


Feature #3751

implement support for OO 4GL and structured error handling

Added by Greg Shah over 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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% Done:



constructor_tempidx_fix.diff Magnifier (1.99 KB) Greg Shah, 02/14/2019 05:54 PM Magnifier (761 Bytes) Hynek Cihlar, 06/28/2019 10:32 AM Magnifier (876 Bytes) Hynek Cihlar, 06/28/2019 10:34 AM

Related issues

Related to Base Language - Bug #3835: broken multi-assigner New
Related to Base Language - Feature #3867: direct java class access from 4GL code Closed
Related to Base Language - Bug #4148: Passing HANDLE to method with TABLE-HANDLE or DATASET-HANDLE converts to uncompilable code New
Related to Base Language - Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option Closed
Related to Base Language - Bug #4348: investigate and fix extent issues in method/function return type New
Related to Base Language - Feature #4349: add support for 4GL ENUM Closed
Related to Base Language - Feature #4350: method overload when they differ by a temp-table, dataset, buffer or object or extent or parameter modes WIP
Related to Base Language - Feature #4351: instance vs static dual behavior for class-defined resources New
Related to Base Language - Feature #4352: finish progress.lang.apperror and progress.lang.syserror Rejected
Related to Base Language - Feature #4353: finish issues in progress.lang classes related to 4GL reflection Rejected
Related to Base Language - Feature #4354: add GET-CLASS() function support Closed
Related to Base Language - Bug #4355: exception member of the CATCH block can be referenced after the block catching it Closed
Related to Base Language - Feature #4374: parameter validation for Progress.Lang.Class:invoke and new New
Related to Base Language - Feature #4373: finish core OO 4GL support New
Related to Base Language - Feature #4629: implement fully compatible 4GL collections (backed by protected temp-tables) New


#1 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Implement complete support for both OO 4GL and structured error handling.

Object Oriented (OO) 4GL

  • CLASS (only USE-WIDGET-POOL and SERIALIZABLE are not yet implemented)
  • USING (still need to add support for unqualified references)
  • CONSTRUCTOR (runtime support for static constructors is still needed)
  • DEFINE PROPERTY, including getters and setters
  • METHOD (parameter mode enhancements still needed for overload matching)
  • data members including instantiation, scoping and life cycle
  • variable/parameter definitions AS CLASS or LIKE VAR_CLASS or LIKE FIELD_CLASS
  • FIELD_CLASS support
  • TYPE-OF()
  • instantiation of objects via the NEW() function, NEW statement, DYNAMIC-NEW or Progress.Lang.Object:New()
  • THIS-OBJECT (language statement and as a reference to the current class instance)
  • SUPER (language statement)
  • dereferencing objects including both method calls, data member access and chaining
    data members including variables, temp-tables
  • objects as shared variables and array elements (dynamic or static usage)
  • prodatasets data members including chaining and proper scoping
  • DEFINE EVENT and CLASS event support (needs runtime implementation)
  • ENUMs and bitwise AND, OR, NOT (implemented in #4349)

Structured Error Handling

  • CATCH (does this need to be moved to a delegated model in the runtime? also, the built-in 4GL error classes probably need to inherit from RuntimeException)
  • ON event THROW (needs runtime)
  • UNDO THROW (needs runtime)
  • ROUTINE-LEVEL and BLOCK-LEVEL statements (needs runtime)
  • block option STOP-AFTER (needs runtime)

#2 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Some comments from people at PSC:

  1. Methods act like internal procedures when there is no return value and act like user-defined functions when there is a return value.
  2. In the 4GL object inheritance is actually implemented under the covers using persistent procedures. They mentioned that this was the cause of a severe performance issue they have when classes have a deeply nested inheritance hierarchy.

Both of these things should be tested to confirm our understanding.

#3 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In #3308-252, Constantin found that the OO 4GL supports "duck typing".

#4 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to WIP
  • Assignee set to Greg Shah

#5 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Some of the built-in classes provided by OpenEdge are not documented in the 4GL reference PDF. This online doc is a place to look for such classes:

#6 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Comments from a customer 4GL developer:

  • ABL garbage collection is based on reference counting.
  • The ABL (at least at one time, if not now) had some pretty bad garbage collection issues:
    • The CAST function could somehow affect their reference counting in a negative way. The developer did not mention if this incremented or decremented the count.
    • TEMP-TABLE fields of type FIELD_CLASS were not considered in the reference counts leading to objects going away before all references were gone.

#7 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Class Members Access Summary

Resource Data Member Default Access Mode PUBLIC PROTECTED PRIVATE Allowed Inside Method
DEFINE BROWSE N PRIVATE N N Y Y (no name duplication)
DEFINE DATA-SOURCE Y PRIVATE N Y Y Y (no name duplication)
DEFINE IMAGE N Quirk: Linux doesn't allow this outside of a method unless it has an EXPLICIT PRIVATE keyword. N N Y Y
DEFINE QUERY Y PRIVATE N Y Y Y (no name duplication)


  • "Data Member" column
    • Y means that this resource is considered by Progress to be a data member (something that stored state).
    • N means this is a "class-scoped handle resource".
    • An asterisk means this is a first class OO feature that is similar to a data member.
  • ENUMs have not been tested yet.
  • DEFINE IMAGE needs to be checked on Windows to see if the quirk exists there.
  • No data members except for VARIABLEs can be public. All of them can otherwise be either protected or private but they default to private.
  • All class scoped handle based resources can only be accessed as private (no protected or public) and the default is the same as private.
  • EVENT and PROPERTY resources default to public and can be set to any access mode explicitly.
  • I could find no resource with which the access modifiers can be used when defining inside a method (The access modifiers PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE, and STATIC are not valid inside the body of a METHOD, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE or PROPERTY. (12890) compile error).

#8 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm posting our duck typing example here so that readers can see the full context of the discussion.

PROPATH=".,oo1" pro -p duck-typing.p


def var a as Foo.

a = new Foo().


a = new Foo().



class Foo:

    method public void msg():
      message "oo1".
    end method.

end class.


class Foo:

    method public void msg():
      message "oo2".
    end method.

end class.

This example shows that the 4GL provides completely dynamic class loading based on runtime state. Two completely unrelated classes that happen to have methods of the same name and signature (msg()) will load and work with no complaints just by modifying the propath at runtime. This doesn't just affect the class loading, it affects the type of the object reference (in this case the var named a). The type is considered Foo but what does Foo mean when multiple different Foo implementations can be assigned without complaint?

If a had been saved to some other variable, field or member, then references to that Foo class would be active at the same time as references to the second Foo class.

In Java, class loading is controlled by 2 things:

  • The dependencies resolved during compilation (e.g. by javac). The compiler will find these dependencies and resolve them at compilation time by searching for the related classes (and their contained members/methods) using the classpath that exists during compilation.
  • The classpath and class loaders in the JVM at runtime. When a class is loaded at runtime it is found using the classpath which is something defined at the JVM startup. It cannot be changed after startup nor can the core classloader (the "system classloader"). It is possible to implement a custom classloader that also is used and this classloader would be able to be more dynamic than just processing a fixed classpath. For some good discussion on this, please see How do you change the CLASSPATH within Java?. FWD in fact, does provide its own class loader to allow jars to be added/removed/replaced at runtime without restarting the JVM process. However, this is very different from the 4GL approach. Assuming (as is the case in this example), that the fully qualified name of each of the classes is the same Foo, in Java one cannot have multiple instances of the same Foo class loaded at the same time from different locations.

Class loading is not a solution for this duck typing problem.

Before we consider approaches to deal with this, I think we need to answer the following questions:

1. Is this duck typing problem also present in the class hierarchy? For example, if Bar is a child class of Foo, can you instantiate multiple instances of Bar with different Foo parent classes just by changing the propath between instantiation attempts?

2. To what degree does a method signature matter in this duck typed world? What aspects of the signature are checked at compile time and what parts are only checked at runtime when a method is executed? In other words: how dynamic is the method invocation and how weak is the compile-time typing?

3. How much of the CAST() processing is happening at runtime as compared to compile-time. The 4GL docs for CAST() mention this:

At compile time, ABL verifies that the specified object type is within the class hierarchy of the specified object reference. At run time, the AVM checks the validity of the cast operation. Therefore, if you access a class member on the cast object reference that exists for the cast data type, but the referenced object at run time does not actually define the accessed class member, the AVM raises ERROR at run time.

This should not be possible in a strongly typed (compile-time typing) system.

The strange thing is that the documentation for DYNAMIC-CAST() contradicts the above comment:

You can also use the CAST function to perform all casting operations at compile time. The primary reason for using the DYNAMIC-CAST function is to cast object references based on run-time conditions that determine the object type to use for the cast.

Constantin: Please work on some testcases to explore these questions. Feel free to add other critical related questions here which I've missed.

#9 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

4. About static constructors. 4GL states:

STATIC specifies a static constructor that executes exactly once in an ABL session the first time you reference a class type that defines this constructor in its class hierarchy. You cannot invoke a static constructor in any other way or at any other time. You can define only one static constructor for a given class. If you do not define a static constructor, ABL defines a default static constructor to initialize the static members of a class.

When switching the PROPATH, and a different class file exists, is the static constructor invoked again (if this class was already loaded)? This might depend on how 4GL keeps the loaded class registry - by class name or something else. Also, what happens with the static members - do they get initialized?

A conversion issue - the limitations introduced by duck typing I think will not allow us to use Java inheritance, when emulating the 4GL inheritance.

#10 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

the limitations introduced by duck typing I think will not allow us to use Java inheritance, when emulating the 4GL inheritance.

This is my fear and is why I added question 1.

#11 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

the limitations introduced by duck typing I think will not allow us to use Java inheritance, when emulating the 4GL inheritance.

This is my fear and is why I added question 1.

This is confirmed by a testcase - we can't use Java inheritance, as the super-classes are resolved using the runtime PROPATH.

And a quick note about the static c'tors - looks like they are invoked only once, the first time this class (resolved by its name) is loaded. If PROPATH changes and a different file defines the same class, the static c'tor will not be invoked. Anyway, more analysis is required for static members.

#12 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Use string(THIS-OBJECT) (or string(ooVar)) to determine the handle ID (this is suffixed to the class name, like oo.Bar_1001); but I think THIS-OBJECT will show you (at the ID) only the object, and not its super-classes - these might be hidden via the super-procedure chains, as compiler prohibits THIS-PROCEDURE (and other system-handle procedures) being executed from within a class code.

Using construct like this before and after the PROPATH changes, shows the same ID (like Progress.Lang.Class_1002):

def var cls1 as Progress.Lang.Class.
cls1 = Progress.Lang.Class:GetClass("oo.Foo").
message string(cls1).

This (and a test on a static var) shows that the class is loaded only once, no matter if the propath changes, as the var reports the same value, before and after the propath change. I think 4GL creates a persistent copy of this program and associates it at runtime with all the static member access.

#13 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I was thinking we could do a mode where, if a project is not using duck-typing, we rely on Java inheritance for conversion and runtime.

But using the POLY arguments at the method calls, makes this impossible - the compiler checks the full signature, unless we have a POLY via DB_REF_NON_STATIC reference (h::f1). In this case, the runtime does the argument validation - the compiler just checks the number of arguments. Although for OO cases, the POLY value conversion at runtime looks more strict than for RUN statement.

More, when using method overloading, you can have a call like v:m1(h::f1), where the class has a m1(int) and a m1(char) - the runtime will take care of invoking the proper overloaded method.

So, I don't think we can even emit Java calls for the method invocations (and using some dynamic proxy to determine the program where the target resides) - we will need to rely on dynamic invocation, like we do for RUN statements. This is mostly because the Java compiler will not be able to choose to the proper overloaded method,

I guess this answers question 2.

#14 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I was thinking we could do a mode where, if a project is not using duck-typing, we rely on Java inheritance for conversion and runtime.

Yes, I'm thinking about this too. I'm working on a report for analytics that will detect any duplicate fully qualified object definitions in the project.

My initial thought is that this should be rare. It is certainly a bad practice and will lead to strange results (as you've noted with the statics). I'm inclined to force such things to be replaced rather than supporting them since the result would be significantly worse just to support a really bad design decision of Progress. At a minimum, this would allow direct member access in the parent hierarchy, even if the methods had to be dynamically dispatched.

I'm not too surprised about the dynamic nature of method calls. On the other hand, using POLY also seems a somewhat rare case. Is there any reason that a method call with non-POLY arguments can't be directly dispatched?

#15 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Another issue with using Java inheritance: in Java, you can't reduce the visibility of a member, just upgrade it. In 4GL, you can have a public method in a base class and a protected version in the sub-class.

LE: this was tested incorrectly, 4GL has the same compile-time check as Java.

#16 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Also in Java you can't hide an instance method via a static method, but you can in 4GL.

LE: this was tested incorrectly, 4GL has the same compile-time check as Java.

The idea is: if we use Java inheritance, we need to make sure that the OO features used in the project are fully compatible with Java.

#17 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

And there is this "gem" (from the 4GL docs):

"On a state-reset AppServer, a given AppServer agent begins a fresh ABL session with each new client connection. Thus, each client connection to a state-reset AppServer re-initializes the static members of each class that is referenced."

if we use Java inheritance, we need to make sure that the OO features used in the project are fully compatible with Java.

Agreed. We need to maintain a list of these items.

#18 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is there any reason that a method call with non-POLY arguments can't be directly dispatched?

You mean without using a dynamic proxy? The problem I can think of is the EXTENT parameters - there is some validation done at runtime, for dynamic extent cases.

Also, what about the 4GL's DESTRUCTOR - do we rely on Java garbage collection?

#19 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

in Java you can't hide an instance method via a static method, but you can in 4GL.

Did you find this via testing? The docs suggest the opposite:

When overloading methods, note that instance and static methods overload each other. In other words, the scope (presence or absence of the STATIC keyword) is not counted in distinguishing one overloaded method from another. For this reason, you cannot define an instance method and a static method in the same class hierarchy that both have the same signature. Such a combination causes ABL to raise a compile-time error.

#20 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

You mean without using a dynamic proxy? The problem I can think of is the EXTENT parameters - there is some validation done at runtime, for dynamic extent cases.

We can exclude that case too. Again, it seems a more rare case.

Also, what about the 4GL's DESTRUCTOR - do we rely on Java garbage collection?

I think so. You aren't supposed to be able to execute it directly and it only gets executed when garbage collected. This seems exactly the same as the Java finalizer concept. I think we can map to that unless there is some unexpected behavior we find during testing.

#21 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Another issue with using Java inheritance: in Java, you can't reduce the visibility of a member, just upgrade it. In 4GL, you can have a public method in a base class and a protected version in the sub-class.

LE: this was tested incorrectly, 4GL has the same compile-time check as Java.

#22 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

in Java you can't hide an instance method via a static method, but you can in 4GL.

Did you find this via testing? The docs suggest the opposite:

Had duck-typing active and wrong class on the propath, so 4GL has same compile-time checks as Java for the member visibility and method hiding.

#23 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I think so. You aren't supposed to be able to execute it directly and it only gets executed when garbage collected. This seems exactly the same as the Java finalizer concept. I think we can map to that unless there is some unexpected behavior we find during testing.

JVM specs don't guarantee which tread will execute the finalize() method - and if the DESTRUCTOR contains 4GL logic, this needs to be executed on the Conversation thread (at least). More, the destructor will be called when DELETE OBJECT is executed, and it can contain even UI statements.

Are destructors used in current projects?

#24 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

JVM specs don't guarantee which tread will execute the finalize() method - and if the DESTRUCTOR contains 4GL logic, this needs to be executed on the Conversation thread (at least).

Good point. We could implement a finalizer that generates an event that can be responded to on the conversation thread, but I'm not sure that is needed.

We will have to be tracking object instances anyway. For example, SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT and SESSION:LAST-OBJECT allows one to walk the entire set of objects that are currently instantiated. This is insane of course, any business system of reasonable complexity will have massive numbers of objects created at any one point in time. Still, when the object would be removed from that list I guess we can also handle the destructor processing.

On the other hand, there is this:

The object references maintained by the FIRST-OBJECT attribute and the NEXT-SIBLING property do not count as references for garbage collection. That is, if a class instance is referenced only on the session object chain, it is available for automatic garbage collection.

As long as we ensure the destructor is invoked at the right time, I guess this does not matter.

Are destructors used in current projects?


#25 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Leaving duck typing aside, and looking through the JVM specs, I can't find other issues at this time.

This comment related to CAST I think was in mention of the duck-typing behavior.

Therefore, if you access a class member on the cast object reference that exists for the cast data type, but the referenced object at run time does not actually define the accessed class member,

The difference with Java casting is that this is done at runtime, and not compile time, in 4GL; a code like:

def var x as oo.Foo.
def var y as oo.Bar.

x = new oo.Foo().
y = cast(x, "oo.Bar").

where oo.Bar extends oo.Foo will fail at runtime with a Invalid cast from oo.Foo to oo.Bar. (12869).

LE: (GES) I could not recreate this runtime failure with the above sample in 11.6. Instead I get a compile failure Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223). I do see a runtime warning (error-status:error is false but you get a message/error-status:get-message(1) of the 12869 error. But I can only duplicate this using DYNAMIC-ENUM() with 2 different enum classes.

Also, if the x = new oo.Foo(). line is removed and x is unknown, runtime will not show any error.

#26 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Good results so far. Please check in your testcases to testcases/uast/oo/.

Next questions:

5. Please consider instantiation of objects via the NEW() function, NEW statement, DYNAMIC-NEW and Progress.Lang.Object:New(). Can we use Java .class instances for the NEW() function/NEW statement? The constructor invocation order and rules about invocation of super() seem to match Java (based on the docs). Considering that we have to maintain a chain of instantiated objects AND we need to duplicate error behavior, I think it is not safe to use the Java new operator directly. But if we can hard code .class references, that is a benefit.

6. What are the rules for destructor invocation? The documentation suggests it can occur from DELETE OBJECT, garbage collecton and when there is a failure during constructor invocation. Is this correct? Can you think of any reason we actually need the finalizer or can we drive everything off an explicit or implicit DELETE?

7. What facilities will we need in ControlFlowOps for method invocation?

8. We need to implement a replacement for the Progress.* and OpenEdge.* built-in classes. I was planning a hand-coded Java implementation though I am open to the alternative (implement our own version of those as 4GL classes which we actually convert). What are your opinions on this and where do we keep the classes?

#27 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Branch 3750a revision 11302 includes these changes:

  • Added reports for constructors, destructors and duplicate fully qualified OO class/interface names.
  • Added changes to map the filename to a class definition so that any reference can be tied back to the exact class that was found during parsing.

#28 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm working on the resolution of the converted Java class name information (simple class name, package name and fully qualified class name) for a given original source filename. In rev 11302, every CLASS_NAME, VAR_CLASS or other class reference is now has a source-file annotation with the original file name of the class being referenced.

My idea is that at parsing time, we have resolved the 4GL fully qualified names to some actual unambiguous source file. By mapping to that file's specific fully qualified Java class name, then everything else will be unambiguous. Do you see any flaws in my logic or unexpected results? I am assuming that the duck typing won't work, which is OK.

#29 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

My idea is that at parsing time, we have resolved the 4GL fully qualified names to some actual unambiguous source file. By mapping to that file's specific fully qualified Java class name, then everything else will be unambiguous. Do you see any flaws in my logic or unexpected results? I am assuming that the duck typing won't work, which is OK.

Stuff which uses 4GL-style class names may not work if we don't keep this mapping in an external file; for example, doing Progress.Lang.Class:GetClass("oo.Foo"). - of oo.Foo is in file abl/prj1/oo/Foo.cls, and converted Java file name is src/prj1/oo/ - we will need to know (at runtime) that oo.Foo in 4GL maps to prj1.oo.Foo in FWD. This is possible if you have the prj1/ entry on PROPATH.

#30 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I've been assuming that we will need the conversion name mapping anyway for things like DYNAMIC-NEW. I was thinking it would go into the name_map.xml with our other program name mappings.

#31 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I think we can calculate this if I just add the fully qualified OO name to the class-mapping node as an ooname attribute. SourceNameMapper can handle the calculation from there.

#32 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

About constructors and destructors:
  • how do you plan to emit the 4GL c'tors? As a Java constructor, right?
  • destructor methods are called for each class in this object's hierarchy - this is because in 4GL objects are built up from multiple persistently-ran external programs, with some weird super-procedure management.
  • so, if instantiation fails during c'tor invocation, we need to know which classes have initialized for this object (in the hierarchy) - so destructors will be called only for these.
  • and more, we will not be able to emit the destructors as Java instance methods - as these break the Java's method override paradigm. Consider oo.Bar having a destructor and instantiation fails at oo.Bar class - only oo.Foo super-class destructor will be executed, and (unless I'm missing something) we can't explicitly execute this in Java using the oo.Bar reference. They will need to be static methods, having as single argument an instance of this type - and all instance references will need to be qualified with this argument.

We might be able to hide the 'super class initialization' in the FWD block management (i.e. we receive the class name as an argument to BlockManager.constructor API), so we know which c'tors have executed at time of a failure.

Also, something else related - how are OO variables (i.e. def var c as oo.Bar.) converted in FWD? Will these be converted to Java's oo.Bar class equivalent, or they will be wrapped in a kind-of handle equivalent, dynamic proxy or something else? The main problem here is the reference counting - we will not be able to count these if we don't explicitly track the assignment. Aspects might work, but I'm not sure of the performance.

Considering that we have to maintain a chain of instantiated objects ...

I'm not sure this is problematic, considering we will need our own implementation of Progress.Lang.Object - as this will be the superclass for all 4GL-style classes, we can hook this chain maintenance (and anything else) in the implicit c'tor of Progress.Lang.Object.

AND we need to duplicate error behavior,

Yes, I think this is what blocks us - we need to know which super-class has initialized and this requires to know when the object has finished initialization (so that we can clean this tracking). So the .class is OK, as long as we emit the proper name.

6. What are the rules for destructor invocation? The documentation suggests it can occur

  • from @DELETE OBJECT - this is correct
  • garbage collection - I couldn't duplicate this (as the garbage collector can't be easily forced to trigger, I guess)
  • there is a failure during constructor invocation - see above for the destructor peculiarities in super-classes.

Can you think of any reason we actually need the finalizer or can we drive everything off an explicit or implicit DELETE?

See above, the Java finalizer can't help.

7. What facilities will we need in ControlFlowOps for method invocation?

Do you see some reason not to use direct Java-style method calls? Special APIs would be required for duck-typing but otherwise, if we rely on Java inheritance, no special APIs would be needed.

8. We need to implement a replacement for the Progress.* and OpenEdge.* built-in classes. I was planning a hand-coded Java implementation though

I'd go with a hand-coded Java implementation, as we could skip the 4GL-style top level blocks for them and we can easier fine-tune the performance for these. The advantage is any runtime changes will not require a reconversion of these files - just a FWD deploy.

#33 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

  • how do you plan to emit the 4GL c'tors? As a Java constructor, right?

And I just realized something - if we need ANY kind of block management in the constructor, we can not rely on Java constructors to initialize the object. If there is an explicit 4GL super() constructor call or this-object() constructor call, this must be the first statement in the Java constructor, too. And we can't do this if we emit this inside a BlockManager API.

So constructors will need to be initialization-like Java methods. And conversion needs to take care to properly emit the implicit constructor call, if there is no explicit constructor call.

#34 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Something about widget definitions in a class (like DEF BUTTON btn) - in documentation there is a statement like 'Class definition files can define static visual handle-based objects (widgets) as PRIVATE data members.' - but note that these are not static members, but instance members.

And USE-WIDGET-POOL - is this currently used?

#35 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin, are there any limitations as to how a field of data type class can be used in a WHERE clause? For instance, can you do something like the following?

find first tt where = "bar".

If so, how is dereferenced? Is this the equivalent of a user-defined function, which is resolved once, before the FIND is executed (like a query substitution parameter)? Or is the dereferencing of the foo member of tt.obj done for each record in the temp-table, until one is found which matches "bar"?

Before we go further down this path of inquiry, can you first determine with test cases whether the above syntax (and similar forms, like calling OO methods from a class field object reference) is possible?

#36 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

If so, how is dereferenced? Is this the equivalent of a user-defined function, which is resolved once, before the FIND is executed (like a query substitution parameter)?

This one. The expression is evaluated before the query is executed.

In a temp-table, a class field can only have the Progress.Lang.Object type - so direct property references is not possible. You can invoke Progress.Lang.Object methods directly, like where tt.obj:toString() = "x".

You can use cast to cast the reference to another type and access its members directly, like cast(tt.obj, "oo.Bar"):foo = "bar" - but if the tt buffer has no record, then no error is shown/thrown/etc - the condition just evaluates to false and terminates all other processing, even if the cast is followed by something like or true - so we need to be careful with our HQL where preprocessing.

#37 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Direct field reference like where tt.obj = ? or where tt.obj <> ? does work.

But there is something interesting with how delete object tt.obj works: the tt.obj field is not unknown, but valid-object(tt.obj) will be false. Assigning the tt.obj to unknown works.

Greg, we need to determine how we handle the same stuff with unknown object references, for normal var case. 4GL gives a Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object. (3135) when trying to access a member from an unknown object - this shows that we can't assign the ref to Java null, we will need to hide the object state behind a dynamic proxy.

#38 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

And USE-WIDGET-POOL - is this currently used?

