping jname="" pname="my/app/start-my-app.p"/>

Now, open the deploy/server/directory.xml file with a text editor, search for p2j-entry text and you will find a XML node like this:
            <node class="string" name="p2j-entry">
              <node-attribute name="value" value="com.mycompany.myapp.TODO.execute"/>

Now, make sure the com.mycompany.myapp.TODO.execute text is set to
  1. com.mycompany.myapp is what you specified at the Enter the root package name - Java format (enter for default) question during configuration
  2. is the value of the jname node you found in name_map.xml.

The server startup scripts are found in the deploy/server folder. To run the FWD server, change your directory to deploy/server and execute the or server.cmd script, depending on your OS. The FWD server's log will be captured in the server.log and stdout.log files.

To terminate the FWD server, use the -k option, as in ./ -k.

Starting the FWD client is the same as described in the section for the Hotel application: go to the deploy/client folder and execute the client-terminal or client-swing scripts.

8. FWD Project Configuration Details

This section describes the files changed by the prepare_template script and the meaning of these changes. First step is to make a copy of the following files and place them in the specified folder, overwriting any existing version:
  1. copy to
  2. copy deploy/server/directory.xml.template to deploy/server/directory.xml
  3. copy cfg/p2j.cfg.xml.template to cfg/p2j.cfg.xml
To allow the project to be configured with multiple databases, some database specific templates are used:
  1. for runtime, use this template to configure each of your database, and make a copy for each database to deploy/server/directory.xml, under /server/standard/database/ node:
    • deploy/server/directory_db_h2.xml.template - use this file if you will use the H2 database server
    • deploy/server/directory_db_postgresql.xml.template - use this file if you will use the PostgreSQL Server
      1. for conversion, a namespace must be configured for each database schema. Edit cfg/p2j.namespace.xml.template for each specific database, and place copies into cfg/p2j.cfg.xml, in the schema node. Also, remove the [dbnamespaces] text.
For each of these files, you will need to open them with a text editor and replace all the occurrences for the following texts with the appropriate values:
  1. related to converting your application:
    1. [appname] - the application name, only letters or digits, lowercase, first character a letter. If your application name is My App, use myapp.
    2. [include-spec] - a regular expression to match all your include files. Use *.[fhi] for example; if your application was run on Windows OS, and conversion is done under a Linux OS, use the *.[fFhHiI] expression, to match the uppercase extension, too.
    3. [program-spec] - a regular expression to match all your program files. Use *.[pPwW] for example.
    4. [pkgroot] - the package root where converted sources will be placed, in Java format. Use something like com.mycompany.myapp.
    5. [pkgrootfolder] - the same semantic as the [pkgroot], except that the dots are replaced with a / character
    6. [propath] - the PROPATH as it appears in your progress.ini file.
      - in cfg/p2j.cfg.xml - prefix all your propath entries with the ${P2J_HOME}/abl text; if your propath is something like foo:bar, in p2j.cfg.xml the propath must be ${P2J_HOME}:${P2J_HOME}/abl/foo:${P2J_HOME}/abl/bar@ (note the first entry is ${P2J_HOME})
      - in deploy/server/directory.xml, use the exact PROPATH as in your progress.ini file.
    7. [opsys] - the value of the {&OPSYS} preprocessor constant, from your OpenEdge installation where the application was ran. This can be for example UNIX or WIN32.
    8. [winsys] - if your application was using a window system, change it to <parameter name="winsys" value="[MS-WINDOWS]" />. Otherwise, delete this entry.
    9. [path-separator] - enter the path separator for the OS where your OpenEdge application used to run: : for Linux-based OS or ; for Windows OS.
    10. [file-separator] - enter the file separator for the OS where your OpenEdge application used to run: / for Linux-based OS or \ for Windows OS.
    11. [case-sensitive] - if the OS where your OpenEdge application used to run is case-insensitive (like Windows OS), use TRUE; otherwise, use FALSE.
    12. [dateFormat] - enter the date format used by your OpenEdge installation; can be mdy or dmy or any other version.
    13. [numberGroupSep] - enter the number group separator used by your OpenEdge installation.
    14. [numberDecimalSep] - enter the number decimal separator used by your OpenEdge installation.
  2. related to database import:
    1. [dbname] - the name of your legacy OpenEdge database
    2. [dbnames] - the list of your legacy OpenEdge databases, separated by comma
    3. [dbh2] - true if the project uses H2 Database Server, false otherwise
    4. [dbpostgresql] - true if the project uses PostgreSQL Database Server, false otherwise
    5. [dbhost] - the PostgreSQL Database host, use localhost if using H2
    6. [dbport] - the PostgreSQL Database port, use 5433 if using H2
    7. [dbuser] - provide a SQL user for your imported database; in case of H2, this will automatically be created by FWD. In case of PostgreSQL, it needs to be an existing user.
    8. [dbuserpass] - provide a password for the SQL user specified above.
    9. [dbadmin] - provide a DB admin name for your imported database, used only for PostgreSQL backend.
    10. [dbadminpass] - provide a DB admin password for the user specified above.
    11. [dmoindex] - provide the location of the DMO index: these will be the [pkgrootfolder]/dmo/dmo_index.xml, where [pkgrootfolder] is replaced with the value you determined above.
  3. related to runtime:
    1. [spawner-path] - the full path to the spawner installation folder (something like /home/<user>/hotel/deploy/spawner/spawn)
    2. [client-start-dir] - the full path to the deploy/client folder
    3. [p2j-entry] - the converted, full class name, of the program used as an entry point into your application.
For each file, the following replacements must be made:
  1. in
    1. [appname]
    2. [program-spec]
    3. [dbnames]
    4. [dbh2]
    5. [dbpostgresql]
    6. [dbhost]
    7. [dbport]
    8. [dbuser]
    9. [dbuserpass]
    10. [dbadmin]
    11. [dbadminpass]
    12. [pkgrootfolder]
  2. in deploy/server/directory.xml:
    1. [spawner-path]
    2. [client-start-dir]
    3. [dmoindex]
    4. [dbname]
    5. [dateFormat]
    6. [numberGroupSep]
    7. [numberDecimalSep]
    8. [p2j-entry]
    9. [pkgroot] - use the PROPATH as specified in progress.ini
    10. [propath]
    11. [path-separator]
    12. [file-separator]
    13. [case-sensitive]
  3. in deploy/server/directory_db_h2.xml.template and deploy/server/directory_db_postgresql.xml.template:
    1. [dbname]
    2. [dbhost]
    3. [dbport]
    4. [dbuser]
    5. [dbuserpass]
  4. in cfg/p2j.cfg.xml:
    1. [propath]
    2. [include-spec]
    3. [pkgroot] - use the "prepared" PROPATH, for conversion
    4. [path-separator]
    5. [file-separator]
    6. [case-sensitive]
    7. [opsys]
    8. [winsys] - delete this entry, if your project is not a GUI project.
    9. [dbnamespaces] - delete this entry
  5. in cfg/p2j.namespace.xml.template:
    1. [dbname]