Sorry, it took some time to run the search across both projects. Yes, it is used in a single location.

#39 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Greg, we need to determine how we handle the same stuff with unknown object references, for normal var case. 4GL gives a Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object. (3135) when trying to access a member from an unknown object - this shows that we can't assign the ref to Java null, we will need to hide the object state behind a dynamic proxy.


  • I assume that statics are not affected, only instance members. The 4GL doesn't allow accessing statics from an instance and so there is no way to dereference a static in an unknown var. Correct?
  • Does this behavior extend to all data members, properties as well as instance methods?
  • If this extends to non-method members, does the same behavior occur on both read and write?

I do not want to implement "shadow" interfaces for every class. This wouldn't solve the problem for members anyway and it would make a massive mess. Libraries like CGLIB can proxy without interfaces, though it only works for non-final instance methods.

There is no solution for data members because the calling byte code directly dereferences fields without invoking any byte code in the class that contains the field. A "solution" might be to provide a kind of bean interface for get/set of each non-method instance member. I don't want to use a true bean approach, which could lead to many naming conflicts since methods and data members/properties are in different namespaces. For a data member foo of type footype we could implement _foo() for read and _foo(footype) for write. Then all accesses would be indirect and proxyable. I don't like this idea but it could be done.

I wonder if something lower level like asm could allow us to proxy even the final methods. The issue is that a common approach is to implement the proxy as a subclass, so they naturally can't handle the final methods.

#40 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • I assume that statics are not affected, only instance members. The 4GL doesn't allow accessing statics from an instance and so there is no way to dereference a static in an unknown var. Correct?

Correct. Errors raised in the static constructor are ignored. Also, a static class can't be unloaded from memory easily (delete is a no-op for a Progress.Lang.Class instance). There is a way to unload it and force it to re-initialize if you change its source-code (and thus it gets recompiled), but this wouldn't be a production-level feature.

  • Does this behavior extend to all data members, properties as well as instance methods?


  • If this extends to non-method members, does the same behavior occur on both read and write?


#41 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

And USE-WIDGET-POOL - is this currently used?

Sorry, it took some time to run the search across both projects. Yes, it is used in a single location.

Documentation states:

Directs the AVM to create an unnamed widget pool that is scoped to the class hierarchy of each instance of the class. When specified, all dynamic handle-based objects that are created in the class by and for instance class members are created by default in this unnamed widget pool.

This suggests that only resources created and saved into instance members are added to this pool. From some testing, I think this is some kind of compile-time setting which augments any CREATE statement within the class so that the resource is added to the instance pool. This is because using a CREATE with a class member outside of the class, doesn't add it to this pool.

If the class contains static members, this option directs the AVM to create a separate unnamed widget pool that is scoped to the class for all dynamic handle-based objects created for or by these static class members in the session.

Considering that a class can't be unloaded, this unnamed widget pool can never be deleted - I assume this is some kind of isolation of these dynamic resources. Same, I think this is some compile-time augmentation for CREATE statements using static members.

#42 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Same, I think this is some compile-time augmentation for CREATE statements using static members.

Is there a different widget pool for each instance or is there a single widget pool for the class? For the instance case, we can create it in the "constructor worker" method. For the class case, in a static intializer.

How do we associate that widget pool with that instance or class?

What do we do to associate the handle based resource creation with the instance/class widget pool? If it is class based, can we treat this as a kind of implicitly named widget pool that has the same name as the class?

#43 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is there a different widget pool for each instance or is there a single widget pool for the class?

My assumption is that this is per-instance.

For the instance case, we can create it in the "constructor worker" method. For the class case, in a static intializer.

We don't emit explicit code for this - we do it in the constructor's (instance or static) associated BDT API, from within FWD runtime, right?

How do we associate that widget pool with that instance or class?

The way I see it:
  • get a specific name for this pool (maybe via some WidgetPool.nextPoolName() API)
  • we save this inside the object (or at the class), in some field added within Progress.Lang.Object
  • for CREATE statements (which match the rules to be augmented), we convert it as if the IN WIDGET-POOL clause exists.

What do we do to associate the handle based resource creation with the instance/class widget pool? If it is class based, can we treat this as a kind of implicitly named widget pool that has the same name as the class?

The converted CREATE would match something like CREATE <res> IN WIDGET-POOL this-object:fwd-instance-widget-pool(), or CREATE <res> IN WIDGET-POOL Progress.Lang.Object:fwd-static-widget-pool("classname"). The idea here is to ensure the widget pool names are unique, and can't collide with anything else the user might have created. We could use a special prefix or random UUIDs.

Anyway, I need more tests for this.

#44 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750a revision 11306 is the first phase of conversion support for OO 4GL. This revision can properly convert empty class and interface definitions, including abstract, final and inherits. It doesn't handle implements, nor use-widget-pool or serializable. The extends clause is fully qualified at this time, but that will be fixed shortly. The result compiles but since it is empty, it doesn't do anything yet. The replacement for Progress.Lang.Object is com.goldencode.p2j.util.BaseObject (at least for now).

In order to handle the conversion of OO references, we must calculate the Java package and classname for every OO program before the annotations phase starts. The calculation is done in the annotations/naming.rules and this ruleset has been "pushed back" into a new "Annotations Prep" phase of the conversion. This phase MUST come AFTER m0 because the naming rules depend upon p2o name lookups. This is why we could not handle this issue with "Early Annotations". See annotations/annotations_prep.xml.

#45 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750a revision 11307 adds support for IMPLEMENTS.

#46 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

For the instance case, we can create it in the "constructor worker" method. For the class case, in a static intializer.

We don't emit explicit code for this - we do it in the constructor's (instance or static) associated BDT API, from within FWD runtime, right?

I'm talking about the creation of the widget pool itself, not the registration of handle resources to be contained in it. I assumed the converted class would need an equivalent to the CREATE-WIDGET-POOL statement. The best place for an instance-level widget pool seems to be the constructor worker.

Your plan is good.

random UUIDs

Yes, this is the way.

#47 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I'm talking about the creation of the widget pool itself, not the registration of handle resources to be contained in it. I assumed the converted class would need an equivalent to the CREATE-WIDGET-POOL statement. The best place for an instance-level widget pool seems to be the constructor worker.

Yes, I meant BlockManager instead of BDT.

I think we need to create the pool persistent.

#48 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The 4GL documentation for FIELD_CLASS states that it is only possible to make it Progress.Lang.Object. It turns out the documentation is correct:

def var f as oo.Foo.

/* Use the 'Progress.Lang.Object' datatype for temp-table column 'obj' instead of a specific class type 'oo.Foo' which is not supported. (12864) */
/* def temp-table tt field num as int field obj as oo.Foo. */
def temp-table tt field num as int field obj as Progress.Lang.Object.

f = new oo.Foo().

create tt.
tt.num = 30.
tt.obj = f.

/* must cast inside where or you get this: */
/* Could not locate element 'bogus' in class 'Progress.Lang.Object'. (12927) */
/* find first tt where not tt.obj:bogus(). */

find first tt where cast(tt.obj, oo.Foo):description() ne ?.

/* must cast here else you get: */
/* ** Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223) */
/* f = tt.obj. */
f = cast(tt.obj, oo.Foo).

/* must cast before use outside of where, else you get a 12927 error */
/* oo.Foo_1046 whatever oo.Foo_1046 whatever */
message tt.obj:toString() cast(tt.obj, oo.Foo):description() f:toString() f:description().

It seems like a bad limitation but it is easier for us.

#49 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I've been writing some testcases to explore unknown value, assignment and undo. In all of these areas, the behavior is not compatible with a direct Java reference approach.

  • Unknown Value
    • All variables initialize to unknown value. There is no way to initialize with a new() as part of the variable definition.
    • When a reference is set to unknown, de-referencing it generates the error 3135 as discussed #3751-37. We could use CGLIB dynamic subclass generation for non-final methods but it doesn't help with final methods or with field access.
  • In order to support DELETE and SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT/LAST-OBJECT chaining, we must manage the construction process and mostly will need some form of reference counting to know how many "live" references there are in converted code.
  • Assignment and Parameter Passing
    • Both of these require our runtime to handle behavior that cannot be easily emitted into the business logic (nor would we want to do so if we could).
    • The runtime must have delegated access to the instances and for that reason we need a mutable wrapper instead of a reference.
  • UNDO
    • When you assign a new instance reference to an undoable VAR_CLASS reference, the normal transaction semantics of UNDO are honored.
    • This means that the reference assignment will be UNDOne with rollback.

All of the above suggest the cleanest approach is to implement a wrapper for the VAR_CLASS object reference. This wrapper (com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectRef?) would be a BDT (and Undoable) and would thus be able to be managed as any other variable. It will naturally support all of the above behaviors. The idea is that we pass the wrapper class for everything except when we need to invoke methods or access members. We would call a obj() method to unwrap the actual object instance.

I'm thinking we use generics to allow that obj() method to return the correct type. Thus a variable definition might look something like this:

ObjectRef<My4GLOOClass> varname = UndoableFactory.objectRef()

If we need to pass the class to the objectRef() for the runtime to have access, we can do so.

It also fully solves the error 3135/unknown value dereference issue because we can handle that in the obj() unwrapper method.

I don't see a better way to do this. Hiding the BDT stuff in BaseObject just doesn't solve all the issues. We need a mutable wrapper to be able to manage all the behavior compatibly.

Does anyone have any thoughts, concerns or comments?

#50 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Eric suggests using object instead of ObjectRef. It is shorter and is in the same kind of lowercase format as the other concrete wrapper implementations. I'll go with this.

Along with this, I'll name the de-referencing method ref() instead of obj().

#51 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm working on var/parm defs right now. I've just checked in 3750a rev 11311 which is an early version of the object wrapper.

Constantin, would you please look at the following question:

  • Is there any reason to believe that the OO 4GL object instances are a kind of handle (other than the error message 3135)? We know that you can delete these and walk the chain of them. I'm trying to figure out if object should subclass from handle.

#52 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11312 provides variable and parameter definition support for AS CLASS, LIKE VAR_CLASS and LIKE FIELD_CLASS. Some more testing is needed, but the basics should be there.

As with the previously implemented features, all class names are fully qualified at this time. This is temporary.

#53 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • Is there any reason to believe that the OO 4GL object instances are a kind of handle (other than the error message 3135)? We know that you can delete these and walk the chain of them. I'm trying to figure out if object should subclass from handle.

Although it has some common behaviour (like resource ID which can be seen in OO's toString, and valid), they are not interchangeable. At this time I'm more comfortable keeping them separate.

Under the cover, 4GL might use some kind of special handle-like structure which has an external program resource and decorates around it to make it look like an object. But I don't think that can help us.

#54 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Is anyone working on the conversion of FIELD_CLASS right now?

I'm not.

Constantin ?

#55 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is anyone working on the conversion of FIELD_CLASS right now?

I'm not.

Constantin ?

No, I'm still working on the buffer scoping issue.

#56 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm working on getting data members to emit properly. Then I am going to take method definitions.

Constantin: After the buffer issue, can you please implement the following:

  • constructors
  • destructors
  • the 4 forms of NEW
  • SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT/LAST-OBJECT and traversal via the Progress.Lang.Object methods nextSibling() and prevSibling().

#57 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11313 provides support for variables as data members in classes or interfaces.

#58 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Triggers can be defined inside a class as shown by this example:

def var t as TriggerInClassDef.
t = new TriggerInClassDef().

class TriggerInClassDef:

   on "a" anywhere
      message "trigger fired".

   method public void x():
      def var txt as char.
      update txt.

The trigger works as you would expect.

#59 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I also did confirm that internal procedures and user defined functions cannot be defined inside a class definition.

class broken:

   function forbidden returns int ():
      return 0.

   procedure verboten:


The compiler generates "Procedures and user-defined functions may not be defined in a class or interface file. (12910)".

#60 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Since methods can't be in the same compilation unit with functions or procedures, there cannot be any naming conflicts between methods and the other top level blocks. Triggers aren't named so there is no conflict there either.

Of course, methods can be overloaded and so we cannot and must not disambiguate duplicate method names. Considering the above, this should not be a problem. The thing I don't understand is what problem we were solving with getUniqueJavaMethodName (see annotations.xml). This is used to ensure we create unique procedure names and to ensure unique user defined function names. For example, the following are NOT ALLOWED:

function one returns int ():
return 0.

function one returns int ():
return 14.
procedure two:

procedure two:
function three returns int ():
   return 0.

procedure three:

Functions even share the same namespace as internal procedures.

Why do we need to disambiguate duplicate proc or func names?

#61 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Functions even share the same namespace as internal procedures.

Why do we need to disambiguate duplicate proc or func names?

During conversion, a foo-a function name and a foo_a procedure name will get converted to the same java method name, fooA - so we need to track collisions not in the legacy name, but in the converted java name, as our naming convertor may produce same Java name for two different legacy names.

#62 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I'm working on getting data members to emit properly. Then I am going to take method definitions.

Constantin: After the buffer issue, can you please implement the following:

  • constructors
  • destructors
  • the 4 forms of NEW
  • SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT/LAST-OBJECT and traversal via the Progress.Lang.Object methods nextSibling() and prevSibling().
I'm working the list backwards, to familiarize with the OO rules first. Some questions:
  • per note #3751-33, the constructors will not be Java constructors, but object initialization methods.
  • per note #3751-32 - destructors can be instance methods, if we name them something like p1_p2_Bar_destructor (i.e. fully qualified class name followed by destructor). We may want to use the same approach for constructors, too.

#63 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

the constructors will not be Java constructors, but object initialization methods

Yes, this is my understanding too.

destructors can be instance methods, if we name them something like p1_p2_Bar_destructor

This seems reasonable. One question: why is the package part needed? I'd rather decorate it with __Bar_destructor__.

#64 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

This seems reasonable. One question: why is the package part needed? I'd rather decorate it with __Bar_destructor__.

The idea is to avoid collisions - you can have same class name but in different packages, and one being a super-class of the other.

#65 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Do we already have a OO ops helper class? For new, delete, etc.

If not, I'll add ObjectOps.

#66 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Is Progress.Lang.Object skeleton required to be in the conversion list? I get this for a def var o as Progress.Lang.Object. statement:

^  { null value for annotation 'full-java-class':def [DEFINE_VARIABLE]:12884901891 @1:1
   o [SYMBOL]:12884901895 @1:9
   as [KW_AS]:12884901897 @1:11
      Progress.Lang.Object [CLASS_NAME]:12884901899 @1:14

#67 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Do we already have a OO ops helper class? For new, delete, etc.

If not, I'll add ObjectOps.

Nothing yet, please do add it.

#68 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Is Progress.Lang.Object skeleton required to be in the conversion list? I get this for a def var o as Progress.Lang.Object. statement:

Nevermind, I see the dependency on ./skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Object.cls - I had the skeleton in p2j.cfg.xml to a different parent folder.

I'll fix the annotations_prep.rules to use the p2j.cfg.xml oo-skeleton-path folder.

#69 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Is Progress.Lang.Object skeleton required to be in the conversion list? I get this for a def var o as Progress.Lang.Object. statement:

No it should not be in the list. Any references are mapped to BaseObject. See annotations/annotations_prep.xml and search for BaseObject.

#70 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Can we automate the annotations_prep.rules step of registering the built-in classes?

   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Object.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Class.cls
   Recursive level 4 parse of class: ../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/ParameterList.cls

We already know the referenced built-in 4GL skeleton classes during parsing - we can use this set and we just need to determine a convention for the class name.

This will explode at some point, and I assume we can't use the progress root package name. I'd just get rid of this package and use something like com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.lang.Object for Progress.Lang.Object (i.e. we keep the class names, remove the root package and place them in com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.).

Otherwise, we should at least get rid of abends related to this, otherwise it will be cumbersome to determine which built-in classes need to be registered here.

#71 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Can we automate the annotations_prep.rules step of registering the built-in classes?

We already know the referenced built-in 4GL skeleton classes during parsing - we can use this set and we just need to determine a convention for the class name.

This is a good idea.

This will explode at some point, and I assume we can't use the progress root package name. I'd just get rid of this package and use something like com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.lang.Object for Progress.Lang.Object (i.e. we keep the class names, remove the root package and place them in com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.).

Yes, this is why I was previously asking about ideas on how to handle the built-in classes. I like your idea here.

Otherwise, we should at least get rid of abends related to this, otherwise it will be cumbersome to determine which built-in classes need to be registered here.

Also a good idea.

Please go ahead with your recommended changes.

#72 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11316 is some intermediate changes for method definitions. They are not working yet, but I don't want our parallel work to diverge too much. We need to be checking in frequently enough that we can avoid major rework or conflicts.

#73 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

I'd just get rid of this package and use something like com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.lang.Object for Progress.Lang.Object (i.e. we keep the class names, remove the root package and place them in com.goldencode.p2j.util.oo.).

A minor thing, but... is there a reason this needs to be a sub-package of util? How about dropping util from the package and going with com.goldencode.p2j.oo?

#74 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

A minor thing, but... is there a reason this needs to be a sub-package of util? How about dropping util from the package and going with com.goldencode.p2j.oo?

p2j.oo is good.

#75 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

OO method calls and attribute access is not there yet, correct?

Also, I assume only stubs will be added for i.e. delete, nextSibling(), etc

#76 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

For normal expressions processing (object and class dereferencing), we are planning to use a direct method invocation approach. The only case where we have a need for indirect invocation of a METHOD_DEF is DYNAMIC_INVOKE() which is a FUNC_POLY that is similar to DYNAMIC-FUNCTION() except it doesn't have the IN handle syntax.

Can you think of any other case for indirect invocation?

I'm excluding constructors and destructors from this list since those are always indirectly referenced and must be call-backs from the runtime.

Based on the DYNAMIC-INVOKE() case, we still need all the name map information, including the parameter analysis/signatures. I'm trying to make changes to collect_parameters right now.

#77 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

A minor thing, but... is there a reason this needs to be a sub-package of util? How about dropping util from the package and going with com.goldencode.p2j.oo?

p2j.oo is good.


#78 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Also, I assume only stubs will be added for i.e. delete, nextSibling(), etc

Yes, this is OK.

#79 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Do you still want to use BaseObject name for Progress.Lang.Object class?

#80 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11317:
  • added DELETE OBJECT obj, SESSION:LAST/FIRST-OBJECT conversion support.
  • reworked builtin class registration to automatically pickup all builtin skeleton classes.

#81 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Do you still want to use BaseObject name for Progress.Lang.Object class?

I wanted to avoid Object. Do you have an alternative in mind?

#82 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Do you still want to use BaseObject name for Progress.Lang.Object class?

I wanted to avoid Object.

Yes, I realized the possible confusion, too.

Do you have an alternative in mind?

I'm keeping BaseObject for now; we should hardcode this name in some TRPL constant, to be used across rules - it will be easier to manage.

Also, I think Progress.Lang.Class should be LegacyClass or something.

#83 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Can you think of any other case for indirect invocation?

4GL has reflection support via Progress.Reflect.Method and others.

#84 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I'm adding these to my list:


#85 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Plus CLASS_NAME literals.

#86 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I think Progress.Lang.Class should be LegacyClass or something.

I like it.

#87 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

CLASS_NAME literals will emit as string literals with the legacy qualified class name or Java full qualified name?

#88 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

CLASS_NAME literals will emit as string literals with the legacy qualified class name or Java full qualified name?

I think in most cases we can emit the actual Java class reference. For example, as a static qualifier it should not be a string.

In what cases are these string literals?

#89 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

CLASS_NAME literals will emit as string literals with the legacy qualified class name or Java full qualified name?

I think in most cases we can emit the actual Java class reference. For example, as a static qualifier it should not be a string.

In what cases are these string literals?

I was having duck typing in mind. For now it works with p1.p2.Bar.class for NEW, CAST, etc.

#90 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

Can you think of any other case for indirect invocation?

4GL has reflection support via Progress.Reflect.Method and others.

And for DYNAMIC-CAST( object-reference , expression ). - this requires the mapping of legacy class names to qualified class names, at runtime.

#91 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

We are excluding support for duck typing as a permanent restriction, so we don't need strings there.

DYNAMIC-CAST should not have a CLASS_NAME parameter since the 2nd parm is a character type. I agree we will need the legacy to Java class name mappings for the lookup there.

#92 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

CAST allows a construct like cast(o, p1.O1):m1()..

This needs to be converted to something like:

ObjectOps.cast(o, com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1.class).<com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1>cast().m1();

The idea here is that ObjectOps.cast returns a object. OTOH, it can be emitted like ObjectOps.cast(o, com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1.class).m1(); if its signature is public static <V> V cast(object o, Class<V> cls).

Only CAST allows this kind of chaining. NEW and DYNAMIC-CAST does not allow it.

#93 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

OTOH, it can be emitted like ObjectOps.cast(o, com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1.class).m1(); if its signature is public static <V> V cast(object o, Class<V> cls).

This is much better.

#94 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

However, I agree that CAST needs to return an object.

But why not emit this for chaining: ObjectOps.cast(o, com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1.class).ref().m1();?

#95 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

However, I agree that CAST needs to return an object.

But why not emit this for chaining: ObjectOps.cast(o, com.goldencode.testcases.p1.O1.class).ref().m1();?

Ha, its working. I tried it before but didn't get the right generic signature; this one works: public static <V extends BaseObject> object<V> cast(object o, Class<V> cls).

#96 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a ref 11318 contains:
  • Emit .class Java reference for certain CLASS_NAME nodes.

For Progress.Lang.Object:New() - this requires the OO method call infrastructure first.

I'm starting the constructors/destructors next.

#97 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

What was the purpose to add isTopLevelOrOO instead of just changing isTopLevel to handle OO blocks, too?

#98 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

isTopLevel excludes the class or interface body but isTopLevelOrOO does not.

Revision 11319 adds more enablement for method defs (and some enablement for the other types like constructor, destructor and prop getter/setter). It is still not done. I'm working on changes throughout the convert/ rules now, this is the last set of known areas to change.

I hope I'm not missing anything, but I suspect there still may be some parts of fixups or annotations which will need some tweaks.

#99 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I guess I should have said: we are deliberately excluding those in isTopLevel because the places where it is being used already exclude the external procedure case.

#100 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

isTopLevel excludes the class or interface body but isTopLevelOrOO does not.

Revision 11319 adds more enablement for method defs (and some enablement for the other types like constructor, destructor and prop getter/setter). It is still not done. I'm working on changes throughout the convert/ rules now, this is the last set of known areas to change.

Most of this enablement is required for constructors/destructors, too. Plus, as they have lots in common with methods and getters/setters, I wonder if this shouldn't be worked at the same time - otherwise, I will need to chase all method-related rules (for example collect_parameters.rules, variable_definitions.rules, etc) and expand the logic to handle the constructor and destructor blocks, too.

#101 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm about to have an implementation of methods pretty soon (at least in classes). At that time we can figure out the next steps for constructors and destructors.

Rev 11320 has my latest changes, but it is not done yet. I'm actually at the point of emitting the method.

In the interim, can you please look at data members that are not vars (buffers, frames...) in classes? I've checked in my recent testcases, oo/ResourceHolder.cls is a good one to try (except the methods must be commented out right now).

#102 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

In the interim, can you please look at data members that are not vars (buffers, frames...) in classes?

Yes, I'm looking at these.

#103 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

A part with resource data members is code like frame.openScope() - this needs to be emitted I think in 'legacy default constructor', which for us will be a default initialization method; this will always be called during the object setup, and it will take care of initializing the object's implicit state. This would be invoked just before the initialization method (associated with the legacy constructor) will be invoked.

#104 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Rev 11321 adds more method def support. It is almost working now. Method parameters are broken. I'm working on it.

#105 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11322 provides fully functional method definition support.

#106 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin: Everything I've been working on is checked in. Some thoughts:

1. To work on the non-var members, I recommend you look at the rev 11322 changes for variable_definitions.rules. Because the class and interface defs don't have an external procedure, the controlid and instvarid values don't exist. I had to "fake out" some of the location code in that ruleset. I suspect this may affect other resources too.

2. To work on the constructors and destructors, search on prog.method_def. This will show places where I had to make changes. Many of these locations already take constructors and destructors into account, but others do not.

#107 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I'm working on what you mentioned in #3751-106. Note that the vars defined within a method are not scoped to it - I'll fix this.

#108 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The constructor and destructor conversion is in 3750a rev 11323:
What's left here:
  • implicit initialization c'tor - our 'execute' method with just the frame/buffer openScope, etc. this will be the first one execute before the actual legacy c'tor.
  • local vars must be defined inside the method/c'tor block, and not at the class
  • c'tors - automatically emit a super c'tor invocation if no explicit one (super or this-object) - this will be the first statement inside the constructor body.
  • c'tors - automatically emit an empty no-param c'tor if one doesn't exist.

#109 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11326 provides fixes to make interface definitions work properly.

Ovidiu: Is the FIELD_CLASS support complete? Will the DMOs compile?

Constantin: What are you working on right now? I think it is time to handle conversion of OBJECT_INVOCATION including chaining and wrapping/unwrapping as needed.

I was thinking of starting work on properties.

We will also need to handle EVENTS, THIS-OBJECT, SUPER, USING and structured error handling.

#110 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: What are you working on right now? I think it is time to handle conversion of OBJECT_INVOCATION including chaining and wrapping/unwrapping as needed.

I'm finishing #3751-109, will take OBJECT_INVOCATION next.

#111 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I'm taking SUPER and THIS-OBJECT, too.

#112 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Revision 11326 provides fixes to make interface definitions work properly.
Ovidiu: Is the FIELD_CLASS support complete? Will the DMOs compile?

I cannot grant the completeness. This is because I only fixed the issues that surfaced while converting the POC during M0. I am also not sure about the correctness. I think that object type is correct, but not sure about the default ? value. I looked into the ABL Reference, but I could not find the answer.
Yes: the POC sources were successfully processed by convert.middle.list target and the generated DMOs did compile, with my changes from r11323/3750a.

#113 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm responding to #3750-69 here so that all the FIELD_CLASS information is in one place. See #3751-48 for some useful background.

TRPL required some minor updates related to the new FIELD_CLASS which were committed as r11324. Please review;

I did review the changes and they seemed fine, though my impression was that there was more needed to finish the support even for DMOs. Of course, we'll need to add the conversion of field references in business logic.

One thing to consider is that our object wrapper is a generic. When one considers that FIELD_CLASS is always of type Progress.Lang.Object, any FIELD_CLASS member or return type of object should really be object<BaseObject>. This would be the case for DMOs and for the business logic conversion.

#114 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

but not sure about the default ? value

Object instances default to unknown value so this is consistent. Consider that FIELD_CLASS is always Progress.Lang.Object so there is no way to automatically instantiate a more specific type. There is no alternative but to default to unknown.

#115 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

A part with resource data members is code like frame.openScope() - this needs to be emitted I think in 'legacy default constructor', which for us will be a default initialization method; this will always be called during the object setup, and it will take care of initializing the object's implicit state. This would be invoked just before the initialization method (associated with the legacy constructor) will be invoked.

Regarding this: considering that 4GL emulates classes with external programs ran persistent, I think we can consider that scoping behaviour for frames, buffers, etc emulates that. More, the resource lifetime follows the life of the object (persistently ran external program), too. So, I think is OK to consider that part of object creation there will be a call to a __p1_Bar_execute__ method, which emulates an empty external program, with only the scoping initialization code (and maybe triggers and other stuff).

#116 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

part of object creation there will be a call to a p1_Bar_execute method, which emulates an empty external program, with only the scoping initialization code (and maybe triggers and other stuff).

This makes sense. Having that emit as part of base_structure.xml and convert/control_flow.rules will also make it easier for various member generation code to work naturally. For example, I had to make up for the lack of an execute() method in classes by "faking" some initial values in convert/variable_definitions.rules.

And yes, the triggers would emit there too.

#117 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

For example, I had to make up for the lack of an execute() method in classes by "faking" some initial values in convert/variable_definitions.rules.

This is still needed - we can't scope anything within this execute method; every 4GL class member must be 'promoted' and defined as a Java instance field.

#118 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

How do we treat the temp-table defined at an interface?

#119 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm not removing the promotion, the thing here is that our var defs rules were dependent upon some values initializing at the root block node which did not happen in classes/interfaces. If we now have an execute method, then those values will now be initialized and things will work more naturally. The faking out for vars shouldn't be needed. They will still emit as members, it is just that without that init the conversion abended in some cases which led to the "faking" being needed.

#120 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

If I understand it correctly, it should be the same as we define now except we don't need any buffers. The define statement itself should emit as a DMO and won't appear in the Java interface, just like it doesn't appear in the external proc today. I think the buffer creation/init does need to be suppressed.

The interface will still need to import the dmo package. This will allow method parameters to reference the temp-table safely.

#121 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

If I understand it correctly, it should be the same as we define now except we don't need any buffers.

The buffer is needed - I think we need to bring it to any implementing class.

#122 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

If I understand it correctly, it should be the same as we define now except we don't need any buffers.

The buffer is needed - I think we need to bring it to any implementing class.

I don't think so. In the 4GL, the implementing class also will have the same (or compatible) define temp-table statement. So our normal processing will handle that naturally. I can't see why the interface needs it to define methods.

#123 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11327 :
  • finishes the constructor/destructor support
  • implicit initialization c'tor - our 'execute' method with just the frame/buffer openScope, etc. this will be the first one execute before the actual legacy c'tor.
  • local vars must be defined inside the method/c'tor block, and not at the class
  • c'tors - automatically emit a super c'tor invocation if no explicit one (super or this-object) - this will be the first statement inside the constructor body.
  • c'tors - automatically emit an empty no-param c'tor if one doesn't exist.
  • class resource member definition. The access modifiers are fixed only for STREAM - haven't touched the other ones yet.
  • super() and this-object() constructor call statements
  • buffer parameters and class members

I'll take the OBJECT_INVOCATION next (including the SUPER and THIS-OBJECT dereferencing).

#124 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

One thing to consider is that our object wrapper is a generic. When one considers that FIELD_CLASS is always of type Progress.Lang.Object, any FIELD_CLASS member or return type of object should really be object<BaseObject>. This would be the case for DMOs and for the business logic conversion.

I added the support for making the field generic. Now the code is generated as follows:

import com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.*; // optional include
private final object<BaseObject> obj; // the member
public Tt0_1_1Impl() { obj = new object<BaseObject>(); } // dmo c'tor
public object<BaseObject> getObj() { return (new object<BaseObject>(obj)); } // field getter
public void setObj(object<BaseObject> obj) { this.obj.assign(obj); } // field setter

I see only a single case of such usage in customer POC code.

Committed revision 11328. Please review.

#125 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review Task branch 3750a Revision 11327

It is good.

In line 705 of buffer_definitions.rules, there is this code <rule>this.getAncestor(-1).downPath("INTERFACE_DEF"). It was inserted around something that was already marked on="false" (see line 706 <rule on="false">ttnoundo). I think line 705 also needs to be on="false".

#126 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review Task branch 3750a Revision 11328

Nice work! I think you have the M0 part in a good place. Do you feel comfortable trying to implement the FIELD_CLASS in the conversion rules?

#127 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Code Review Task branch 3750a Revision 11328

Nice work! I think you have the M0 part in a good place.

Thank you. I am doing now the full POC M0 reconversion just to be on safe side.

Do you feel comfortable trying to implement the FIELD_CLASS in the conversion rules?

I will do it tomorrow.

#128 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I will do it tomorrow.

Thank you!

#129 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, are you working on annotating the ASTs which access methods or other members with their converted java name? Because this needs to be done in two phases:
  1. compute a mapping of all classes and their defined methods/attributes/etc, to the converted java name.
  2. use this global mapping to determine the converted javaname for a method/attribute access.

#130 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm not working on it. I'm writing up my plan for properties right now. As you will see shortly, I've got my hands full there.

I agree your approach makes sense. I had to do this for the class names but didn't get to the rest of the members. Hopefully the approach can be extended.

#131 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I agree your approach makes sense. I had to do this for the class names but didn't get to the rest of the members. Hopefully the approach can be extended.

OK, I'll extend it. Just making sure we don't work on the same things.

#132 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The following testcases show the behavior of properties (except for the access control options):

class oo.PropertyHolder:

   def private var flag2-setter-called as int init 0.
   def private var flag2-shadow        as log init false.
   def private var no-read             as log init false.
   def private var no-write            as log init false.

   define property flag1 as log init false

   define property flag2 as log init false
         message "getter 1 flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
         if not no-write then
            /* protect from infinite recursion */
            no-read = true.
            flag2 = true.
            no-read = false.
         message "getter 2 flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
         return false.
      set(input new-flag as log):
         if no-read then
            message "setter 0 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
            /* protect from infinite recursion */
            no-write = true.
            message "setter 1 flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
            no-write = false.

         flag2 = new-flag.
         flag2-setter-called = flag2-setter-called + 1.
         flag2-shadow = new-flag.

         if no-read then
            message "setter 2 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
            /* protect from infinite recursion */
            no-write = true.
            message "setter 3 flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
            no-write = false.

   define property flag3 as log init false
         message "getter with no return".

      A single call to test() on a freshly instantiated instance yields this output:
      getter 1 flag2 = no; setter-called = 0; flag2-shadow = no
      setter 0 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = 0; flag2-shadow = no
      setter 2 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 2 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      test 1: flag1 = no; flag2 = no; setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 1 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 2 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      setter 1 flag2 = no; setter-called = 1; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 1 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 2; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 2 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 2; flag2-shadow = yes
      setter 3 flag2 = no; setter-called = 2; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 1 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 2; flag2-shadow = yes
      setter 0 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = 2; flag2-shadow = yes
      setter 2 flag2 = UNKNOWN (no-read is on); setter-called = 3; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter 2 flag2 = yes; setter-called = 3; flag2-shadow = yes
      test 2: flag1 = yes; flag2 = no; setter-called = 3; flag2-shadow = yes
      getter with no return
      test 3: flag3 = ?
   method public void test():
      message "test 1: flag1 = " + string(flag1) + "; flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).
      flag1 = true.
      flag2 = true.
      message "test 2: flag1 = " + string(flag1) + "; flag2 = " + string(flag2) + "; setter-called = " + string(flag2-setter-called) + "; flag2-shadow = " + string(flag2-shadow).

      message "test 3: flag3 = " + if flag3 eq ? then "?" else string(flag3).


class oo.PropertyHolderExtents:

   define property flag as log init false extent 2

   define property flag-indet as log init [false, true] extent

   define property flag-indet-2 as log extent

   define property nums as int init 0 extent 5
      get(input idx as int):
         return nums[idx].
      set(input new-num as int, input idx as int64):
         nums[idx] = new-num.

   define property nums-indet as int extent
      get(input idx as int):
         return nums[idx].
      set(input new-num as int, input idx as int64):
         nums[idx] = new-num.

      A single call to test() on a freshly instantiated instance yields this output:
      test 1: flag[1] = no; flag[2] = yes; size = 2
      test 2: flag-indet[1] = no; flag-indet[2] = yes; size = 2
      test 3.1 size = ?
      test 3.2: flag-indet-2[1] = no; flag-indet-2[2] = yes; flag-indet-2[3] = no; size = 3
      test 4: nums[1] = 1; nums[5] = 5; total = 15
      test 5: nums-indet[1] = 27; nums-indet[2] = 24; nums-indet[3] = 21; size = 3; total = 72
   method public void test():
      def var i as int.
      def var t as int init 0.

      flag[2] = true.
      message "test 1: flag[1] = " + string(flag[1]) + "; flag[2] = " + string(flag[2]) + "; size = " + string(extent(flag)).

      /* an initializer will fix the size of an indeterminate property */
      message "test 2: flag-indet[1] = " + string(flag-indet[1]) + "; flag-indet[2] = " + string(flag-indet[2]) + "; size = " + string(extent(flag-indet)).

      /* accessing the indeterminate array will generate "Invalid runtime use of indeterminate extent.  It must be set to a fixed dimension. (11387)" */
      /* message flag-indet-2[1] extent(flag-indet-2). */
      message "test 3.1 size = " + if extent(flag-indet-2) eq ? then "?" else string(extent(flag-indet-2)).
      extent(flag-indet-2) = 3.
      flag-indet-2[2] = true.
      message "test 3.2: flag-indet-2[1] = " + string(flag-indet-2[1]) + "; flag-indet-2[2] = " + string(flag-indet-2[2]) + "; flag-indet-2[3] = " + string(flag-indet-2[3]) + "; size = " + string(extent(flag-indet-2)).

      do i = 1 to extent(nums).
         nums[i] = i.
         t = t + nums[i].
      message "test 4: nums[1] = " + string(nums[1]) + "; nums[5] = " + string(nums[5]) + "; total = " + string(t).

      t = 0.
      extent(nums-indet) = 3.
      do i = 1 to extent(nums-indet).
         nums-indet[i] = 30 - (i * 3).
         t = t + nums-indet[i].
      message "test 5: nums-indet[1] = " + string(nums-indet[1]) + "; nums-indet[2] = " + string(nums-indet[2]) + "; nums-indet[3] = " + string(nums-indet[3]) + "; size = " + string(extent(nums-indet)) + "; total = " + string(t).


def var prop-holder as oo.PropertyHolder.
def var prop-holder-ext as oo.PropertyHolderExtents.

prop-holder = new oo.PropertyHolder().

prop-holder-ext = new oo.PropertyHolderExtents().

Some things to note:

  • The basic design is that there is a kind of "hidden" data member that can only be directly accessed from the associated getter and setter.
    • Only the getter can read the value. If the setter tries to read, it calls the getter.
    • Only the setter can write the value. If the getter tries to write, it calls the setter.
    • All other access (even from within the same class) is only through the getter/setter EXCEPT FOR the EXTENT stmt and function (see below).
    • It is possible to create infinite recursion if the getter writes and the setter reads. The example above has extra code to avoid this case.
  • Extents
    • Fully supported, including indeterminate extent.
    • Normal subscript syntax is used for access in both reading and writing.
    • Using an initial clause causes an indeterminate extent prop to become fixed.
    • The EXTENT(property) function returns the size, for indeterminate properties it returns unknown value.
    • The EXTENT(property) = size. statement sets the size and makes the property a fixed extent.
  • getters/setters
    • A getter or setter that has no explicit implementation will have a default implementation that just reads or writes the value. This works for extent properties as well as scalar props.
    • If an explicit getter implementation is provided:
      • An extent property getter will have a single INPUT idx AS INT (or INT64) parameter that must also be specified.
      • Otherwise the parameter list is empty or missing.
      • If there is no RETURN stmt in the getter implementation, the getter will implicitly return unknown value.
    • If an explicit setter implementation is provided:
      • The first parameter to the setter is an INPUT var AS type where type is the same as the property type.
      • An extent property setter will have a second parameter INPUT idx AS INT (or INT64) that must also be specified as the subscript index.
  • It is possible to define properties as abstract.
  • If you have both GET and SET specified, then it is read/write. You can also specify just GET (read-only) or just SET (write only). You must have at least a GET or a SET.
  • Access Modes
    • I'm leaving the investigation of access modes until later.
    • What is documented is that the main property access mode is the default for the getter and setter. It is possible to override the access mode on either the GET or the SET (but not both). The idea is that if you need to override both, then you should set a different default access mode on the property.
    • It is reportly possible to override the access mode on an abstract property to be less restrictive.

Implementation Plan

Sadly, the approach is a bit complicated.

  • Implement a private member var that is only accessible via the getter/setter. This will be similar to a define var.
  • The getter and/or setter will be Java methods with the proper access mode as calculated from the definition.
  • If defined abstract or in an interface, the member var will not be emitted, only the getter and/or setter methods will emit. This will provide the same result as an abstract property, avoiding the Java issue that abstract data members don't exist.
  • The getters will emit in one of the following possibilities:
    • non-extent default getter (no explicit imple)
    • extent default getter (no explicit imple)
    • non-extent explicit getter
    • extent explicit getter
  • The setters will emit in one of the following possibilities:
    • non-extent default setter (no explicit imple)
    • extent default setter (no explicit imple)
    • non-extent explicit setter
    • extent explicit setter
  • Extent properties will have two additional methods emitted:
    • lengthOf<property_name>() which will implement the delegated EXTENT() function call using ArrayAssigner
    • resize<property_name>() which will implement the delegated EXTENT stmt using ArrayAssigner
    • I think we may need to make a registration call for the indeterminate extent cases too, probably in the placeholder external procedure.
  • Property References
    • Detect that the VAR_ reference is actually a property reference. This is a parse time change to leave behind enough information about the containing class and the property being accessed.
    • Get the converted name (I hope to leverage your work there).
    • Determine the type of access (get, set, extent func, extent stmt).
    • Calculate the method name.
    • Emit the method call (static or instance) instead of a reference. The optional referent and object invocation should emit naturally.
    • The parameter list must be mapped into the rvalue as first parm for setter and for extent props the subscript must be the last parm.

#133 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • Get the converted name (I hope to leverage your work there).

See the changes in 3750a rev 11329 and 11330 - this tracks the converted method names (property and other member names can be added easily). The found-in-source-file annotation gives you the defining OO source file, and from there you get all the details easily (see the oo_references.rules change).

#134 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, there is some confusion (at least for me) regarding the qualified annotation.
  • In some parts, for example a VAR_CLASS, this is used to save the type of the variable
  • in other parts (like ClassDefinition.lookupMethodClassName), I would expect to return the method's parent class - but this returns the qname (if the method returns a OO type).

Maybe I'm not understanding properly the goal of the qualified annotation.

#135 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I've managed to go around the qualified annotation, but this still confuses me.

3750a rev 11331 has a mostly working OO method calling.

We need to fix the access modifiers for all class data members (variables, resources, etc) - are you taking care of this?

Tomorrow I'll look into how to access the class variables (and chain them).

#136 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

An important note: at least for OO, the CB phase depends on some state determined by the F0 phase (class definitions/members/etc). So we can't run front/middle/back separately, we need to run everything at once.

#137 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11332 is the first part of the define property support. It is not done yet.

#138 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, there is some confusion (at least for me) regarding the qualified annotation.
  • In some parts, for example a VAR_CLASS, this is used to save the type of the variable
  • in other parts (like ClassDefinition.lookupMethodClassName), I would expect to return the method's parent class - but this returns the qname (if the method returns a OO type).

Maybe I'm not understanding properly the goal of the qualified annotation.

It is always supposed to report the type of the sub-expression node on which it is an annotation. For OO_METH_CLASS, it is the type returned by the method. For VAR_CLASS it is the type of that variable.

It is never meant to report the containing class.

#139 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

We need to fix the access modifiers for all class data members (variables, resources, etc) - are you taking care of this?

Not yet. I'm still working on the properties.

#140 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

We need to fix the access modifiers for all class data members (variables, resources, etc) - are you taking care of this?

Not yet. I'm still working on the properties.

I've added access modifiers for variables in 3750a rev 11333.

Something else: the names for all class members (properties included) need to be computed in the annotations_prep phase - because otherwise external references to these (from program files, etc) will not work, as we don't know the converted java name.

I'm working on fixing this for variables.

#141 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The class var access and chaining works; I need to finish the extent function and subscript dereferencing before committing this.

#142 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, references to variables outside of the defining class should not be annotated with 'refid' (and this annotation is wrong now, anyway). Does this look wrong to you?

#143 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The refid is unique across the project. It can be used between files without an issue. However, I think to make this work (which has not been done before):

1. When we mark a var reference with a temporary idx at parse time, we need to remember the file if it is not the current file.

2. We need a way to calculate the right refid during fixups when the reference is outside the current file. Our temporary ids are unique within a single file only. For classes only (no other file type can have directly referenced members), we would need to create a mapping to the refid. The map key could be "<file>_<temp_idx>" and the value would be the refid. The refid fixups would have to be done in 2 passes. File-internal references can be handled the same way as today. File-external references would have to be handled in another phase (early annotations?).

3. Later, when we use a refid to obtain the node for a given var def, we need a helper that will load the non-local AST and lookup/return the node.

In this way the rest of our logic can remain the same. This would need to work for all types of var defs and other members where we use refid or the equivalent idea.

#144 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

OK, I'll work on that next. What showed the refid problem was the extent class var references, outside of the defining class.

I'm cleaning up and committing the current changes (for OO var and method chaining).

#145 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

3. Later, when we use a refid to obtain the node for a given var def, we need a helper that will load the non-local AST and lookup/return the node.

This can be a performance issue in two ways:
  • if we load the the non-local AST each time is needed (and this requires the entire .ast file to be parsed), then the time will increase.
  • if we cache the class AST files in memory, there might not be enough to keep them all.

#146 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The current phase of class var access and chaining is in 3750a rev 11335. I need to rework this to use the 'refid' annotation, and also remove the dependency on the F0 phase.

#147 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

I need a bit of help configuring (I guess) my isolation workspace with ABL OO class support. My SymbolResolver cannot find any built-ins.
I copied the skeleton to my root (testcases/uast), and when initPossibleClasses is called I can see all classes gathered in output parameter propathCls which is then saved into SymbolResolver.classDict.
However, later filenames_to_java_classnames.xml is empty. I tracked the getBuiltInClasses() call, but it seems to wa.propathClassDicts which is initialized in SymbolResolver ctor but not populated.

I am running with r11334.

#148 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I need a bit of help configuring (I guess) my isolation workspace with ABL OO class support.

Please make sure this is setup correctly in your p2j.cfg.xml: <parameter name="oo-skeleton-path" value="/path/to/skeleton" />

Also, please use rev 11336 of 3750a - this separates the front and back phases to not depend on in-memory state.

#149 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I need a bit of help configuring (I guess) my isolation workspace with ABL OO class support.

Please make sure this is setup correctly in your p2j.cfg.xml: <parameter name="oo-skeleton-path" value="/path/to/skeleton" />

Yes, I have <parameter name="oo-skeleton-path" value="./skeleton" />.
The path seems fine as the list of classes stored in oo4gl is correct in listFakeoutFiles().

Also, please use rev 11336 of 3750a - this separates the front and back phases to not depend on in-memory state.

Updating now.

#150 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11337 fixes refid annotations for OO variables references outside of defining class.

#151 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Rev 11338 provides support for property getters and setters. It was a major PITA.

After integrating your recent changes, property conversion is broken again. The classname annotation no longer is present during annotations (it is supposed to be there from annotations/variable_definitions.rules which is now being run in annotations_prep.xml. I fixed a minor issue with inMethod calculation but that did not make a difference (see rev 11339). I suspect this is because we no longer have a var_def annotation which seems to be because we still have a tempidx-file annotation during post-parse-fixups. I don't know what to do to resolve this.

I'm also having an issue with the indeterminate extent properties in oo/PropertyHolderExtents.cls, which do not convert properly. I'm not sure what the conversion should look like there, so I could use some guidance.

#152 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

After integrating your recent changes, property conversion is broken again. The classname annotation no longer is present during annotations (it is supposed to be there from annotations/variable_definitions.rules which is now being run in annotations_prep.xml. I fixed a minor issue with inMethod calculation but that did not make a difference (see rev 11339). I suspect this is because we no longer have a var_def annotation which seems to be because we still have a tempidx-file annotation during post-parse-fixups. I don't know what to do to resolve this.

I've noticed this too, I managed to broke it in my last update, trying to fix another issue. I hope to have it fixed shortly (i.e. refid computed properly from tempidx with or without tempidx-file annotation).

I'm also having an issue with the indeterminate extent properties in oo/PropertyHolderExtents.cls, which do not convert properly. I'm not sure what the conversion should look like there, so I could use some guidance.

I'll take a look.

#153 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

There is some "weirdness" going on in convert/variable_definitions.rules. There is a location where we create a reference_def Java AST node. This works successfully and we have a non-null refid. We then call ref = getAst(refid); but this fails and ref is null. This affects a few downstream annotations and was causing NPE in those places because we were dereferencing ref directly for putAnnotation(). I put in some logging and NPE protection. When the failure is detected, I use putReferenceNote(refid, , ) which works properly to annotate that node. I haven't figured out why this is happening, but it occurs with class-level member variables (DEF VAR in a CLASS_DEF). See my changes on lines 549 and 655.

I also wrote an alternate version of the access mode calculation that honors the parse time access-mode annotation that is supposed to already be there. This also properly sets the default value depending on the type. So I would like to go with this approach. However, one thing I can't explain is that it works for DEF VAR in a CLASS_DEF but not for DEFINE PROPERTY.

#154 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

TRPL has a 'var leak' where the var defined in current scope is visible in a function call, in some cases - see hasTopLevelInternalNodeAncestor - this uses ref, but doesn't define it. You need to define it in this function.

#155 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Also, please use rev 11336 of 3750a - this separates the front and back phases to not depend on in-memory state.

Updating now.

There is not much of a difference. I have both builtin_classes.xml and filenames_to_java_classnames.xml empty. I am looking at the SymbolResolver.getBuilInClasses code. The wa.propathClassDicts is iterated and it has only a single item ".$$$" added in initPossibleClasses. There, only a new, empty ScopedSymbolDictionary is added. Either I am really blind or I am updating from a bad location.

#156 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

TRPL has a 'var leak' where the var defined in current scope is visible in a function call, in some cases - see hasTopLevelInternalNodeAncestor - this uses ref, but doesn't define it. You need to define it in this function.

Great catch! THANK YOU!

#157 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The TRPL problem and the tempidx issues are fixed in 11340.

#158 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I'm also having an issue with the indeterminate extent properties in oo/PropertyHolderExtents.cls, which do not convert properly. I'm not sure what the conversion should look like there, so I could use some guidance.

I think we need getters/setters which access the entire extent variable, not just indexed. You can have something like x = o:flag (where flag is extent).

You can also have something like extent(o:flag) = 2 (if flag is indeterminate extent).

I don't understand why the indexed getter returns an array for flag - shouldn't this return just the element?

My approach for the default getter/setter would be to emit both indexed and not-indexed variants, regardless if the property is dynamic or static extent.

#159 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

There is not much of a difference. I have both builtin_classes.xml and filenames_to_java_classnames.xml empty.

These files are dependent on what you are trying to convert. If your test is NOT using any custom OO classes, then these files will be empty - as their content will have info for the currently used classes.

So, what are you trying to test?

#160 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

There is not much of a difference. I have both builtin_classes.xml and filenames_to_java_classnames.xml empty.

These files are dependent on what you are trying to convert. If your test is NOT using any custom OO classes, then these files will be empty - as their content will have info for the currently used classes.

So, what are you trying to test?

I commented out all code except:

DEFINE VARIABLE MultiValueArray AS Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray NO-UNDO.