ABL Features in Use

This ChUI application uses quite a wide range of ABL features. This is just a high level summary. For the full details, please see the reports that can be downloaded above.

Don't assume that FWD does not support an ABL feature just because it isn't listed here. This is just the list of what we used in this "simple" application. For a better understanding of what FWD supports, please see Supported ABL Features.

TBD: Check this with the generated reports!

  • base language
    • block types
      • external procedures
      • internal procedures
      • user-defined functions
      • triggers
      • DO (blocks and loops)
      • REPEAT
      • FOR
    • super procedures
    • variables of many different types (including at least integer, decimal, character, date, logical)
    • shared variables
    • extent variables
    • transaction and subtransaction processing
    • undo
    • condition processing
      • default block properties
      • implicit raising of conditions (in response to key events like F4 or based on program events like a query being off-end)
      • explicit ON condition phrases (e.g. ON ERROR UNDO, RETRY)
      • explicit raising of conditions using statements like QUIT)
    • stream output
  • database
    • permanent database usage
    • temp-tables
    • many different data types (including at least integer, decimal, character, date, logical)
    • query types
      • FIND
      • FOR EACH
      • dynamic queries (e.g. QUERY-PREPARE())
    • BREAK BY
  • user interface
    • frames
      • non-down
      • DOWN frames
      • OVERLAY
      • nested (parent/child)
    • widget types
      • FILL-IN (many different data types)
      • BROWSE
      • COMBO-BOX
      • TOGGLE-BOX
      • BUTTON
      • EDITOR
      • TEXT
    • statements
      • DISPLAY
      • VIEW
      • ENABLE
      • ON
      • WAIT-FOR
      • UPDATE
      • CHOOSE
      • PUT SCREEN
      • READ-KEY
      • MESSAGE (just for output but also MESSAGE UPDATE)
      • STATUS
    • output to redirected terminal (e.g. file)
    • @-base fields
    • dynamic widgets (e.g. CREATE <widget>)
    • widget pools

© 2004-2017 Golden Code Development Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

login_linux_swing.png (10.7 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 03:58 PM

login_linux_native.png (10.3 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 03:58 PM

login_linux_web.png (28.7 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 03:58 PM

checkout_linux_native.png (11 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:17 PM

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menu_linux_native.png (7.42 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:17 PM

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menu_linux_swing.png (7.76 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:17 PM

menu_linux_web.png (21.1 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:17 PM

checkout_windows_native.png (31.6 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

checkout_windows_swing.png (23.6 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

checkout_windows_web.png (40.2 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

login_windows_native.png (34 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

login_windows_swing.png (29.5 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

menu_windows_native.png (24.3 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

login_windows_web.png (36.6 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

menu_windows_swing.png (18.6 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM

menu_windows_web.png (32.1 KB) Constantin Asofiei, 01/20/2017 04:20 PM