This fails with:
WARNING: Null annotation (full-java-class) for DEFINE [DEFINE_VARIABLE] @1:1 (2791728742403)
WARNING: Null annotation (simple-java-class) for DEFINE [DEFINE_VARIABLE] @1:1 (2791728742403)
WARNING: Null annotation (containing-package) for DEFINE [DEFINE_VARIABLE] @1:1 (2791728742403)
^  { null value for annotation 'full-java-class':DEFINE [DEFINE_VARIABLE]:2791728742403 @1:1
   MultiValueArray [SYMBOL]:2791728742407 @1:17
   AS [KW_AS]:2791728742409 @1:33
      Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray [CLASS_NAME]:2791728742411 @1:36
   NO-UNDO [KW_NO_UNDO]:2791728742413 @1:72

#161 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

As I noted in #3751-132, I'm planning to add: lengthOf<property_name>() and resize<property_name>() methods to handle the EXTENT() function and EXTENT statement. I'll have to check the use case for returning the entire array. I didn't think that was possible, but if so then we would need an additional getter (and maybe setter).

I don't know if it is needed right now (probably not).

I don't understand why the indexed getter returns an array for flag - shouldn't this return just the element?

It does for fixed extents but does not in the indeterminate case. I think something downstream is changing how the subscripting code emits.

#162 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I don't understand why the indexed getter returns an array for flag - shouldn't this return just the element?

It does for fixed extents but does not in the indeterminate case. I think something downstream is changing how the subscripting code emits.

For me, all indexed getters return an array, and not a scalar type. A difference I see in the converted result is for indeterminate case, where the setters are not indexed.

#163 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I commented out all code except:
This fails with:

You might have caught a bad revision. Please update again, your test works for me.

#164 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

My previous code was successfully emitting the subscript for the fixed case. I can't check the current code because conversion fails with a stack overflow late in core conversion. The line of code that failed is during processing of a file ./strings_comments_whitespace.p with this:

     [java] -----------------------
     [java]       RULE REPORT      
     [java] -----------------------
     [java] Rule Type :   WALK
     [java] Source AST:  [ block ] BLOCK/ @0:0 {171798691841}
     [java] Copy AST  :  [ block ] BLOCK/ @0:0 {171798691841}
     [java] Condition :  ref = getAst(lastid)
     [java] Loop      :  false
     [java] --- END RULE REPORT ---
     [java]     at
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.processTrees(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.back(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.executeJob(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.main(
     [java] Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError
     [java]     at Method)
     [java]     at
     [java]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource(
     [java]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource(
     [java]     at
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SecuritySupport$ Source)
     [java]     at Method)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SecuritySupport.getResourceAsStream(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.ObjectFactory.findJarServiceProvider(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.ObjectFactory.createObject(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.ObjectFactory.createObject(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.<init>(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.<init>(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.<init>(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl.newDocumentBuilder(Unknown Source)
     [java]     at com.goldencode.util.XmlHelper.parse(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.util.XmlHelper.parse(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.ast.XmlFilePlugin.loadTree(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.ast.AstManager.loadTree(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.parseTree(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.loadTree(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.getAst(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.getAst(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.getAst(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.getAst(
     [java]     at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.getAst(
infinite recursion

That file has some complex comment cases. We use ref = getAst(lastid) in multiple places, including comments and control flow.

#165 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

My previous code was successfully emitting the subscript for the fixed case. I can't check the current code because conversion fails with a stack overflow late in core conversion. The line of code that failed is during processing of a file ./strings_comments_whitespace.p with this:


That file has some complex comment cases. We use ref = getAst(lastid) in multiple places, including comments and control flow.

To allow non-local ASTs, I changed getAst(<id>) to always try to load the AST file. I'm looking into it.

#166 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Please try cleaning your project first - your registry.xml might be obsolete.

#167 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Please try cleaning your project first - your registry.xml might be obsolete.

Nevermind, see the fix in 11341.

#168 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

When I remove that file, the conversion completes. I can see that the PropertyHolderExtents.cls has proper subscripting in the getters and setters except for the flag-indet and flag-indet2 cases. Both of these are logical extents and in this case they both have implicit getters and setters emitted. The nums-indet indeterminate case has an explicit getter/setter implementation and this converts OK (it has the subscripts). The weird thing is that I'm using the same implicit templates for flag which is a fixed extent and for that case the templates work.

Where should I look to see how we handle differences for the indeterminate case?

#169 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I see the issue, I'm not handling -1 as the extent annotation. If I see 0 or 1, can I assume it is scalar?

#170 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I see the issue, I'm not handling -1 as the extent annotation.

Exactly, -1 is for indeterminate extent.

If I see 0 or 1, can I assume it is scalar?

No, treat it as extent.

#171 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

So if an extent annotation exists at all, it is always an extent, even if set to 0 or 1?

#172 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

oo.ComplexImplements has regressed recently. It now generates obj and num references even though the class is empty. These are compile failures.

#173 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

So if an extent annotation exists at all, it is always an extent, even if set to 0 or 1?

Actually I just found this comment in variable_initializers.rules:113:

           (extent == 0 is a scalar var
           so ignore that; extent == -1 is an unspecified extent size and
           in that case it is valid to have initializers that fix the
           size, so ignore that)

And I'm pretty sure extent 1 is not scalar (I recall having this conversation when implementing this).

#174 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Questions about the new early name conversion approach:

  • How do I move the method_def and property getter/setter naming calculations back into annotations_prep?
  • What do I do to resolve or create the cross-file refids?
  • Can I simply use getAst() on an "external" refid later to access the original defining node?

#175 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11342 fixes the extent getter/setters. I still need to add the other extent helpers. I plan to postpone the whole array accessors at this time, until I have the chance to investigate further. It does seem to break the contract of the property (it doesn't hide the data structure), so I was assuming it wouldn't work. Of course, that has never stopped Progress before.

#176 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Questions about the new early name conversion approach:

  • How do I move the method_def and property getter/setter naming calculations back into annotations_prep?

You mean, to enable non-local access? method_def is in annotations_prep, in naming.rules; same as variable definitions.

The current approach for methods/vars is to rely on ConvertedClassName - this is populated during annotations_prep, saved to disk, and read in annotations phase (it includes methods, variables and extent value for the vars). This can be enhanced to handle the properties. After this, oo_references relies on "found-in-source-file" annotation to determine the correct ConvertedClassName instance, from the fname2jname map, etc. The idea is: I haven't got a chance to check if this can be removed and let it rely solely on refid annotations; but note that refid will not work for builtin class members, so we still need this approach.

Otherwise, if you have the refid, you can get the defining AST and read from that.

  • What do I do to resolve or create the cross-file refids?

Look how variables are annotated in Variable.annotateOptions - it adds a tempidx-file annotation, if this is a a class member. After this, post_parse_fixups creates a map of <file>_<tempidx>, <AST-id> pairs (only for class var members, currently), saves to disk, and is read by early_annotations - which is responsible for finishing the refid work.

  • Can I simply use getAst() on an "external" refid later to access the original defining node?

Yes. The AST will be loaded automatically.

oo.ComplexImplements has regressed recently. It now generates obj and num references even though the class is empty. These are compile failures.

I'm not getting this, is converted fine for me.

#177 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

You might have caught a bad revision. Please update again, your test works for me.

Well, I found the issue. FWD conversion was working faster by using multiple threads. There were different SymbolResolver$WorkArea-s. So different propathClassDicts.

After disabling multi-threading the .xml-s got populated with classes.

#178 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

You might have caught a bad revision. Please update again, your test works for me.

Well, I found the issue. FWD conversion was working faster by using multiple threads. There were different SymbolResolver$WorkArea-s. So different propathClassDicts.

After disabling multi-threading the .xml-s got populated with classes.

Please create a task with this bug.

#179 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

I committed the small change related to FIELD_CLASS. Revision 11343.

#180 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11345 added ON ... THROW support, 'UNDO, THROW' and BLOCK-LEVEL and ROUTINE-LEVEL stmts.

Now I'm working on the CATCH block. This need to convert to something like:

         doBlock(TransactionType.SUB, "blockLabel0", onPhrase0, new Block(
                  (Init) () ->
            catchError(BaseError.class, (ex) ->
                // the block code here
                  (Body) () -> 
            undoThrow("blockLabel0", e);

Also, the AST doesn't look right; it is missing a CATCH_BLOCK/BLOCK parent (like we do for ON phrase, where a TRIGGER_BLOCK is generated):

        <ast col="0" id="47244640328" line="0" text="statement" type="STATEMENT">
          <ast col="1" id="47244640329" line="10" text="catch" type="KW_CATCH">
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="tempidx" value="286"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="qualified" value="progress.lang.error"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="source-file" value="../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Error.cls"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="builtin-cls" value="true"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="dotnet-cls" value="false"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="name" value="ex"/>
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="type" value="361"/>
            <ast col="7" id="47244640331" line="10" text="ex" type="SYMBOL"/>
            <ast col="10" id="47244640333" line="10" text="as" type="KW_AS">
              <ast col="19" id="47244640337" line="10" text="progress.lang.error" type="CLASS_NAME">
                <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="qualified" value="progress.lang.error"/>
                <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="source-file" value="../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Error.cls"/>
                <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="builtin-cls" value="true"/>
                <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="dotnet-cls" value="false"/>
                <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="oldtype" value="2637"/>
            <ast col="0" id="47244640340" line="0" text="statement" type="STATEMENT">
              <ast col="3" id="47244640341" line="11" text="message" type="KW_MSG">
                <ast col="0" id="47244640343" line="0" text="" type="CONTENT_ARRAY">
                  <ast col="0" id="47244640344" line="0" text="expression" type="EXPRESSION">
                    <ast col="11" id="47244640345" line="11" text="&quot;something bad happened&quot;" type="STRING">
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="is-literal" value="true"/>

#181 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11347 adds conversion support for the CATCH statement. In the end there was no need for a CATCH_BLOCK/BLOCK, but a INNER_BLOCK/BLOCK - after this, everything emitted naturally, with just some small adjustments.

#182 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11348 adds USING conversion support.

I'm taking - DEFINE EVENT and the related features next.

#183 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The proposed conversion is:
  • 4GL
  • FWD:
    public ClassEvent p1 = new ClassEvent(character.class);
    p1.subscribe(this, "someMethod_Handler).
    p1.unsubscribe(this, "someMethod_Handler).

#184 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The proposed conversion is:
  • 4GL
  • FWD:

It is the most close match so the approach is reasonable. As a short term solution, I think that is OK (i.e. to get the code converted today).

Events can be abstract. This "feature" of 4GL event support suggests we need to move to a purely method based approach as we did with properties. This way the interface is maintained and enforced in the same way. So it would be something like:

void publishP1(character v1)
void subscribeP1(<subscriber>, <procedure_or_method>)
void unsubscribeP1(<subscriber>, <procedure_or_method>)

The subscribe and unsubscribe are tricky. The subscriber is optional and can be either a handle or an object instance. The target is either an internal proc or a void method (the transactional equivalent of an internal proc).

In a Java approach, we would prefer to use lambdas. This would require us to generate a functional interface for the signature. Then the subscriber (which can be outside the defining class) would pass that lambda through. But that would only work for the method case.

Since there are only 3 things you can do with an event and all of them are actions, I think this is a good mapping. I haven't seen any code that passes an event as a reference or assigns an event. Can you please confirm this? If indeed, it is not possible to really treat an event as data, then we are safe in moving to the method approach.

#185 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

We need to confirm this, but the 4GL docs say that the publish can only ever be called from within the same defining class (i.e. that the publish method is always private).

The access mode then really only is used to calculate the subscribe/unsubscribe access modes.

The methods themselves could use a private ClassEvent instance that would be the worker. This instance would have some unique event ID that could be registered in the named events support (assuming the behavior is the same as named events). I guess they are using that "under the covers", just like they re-used persistent procedures.

Of course the static modifier would be honored as well for all methods and for the private instance of ClassEvent.

#186 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Events can be abstract. This "feature" of 4GL event support suggests we need to move to a purely method based approach as we did with properties. This way the interface is maintained and enforced in the same way. So it would be something like:

I understand, but this is enforced by 4GL at compile time - so the override event must match the abstract version for it to compile.

Since there are only 3 things you can do with an event and all of them are actions, I think this is a good mapping. I haven't seen any code that passes an event as a reference or assigns an event. Can you please confirm this?

Yes, only actions are allowed with an event.

If indeed, it is not possible to really treat an event as data, then we are safe in moving to the method approach.

OK, I'll go this way.

#187 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I understand, but this is enforced by 4GL at compile time - so the override event must match the abstract version for it to compile.

I think it would work the same way for the converted code with the method approach. This can be in an interface or abstract class, just like the 4GL.

The only issue is that a class based subscriber might have some level of signature checking at compile time. I'm not sure. A lambda approach for class based subscribers could achieve the same result but that is something we can consider later.

#188 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

OTOH, a problem with method approach is the signature: the PUBLISH can have POLY arguments, and this complicates things a lot.

Using the p1.publish(some-poly-call, "a", "b"); java approach is easier because we don't need to maintain the signature in the converted code.

I think trying to emulate what 4GL does with the abstract and interface events will give us more headache than is worth, in the long run. More, you can't override a non-abstract event.

#189 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The primary benefit I see is that it keeps intact the design approach of the original application. Future development in Java (which implements an interface or extends an abstract class) will retain the existing contract.

A secondary benefit is that there is compile-time checking for the publish in the method approach.

The downside is that any use of POLY parameters will need to be wrapped/casted properly. But there is no ambiguity about the type of the cast, right? So it is just a little bit of extra work to achieve the benefits. Am I forgetting something or mistaken?

#190 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In the usage of convert_member_name during annotations_prep, shouldn't we use a different legacy2java map for variables than for methods? These are 2 different namespaces, so there will be collisions but those collisions should not be detected or disambiguated.

I can make the change, but I just want to confirm that I am understanding the approach properly.

#191 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

There is something else I don't understand about legacy2java. The map is global for the system, but I think it should be class-specific.

#192 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

In the usage of convert_member_name during annotations_prep, shouldn't we use a different legacy2java map for variables than for methods? These are 2 different namespaces, so there will be collisions but those collisions should not be detected or disambiguated.

Yes, we need different legacy2java maps.

There is something else I don't understand about legacy2java. The map is global for the system, but I think it should be class-specific.

Yes, just reset it in a rule-set-level init-rules.

#193 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

With r11343, the branch 3750a should be able to handle FIELD_CLASS tokens.
Constructs like

   FIELD obj AS Progress.Lang.Object.
ASSIGN tt1.obj = NEW Progress.Lang.Class().

   DELETE tt1. 

is successfully converted to:
tt1.setObj(new object<BaseObject>(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyClass.class))); // 2nd line

AdaptiveQuery query0 = new AdaptiveQuery();
forEach("loopLabel0", new Block((Init) () -> {
   query0.initialize(tt1, "tt1.obj is not null", () -> tt1.getObj().isValid(), " asc");
}, (Body) () -> {;
   if ((tt1.getObj().isValid()).booleanValue()) {
      silent(() -> ObjectOps.delete(tt1.getObj()));


Yet, think that there is an issue with the generics covariance in the constructor of object<BaseObject>() in the field assignment in 2nd line. I think that the setter in generated dmo should be generated as:

public void setObj(object<? extends BaseObject> obj) { this.obj.assign(obj); }

instead of
public void setObj(object<BaseObject> obj) { this.obj.assign(obj); }

With this in place, the assignment in 2nd line should be rewritten as

ttgc.setObj(new object<>(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyClass.class)));

to let Java8 infer the correct types.

BTW, I committed a small update that fixes the packages classes with longer paths (r11349) (one or more / were generated in sources file instead of "." separator in package path).

#194 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

tt1.setObj(new object<BaseObject>(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyClass.class))); // 2nd line

I don't think the new object<BaseObject>() is needed here. Shouldn't we just define ObjectOps.newInstance() to return object and then it will work directly?

#195 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

There is something else I don't understand about legacy2java. The map is global for the system, but I think it should be class-specific.

Yes, just reset it in a rule-set-level init-rules.

When used from naming.rules there is a file-specific map each time, so that is already OK. I think the issue is during the registration of the built-in classes. That map is shared for all of those classes. I will reset it when the class is changed.

#196 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Looking closer legacy2java is already reset in a while loop just after a new class is loaded. It is already OK. Sorry for the false alarm.

#197 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I don't think the new object<BaseObject>() is needed here. Shouldn't we just define ObjectOps.newInstance() to return object and then it will work directly?

Yes, ttgc.setObj(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyClass.class)); works, but the covariance problem remains. The setters in DMO need to be generated as setObj(object<? extends BaseObject> obj). Otherwise it will not compile.

#198 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

static mode is not working now - can you look at it, please?

#199 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

static mode is not working now - can you look at it, please?

I guess you mean static mode for naming conversion?

Your previous tests showed that there can be no overlap between static and instance method names (same restriction as in Java). So the same namespace is used.

#200 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

static mode is not working now - can you look at it, please?

I guess you mean static mode for naming conversion?

No, static modifiers doesn't emit for variables... I'll look at it.

OTOH, try a method protected abstract - it will not emit properly; please look at this one.

#201 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu, In the end your per-folder failure can't be solved easily, as the non-local method call is from a different folder, and the call is not annotated with 'refid':

                  <ast col="21" id="21474836560" line="24" text="SetValue" type="OO_METH_VOID">
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="access" value="2007"/>
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="static" value="true"/>
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="found-in-cls" value="sys.someclass"/>
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="found-in-source-file" value="./abl/src/application/src/sys/someclass.cls"/>
                      <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="reachable" value="true"/>

Greg: we should annotate all non-local var, property and method access with a 'refid' annotation, so that the current fname2jname approach (Which reads the external filenames_to_java_classnames.xml file, generated from the current list of processed files) is not used for converted files; this will be used only for OO references to builtin class members.

#202 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

We could add this to the data stored in ConvertedClassName to allow resolving the temp-idx later.

I am deep into changes in ConvertedClassName, annotation_prep.xml and annotations/naming.rules. I want to finish that first.

#203 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

We could add this to the data stored in ConvertedClassName to allow resolving the temp-idx later.

The idea here is that the defining class is NOT included in the current file list, for CB (but was included for F2+M0). And we need to know the i.e. method/var name; having the refid will work.

I am deep into changes in ConvertedClassName, annotation_prep.xml and annotations/naming.rules. I want to finish that first.


#204 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The emitted methods for DEFINE EVENT will be:
  • For interfaces:
                  void publish_<event-name>(<event-signature>)
                  void subscribe_<event-name>([<subscribe-handle>, ]<procedure>)
                  void unsubscribe_<event-name>([<subscriber-handle>, ]<procedure>)
                  void subscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>)
                  void unsubscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>)
  • For abstract:
                  <access> abstract void publish_<event-name>(<event-signature>);
                  <access> abstract void subscribe_<event-name>([<subscribe-handle>, ]<procedure>);
                  <access> abstract void unsubscribe_<event-name>([<subscriber>, ]<procedure>);
                  <access> abstract void subscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>);
                  <access> abstract void unsubscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>);
  • For impl:
                  <access> void publish_<event-name>(<event-signature>)
                  <access> void subscribe_<event-name>([<subscribe-handle>, ]<procedure>)
                      <event-name>.subscribe([<subscribe-handle>, ]<procedure>);
                  <access> void unsubscribe_<event-name>([<subscriber-handle>, ]<procedure>);
                      <event-name>.unsubscribe([<subscribe-handle>, ]<procedure>);
                  <access> void subscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>);
                      <event-name>.subscribe(<object>, <method-name>);
                  <access> void unsubscribe_<event-name>(<object>, <method-name>);
                      <event-name>.unsubscribe(<object>, <method-name>);

The event will be defined like:

   public ClassEvent <event> = new ClassEvent(<signature>);

The idea here is the procedure handle is optional, but when using a method reference in 4GL, we need to emit the defining object instance as first parameter.

#205 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11350 has the following changes:

  • Separated variables and methods into separate legacy name maps.
  • Moved these maps and the javaname conflict detection back into ConvertedClassName.
  • Moved property name conversion back to annotations_prep.
  • The method names used for properties are now disambiguated from other methods in the class.
  • The resulting property mappings are stored in ConvertedClassName so that the results can be looked up later.

Property references do not yet use this new infrastructure.

#206 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The emitted methods for DEFINE EVENT will be:

The publish method when implemented, must be private.

For abstract or interface cases, the publish method should be omitted. It is never part of the external interface for a class so it cannot be put into an external definition of the interface.

public ClassEvent <event> = new ClassEvent(<signature>);

This should be a private member.

Otherwise the plan looks really good.

#207 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I don't have a problem relying upon the refid approach for final resolution of the names by references. This is the same way we do it today.


1. The current refid support for variables (which includes properties) already handles this (through the ooVarTempIdx map shared via XML between post-parse-fixups and early_annotations where the cross-file tempidx resolution happens. I don't think anything else is needed there. Am I wrong?

2. You are suggesting that the method_def and method calls get pushed into this same approach? That is really the work needed here. We would need to:

  • at parse time:
    • remember each method's tempidx and tempidx-file (the containing ClassDefinition knows this part)
    • mark each method call with the tempidx and tempidx-file annotations
  • at post-parse-fixups, we create an equivalent to ooVarTempIdx for methods
  • at early_annotations
    • we read the equivalent to ooVarTempIdx for methods
    • use ooVarTempIdx it to resolve the tempidx and tempidx-file annotations to a refid
  • change method call references to use refid to get the javaname

3. Is there anything I am misunderstanding or forgetting?

I can take this once you confirm I know what you're suggesting.

#208 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In oo_calls.rules:

      <rule>upPath("ASSIGNMENT/EXPRESSION") and 
            this.type &gt; prog.begin_oo_meth and 
            this.type &lt; prog.end_oo_meth
            createPeerAst(java.static_method_call, getNoteString("javaname"), closestPeerId)

This is a "standalone" method call (no qualifier). I think the upPath("ASSIGNMENT/EXPRESSION") is too restrictive. Such a method call might appear anywhere that an expression or sub-expression can occur, just like a FUNC_* call. What are you trying to exclude from this case? Why not just add parent.type != prog.object_invocation?

This code:

         <action>lastid = closestPeerId</action>
         <rule>ref2.type &gt; prog.begin_oo_meth and ref2.type &lt; prog.end_oo_meth
               lastid = createJavaAst(java.method_call, 
                                      #(java.lang.String) ref2.getAnnotation("javaname"), 
            <action>copy.putAnnotation("peerid", lastid)</action>

If the call is static, shouldn't we emit java.static_method_call?

#209 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, does this AST look right to you, for a x:e1 access for the class event e1?

                <ast col="7" id="30064771354" line="27" text=":" type="OBJECT_INVOCATION">
                  <ast col="6" id="30064771355" line="27" text="x" type="VAR_CLASS"/>
                  <ast col="10" id="30064771356" line="27" text=":" type="OBJECT_INVOCATION">
                    <ast col="8" id="30064771357" line="27" text="e1" type="CLASS_EVENT"/>

Shouldn't this be:


#210 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I don't have a problem relying upon the refid approach for final resolution of the names by references. This is the same way we do it today.
I can take this once you confirm I know what you're suggesting.

Correct, this is what I am suggesting. This is not a show-stopper if you convert the full project, but can be helpful to have the F2+M0 for the entire project and be able to run CB for a subset of the files. Now this is not working, because of the method's refid limitation (and everything else which can be accessed non-locally - class events, properties, etc).

#211 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

This is a "standalone" method call (no qualifier). I think the upPath("ASSIGNMENT/EXPRESSION") is too restrictive. Such a method call might appear anywhere that an expression or sub-expression can occur, just like a FUNC_* call. What are you trying to exclude from this case? Why not just add parent.type != prog.object_invocation?

I think you are correct, we can just parent.type != prog.object_invocation.

If the call is static, shouldn't we emit java.static_method_call?

This part is a little tricky. In 'brewing' terms, this is not a static call, but a method call - why? Because in this case the reference is the class name - see this code in oo_calls.rules:

      <rule>this.type == prog.class_name and 
            parent.type == prog.object_invocation and 
            this.indexPos == 0
            createJavaAst(java.reference, getNoteString("full-java-class"), closestPeerId)

If you want it to be a static method call, then you need to emit the qualified class name and the method name together.

#212 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The tree looks correct.

The object chaining always matches the leftmost referent first (the primary_expr in chained_object_members). If it is then followed by COLON, we match that, change its type to OBJECT_INVOCATION and make that the root node. This places the initial referent as the first child of the root node. The 2nd operand is matched with downstream_chained_reference and we keep looping so long as a COLON follows.

This is also how we deal with handle based chaining, but we may be rewriting that tree somewhere downstream.

#213 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

If you want it to be a static method call, then you need to emit the qualified class name and the method name together.

For now, as long as it works I'm OK.

#214 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

This the refid is needed for non-local events, too - otherwise I can't find the event's javaname to be able to generate the correct method call.

Conclusion: to be complete, anything which can be accessed non-locally requires the refid annotation, for every reference.

#215 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Having something like this inside a OO method def:

     def var h as handle.
     def var i as int.
     i = h:next-sibling:prev-sibling:x.     

doesn't annotate the ASTs with oldtype (for h and methods/attrs).

This is because our parser collects vars local to methods as class members. But even so, assuming the h var is a class member, it really should be annotated with oldtype.

#216 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11352 adds the extra methods for extent properties length-of and the indeterminate resize.

I think properties support only needs the following:

  • find a way to make the access mode appear for the actual property member, it must go through a different path than class level define vars, but it is not obvious what that is
  • rework the references to the property to emit as method calls

This last part will need the refid support. How do you want to split this up?

#217 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I did a quick check for non-local properties and although the refid is there, it fails to lookup the javaname. Have you tested non-local variables? I would expect the same result there.

I started on the method support but the tempidx at the call sites does not match the value in the method_def. The ClassDefinition being used is the right one at lookup time, because the tempidx-file annotation is correct. I will keep working on this, but I'm worried that the getAst() support is not working for non-local refids.

#218 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

With r11353 the code changes as follows (see previous in note-124 and 193):

import com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.*; // optional include
private final object<? extends BaseObject> obj; // the member
public Tt1_1_1Impl() { obj = new object<>(); } // dmo c'tor
public object<? extends BaseObject> getObj() { return (new object<>(obj)); } // field getter
public void setObj(object<? extends BaseObject> obj) { this.obj.assign(obj); } // field setter

tt1.setObj(someObject); // setter usage
tt1.setObj(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.json.objectmodel.JsonArray.class));  // setter usage
someObject.assign(tt1.getObj()); // getter usage

All code is compilable in my testcase.

#219 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I will keep working on this, but I'm worried that the getAst() support is not working for non-local refids.

It's working, place a breakpoint in CommonAstSupport.getAst:947 - the non-local AST file will be loaded.

#220 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

So I finally was able to make the local chaining for class events work, too. Now it converts OK - what is not working is non-local event chaining.

See rev 11354 and 11355.

Note that I fixed the static for variables and events... you can't use access annotation for java.reference_def to make it static, you need explicit static=true annotation.

Tomorrow I'll try to solve this:

Non-local references. We have some work to do to enable methods, vars, properties and events for non-local access.

#221 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In revision 11357, I've added the rewriting of the references (local and non-local) to properly call the 4 different methods.

There is an issue remaining where the length-of-<prop> method does not emit its FUNC_INT and property reference. This needs to be fixed for the POC. Otherwise it is a very good first version of property support.

Open issues for later:

  • test the runtime
  • check that a getter with no return does return unknown
  • confirm that the overriding of access modes for abstract props
  • why isn't the private access mode being honored for the member var that is emitted for the actual backing property?
  • handle arbitrary chaining of property references in oo_references
  • writing the prop in the getter should map to the setter and vice versa

#222 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The getter/setter for properties having as type an OO class must have the proper generic set. Currently they are emitted incorrect:

   public static object getInstance()
      return function("Instance", object.class, new Block((Body) () -> 

   private static void setInstance(final object<null> _var)
      object<null> var = TypeFactory.initInput(_var);

      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 

For a:

    define public static property Instance as class oo.Event2 no-undo
       get ():
          // Instance:v3 = 456.
          return Instance.
       end get.
       private set.

working on it.

#223 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Committed revision 11359.
Fixed covariance of generics for OO methods. Now the signature for

    METHOD STATIC PUBLIC Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray m5(
                  INPUT m5p1 AS Progress.Lang.Object,
                  OUTPUT m5p2 AS Progress.Lang.Object,
                  INPUT-OUTPUT m5p3 AS Progress.Lang.Object):

should be emitted in converted code as:
   public static object<com.goldencode.p2j.oo.json.objectmodel.JsonArray> m5(
         final object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.BaseObject> _m5p1, 
         final object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.BaseObject> m5p2, 
         final object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.BaseObject> m5p3)
      object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.BaseObject> m5p1 = TypeFactory.initInput(_m5p1);

Added wrappers for literal parameters in OO methods. (Constantin, I guess you were hunting this yesterday, now the literals should emit wrapped to specific BDT).

LE: an example of usage for the later:

k1 = m2("777", k2).

which will be converted now as:
public static character m2(final character _m2p1, final logical m2p2)
k1.assign(m2(new character("777"), k2));

#224 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The getter/setter for properties having as type an OO class must have the proper generic set. Currently they are emitted incorrect:

For a:
working on it.

As we discussed, I am taking this over.

#225 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

I'm looking into the conversion abend related to // Instance:v3 = 456. commented line.

#226 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

I'm looking into the conversion abend related to // Instance:v3 = 456. commented line.

This and other issues are fixed in 11358 and 11360.

#227 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

The generation of setters is fixed. Committed revision 11361.

However, I added some code to that from note-222 and I'm having trouble with the conversion. Two questions:
  • is this access to Instance legal in ABL OO?
             DEFINE VARIABLE ja1 AS Progress.Lang.Object NO-UNDO.
             Instance = new TestClass().
             ja1 = Instance.
  • is it normal for the VAR_CLASS Instance from the first assignment above NOT to have an refid? What about an oldtype?

#228 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

The generation of setters is fixed. Committed revision 11361.

However, I added some code to that from note-222 and I'm having trouble with the conversion. Two questions:
  • is this access to Instance legal in ABL OO?

Where is this code located? In a class method/c'tor? If so then yes, local static members can be accessed without qualifier.

  • is it normal for the VAR_CLASS Instance from the first assignment above NOT to have an refid? What about an oldtype?

refid is required. oldtype is a problem in the parser - see #3751-215

Are there tempidx annotations left behind in the AST file? refid is computed during post-parse-fixups, from these annotations.

#229 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Where is this code located? In a class method/c'tor? If so then yes, local static members can be accessed without qualifier.

Yes, they are in body of a (static) method.

  • is it normal for the VAR_CLASS Instance from the first assignment above NOT to have an refid? What about an oldtype?

refid is required. oldtype is a problem in the parser - see #3751-215

refid is missing. The conversion stops in assignments.rules while attempting to convert to long/int the oldtype annotation (~line 340).

Are there tempidx annotations left behind in the AST file? refid is computed during post-parse-fixups, from these annotations.

Yes, there are a few. Is this OK?

#230 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

The conversion stops in assignments.rules while attempting to convert to long/int the oldtype annotation (~line 340).

I'm looking into oldtype, is a parser problem, as I mentioned.

Are there tempidx annotations left behind in the AST file? refid is computed during post-parse-fixups, from these annotations.

Yes, there are a few. Is this OK?

No, is not OK. Look into post-parse-fixups and solve the refid annotation.

#231 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

This and other issues are fixed in 11358 and 11360.

Not purposely, I tested the code generated with 11361. It looks like this:

public final class TestClass
extends BaseObject
   public static object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.testPack.TestClass> instance = TypeFactory.object();
   private integer v3 = TypeFactory.integer();
   public static object getInstance()
      return function("Instance", object.class, new Block((Body) () -> 
         instance.ref().v3.assign(new integer(456));

It looks fine apparently, but the compiler refuses to process it:
[ant:javac] /home/om/workspaces/3751/p2j/src/com/goldencode/testcases/testPack/ error: v3 in TestClass is defined in an inaccessible class or interface
[ant:javac]          instance.ref().v3.assign(new integer(456));
[ant:javac]                        ^

I have 2 alternatives that work:
         ((TestClass)instance.ref()).v3.assign(new integer(456));

         TestClass ref = instance.ref();
         ref.v3.assign(new integer(456));

I suppose the former will prevail.

#232 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I have 2 alternatives that work:
((F3757)instance.ref()).v3.assign(new integer(456));

I assume F3757 is the TestClass name, right? (i.e. you explicitly cast to the expected type). If so, go ahead with this, but only if the accessed member is private

#233 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Other issues:
  • Instance = new TestClass(). is not compiling
  • if you have a member v and do a Instance:v = 0, it will not work properly, because the getter is public static object getInstance() - this needs the correct generic type, same as the setter.

Please work on these.

#234 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

The conversion stops in assignments.rules while attempting to convert to long/int the oldtype annotation (~line 340).

I'm looking into oldtype, is a parser problem, as I mentioned.

Fixed in rev 11362.

#235 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

I'm looking into oldtype, is a parser problem, as I mentioned.

Fixed in rev 11362.

That fixed the tempidx annotations left behind in the AST file, too. Cool!

#236 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The CB phase failed with a access-mode problem for class events after ~150 minutes, in the code conversion part.

This is fixed in 11363.

#237 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm working on the following issues:

1. The unexpected/unrelated var initializers that appear in oo/ComplexInterface.cls for me (but not for Constantin). I'm deep into this and hope to have something soon. It is related to putting the initializers into the depot on a previous file (in my unique conversion file list) and then picking them up in a later file.

2. Fix the length-of case for properties (see #3751-221).

3. Fix the access mode for properties (see #3751-221).

Then I can pick up something else.

We should discuss the plan for non-local buffers, queries and temp-tables.

#238 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

((F3757)instance.ref()).v3.assign(new integer(456));

I assume F3757 is the TestClass name, right? (i.e. you explicitly cast to the expected type). If so, go ahead with this, but only if the accessed member is private

Fixed in 11365.

I will finish Instance:v = 0 issue tomorrow. The type is decided too early and need to be rewritten later.

#239 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11366:

Fix for initializers created and stored in the depot on one program which are then pulled out of the depot and attached in another program. That should never occur. Safety code was added to bypass the separate initializer logic in variable definitions when in an interface or an abstract method/event/property.

Constantin: Could you please review this change? The HERE? comments are the places that I changed to add extra bypassing code. My tests show it to be OK, but if you can see something I'd like to know now.

#240 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: Could you please review this change? The HERE? comments are the places that I changed to add extra bypassing code. My tests show it to be OK, but if you can see something I'd like to know now.

Some of it is a little overkill (like prog.define_parameter which is used only for internal procedures, and INIT which AFAIK can't be used in abstract and iface cases), but it doesn't hurt; the other changes look OK.

#241 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The code for extent property getters is failing with:

   [javac] ...snip...src/com/goldencode/testcases/oo/ error: incompatible types: no instance(s) of type variable(s) T exist so that T[] conforms to logical
    [javac]       return extentFunction("flag", logical.class, 2, new Block((Body) () -> 
    [javac]                            ^
    [javac]   where T is a type-variable:
    [javac]     T extends BaseDataType declared in method <T>extentFunction(String,Class<T>,int,Block)

The converted code:

   public logical getFlag(final int64 _idx)
      int64 idx = TypeFactory.initInput(_idx);

      return extentFunction("flag", logical.class, 2, new Block((Body) () -> 
         returnNormal(subscript(flag, idx));

I don't see the issue here. Do you see something obvious?

#242 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

The code for extent property getters is failing with:


The converted code:


I don't see the issue here. Do you see something obvious?

Isn't extentFunction returning an array? And this is a indexed getter, so you don't need extentFunction.

#243 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

You're right, that is the issue. Thanks!

#244 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11368 includes fixes for:

  • length-of contents in extent properties
  • indexed getter return type

There is still a compile error in PropertyHolderExtents which I'm looking at now. It has to do with missing wrapping on the setter's first parm.

I also haven't resolved the access mode for the property member.

#245 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

There are some issues with incorrect tempidx for non-local var/class-event access, if the definition is in a super-class. Working on it.

#246 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11369 fixes some var/class-event reference problems when the definition is in a super-class. Please review - especially the order of the member lookup, which has these rules:
  1. if a class/object qualifier is NOT provided, look into local definitions (i.e. scoped to methods)
  2. if not found and we are in a class, look into the class members
  3. if not found, look into local definitions

#247 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

3750a rev 11369 fixes some var/class-event reference problems when the definition is in a super-class. Please review - especially the order of the member lookup, which has these rules:
  1. if a class/object qualifier is NOT provided, look into local definitions (i.e. scoped to methods)
  2. if not found and we are in a class, look into the class members
  3. if not found, look into local definitions

How is 3 different from 1?

#248 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, if you manage to decouple the dependency on "filenames_to_java_classnames" (which prohibits CB to be ran on a sub-set of files), that would be great. The major issue is CLASS converted name (required by KW_USING and CLASS_NAME tokens). The idea is, to emit 'refid' for everything which requires a name conversion (and is NOT a builtin class).

#249 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

3750a rev 11369 fixes some var/class-event reference problems when the definition is in a super-class. Please review - especially the order of the member lookup, which has these rules:
  1. if a class/object qualifier is NOT provided, look into local definitions (i.e. scoped to methods)
  2. if not found and we are in a class, look into the class members
  3. if not found, look into local definitions

How is 3 different from 1?

My 'rubber duck debugging' is not really working at this time... the idea is, annotateVariableOptions needs to resolve the definition of some reference (i.e. var) following these rules (correct me if I'm wrong):
  • if qualified, look in the specified type
  • if not qualified, look into method-level definitions first
  • otherwise, look into the class (and super-class) definitions

Looking at how SymbolResolver.lookupWrapped works, I don't think the annotateVariableOptions are fully correct, as lookupWrapped looks in the class scope, too. I'll take a better look tomorrow.

#250 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu, these legacy classes are used in our project and we need Java equivalents:


See bellow the list (take from the annotation phase of the CB conversion), on what names the classes, methods, attributes will need to have. If there is a class event or property, these need to follow our conversion model for the access to them. You can try converting these files directly in FWD, and just modify the generated Java sources to include them in the proper FWD package.

#251 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Responding here instead of #3750 because it is OO related.

if we are in an ASSIGN statement and a property with a custom setter is invoked, how will that address any tx/undo management?

The getters/setters (and the extent length-of/resize methods) are emitted as internal procs (if void return, like setter or resize) or a function (if non-void like getter or length-of). These emit with full block manager/transaction properties so I think we are good to go. I plan to test these but I think this is already very close to correct.

#252 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu, these legacy classes are used in our project and we need Java equivalents:

OK, I'll do it in about 1h, after committing my current work

#253 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

GES: Solved

Right now I'm still working on the wrapping of method call parms. I can put that on hold to work on other issues, but even my simple testcases show this issue so I think we will hit it in the customer code.

The basic problem is the same as the "chp_wrapper" issue we see with functions or other signature processing. The 4GL allows the following cases to silently convert when there is a mismatch in the signature versus the caller. From convert/user_functions.rules:

            <!-- optionally wrap this non-dynamic func call in another type -->
            <rule on="false">isNote("chp_wrapper")
               <action>chp_wrapper = getNoteString("chp_wrapper")</action>

               <rule>(chp_wrapper == "longchar"   and type == prog.func_char)     or
                     (chp_wrapper == "character"  and type == prog.func_longchar) or

                     (chp_wrapper == "integer"    and type == prog.func_int64)    or
                     (chp_wrapper == "decimal"    and type == prog.func_int)      or
                     (chp_wrapper == "decimal"    and type == prog.func_int64)    or

                     (chp_wrapper == "datetime"   and type == prog.func_date)     or
                     (chp_wrapper == "datetimetz" and type == prog.func_date)     or
                     (chp_wrapper == "datetimetz" and type == prog.func_datetime)
                     lastid = createPeerAst(java.constructor, chp_wrapper, closestPeerId)

We need something like this for method calls. I know it affects the property getters/setters/extent methods. It surely would also affect the event methods.

The big problem here is that we must resolve which of the overloaded methods is the match, in order to determine the target parameter type from the signature. At least they don't support varargs. :)

Unless you see something more urgent, I was going to fix this.

#254 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, if you manage to decouple the dependency on "filenames_to_java_classnames" (which prohibits CB to be ran on a sub-set of files), that would be great. The major issue is CLASS converted name (required by KW_USING and CLASS_NAME tokens). The idea is, to emit 'refid' for everything which requires a name conversion (and is NOT a builtin class).

I guess this is not needed for today since conversion is completing successfully. We can fix this in the next few weeks. I do agree it is something that must be fixed.

#255 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11371:

Fixes to have access mode and static qualifier emit properly for properties. The backing var for the property is now always forced to be private.

#256 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11376:

Fix for OBJECT_INVOCATION that has a first child of OO_METH_*. This is an unqualified method reference before the first chaining. This affected the case of a local property as a referent because we convert that to an OO_METH_CLASS reference which did not emit. But this was actually a much broader problem.

This resolves #3750-99 and probably other compile failures. At this point I don't know of any other property related issues.

#257 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11380 has this change in oo_calls.rules:

            <action>lastid = createJavaAst(java.lparens, "(", lastid)</action>
               lastid = createJavaAst(java.cast, 

It parents the ref() unwrapper in a cast. I don't understand why it is needed. The ref method is designed to return the correct type.

It definitely breaks some of my testcases. There are scenarios where the content of the cast is null and there are unbalanced parens. Both issues can surely be addressed, but if we don't need this I'd like to get rid of it. It makes every call in the chain extremely verbose.

#258 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Revision 11380 has this change in oo_calls.rules:
It definitely breaks some of my testcases. There are scenarios where the content of the cast is null and there are unbalanced parens. Both issues can surely be addressed, but if we don't need this I'd like to get rid of it. It makes every call in the chain extremely verbose.

It addresses the issue from note-231/232.
ABL code is:

    define public static property Instance as class MyTest no-undo
         get ():
            Instance:v3 = 456.
            return Instance.
         end get.
         private set.

#259 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

Revision 11380 has this change in oo_calls.rules:
It definitely breaks some of my testcases. There are scenarios where the content of the cast is null and there are unbalanced parens. Both issues can surely be addressed, but if we don't need this I'd like to get rid of it. It makes every call in the chain extremely verbose.

It addresses the issue from note-231/232.
ABL code is:

The issue is about the private members only. Because the returned type is ? extends TestClass, the compiler must disallow direct access to private members in the result. However, in this case we know that the class is actually the same class and so it is safe to override the compiler's calculation.

Revision 11383:

Only cast ref() calls when the referenced member is private (which is the only case where it is needed). This makes the majority of calls much less verbose.

Constantin suggested this approach in #3751-232.

#260 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

FYI, this also eliminates the cases where that extra casting broke the converted code so it is good from that perspective too.

#261 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11386 completes the stubs of all necessary built-in classes. I believe this resolves all requires listed in #3751-250.

#262 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

We have a problem with defining interface-typed variables. For example:

DEFINE VARIABLE ufo9 AS Progress.Lang.Error NO-UNDO.

will be converted to

object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyError> ufo9 = TypeFactory.object(com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.LegacyError.class);

The problem is, LegacyError is now an interface, unrelated to BaseObject that the object<> wraps. LegacyError maps the Progress.Lang.Error that which is an interface and it seems logical to use interface for LegacyError as well.
To fix this, I am thinking of using abstract class -es that extend BaseObject in Java for ABL interfaces. Do you think it would work?

#263 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago


I'm getting lots of null casts for chains like x:pv2:pv2:pv1., where x is a OO local var (not a class member) and pv2 and pv1 are public members declared in x's type.

This is because var references are annotated with access-mode by the parser, even if the var is defined in a method.

Greg, can you take a look?

#264 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Greg, can you take a look?

Yes, I'll look at it.

#265 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

More, because of the access-mode annotation, the cast is emitted for the public chained members...

#266 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11390 resolves access mode processing for deeply chained/nested member de-references and remove vars defined in methods from being data members. This solved my local recreate for #3751-263.

#267 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Revision 11391 fixes multi-assignments for extent object variables and adds support for initialization of indeterminate extent object variables.

#268 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

  • Related to Bug #3835: broken multi-assigner added

#269 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

We have a problem with defining interface-typed variables. For example:

will be converted to

The problem is, LegacyError is now an interface, unrelated to BaseObject that the object<> wraps. LegacyError maps the Progress.Lang.Error that which is an interface and it seems logical to use interface for LegacyError as well.
To fix this, I am thinking of using abstract class -es that extend BaseObject in Java for ABL interfaces. Do you think it would work?

We cannot do this because of the lack of multiple-inheritance.

4GL and Java classes can both implement more than one interface, but only ever one super/parent class. Interfaces are not part of the inheritance hierarchy, so they can be used to mark parts of the inheritance tree as defining a known API/contract. But since they are separate, they don't change the lookup of methods and so forth.

The use of an abstract class as an interface would break this.

However, we can "reverse" the idea. Let's put all of the BaseObject methods (and properties which are methods in our Java implementation) into an interface named _BaseObject_. BaseObject will implement that interface and all generated interfaces will inherit from it. Then we change object to use object<? extends _BaseObject_> and I think it will work.

#270 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu, please work on this one: overloaded methods in 4GL classes must keep their names.

method public void m1(input i as int):
method public void m1(input i as char):

Both must be named m1 in FWD.

#271 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

OK, mark it as OM WIP

#272 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago


Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

OK, mark it as OM WIP

There is another issue here: the refid annotation (which gets computed from tempidx) must refer the correct method definition. I think the change is not only the method naming, but at the parser, too: the erasure of a method definition is not only the name, but the name, signature pair - and emit tempidx annotations accordingly. Otherwise, you will not be able to link to the proper method, to get (for example) the type of a certain parameter, to wrap it as necessary (if POLY or literal).

#273 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

There is at least another case of staticField:privateMethodCall("param") which gets converted to staticField.ref().privateMethodCall("param"), without the required casting (to be able to compile it in Java).

#274 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago


New issue: FWD can't compile a OO var declaration having as a type an interface.

#275 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

New issue: FWD doesn't emit properly static temp tables (and maybe access modifiers).

Also, usage of this tt from multiple static methods doesn't have the proper scopes.

#276 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

New issue: FWD can't compile a OO var declaration having as a type an interface.

A discussion on this started in notes 262 & 269 above.

#277 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

New issue: FWD can't compile a OO var declaration having as a type an interface.

A discussion on this started in notes 262 & 269 above.

We can't break the interface/abstract class contract in the converted code.

I think we need to emit the legacy Progress.Lang.Object APIs as an interface (with their implementation as default interface methods), and make this the 'super-object' for everything. If someone wants to instantiate a Progress.Lang.Object, or if a class inherits it, we will hook to the runtime and conversion rules to use the FWD's implementing class.

Do you see a problem with this?

#278 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I think I described something similar in #3751-269.

  • _BaseObject_ interface
  • BaseObject implements _BaseObject_
  • all built-in and converted interfaces extend _BaseObject_
  • the wrapper is changed to object<? extends _BaseObject_>

With these changes, I believe the issue is resolved and the impact is minimal.

I think we need to emit the legacy Progress.Lang.Object APIs as an interface (with their implementation as default interface methods), and make this the 'super-object' for everything. If someone wants to instantiate a Progress.Lang.Object, or if a class nherits it, we will hook to the runtime and conversion rules to use the FWD's implementing class.

This seems more complicated. Is there an issue with my approach?

#279 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Ovidiu: In regard to #3751-270, what is your status? I was going to work on this a few days ago but shifted to work on known issues. I've already thought about this a good bit.

I'm inclined to take this over if you aren't close to a solution. However, I don't want to waste any work you've done.

#280 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I think we need to emit the legacy Progress.Lang.Object APIs as an interface (with their implementation as default interface methods), and make this the 'super-object' for everything. If someone wants to instantiate a Progress.Lang.Object, or if a class inherits it, we will hook to the runtime and conversion rules to use the FWD's implementing class.

This seems more complicated. Is there an issue with my approach?

Think about this: you will not be able to interchange a legacy interface type with a Progress.Lang.Object in the converted runtime, if we have declarations like:

def var l as progress.lang.error.
def var o as progress.lang.object.

o = l.

If the converted runtime uses BaseObject (Java class) for o and LegacyError (Java interface) for l, then you will not be able to l to o, because 'LegacyError is not a BaseObject'. For this to work, o must have the same type or a super-type of l.

#281 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Ovidiu: In regard to #3751-270, what is your status? I was going to work on this a few days ago but shifted to work on known issues. I've already thought about this a good bit.
I'm inclined to take this over if you aren't close to a solution. However, I don't want to waste any work you've done.

I am testing the implementation now, in about 30min, depending on the result, I will do the commit.

#282 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

I think we need to emit the legacy Progress.Lang.Object APIs as an interface (with their implementation as default interface methods), and make this the 'super-object' for everything. If someone wants to instantiate a Progress.Lang.Object, or if a class inherits it, we will hook to the runtime and conversion rules to use the FWD's implementing class.

This seems more complicated. Is there an issue with my approach?

Think about this: you will not be able to interchange a legacy interface type with a Progress.Lang.Object in the converted runtime, if we have declarations like:

If the converted runtime uses BaseObject (Java class) for o and LegacyError (Java interface) for l, then you will not be able to l to o, because 'LegacyError is not a BaseObject'. For this to work, o must have the same type or a super-type of l.

Variables of type Progress.Lang.Object would be declared using _BaseObject_.

#283 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

New issue: FWD doesn't emit properly static temp tables (and maybe access modifiers).

Also, usage of this tt from multiple static methods doesn't have the proper scopes.

The temp-table itself is not static or protected... it is just a definition of the table structure which we move out to a DMO.

I suspect what the static or access modes control is access to the default buffer created for that temp-table. This is really the thing that gets used at runtime for access.

Eric: What do you think?

#284 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I suspect what the static or access modes control is access to the default buffer created for that temp-table. This is really the thing that gets used at runtime for access.

Yes, I meant the default buffer...

#285 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, did you add the inMethodDef flag to progress.g recently? Because I previously added inMethod flag... with the same purpose, and inMethodDef I think has something wrong (you have inMethodDef = true; at the end of getter_setter), as it ends up true when trying to add a var definition as class member.

#286 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Yes, I added it in 11390. The getter_setter issue is just a copy/paste error. At the end it should be set to false.

#287 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I didn't see the inMethod since it was in the caller instead of the pre/post actions of the rule it affected. I also had to pass the flag downstream to handle things differently in the SymbolResolver and Variable. I think we can remove inMethod. Also, the use of inMethod bypasses annotations being set for a define variable inside a method, which I think is incorrect. I just bypassed the addDataMember() in postDefineVar() which I think is more correct.

#288 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

New issue: FWD can't compile a OO var declaration having as a type an interface.

If there are no other objections to my plan, I can go ahead with these changes.

#289 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

New issue: FWD can't compile a OO var declaration having as a type an interface.

If there are no other objections to my plan, I can go ahead with these changes.

Yes, go ahead, the plan looks OK.

#290 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I didn't see the inMethod since it was in the caller instead of the pre/post actions of the rule it affected. I also had to pass the flag downstream to handle things differently in the SymbolResolver and Variable. I think we can remove inMethod. Also, the use of inMethod bypasses annotations being set for a define variable inside a method, which I think is incorrect. I just bypassed the addDataMember() in postDefineVar() which I think is more correct.

Can you take care of cleaning this up?

#291 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

I didn't see the inMethod since it was in the caller instead of the pre/post actions of the rule it affected. I also had to pass the flag downstream to handle things differently in the SymbolResolver and Variable. I think we can remove inMethod. Also, the use of inMethod bypasses annotations being set for a define variable inside a method, which I think is incorrect. I just bypassed the addDataMember() in postDefineVar() which I think is more correct.

Can you take care of cleaning this up?

Yes, it is already done in my version of the parser. :)

#292 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Finished testing 3751-270 (Added method overloading support).
I tested with variables, properties and method.
There is a problem I could spot: having both a property m1 and a setter named setM1(), with no parameters. If it has at least a parameter we are good. When method is defined without parameters, because of the name clash, the method is named in java to something like setM1_1(). I have no solution for this (indeed, rare) case.
Committed as r11408. Please review.

#293 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3750a Revision 11408

There are 2 things I don't understand:

1. In annotations_prep.xml, the two calls to convert_member_name pass mnode which is an XmlAst node. The code in the constructor for ConvertedClassName.Method will only parse out the signature on a ProgressAst that is a METHOD_DEF. I don't understand the purpose of passing mnode.

2. In convert_member_name there is javaname = cclass.getMethod(mname, mAst). cclass is a ConvertedClassName instance and that class has this version: public String getMethod(String legacy). Perhaps this is just a bug in TRPL that allows us to get away with this (extra parm that isn't used)?

#294 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11411:

Rework of converted interfaces and converted classes to ultimately inherit both from BaseObject which BaseObject implements. This enables interface instances to be defined as variables and assigned from actual class instances, since all now can find a common ancestor. Runtime APIs must reference BaseObject instead of BaseObject, all interfaces (built-in or converted) that don't already have a superinterface must extend BaseObject.

This solves #3751-274.

#295 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

There is another issue here: the refid annotation (which gets computed from tempidx) must refer the correct method definition. I think the change is not only the method naming, but at the parser, too: the erasure of a method definition is not only the name, but the name, signature pair - and emit tempidx annotations accordingly. Otherwise, you will not be able to link to the proper method, to get (for example) the type of a certain parameter, to wrap it as necessary (if POLY or literal).

Ovidiu: Are you working on this issue (and the wrapping)?

This also relates to the issue I mentioned earlier in #3751-253: the need to calculate the chp_wrapper in some cases.

I can take these items if you aren't working it.

#296 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, I think you forgot to commit _BaseObject_

#297 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Greg, I think you forgot to commit _BaseObject_

Sorry. Rev 11412 fixes that.

#298 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago


Another OO issue: you have an integer property and do something like pi = pi + 1. This gets converted to setPi(plus(getPi(), 1));, and the compile fails because is returning int64 (and setPi is integer).

I think the property getter/setters need to have as signature the wider sub-type.

#299 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago


There are still issue with wrapping the parameters for method calls. Also, this wrapping must not widen the type (i.e. use longchar instead of character).

#300 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Another OO issue: you have an integer property and do something like pi = pi + 1. This gets converted to setPi(plus(getPi(), 1));, and the compile fails because is returning int64 (and setPi is integer).

I think the property getter/setters need to have as signature the wider sub-type.

This is the chp_wrapper issue I have mentioned in #3751-253. I am working on this.

#301 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Another OO issue: you have an integer property and do something like pi = pi + 1. This gets converted to setPi(plus(getPi(), 1));, and the compile fails because is returning int64 (and setPi is integer).

I think the property getter/setters need to have as signature the wider sub-type.

This is the chp_wrapper issue I have mentioned in #3751-253. I am working on this.

If it helps, see oo_references.rules line 130 - there I'm trying to emit proper annotation, so the further rules will wrap the parameter.

#302 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, static state in 4GL is not the same as static state in Java. This is because in 4GL there are no multiple clients being executed in the same context, where in Java there is.

Everything which is converted as static must be context-local.

More, promoting local vars in static methods should never happen (or at least this must keep the static modifier for the promoted var).

#303 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Yes, you're right.

However, we need to wait to implement this until after we have everything compiling in the current POC.

#304 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

More, promoting local vars in static methods should never happen (or at least this must keep the static modifier for the promoted var).

This is a compile-time problem now, for us. I'm looking into this and a problem with leaking the signature of the define event (the emitted APIs get the wrong signature).

#305 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, there are errors like this:

    [javac] ...1046: error: no suitable method found for add(character,BaseDataType)
    [javac]                               json.ref().add(hField.unwrap().name(), hField.unwrapBufferField().value());
    [javac]                                         ^
    [javac]     method JsonObject.add(character,character) is not applicable

As we don't parse the JsonObject builtin class, I think we need to add the POLY method variants in the Java impl for this.

#306 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

1. In annotations_prep.xml, the two calls to convert_member_name pass mnode which is an XmlAst node. The code in the constructor for ConvertedClassName.Method will only parse out the signature on a ProgressAst that is a METHOD_DEF. I don't understand the purpose of passing mnode.

This is correct. Fixed by passing null instead.

2. In convert_member_name there is javaname = cclass.getMethod(mname, mAst). cclass is a ConvertedClassName instance and that class has this version: public String getMethod(String legacy). Perhaps this is just a bug in TRPL that allows us to get away with this (extra parm that isn't used)?

TRPL is fine. The problem is that that particular line was never executed (as mtype could not be names.variable and names.method simultaneously). The second rule should have been executed only when the first fails (on="false" was missing).

Committed as r11419.

#307 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, please review this function:

      <function name="isTopLevel">
         <parameter name="target" type="com.goldencode.ast.Aast" />
         <variable  name="ttype"  type="java.lang.Integer" />
         <return    name="top"    type="java.lang.Boolean" />

         <rule>top = false</rule>

         <rule>target.type == prog.block

            <!-- external procedure, not OO -->
            <rule>target.parent == null

               <rule>!target.descendant(prog.class_def, 1) and   // this needs to be checked under the target's context, and not the current AST..
                     !target.descendant(prog.interface_def, 1)
                  <action>top = true</action>

               <!-- check for internal procedures, user-defined functions
                    or triggers -->
               <action on="false">ttype = target.parent.type</action>
               <rule on="false">
                  ttype == prog.procedure                        or
                  ttype == prog.function                         or
                  ttype == prog.trigger_block                    or
                  ttype == prog.method_def                       or
                  ttype == prog.constructor                      or
                  ttype == prog.destructor                       or
                  target.relativePath("DEFINE_PROPERTY/KW_GET/BLOCK")  or
                  target.relativePath("DEFINE_PROPERTY/KW_SET/BLOCK")            // this needs to end in BLOCK, right? (as target is BLOCK here)
                  <action>top = true</action>

#308 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

While I am writing the method matching/lookup logic I needed to check if the 4GL uses return type as part of a method signature. It does NOT. This is good since Java does not consider return type part of the signature either (for purposes of matching a call to the definition).

4GL example:

class oo.PolymorphicMethodReturnType:

   method public int test():
      return 29.

   /* compile error: */
   /* Duplicate signatures found for method 'test'. (13842) */
   method public char test():
      return "29".

   /* can't have an empty parm list but it can change the return type */
   method public char test(input num as int):
      return string(num).

def var obj as oo.PolymorphicMethodReturnType.
def var num as int init -1.
def var txt as char init ?.

obj = new oo.PolymorphicMethodReturnType().

/* polymorphic method return types are supported */
num = obj:test().
txt = obj:test(64).

/* num + 2 = 31; txt = 64 */
message "num + 2 = " + string(num + 2) + "; txt = " + txt.

Java equivalent:

public class PolyReturnTypeInJava
   public int test()
      return 29;

   /* error: method test() is already defined in class PolyReturnTypeInJava
   public String test()
      return "29";

   /* can't have an empty parm list but it can change the return type */
   public String test(int num)
      return String.format("%d", num);

   public static void main(String[] args)
      PolyReturnTypeInJava obj = new PolyReturnTypeInJava();

      int    num = -1;
      String txt = null;

      /* polymorphic method return types are supported */
      num = obj.test();
      txt = obj.test(64);

      /* num + 2 = 31; txt = 64 */
      System.out.printf("num + 2 = %d; txt = %s\n", num + 2, txt);      

This makes things simpler. Return type is not used in either case and the programmer will have had to already separate all usage of that method name by differing parameter signatures. Our parse-time lookup only needs to consider method name and parms.

#309 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

this needs to be checked under the target's context, and not the current AST..

You're right. However, I think the parameters are swapped in the Aast version.

this needs to end in BLOCK, right? (as target is BLOCK here)

Yes, though we could use upPath() instead of relativePath().

#310 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

this needs to be checked under the target's context, and not the current AST..

You're right. However, I think the parameters are swapped in the Aast version.

The reason the original version worked is that we know that we are a block node with parent == null, which can only happen at the tree root and so the implicit check would always work. Your version is better.

#311 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I've been working on testcases for hours. I'm finding that there are fewer wrapping cases than we thought.

For example, you mentioned that we need decimal and integer and integer to decimal.

However, for a method method public int wrap-int(input num as int) and a decimal var named decnum, trying to call wrap-int(decnum). will generate Parameter 1 for METHOD wrap-int is not type compatible with its definition. (12905).

This also occurs for int64 to int and dec to int64. I have an example case of an integer property that can be assigned from int64. But method parameters do not seem to narrow, they only wrap for widening conversions.

I'm still working on wrapping the other data types.

Constantin: can you provide specific examples of these cases failing in method parameter wrapping?

#312 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: can you provide specific examples of these cases failing in method parameter wrapping?

Try arithmetic expressions, not just passing vars. In FWD, our,in64) returns an int64 - passing this result to a method having an integer argument will not work.

Try passing a string literal to a longchar method parameter - we currently wrap this using character, and this is not working. 4GL also allows you to pass a character to a longchar - which FWD doesn't allow without wrapping.

#313 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Try arithmetic expressions, not just passing vars. In FWD, our,in64) returns an int64 - passing this result to a method having an integer argument will not work.

I just tried this. The 4GL does not allow this narrowing conversion for methods. Could that case have been for a property?

Try passing a string literal to a longchar method parameter - we currently wrap this using character, and this is not working. 4GL also allows you to pass a character to a longchar - which FWD doesn't allow without wrapping.

Yes, this is an implicit widening conversion that does work in the 4GL.

I have now tested all variants of longchar/char and date/datetime/datetime-tz. NO narrowing conversions work. All of the widening conversions DO work.

We will handle properties differently. But right now I'm trying to get the method signature resolution worked out. Unless you know of a narrowing case for method signatures, I think I've got the rules for wrapping.

I just need to add unknown value and POLY cases now.

#314 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11425: Rewrite of method resolution and related annotations to properly handle overloading and many of the parameter wrapping cases.

This is an intermediate version, but the parsing changes are nearly complete. The signature processing does not handle extents and it does not handle table parameters/buffers. Everything else is working well and a wide range of cases are fixed.

There are also many tweaks needed to the conversion process to handle various cases like unknown value and some POLY cases.

I should also mention that the ECW now returns integer as a classname for MINUS, PLUS and MULTIPLY when both operands are integer. This is how the 4GL does it. Unfortunately, javac will not find the right MathOps worker methods in this case so we need to wrap these when we know both operands are integer.

Anyway, I wanted to save my current work even though it is not done.

Constantin: it may be worth looking through the changes, though I expect to keep going with this in the morning. I have no pending changes, so feel free to tweak something or build on this to the degree that it makes sense.

#315 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The following is the list of issues that still need to be resolved:

  • Add support for table and buffer parameters to the parse-time overloaded method resolution mechanism.
    • Make sure ECW handles these cases.
    • Add this knowledge to SymbolResolver.calculate*Signature() and SymbolResolver.translateType() methods.
    • Make sure that the ClassDefinition.[exact|fuzzy]MethodLookup() methods handle these cases properly.
  • Add EXTENT parameter support.
  • Rework ConvertedClassName to eliminate usage of fname2jname. The refid support is working now (except for tables/buffers and extent). Shift usage to a direct access of the method def reference using getAst(refid ) and read the javaname from that node.
  • Make sure properties wrap when mismatched.
  • Disambiguate Java method names when overloaded method signatures only differ by fixed/indeterminate array differences.
  • Fix unknown value passed as an object reference. oo/Overloads.cls line 268/269 can be used to test this case.
  • BUFFER-VALUE and :: work (though they "over-wrap"), but the wrapping of the DYNAMIC-FUNCTION() POLY case does not work. See oo/overloads-test.p lines 162 through 173.
  • When both operands for MathOps.minus(), and MathOps.multiply() are integer, then we need to wrap those parameters so that the correct MathOps overloaded method is chosen. Otherwise the NumberType, NumberType signature will be picked by javac and the result will be int64 which will cause a problem in compiling converted method calls. The ECS now reports this case as integer so the conversion does not detect that wrapping is needed. And it really should not be needed as long as we match the 4GL behavior.
  • Reduce the extra layer of wrapping for unknown value and for the widening conversions when passed for primitive BDT types. For example, an unknown decimal parm will look like new decimal(new decimal()) and a longchar var named txt would be new longchar(new longchar(txt)). We deliberately "over-annotate" the type information in ClassDefinition.annotateCallSignature() which may be interpreted as the need for multiple wrappers downstream. This overwrapping also occurs for the BUFFER-VALUE POLY case. Strangely, this doesn't affect the :: case. Use oo/Overloads.cls lines 185 through 198m 210 through 221, 227 through 241 to see these cases.
  • Check EXTENT return value support. Fix if needed.
  • Change the "access" annotation to "access-mode" for methods. Changes will be needed in ClassDefinition.addMethod(), ClassDefinition.annotateMethodCall() and any TRPL usage locations.

Constantin: Can you help me with the above items? I've split up the first of the issues based on who might handle them faster.

I want to clear all of these today (as early as possible) and get a full run of conversion with the customer application.

#316 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: Can you help me with the above items? I've split up the first of the issues based on who might handle them faster.

Yes, I'm looking into them.

#317 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I've just committed some OO testcase changes in testcases/uast/oo/ as rev 1808.

#318 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Assuming there are definitions like:

   method public void mtable(input-output table tt1).

   method public void mtable(input-output table tt2).

and a call like:
o:mtable(input-output table-handle h).

the 4GL runtime produces a Ambiguous runtime method call. Could not resolve mtable reference. (13844) error - as it can't distinguish between the tt1 and tt2 temp-table signatures, when passing a table-handle argument.

For now, I'll produce a 4GL parser warning.

#319 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • GES Rework ConvertedClassName to eliminate usage of fname2jname. The refid support is working now (except for tables/buffers and extent). Shift usage to a direct access of the method def reference using getAst(refid ) and read the javaname from that node.

fname2jname is needed for the builtin classes, as we don't have ASTs for these.

#320 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Good point. We'll have to have a dual approach.

#321 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • Reduce the extra layer of wrapping for unknown value and for the widening conversions when passed for primitive BDT types. For example, an unknown decimal parm will look like new decimal(new decimal()) and a longchar var named txt would be new longchar(new longchar(txt)). We deliberately "over-annotate" the type information in ClassDefinition.annotateCallSignature() which may be interpreted as the need for multiple wrappers downstream. This overwrapping also occurs for the BUFFER-VALUE POLY case. Strangely, this doesn't affect the :: case. Use oo/Overloads.cls lines 185 through 198m 210 through 221, 227 through 241 to see these cases.

This is mostly because of this code in ClassDefinition.annotateCallSignature:

                  parm.putAnnotation("wrap", new Boolean(true));
                  parm.putAnnotation("wrap_parameter", new Boolean(true));
                  parm.putAnnotation("classname", classname);
                  parm.putAnnotation("chp_wrapper", classname);

emitting all these annotations in all cases produces incorrect output for i.e. DYNAMIC-FUNCTION (which requires just classname). wrap_parameter and classname are required by :: and buffer-value, and wrap_parameter doesn't affect dynamic-function (while wrap and chp_wrapper do). But wrap_parameter double-wraps the unknown val when used at the OO method call for object argument.

I'm cleaning up the fixes for the three CA issues in #3751-315.

#322 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

There is a case where we have a call like dateMethod(h:buffer-value), and dateMethod has 3 signatures, like:

dateMethod(input d as date).
dateMethod(input d as datetime).
dateMethod(input d as datetime-tz).

Unfortunately, looks like this overloaded method disambiguation is done at runtime, when POLY is used. Conversion time can't know which version to call.

Another case where trim function is passed as an argument to a method call - I'm looking into this.

And another case where an unqualified static method call is performed from a static property getter (both private) - I'm looking into this.

#323 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750a rev 11427 and testcases project rev 1811 has the changes for the BUFFER/TABLE method params and arguments, unknown value and dynamic-function from #3751-315

#324 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

You've changed progress.g checks like:

(inStaticCtxt  && (sym.lookupObjectMethod(null, nextTxt, true) != -1))  ||
(!inStaticCtxt && (sym.lookupObjectMethod(null, nextTxt) != -1))

sym.isObjectMethod(null, nextTxt, inStaticCtxt)

This is not correct, as it prohibits calling unqualified static methods from instance methods - I'll change it to work as before (using isObjectMethod).

#325 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

All #3750-322 problems were exposed by a (now fixed - see 3750a rev 11428) abend with the root cause in ClassDefinition.guessMethod (root cause for #3751-324), where a static method lookup must be done, if an instance method can't be found (and we are in an instance context).

But we still need to properly determine the method call target, when the POLY signature matches multiple targets. In this case, unless we change the conversion to use dynamic invocation and not Java calls, we need to patch the 4GL source code to disambiguate the signature.

But I wonder if we shouldn't emulate a DYNAMIC-INVOKE for method calls with POLY arguments, for which more than one target can be resolved.

#326 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

But we still need to properly determine the method call target, when the POLY signature matches multiple targets. In this case, unless we change the conversion to use dynamic invocation and not Java calls, we need to patch the 4GL source code to disambiguate the signature.

For the current deadline, I'm OK with patches.

But I wonder if we shouldn't emulate a DYNAMIC-INVOKE for method calls with POLY arguments, for which more than one target can be resolved.

Yes, this is probably correct. It is MUCH better than always using dynamic invocation.

#327 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

But we still need to properly determine the method call target, when the POLY signature matches multiple targets. In this case, unless we change the conversion to use dynamic invocation and not Java calls, we need to patch the 4GL source code to disambiguate the signature.

For the current deadline, I'm OK with patches.

I'll add some logging to identify these cases, and depending on the number of cases, I'll decide if is faster to patch or to emit DYNAMIC-INVOKE.

#328 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm close to having the EXTENT changes ready. One problem I found is the fact that the 4GL treats the following as 2 different signatures:

   method public int extent-sig(output num as int, input txt as char extent):
      return 27.

   method public int extent-sig(output num as int, input txt as char extent 5):
      return 28.

Java does not have a fixed size array specification for variable/parm types. One solution is to implement a kind of dispatcher method that calls the right "worker" depending on the runtime state of the array parm. Something like this:

   public int extentSig(integer num, character[] txt)
      // examine txt and call the right worker

   public int extentSigWorker1(integer num, character[] txt)
      // converted code for 1st method (indeterminate extent in this case)

   public int extentSigWorker2(integer num, character[] txt)
      // converted code for 2nd method (fixed extent in this case)

I don't plan to fix this today. Hopefully there is no actual case of this in the current customer code.

#329 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I see that for methods that have extent return types, if the extent is fixed, we are altering the method name to add the array size to the end.

Where do we make this alteration? It must be after we resolve the method name at the call sites so the name is mismatched.

#330 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I see that for methods that have extent return types, if the extent is fixed, we are altering the method name to add the array size to the end.

Where do we make this alteration? It must be after we resolve the method name at the call sites so the name is mismatched.

That's not added to the name. If the definition is like method public static integer extent 5 mx(), then the 5 literal gets emitted. We need to drop this.

#331 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

That makes sense, I've got it.

#332 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11429 provides OO method EXTENT parameter support and minor fixes for OO method EXTENT return types.

It does not resolve the duplicated signature issue in #3751-328, but it otherwise resolves both EXTENT issues from #3751-315.

#333 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Fix unknown value passed as an object reference. oo/Overloads.cls line 268/269 can be used to test this case.

I think this is still an issue. Are you working on it?

Reduce the extra layer of wrapping for unknown value

Your changes cleared up the over-wrapping for other cases, but not for unknown. We can live with it for tonight but if you have a fix that is good.

I'm looking at the property wrapping next.

I think we can leave the fname2jname usage as is for tonight. But we do need to address the MINUS/PLUS/MULTIPLY with 2 integer operands wrapping.

To summarize, these are the things needed for tonight:

  • CA Fix unknown value passed as an object reference. oo/Overloads.cls line 268/269 can be used to test this case.
  • GES Property wrapping.
  • MINUS/PLUS/MULTIPLY with 2 integer operands wrapping.

Is there anything else absolutely needed for tonight?

#334 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is there anything else absolutely needed for tonight?

Yes, see #3750-220

#335 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • CA Fix unknown value passed as an object reference. oo/Overloads.cls line 268/269 can be used to test this case.

You mean lines 309/310 in the current version? These lines:

      method-num = oo-usage(flag, ?).                                          check-result(100, 23,  method-num).
      method-num = oo-usage(?, flag).                                          check-result(101, 24,  method-num).

get converted to:
         methodNum.assign(ooUsage(flag, new object(new object())));
         checkResult(new integer(100), new integer(23), methodNum);
         methodNum.assign(ooUsage(new object(new object()), flag));
         checkResult(new integer(101), new integer(24), methodNum);

Beside the double-wrapping, what else is wrong? The code compiles.

#336 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

But we still need to properly determine the method call target, when the POLY signature matches multiple targets.

3750a rev 11430 adds logging to determine the OO method calls with POLY signatures targeting more than one method.

#337 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

So there is another level of fuzzy matching the arguments. It depends on the direction of the data (sent or received); for example, having at the method definition:
  • INPUT longchar can receive both char and longchar.
  • INPUT char can receive only char
  • OUTPUT longchar can receive only longchar
  • OUTPUT char can receive both char and longchar
  • input-output longchar can receive only longchar
  • input-output char can receive only char.

More, the OO method signature in 4GL is using the parameter mode, too, not just the parameter type.

#338 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

  • CA Fix unknown value passed as an object reference. oo/Overloads.cls line 268/269 can be used to test this case.

You mean lines 309/310 in the current version? These lines:
get converted to:
Beside the double-wrapping, what else is wrong? The code compiles.

I don't get that result. I get this:

         methodNum.assign(ooUsage(flag, new object<? extends oo.ComplexImplements>(new object<? extends oo.ComplexImplements>())));
         checkResult(new integer(100), new integer(23), methodNum);
         methodNum.assign(ooUsage(new object<? extends oo.SimplestInterface>(new object<? extends oo.SimplestInterface>()), flag));
         checkResult(new integer(101), new integer(24), methodNum);

Do you have any changes that aren't checked in?

#339 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

So there is another level of fuzzy matching the arguments. It depends on the direction of the data (sent or received); for example, having at the method definition:
  • INPUT longchar can receive both char and longchar.
  • INPUT char can receive only char
  • OUTPUT longchar can receive only longchar
  • OUTPUT char can receive both char and longchar
  • input-output longchar can receive only longchar
  • input-output char can receive only char.

More, the OO method signature in 4GL is using the parameter mode, too, not just the parameter type.

I can look at this. It is going to take some time for writing testcases. I don't think I can get it done tonight.

#340 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Do you have any changes that aren't checked in?

Hm... something regressed my fix, I'll check it.

#341 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

#3751-338 fix is fixed now in 3750a 11431.

For #3751-337 - we need to change SignatureKey to use a more complex structure for each parameter (to include the param mode at least). I think the rules can be described as:
  • INPUT can receive only the same or a narrower type
  • OUTPUT can receive only the same or a wider type
  • INPUT-OUTPUT can receive only the same type

#342 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Revision 11432:

Wrap property setter parameters when there would be a mis-match.

When multiply, plus and minus have both operands as integer sub-expressions, they will be wrapped in integer so that the correct MathOps worker will be found. This is needed to ensure that the operators return integer in this specific case, which matches the 4GL behavior.

#343 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

GES LE: I believe this table is incorrect based on my testing. The version that is correct can be found in #3751-492.

The widening/narrowing rules are these:

parameter datatype INPUT arg type OUTPUT arg type INPUT-OUTPUT arg type
CHARACTER character character longchar character
COM-HANDLE com-handle com-handle com-handle
DATE date date datetime datetime-tz date
DATETIME date datetime datetime datetime-tz datetime
DATETIME-TZ date datetime datetime-tz datetime-tz datetime-tz
DECIMAL decimal int64 integer decimal decimal
HANDLE handle handle handle
INT64 int64 integer decimal int64 int64
INTEGER integer decimal int64 integer integer
LOGICAL logical logical logical
LONGCHAR character longchar longchar longchar
MEMPTR memptr memptr memptr
RAW raw raw raw
RECID recid recid recid
ROWID rowid rowid rowid
In the OUTPUT case, we will need to emit special wrappers, as our type hierarchy doesn't match the possible types:
  • CharacterVarRef in case of a longchar argument for an output char parameter
  • Int64VarRef in case of a decimal argument for an output int64 parameter
  • IntegerVarRef in case of a decimal or int64 argument for an output integer parameter

#344 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Another case we need to fix is the field reference for OUTPUT and INPUT-OUTPUT - currently we have only HandleFieldRef. We need *FieldRef variants for all BDT sub-classes.

#345 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Another case we need to fix is the field reference for OUTPUT and INPUT-OUTPUT - currently we have only HandleFieldRef. We need *FieldRef variants for all BDT sub-classes.

Actually, this is already handled for function calls, via OutputParameter.wrap - for both field and var references, in OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT modes. Will use this for method calls, too.

#346 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The OUTPUT and INPUT-OUTPUT cases are fixed in 3750a rev 11433 . Tests are in rev 1812 . Please review.

What is left:
  • class event regression.
  • INPUT/OUTPUT/INPUT-OUPTUT for OO argument case.

#347 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The two-phase fuzzy method matching is not complete yet; as I understand:
  • first phase is matching without checking the arg modes - if a single match is found, use that. I'm not sure here if the match must be exact (without narrowing/widening checks) and how POLY interferes.
  • second phase uses the arg modes, on the set of matches from previous step.

#348 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3750a Revision 11433

I'm good with the changes. ParameterKey does need class javadoc, but otherwise it is all good.

#349 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm not sure here if the match must be exact (without narrowing/widening checks) and how POLY interferes.

My previous tests showed that exact matches using type were honored all the way up the class hierarchy before POLY and widening checks were considered ("fuzzy lookup"). POLY was treated as a wildcard match.

second phase uses the arg modes, on the set of matches from previous step.

Is there a 3rd phase here? In other words, if there is a unique type match in the fuzzy lookup will that ignore modes and select that match?

Right now our fuzzy matching is only designed to find the first match. We don't check if there is a list of possible matches.

#350 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Should I look at the signature erasure issue? As you've noted in the testcases, we now have that issue with any signatures that are only differentiated by mode? I've noted this same issue exists for signatures that only differ by the fixed/indeterminate extent spec in #3751-328.

We may be able to get away without this support if the current application doesn't need it. As a solution, we would need to add a scanning step to detect these cases and change the method names for the ones that are conflicting.

For example:

   method public int extent-sig(output num as int, input txt as char extent):
      return 27.

   method public int extent-sig(output num as int, input txt as char extent 5):
      return 28.

   method public int extent-sig(output num as int, input txt as char extent 3):
      return 29.

Instead of using the dispatcher approach of #3751-328, we could just change the names:

   public int extentSig(integer num, character[] txt)
      // indeterminate case

   public int extentSig5(integer num, character[] txt)
      // fixed extent 5

   public int extentSig3(integer num, character[] txt)
      // fixed extent 3

We "lose" overloading, but I don't think there is any loss of functionality. The only loss is of "intention" that the methods have the same purpose.

Do you think this needs to be handled today?

#351 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Other than the overloading signature erasure issue, is there anything else that needs attention today which you are not already working on?

#352 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

We "lose" overloading, but I don't think there is any loss of functionality. The only loss is of "intention" that the methods have the same purpose.

Do you think this needs to be handled today?

I don't think so - there were no 'fuzzy failures' reported in the parsing phase related to this.

I want to stabilize the current fuzzy check (which includes the argument mode), and do a test parse - if no failures are reported, I'll start a full run. I'll have an answer in ~30 minutes or so.

Other than the overloading signature erasure issue, is there anything else that needs attention today which you are not already working on?

There are other issues related to class arguments, when the type is not matching exactly (i.e. a sub-class or super-class is used); I have tests for this, but I haven't tried to fix them - hopefully we will not need them now.

#353 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

second phase uses the arg modes, on the set of matches from previous step.

Is there a 3rd phase here? In other words, if there is a unique type match in the fuzzy lookup will that ignore modes and select that match?

Yes, I think so, but I don't have full tests for this. Can you please explore this more in depth? My current changes are in 3750a rev 11434 and tests are in rev 1813. What I think is missing is the parent lookup:
  • in ClassDefinition.exactMethodLookup - this will never match a parent method if the caller doesn't have all argument modes. We may need to look here without the arguments (the SignatureKey.hashCode includes the parameter modes, too).
  • the same in fuzzyMethodLookup - when there are multiple or there is a fuzzy match, I'm not sure if a parent definition has precedence over a local one.

The POC parse phase has no warnings related to fuzzy lookup or OO method call annotation failure. I'm leaving the full run.

On a side note, 3750a fixes also this:
  • annotation for a 64-bit numeric literal at the parsing phase (otherwise its type is computed incorrect).
  • ETIME is a int64 function, not integer.

#354 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, any idea what has changed, that now the builtin method names are all converted as lowercase?

def var o as Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject.
def var ch as char.
def var i as int.

i = o:GetInteger(ch).

Registering com.goldencode.p2j.oo.json.objectmodel.JsonObject builtin class from file ../../../skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/ObjectModel/JsonObject.cls
- adding method [getdatetimetz] with [getdatetimetz] javaname
- adding method [addnumber] with [addnumber] javaname
- adding method [getrecid] with [getrecid] javaname
- adding method [getrowid] with [getrowid] javaname
- adding method [gettype] with [gettype] javaname
- adding method [isnull] with [isnull] javaname
- adding method [getdate] with [getdate] javaname
- adding method [getlongchar] with [getlongchar] javaname
- adding method [gethandle] with [gethandle] javaname
- adding method [getint64] with [getint64] javaname
- adding method [getcomhandle] with [getcomhandle] javaname
- adding method [remove] with [remove] javaname
- adding method [getlogical] with [getlogical] javaname
- adding method [getjsonarray] with [getjsonarray] javaname
- adding method [writestream] with [writestream] javaname
- adding method [getraw] with [getraw] javaname
- adding method [getjsonobject] with [getjsonobject] javaname
- adding method [has] with [has] javaname
- adding method [write] with [write] javaname
- adding method [add] with [add] javaname
- adding method [getinteger] with [getinteger] javaname
- adding method [read] with [read] javaname
- adding method [set] with [set] javaname
- adding method [getcharacter] with [getcharacter] javaname
- adding method [setnumber] with [setnumber] javaname
- adding method [getnames] with [getnames] javaname
- adding method [writefile] with [writefile] javaname
- adding method [setnull] with [setnull] javaname
- adding method [clone] with [clone] javaname
- adding method [getdatetime] with [getdatetime] javaname
- adding method [getdecimal] with [getdecimal] javaname
- adding method [getmemptr] with [getmemptr] javaname
- adding method [getjsontext] with [getjsontext] javaname
- adding method [addnull] with [addnull] javaname

which is incorrect... previously with 11424 they were converting like getString (i.e. uppercased words).

#355 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, any idea what has changed, that now the builtin method names are all converted as lowercase?

which is incorrect... previously with 11424 they were converting like getString (i.e. uppercased words).

I think I found it, ClassDefinition.getDefinedMethods must return the names as defined, and not the map's keys.

#356 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm updating the gap analysis rules for the new OO features. I'm also trying to plan out the remaining OO work. Some questions:

1. Can I consider "data members including instantiation, scoping and life cycle" to be complete?

2. Can I consider "dereferencing objects including both method calls, data member access and chaining
data members including variables, temp-tables and prodatasets" to be complete (of course the prodataset support must wait until later)?

3. What runtime work (or even conversion work) is related to the following?

  • TYPE-OF()
  • instantiation of objects via the NEW() function, NEW statement, DYNAMIC-NEW or Progress.Lang.Object:New()
  • THIS-OBJECT (language statement and as a reference to the current class instance)
  • SUPER (language statement)
  • DEFINE EVENT and CLASS event support
  • ON event THROW
  • ROUTINE-LEVEL and BLOCK-LEVEL statements
  • block option STOP-AFTER

4. I'm guessing that in order to duplicate the flow of control for CATCH, we might need to move the catch blocks to a lambda/delegated model in the runtime. Your thoughts?

#357 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I think the built-in 4GL error classes need to inherit from RuntimeException. This will potentially cause an issue with the inheritance model since BaseObject won't be in the hierarchy. I can't think of an alternative, since these classes must be throwable.

#358 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

4. I'm guessing that in order to duplicate the flow of control for CATCH, we might need to move the catch blocks to a lambda/delegated model in the runtime. Your thoughts?
I think the built-in 4GL error classes need to inherit from RuntimeException. This will potentially cause an issue with the inheritance model since BaseObject won't be in the hierarchy. I can't think of an alternative, since these classes must be throwable.

This is not an issue, as the current approach is not using the Java's catch block alternative. The converted code uses BM.catchError(Class type, Consumer catchBlock) (where type is the error class being caught and the block is a lambda withe the block's body), added into the Block.init, to register the caught exceptions (in order as they appear).

Our runtime will then use our existing ConditionException approach (via a sub-class) to throw this condition, and after that check into the registered exceptions which one can be used.

Why I used this: 4GL doesn't error on compile if multiple catch blocks reference the same error type, but only a warning. I assume they drop the blocks which are hidden by a previous one.

This approach doesn't have the RuntimeException issue and to me it seems the safest way, as we can hide in the runtime any other peculiarities we can find, with no or minimal impact into the converted code.

#359 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

1. Can I consider "data members including instantiation, scoping and life cycle" to be complete?

I think so, but this is linked with the more global resource management at the object instance level. There might be some peculiarities related to object instantiation failures, when not the entire hierarchy has a chance to initialize.

2. Can I consider "dereferencing objects including both method calls, data member access and chaining
data members including variables, temp-tables and prodatasets" to be complete (of course the prodataset support must wait until later)?

Yes, this looks pretty straightforward; but note that this isn't tested yet.

3. What runtime work (or even conversion work) is related to the following?
  • TYPE-OF()
  • instantiation of objects via the NEW() function, NEW statement, DYNAMIC-NEW or Progress.Lang.Object:New()

These are pretty simple, require only runtime, and will be done with the first phase of the runtime, the object instantiation work (I think we'll have it early next week). I'm trying to include the object reference counting (and destructor call), too.

  • THIS-OBJECT (language statement and as a reference to the current class instance)
  • SUPER (language statement)

Only runtime, I don't see any conversion work needed at this time. I'll include these in the second runtime iteration work. I think ~2 days of work.

  • DEFINE EVENT and CLASS event support
  • ON event THROW
  • ROUTINE-LEVEL and BLOCK-LEVEL statements
  • block option STOP-AFTER

Same, only runtime. Another 2 days of work.

#360 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Open Items

This is in priority order.

  • CA WIP Implement runtime for:
    • Instantiation of objects via the NEW() function, NEW statement, DYNAMIC-NEW as well as the runtime invocation of constructors/destructors.
    • CAST() and DYNAMIC-CAST()
    • TYPE-OF()
    • DYNAMIC-INVOKE() conversion
    • name_map.xml will need to be changed to add the fully qualified OO name to the class-mapping node as an ooname attribute. This will allow SourceNameMapper to calculate proper targets for dynamic cast, dynamic instantiation and dynamic invocation.
    • DELETE
    • THIS-OBJECT (language statement and as a reference to the current class instance)
    • SUPER (language statement)
    • DYNAMIC-INVOKE() runtime
    • Instantiation of objects via Progress.Lang.Object:New()
    • static constructor invocation
    • dynamic method invocation
    • separate APIs for method invocation - when used in expression use ObjectOps.invoke (and check return type other than void), when used single, use ObjectOps.invokeStandalone and don't check return type
    • more indepth checks of non-dynamic method invocation, SUPER, THIS-OBJECT
    • DEFINE EVENT and CLASS event support (the only tricky part seems like matching the INPUT-OUTPUT and OUTPUT parameter behavior).
    • ON event THROW
    • ROUTINE-LEVEL and BLOCK-LEVEL statements
    • block option STOP-AFTER
  • Write the backing implementation for the built-in classes which are needed for the current project (see #3750-238).
  • Static data needs to be implemented as context local and access must properly de-reference.
  • GES WIP Methods
    • Implement an implicit DYNAMIC-INVOKE for method calls with POLY arguments, for which more than one target can be resolved. See #3751-322.
    • Runtime dynamic extent validation when used as parameters.
    • Parameter mode enhancements still needed for overload matching. See #3751-346.
    • Disambiguate Java method names when overloaded method signatures only differ by fixed/indeterminate array differences, parameter mode differences.
    • TT parameter usage for two different tables is treated as a different signature in 4GL but not FWD. See #3751-318.
  • Properties
    • The property getter/setter direct private member access is not right yet. Read should only occur in GET and write only in SET.
    • Properties defined in an interface or an abstract property (in an abstract class) don't convert properly.
    • Check that a getter with no return does return unknown in FWD.
    • Confirm that it is possible to override access modes for abstract props in the 4GL. Can you change the access mode, initial value and so forth? Determine a plan for this case.
    • Handle arbitrary chaining of property references in oo_references.rules.
    • Extent properties can be accessed as a whole array reference instead of always as an indexed getter/setter. Test this support and implement an additional getter (and maybe setter) as needed.
  • Static Temp-Tables
    • FWD doesn't properly emit static temp tables (and maybe access modifiers).
    • Usage of this tt from multiple static methods doesn't have the proper scopes.
  • Other things to check:
    • Do methods act like internal procedures when there is no return value and act like user-defined functions when there is a return value?
    • How do properties and data members work when used in frames and PUT statements? Is there any difference in external class versus internal class usage?
    • Error handling control flow.
    • Does throwing an error modify ERROR-STATUS?
    • The 4GL docs state that protected members can be accessed by anything "at the same level (or higher) in the class hierarchy". This is hopefully just poor phrasing, but we need to check if 2 sibling classes (different classes with the same parent class) can access protected members in the other sibling.
    • Does FWD properly handle triggers as members of a class?
  • Emit unqualified class names when possible.
  • Change the "access" annotation to "access-mode" to be consistent with other usage.
    • ClassDefinition.addMethod() and ClassDefinition.annotateMethodCall() are where we set the annotations.
    • TRPL usage locations need to be switched.
  • CLASS statement support for USE-WIDGET-POOL and SERIALIZABLE
  • Rework usage of ConvertedClassName and fname2jname to use a refid approach instead.
    • This is needed to support incremental conversion of code with OO references.
    • The approach requires that at parse time, the references are resolved and tempidx and tempidx-file annotations left behind.
    • During post-parse-fixups, the refids must be computed and stored.
    • Downstream code that looks up javanames from ConvertedClassName and fname2jname must be switched to a refid approach.
    • One dependency that is tricky to break is the usage for methods/vars/properties in built-in classes. Does it make sense to create ASTs for the built-ins so that the same approach can be used everywhere?
  • Eliminate the double wrapping of unknown value.
  • ENUMs and bitwise AND, OR, NOT
  • prodatasets data members including chaining and proper scoping (this is dependent upon #3809)

#361 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, there are errors like this:

    [javac] ...1046: error: no suitable method found for add(character,BaseDataType)
    [javac]                               json.ref().add(hField.unwrap().name(), hField.unwrapBufferField().value());
    [javac]                                         ^
    [javac]     method JsonObject.add(character,character) is not applicable

As we don't parse the JsonObject builtin class, I think we need to add the POLY method variants in the Java impl for this.

Is this an issue because we don't have ASTs to use for overloaded method matching?

If we knew the method picked, we could wrap things like we do for user-defined methods. Of course, we still could have the issue where the exact method is picked at runtime because multiple matches exist. In that case we would need the DYNAMIC-INVOKE approach.

#362 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Is this an issue because we don't have ASTs to use for overloaded method matching?

This is a case where we need to emit a dynamic-invoke emulation instead of the direct call, as the caller's signature can't match uniquely against the defined methods, at conversion time. But this is no longer an issue for the POC, as it was solved via patches.

#363 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

The following is a running list to keep track of the differences between Java and the OO 4GL support.

Missing in OO 4GL

  • inner classes (named and anonymous)
  • generics
  • lambdas
  • null
  • can't de-reference a static member from an object instance
  • data that is final
  • classes, interfaces and enums are always public (there are no protected, private or access modifiers that can be specified on the definitions)
  • no package private concept
  • no literal form for a class reference (e.g. no String.class), you must use GET-CLASS(unquoted_type_name) function or call Progress.Lang.Class:GetClass("char_expr_fully_qualified_classname") or call GetClass() on an instance)

OO 4GL Features That Deviate From Java

  • duck typing (see #3751-8)
  • property syntax (instead of getter/setter method calls)
  • properties and class events can be abstract data (implicit when included in an interface or explicit when in a class and the abstract keyword is used
  • method overloading can be differentiated based on:
    • fixed extent sizes and/or indeterminate extent
    • parameter modes
    • implicit widening conversions
  • runtime method signature resolution (#3751-325)
  • default (and only) access for classes, interfaces and enums is public
  • there is a difference between using the Object.equals() method and the equality operator (e.g. two instances of the same string will return true when equals method is used but when comparing them using eq those are actually false)

We will edit this over time as we have additional findings.

#364 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

Is this an issue because we don't have ASTs to use for overloaded method matching?

This is a case where we need to emit a dynamic-invoke emulation instead of the direct call, as the caller's signature can't match uniquely against the defined methods, at conversion time. But this is no longer an issue for the POC, as it was solved via patches.

Looking ahead, shouldn't we analyze the method defs in built-in classes too and match signatures? Otherwise we would need to use DYNAMIC-INVOKE more aggressively than might be needed. Likewise, if any of the built-in classes have instances of methods that conflict in Java (differentiated only by parameter modes or extent sizes) we might have the same issue as for the user-defined cases.

#365 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, User is a builtin variable in 4GL (and reserved kw), UNLESS is used as a class member - can you recall me where we handle this?

#366 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, User is a builtin variable in 4GL (and reserved kw), UNLESS is used as a class member - can you recall me where we handle this?

I assume you are thinking about the unqualified reference inside the class hierarchy.

If I understand your question correctly, we handle these unqualified references using semantic predicates in primary_expr, before the object_data_member rule. If this is matched, then the member is selected instead of the reserved variable.

The qualified case is handled from chained_object_members and it is unambiguous since the reserved vars can't be matched after the COLON.

#367 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I assume you are thinking about the unqualified reference inside the class hierarchy.

No, I'm thinking about a var definition like def var user as char. - this works only if this is defined as a class member; same applies for a property definition (which actually exposed this issue, as we are finding the builtin var instead of the class property).

If I understand your question correctly, we handle these unqualified references using semantic predicates in primary_expr, before the object_data_member rule. If this is matched, then the member is selected instead of the reserved variable.

I think I'm remembering this case; the above var/property definition looks like something new.

#368 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

def_var_stmt doesn't support this today. It matches using symbol which does not allow reserved keywords. If we should handle this differently in a class, we will have to put an alternative there.

def_prop_stmt does support this. It matches using any_symbol_at_all which DOES allow reserved keywords.

#369 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

All 4GL global var names can be used as class variables, properties and method names.

Only these global names can be used as class event names:

define public event generate-pbe-salt signature void ().
define public event generate-random-key signature void ().
define public event generate-uuid signature void ().
define public event guid signature void ().
define public event mtime signature void ().
define public event page-size signature void ().
define public event process-architecture signature void ().
define public event rt-opsys signature void ().
define public event timezone signature void ().

This is the same list as the list of global names which can be used as standalone var names:

def var generate-pbe-salt as char.
def var generate-random-key as char.
def var generate-uuid as char.
def var guid as char.
def var mtime as char.
def var page-size as char.
def var process-architecture as char.
def var rt-opsys as char.
def var timezone as char.

#370 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

def_var_stmt doesn't support this today. It matches using symbol which does not allow reserved keywords. If we should handle this differently in a class, we will have to put an alternative there.

I don't think we have this case currently (as we would have failed parsing previously), so I'm not fixing this now.

def_prop_stmt does support this. It matches using any_symbol_at_all which DOES allow reserved keywords.

Yes, but even if the match is allowed, the lookup done by SymbolResolver.addLocalVariable will find the global/builtin var and will not add it in the proper scope. This needs to be fixed, I'm working on it now.

#371 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, let me rephrase this: shouldn't pre_scan_class delete the class/iface scope after the rule has processed the class members?

#372 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

shouldn't pre_scan_class delete the class/iface scope after the rule has processed the class members?

      { sym.addScope(); }
      (class_stmt | interface_stmt)
      { sym.deleteScope(); }

Are you asking if the deleteScope() in this code should be moved to the exit action? I think the answer is yes.

#373 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Are you asking if the deleteScope() in this code should be moved to the exit action? I think the answer is yes.


Please review 3750a rev 11444 - it includes a batch of regression fixes. Note that I've limited the 'integer' param wrapping only for object invocation or TO loops; the previous way was wrapping everything, including literals... and there was lots of noise in MAJIC and other apps.

#374 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review 3750a Revision 11444

I'm good with the changes.

#375 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3867: direct java class access from 4GL code added

#376 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin: What is the status of your current work?

#377 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: What is the status of your current work?

I'm still working on the instantiation and reference counting. Parts of second phase are also WIP.

#378 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm starting to work on the open issues related to methods (see #3751-360). Considering the interconnected nature of our work, please try to check in whenever it is safe so that our work does not diverge or conflict too much.

#379 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I'm starting to work on the open issues related to methods (see #3751-360).

I think we should fix the conversion problem for static members first...

#380 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm starting to work on the open issues related to methods (see #3751-360).

I think we should fix the conversion problem for static members first...

OK, I'll take that first.

#381 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

FYI, the reference counting in the end depends on the variable scopes - a var going out of scope will decrement the counter, and if zero will destroy the object. I don't have rules for the temp-table fields yet.

#382 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

It seems that our parsing of class event subscribe() and unsubscribe() does not work for the "simple" case of passing only a method name:

   def public static event evt-def void ().

   method public void test():
      evt-def:subscribe( handler ).  // this fails to find "handler", if qualified with "this-object:" then it will work

   method public void handler():

The qualified form using this-object: will parse but it does not convert properly.

Is this a known issue?

#383 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

BTW, this seems to be related to the use of static for the define event. If not defined static then the unqualified form works.

#384 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

BTW, this seems to be related to the use of static for the define event. If not defined static then the unqualified form works.

This is something I missed - the method reference (by name) doesn't work if the event is static and the handler method is instance. FWD works only if both (event and handler method) are static or both are instance.

#385 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

3750b rev 11302 has the fix for the static issue with events. It also fixes other latent problems with static processing in constructors and property getters/setters.

Revision 11301 fixes direct property access in property getters/setters. It is a pre-requisite for the move to context local.

Revision 11300 makes access-mode the annotation instead of access for method definitions.

I'm continuing to work on the context local changes.

#386 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I have noticed that when we create a default constructor, it is placed in a strange location in the AST:

    <ast col="0" id="897648164866" line="0" text="class definition" type="CLASS_DEF">
      <ast col="0" id="897648164978" line="0" text="constructor" type="CONSTRUCTOR">
        <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="peerid" value="901943132202"/>
        <ast col="0" id="897648164979" line="0" text="constructor" type="KW_CONSTRUC">
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="javaname" value="__oo_StaticData_constructor__"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="classname" value="void"/>
          <ast col="0" id="897648164980" line="0" text="public" type="KW_PUBLIC"/>
          <ast col="0" id="897648164981" line="0" text="(" type="LPARENS">
            <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="peerid" value="901943132203"/>
        <ast col="0" id="897648164982" line="0" text="block" type="BLOCK">
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="recordscoping" value="true"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="loop" value="false"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="loopnext" value="false"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Boolean" key="toplevel" value="true"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="translevel" value="135"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="reasons" value="0"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="peerid" value="901943132224"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="preid" value="901943132212"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="controlid" value="901943132216"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="enterid" value="901943132220"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="finiid" value="901943132228"/>
          <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="instvarid" value="901943132205"/>
          <ast col="0" id="897648164983" line="0" text="statement" type="STATEMENT">
            <ast col="0" id="897648164984" line="0" text="super" type="KW_SUPER">
              <annotation datatype="java.lang.String" key="javaname" value="__lang_BaseObject_constructor__"/>
              <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="peerid" value="901943132230"/>
              <ast col="0" id="897648164985" line="0" text="(" type="LPARENS"/>
      <ast col="1" id="897648164867" line="3" text="class" type="KW_CLASS">
        <annotation datatype="java.lang.Long" key="support_level" value="514"/>
        <ast col="7" id="897648164870" line="3" text="oo.StaticData" type="SYMBOL"/>
      <ast col="0" id="897648164873" line="0" text="block" type="BLOCK">

This seems wrong because it breaks the "contract" of having this code inside the CLASS_DEF/BLOCK node. Subsequent walks of the tree would expect the KW_CLASS to be the first child which is no longer the case.

#387 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I have noticed that when we create a default constructor, it is placed in a strange location in the AST:

See this code in annotations/method_defs.rules:

      <rule>this.type == prog.class_def and not hasDefCtor
         <!-- create an implicit ctor, with a super call -->
            tpl.graftAt("implicit_legacy_ctor_with_super", null, copy, 0, 
                        "javaname", cname,
                        "superjavaname", sqname)

I think is safe to put it in the right place (i.e. this.type prog.block and parent.type prog.class_def instead of this.type == prog.class_def).

#388 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In 3750b revision 11305, static variables, properties and events have their backing variable converted as a ContextLocal instance and all usage is dereferenced using get().

I will test this with the POC code next to confirm it is complete and correct. My local testcases worked well (see uast/oo/StaticData.cls and uast/oo/PropertyHolder.cls).

#389 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, how does a simple static member reference get converted?

I ask because something as simple as oo.Bar:e. will trigger the static c'tor execution for the entire class hierarchy.

#390 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric, is there an easy way to track a DMO property setter (when is being invoked, knowing also the old value) and when a record gets deleted? I need this for:
  1. update the reference count for the old value (decrement) and new value (increment)
  2. decrement the reference count when the record gets deleted

#391 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu, please focus on making this test work:

def temp-table tt1 field fobj as progress.lang.object.

create tt1.

The idea here is that the FWD server is not starting up, as we are missing the hibernate mappings, plus some issues in the HBM file.

#392 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago


class oo.StaticData:

   def public static var num as int.

   def public static event evt-def void ().

   method public void test():
      if num eq 0 then num = 29.

      evt-def:subscribe( /* this-object: */ handler ).

   method public void handler():


this converts to:

package com.goldencode.testcases.oo;

import com.goldencode.p2j.util.*;
import com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang.*;

import static com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.*;
import static com.goldencode.p2j.util.CompareOps.*;

 * Business logic (converted to Java from the 4GL source code
 * in oo/StaticData.cls).
public class StaticData
extends BaseObject
   public static ContextLocal<integer> num = new ContextLocal<integer>()
      protected integer initialValue()
         return UndoableFactory.integer();

   private static ContextLocal<ClassEvent> evtDef = new ContextLocal<ClassEvent>()
      protected ClassEvent initialValue()
         return new ClassEvent();

   public void __oo_StaticData_execute__()
      externalProcedure(StaticData.this, new Block((Body) () -> 

   public void __oo_StaticData_constructor__()
      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 

   private static void publish_evtDef()

   public static void subscribe_evtDef(handle h, character procName)
      evtDef.get().subscribe(h, procName);

   public static void subscribe_evtDef(object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang._BaseObject_> ref, character methName)
      evtDef.get().subscribe(ref, methName);

   public static void unsubscribe_evtDef(handle h, character procName)
      evtDef.get().unsubscribe(h, procName);

   public static void unsubscribe_evtDef(object<? extends com.goldencode.p2j.oo.lang._BaseObject_> ref, character methName)
      evtDef.get().unsubscribe(ref, methName);

   public void test()
      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 
         if (_isEqual(num.get(), 0))

          /* this-object: */ subscribe_evtDef(ObjectOps.thisObject(), new character("handler"));

   public void handler()
      internalProcedure(new Block());


   define static property num as int
         return num.
      set (input new-num as int):
         num = new-num.

   define static property singleton as oo.BasicMethods
         if singleton eq ? then singleton = new oo.BasicMethods().

         return singleton.
      private set.      


   method public void test():


converts to:

   private static ContextLocal<integer> num = new ContextLocal<integer>()
      protected integer initialValue()
         return UndoableFactory.integer();

   private static ContextLocal<object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods>> singleton = new ContextLocal<object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods>>()
      protected object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods> initialValue()
         return UndoableFactory.object(com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods.class);


   public static integer getNum()
      return function("num", integer.class, new Block((Body) () -> 

   public static void setNum(final integer _newNum)
      integer newNum = TypeFactory.initInput(_newNum);

      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 

   public static object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods> getSingleton()
      return function("singleton", object.class, new Block((Body) () -> 
         if (_isUnknown(singleton.get()))
            setSingleton(new object(ObjectOps.newInstance(com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods.class)));


   private static void setSingleton(final object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods> _var)
      object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods> var = TypeFactory.initInput(_var);

      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 


   public void test()
      internalProcedure(new Block((Body) () -> 
         ((com.goldencode.testcases.oo.BasicMethods) getSingleton().ref()).empty();

#393 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, I mean a simple static reference, outside of a 4GL object class, like:

class oo.Bar:
def public static var xs as int.

and from some program:
oo.Bar:xs = 10.

which gets converted to:
com.goldencode.testcases.oo.Bar.xs.assign(new integer(10));

Issues here:
  1. the get() call is missing, to retrieve the context-local
  2. I need a way to intercept in FWD that this is a class reference and force it to load the static constructor. Maybe we should emit something like oo.Bar.__load__().xs.get()?

This would mean a new synthetic static method added to every class, defined as:

public static oo.Bar __load__()
   return null; // this works, as we are accessing static methods, and not instance methods

This method will be emitted as a prefix for any static call (method, property, var, etc), executed outside of the defining class.

#394 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

This method will be emitted as a prefix for any static call (method, property, var, etc), executed outside of the defining class.

If we go with this approach, then we can further limit this by emitting it only when a static c'tor exists in current class or any super-class.

#395 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

the get() call is missing, to retrieve the context-local

Fixed in revision 11306. This is only an issue with vars. Events and properties can only be accessed via methods (which handle the dereferencing internally) so there are is no need for the get() in those cases.

I need a way to intercept in FWD that this is a class reference and force it to load the static constructor. Maybe we should emit something like oo.Bar.__load__().xs.get()?

Why not just emit a real Java static initializer? Then call loadClass() from inside.

#396 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I need a way to intercept in FWD that this is a class reference and force it to load the static constructor. Maybe we should emit something like oo.Bar.__load__().xs.get()?

Why not just emit a real Java static initializer? Then call loadClass() from inside.

Two reasons:
  • we need to control exactly when this is called.
  • the static constructor in 4GL (as the static vars) is not really static, but an initializer which needs to be called for every context, when the class if first loaded in that context. So we can't use the Java static initializer approach.

#397 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The static c'tor needs to emulate an external procedure and all static member initialization (like opening temp-table or buffer scopes) needs to be done in this static c'tor and not the program's execute method.

Why: the static state needs to be alive for the duration of the context, and destroyed when the context is terminated. This can be emulated with a persistent instance of this program (as we do with creating a 4GL object). I think this requires moving the instance member assignment to the execute method, and not at the definition. Otherwise creating a persistence instance (for the static state) will pick up all the instance members, too.

#398 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu, please focus on making this test work:
The idea here is that the FWD server is not starting up, as we are missing the hibernate mappings, plus some issues in the HBM file.

I added the minimum necessary hibernate mappings so that the server that runs your testcase starts for me. Please see the revision 11308/3750b. The implementation is not complete, the persistence of the objects is not fully functional. To finish it, we need first a better implementation of the object and the reference counter. I suppose that the implementation of persistence will be based on a UUID (a long/int63 should also be enough I think) of the object that will be stored instead. When the object is restored from database, the UUID will be looked-up from a registry. I do not know yet how this behaves w.r.t. garbage collector/ reference counter of ABL language.

#399 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I added the minimum necessary hibernate mappings so that the server that runs your testcase starts for me.

There is something wrong - try running the program, I get this:

Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2000
        at org.hibernate.dialect.TypeNames.get(
        at org.hibernate.dialect.TypeNames.get(
        at org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect.getTypeName(
        at org.hibernate.mapping.Column.getSqlType(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.generateComputedColumnsSQLCreate(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.generateSQLCreateTable(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.generateSQLCreateTableList(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.<init>(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.LocalTempTableHelper.<init>(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.get(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TempTableHelper.sqlTempTableCreate(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TemporaryBuffer$Context.doCreateTable(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TemporaryBuffer$Context.createTable(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.TemporaryBuffer.openScope(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.persist.RecordBuffer.openScope(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.Instantiate.lambda$1(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.Block.body(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.processBody(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.topLevelBlock(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.externalProcedure(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.BlockManager.externalProcedure(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.Instantiate.execute(

I don't think we can use the JAVA_OBJECT type. If we are storing an UUID, we can use VARCHAR and/or another SQL type, right?

I suppose that the implementation of persistence will be based on a UUID (a long/int63 should also be enough I think) of the object that will be stored instead. When the object is restored from database, the UUID will be looked-up from a registry. I do not know yet how this behaves w.r.t. garbage collector/ reference counter of ABL language.

I'll fix this.

#400 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

I don't think we can use the JAVA_OBJECT type. If we are storing an UUID, we can use VARCHAR and/or another SQL type, right?

I switched to old plain VARCHAR as backing support for storing objects. Please see the revision 11309. It also contains a bit of debug traces that will be removed when things start to work. At any rate, my test client connected to server and successfully executed some simple db operations.

#401 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

I don't think we can use the JAVA_OBJECT type. If we are storing an UUID, we can use VARCHAR and/or another SQL type, right?

I switched to old plain VARCHAR as backing support for storing objects. Please see the revision 11309. It also contains a bit of debug traces that will be removed when things start to work. At any rate, my test client connected to server and successfully executed some simple db operations.

Great, I'll let you know when you can help me with #3751-390.

#402 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I've confirmed that the customer code works properly with my recent context-local static data changes. I have been avoiding the runtime classes since many of them are related to the instantiation work. I'm picking up the methods work next.

#403 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Maybe we should emit something like oo.Bar.__load__().xs.get()?

Instead of emitting this everywhere something static is referenced, it would be better to put this inside the ContextLocal.initialValue() method. This is guaranteed to be called when get() is used, so any static data usage from outside the class will hook the __load__() method.

A similar approach could be added to any static method (including the ones that are emitted for properties and events).

Implementing this in the class is much less error prone to later changes. For example, when people manually edit or write code to interact with the converted code, it would be very likely that people will forget to add the __load__() usage.

#404 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Maybe we should emit something like oo.Bar.__load__().xs.get()?

Instead of emitting this everywhere something static is referenced, it would be better to put this inside the ContextLocal.initialValue() method.
A similar approach could be added to any static method (including the ones that are emitted for properties and events).

You are right, we can hook these there. I'll work on it.

#405 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

For dynamic method invocation, there is a ERROR condition raised if the method returns void and that method is used in an expression. Don't know how to handle this yet - maybe a special return value?

#406 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

We can have 2 versions of DYNAMIC-INVOKE. One that is for a standalone expression and one that is known to be used as a su-expression or rvalue. In this second form we can throw an ErrorConditionException if the result is void.

#407 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750b rev 11311 contains support for:
  • DYNAMIC-INVOKE parse and conversion (don't know how I missed this originally)
  • THIS-OBJECT (the THIS-PROCEDURE counterpart)
  • object shared variables
  • object arrays (dynamic or static extent)
  • reference counting, instance constructor and destructor invocation
  • fixed the ObjectUserType to be able to use temp-table object fields at runtime
  • object variables are instantiated as ObjectVar (by the TypeFactory or ArrayAssigner) - this is required to enable the reference counting ONLY for the defined vars. Also, they are registered at the defining top-level block via ObjectOps.register, so that when they get out of scope, their referenced object can update the counter.
  • when instantiating a legacy object, we still emulate them as a persistent procedure. This is needed to track the created resources and other stuff. For this (and for the chaining reason), we have a ObjectResource synthetic resource, which registers the objects via HandleChain and tracks them naturally.

Still needs testing and not fully complete (there are still some TODOs left).

Missing parts:
  • Progress.Lang.Class:New() - this requires implementation of Progress.Lang.ParameterList and Progress.Lang.Class, otherwise it will not work.
  • static constructors
    - emit class loading call at the beginning of static methods (before the BlockManager API call) and in the static member initialValue()
    - properly track class loading
    - not sure if they must be static or not. We need to keep static resource info in a persistent program, but I'm looking for a way to emulate this without creating a persistent instance for the object (as this complicates things, as instance-level resources will be created). So making the static c'tor really static might work combined with a 'fake' persistence object (just a java.lang.Object instance to track it as a persistent program).
  • dynamic method invocation
  • separate APIs for method invocation - when used in expression use ObjectOps.invoke (and check return type other than void), when used single, use ObjectOps.invokeStandalone and don't check return type.
  • runtime for dynamic-invoke
  • more indepth checks of non-dynamic method invocation, SUPER, THIS-OBJECT
  • validation for access mode, in dynamic invoke and constructor call

Ovidiu, you can now look into the object reference tracking for the temp-table fields (what I mentioned in #3751-390). See ObjectOps.increment and ObjectOps.decrement. If you have doubts about something or other questions, please ask.

#408 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3750b Revision 11311

1. In ArrayAssigner, why is ObjectOps.reRegister(array, copy); being called unconditionally instead of only when isObject == true?

2. I think your explanation of ObjectVar from above ("Object variables are instantiated as ObjectVar (by the TypeFactory or ArrayAssigner) - this is required to enable the reference counting ONLY for the defined vars. Also, they are registered at the defining top-level block via ObjectOps.register, so that when they get out of scope, their referenced object can update the counter.") should be put into the class javadoc for ObjectVar. Just reading the source code does not explain this enough. In particular, the idea that transient object instances should not be reference counted is important.

3. SessionUtils.lastObject() actually returns the firstResource().

4. ObjectOps.register(), ObjectOps.newInstance(), ObjectOps.isValid(), ObjectOps.asResource(), ObjectOps.loadClass(), ObjectOps.delete(), ObjectOps.reRegister(), ObjectOps.getConstructorMethod(), ObjectOps.getExecuteMethod(), ObjectOps.getExecuteMethods() need javadoc.

5. AppError, BaseObject, LegacyClass, LegacyError, ParameterList, ProError, ObjectOps, object each need a history entry.

#409 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin: The changes are very good. I'm excited to see this coming together.

#410 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg, have you checked properties defined in an interface or an abstract property (in an abstract class)? These don't convert properly at all.

#411 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750b rev 11312 contains another batch of mostly conversion changes.

I've fixed review notes 1 to 3; 4 and 5 (comments and history entries) I usually add them when I'm close to complete that file.

#412 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago


In ObjectResource.delete(), a new ExternalProgramWrapper is used for some cleanup. I do not think this is correct. It will fail with:

        at java.util.ArrayDeque.removeFirst(
        at java.util.ArrayDeque.pop(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ProcedureManager.delete(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ExternalProgramWrapper.delete(

#413 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:


In ObjectResource.delete(), a new ExternalProgramWrapper is used for some cleanup. I do not think this is correct. It will fail with:

What test got you this exception?

#414 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

DEFINE VARIABLE anOnj AS CLASS Progress.Lang.Object. 
anOnj = NEW Progress.Lang.Object().
anOnj = ?.

The generated code is:

The stack trace is like this:

Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
        at java.util.ArrayDeque.removeFirst(
        at java.util.ArrayDeque.pop(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ProcedureManager.delete(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ExternalProgramWrapper.delete(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectResource.delete(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectOps.delete(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectResource.decrement(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectOps.decrement(
        at com.goldencode.p2j.util.ObjectVar.setUnknown(
        at com.goldencode.testcases.p3751.P3751m.lambda$execute$0(

#415 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Please don't use the builtin 4GL classes in FWD - these are not implemented yet.

Use an explicitly defined class, i.e.:
  • make a oo/Bar.cls file
  • the content can be:
    class oo.Bar:

#416 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In ClassDefinition.fuzzyMethodLookup() code starting at line 1548:

  • Shouldn't the code at line 1563 be checking for a match to the table's schema name? In other words: does the 4GL really treat two different temp-tables as a fuzzy match even though it cannot ever work?
  • I also don't understand how the code on line 1563 would ever be true since the exact type match would already pass on line 1541.
  • In the code at line 1572 we are doing an exact comparison. This is similar to the last question. I don't understand how this code can ever execute since we would have already made this exact match on line 1541.

#417 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, have you checked properties defined in an interface or an abstract property (in an abstract class)? These don't convert properly at all.

I'll look at it.

#418 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Ovidiu, you can now look into the object reference tracking for the temp-table fields (what I mentioned in #3751-390). See ObjectOps.increment and ObjectOps.decrement. If you have doubts about something or other questions, please ask.

I tried to add this but I am not sure we can always keep a strict reference count of objects stored in temp-tables. Supposing that we increment each time object X is stored in a record and decrement each time the field is assigned to other object, how do we cope in the case of
Think only in the case of bulk delete when the entire table content is dropped with


#419 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Think only in the case of bulk delete when the entire table content is dropped with

Is it possible to mark a certain DMO for OO processing (if it has a least a FIELD_CLASS)? If this can be done with minimal (hopefully) overhead, then, if this flag is on for a DMO:
  • when a record is deleted, it will update the reference counters for all references in the FIELD_CLASS objects.
  • when a table is emptied, it will iterate through all records and update the reference counters

Did you find way to track if a field is changed (to unknown or some other ref)?

#420 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In ClassDefinition.fuzzyMethodLookup():

                     if (Objects.equals(candidateMode, sigMode) || 
                         (candidateMode == null && sigMode != null))
                        // either the same or the caller hasn't specified the argument mode

The caller's mode is sigMode so this comment seems incorrect. We are testing if the defined method's parameter mode is not specified and the caller's mode is specified. Do I need to change the comment or is the code wrong?

#421 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

In ClassDefinition.fuzzyMethodLookup() code starting at line 1548:

  • Shouldn't the code at line 1563 be checking for a match to the table's schema name? In other words: does the 4GL really treat two different temp-tables as a fuzzy match even though it cannot ever work?

It's more than that; the tables are not matched by schema name, but by their field definition; consider this:

   def temp-table tt1 field f1 as int.
   def temp-table tt2 field f1 as int.
   method public void m1(input table tt1):
   method public void m1(input table tt2):

4GL will raise a compile error that the signatures match, as both tables have the same fields. If you change the field type for either one, then the signatures will not match. I think the rules might be similar to how shared temp-tables work.

  • I also don't understand how the code on line 1563 would ever be true since the exact type match would already pass on line 1541.

You are correct, the 1563 check is redundant in the current code.

  • In the code at line 1572 we are doing an exact comparison. This is similar to the last question. I don't understand how this code can ever execute since we would have already made this exact match on line 1541.

Same as 1541, looks redundant - I don't recall, but I might have added them just to mark that these cases need more attention and forgot to comment it.

The caller's mode is sigMode so this comment seems incorrect. We are testing if the defined method's parameter mode is not specified and the caller's mode is specified. Do I need to change the comment or is the code wrong?

Hmm... the code looks wrong, they need to be switched.

#422 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

From #3751-346:


I assume this is the TODO in fuzzyMethodLookup() where the object narrowing must match the same or a subclass and object widening must match the same or super-class?


Can you elaborate on this?

From #3751-347:

The two-phase fuzzy method matching is not complete yet; as I understand:

  • first phase is matching without checking the arg modes - if a single match is found, use that. I'm not sure here if the match must be exact (without narrowing/widening checks) and how POLY interferes.
  • second phase uses the arg modes, on the set of matches from previous step.

How much of this remains to be done? It seems that some of it is already there. If not, I may need more thoughts on how the current implementation is deficient.

#423 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

From #3751-346:


I assume this is the TODO in fuzzyMethodLookup() where the object narrowing must match the same or a subclass and object widening must match the same or super-class?

Yes. But note that FWD can't compile two methods with the same name and arguments, only difference being a OO parameter's type:

   method public void m1(input v as oo.Bar):
   method public void m1(input v as oo.Foo): // Java compile error


Can you elaborate on this?

These don't convert properly. See uast/oo/Overloads2.cls, overloads-test2.p and overloads2.i - these have a pretty comprehensive collection of method arguments, including fields, extents, etc.

How much of this remains to be done? It seems that some of it is already there. If not, I may need more thoughts on how the current implementation is deficient.

From #3751-349:

My previous tests showed that exact matches using type were honored all the way up the class hierarchy before POLY and widening checks were considered ("fuzzy lookup"). POLY was treated as a wildcard match.

This part was not investigated. Current matching works as a BFS (first class first, then super-class, and so on), when looking for a method. Beside this, the matching is pretty complete. 4GL might do a DFS search.

Are you planning to fix the method erasure where it can override only by parameter mode, not just type?

#424 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

From #3751-353:

What I think is missing is the parent lookup:

  • in ClassDefinition.exactMethodLookup - this will never match a parent method if the caller doesn't have all argument modes. We may need to look here without the arguments (the SignatureKey.hashCode includes the parameter modes, too).

Why do you say "We may need to look here without the arguments"? Do you have reason to believe that the exact matching should ignore modes?

Why does this relate to the parent lookup?

#425 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Are you planning to fix the method erasure where it can override only by parameter mode, not just type?


#426 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Why do you say "We may need to look here without the arguments"? Do you have reason to believe that the exact matching should ignore modes?

I think this was a typo and I meant 'modes'. But this is mostly a note that in 4GL, the parameter modes at the caller are not mandatory - so you can have a m1(i, j) call for a method void m1(output i as int, output j as int). Note how the signature definition has the modes. So exactMethodLookup may catch only few cases where the caller and method have the same signature exactly (including modes).

The modes are definitely used.

Why does this relate to the parent lookup?

Is not related only to parent lookup. I haven't fully investigated this, but it relates to how the method match is done, especially when fuzzy is in place: DFS or BFS. At compile-time, if the match can't be done uniquely, a compile error is shown. And the same rules will need to be applied for the dynamic-invoke case.

#427 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Did you find way to track if a field is changed (to unknown or some other ref)?

I started investigating the stored objects until it evolved to this:

CLASS C3758Bar:
      MESSAGE "Deleting" THIS-OBJECT. 

DEFINE VARIABLE anOnj AS CLASS Progress.Lang.Object. 
DEFINE VARIABLE secondOnj AS CLASS Progress.Lang.Object. 
anOnj = NEW C3758Bar().
secondOnj = NEW C3758Bar().

   FIELD fobj AS Progress.Lang.Object.

   fobj = anOnj.

anOnj = ?.
secondOnj = ?.

MESSAGE "Reference to initial object:" anOnj secondOnj.

MESSAGE "Found object:" fobj.

FIND FIRST tt1 WHERE fobj NE ? no-error.
    MESSAGE "Found non-null object:" fobj.

    DELETE tt1.


The output is the following:

Deleting C3758Bar_4309
Reference to initial object: ? ?
Found object: C3758Bar_4308
Found non-null object: C3758Bar_4308
Deleting C3758Bar_4308

There are a few interesting notes:
  • I added a message in the destructor just to know when it is called (and the object destroyed);
  • the second object created (C3758Bar_4309) is dropped as soon as there are no direct references to it;
  • at the first MESSAGE the references to C3758Bar_4308 are all kept in database;
  • the deletion of all references to the object does not invokes the destructor of the object;
  • de object is destructed after EoP is printed, most likely in the cleanup after the procedure (or maybe session) has finished.

As far as I can tell, if an object is stored in a TEMP-TABLE, it is not automatically discarded by gc when the last reference to it is lost (and the ref-counter decremented to 0). Instead, it is saved to some kind of data structure that is cleared after the procedure (or, more likely, the session) is over.

#428 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

There are a few interesting notes:
  • the second object created (C3758Bar_4309) is dropped as soon as there are no direct references to it;


  • at the first MESSAGE the references to C3758Bar_4308 are all kept in database;


  • the deletion of all references to the object does not invokes the destructor of the object;

Not OK - I get the Deleting C3758Bar_4308 message before the EOP message, in both Linux and Windows.

  • de object is destructed after EoP is printed, most likely in the cleanup after the procedure (or maybe session) has finished.

This is implicit table cleanup - which must trigger object reference decrement (and possible delete).

#429 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Sorry, my bad, the text capture was done with an object still referred by variable. I rerun the code and the destructor is called before of "EoP", as it should be.

#430 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Simple tests with 3750b rev 11319 are working for static temp-tables, static class initialization, static and instance method calls. I'm converting the app now, there might be conversion issues, as at least the static buffer references are not all solved.

Greg, for OO method calls performed directly from Java code we need to know the 'this' reference or the '.class' to which this method belongs - otherwise we can't know the context (i.e. THIS-OBJECT) under which this method is being executed. Also, currently only static temp-table scopes are moved to the static c'tor - but we need to do this for every other resource which has initialization code, it can't be in the 'execute' method, it needs to be in the static c'tor (which in turn acts like a 'external program' by itself).

#431 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eric, is there an easy way to track a DMO property setter (when is being invoked, knowing also the old value) and when a record gets deleted? I need this for:
  1. update the reference count for the old value (decrement) and new value (increment)
  2. decrement the reference count when the record gets deleted

Sorry, I haven't been tracking this issue very closely and I missed this question.

  1. When the setter is explicitly invoked by business logic, it goes through the RecordBuffer invocation handler. There already is a lot of code which is written to track changes to support undo processing. See RecordBuffer$Handler.invoke as a starting point, places where !isGetter is checked.
  2. It is much trickier to know when a record is deleted. We optimize many types of bulk deletes (e.g., EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE, FOR EACH DELETE loops, temp-tables going out of scope) with SQL bulk DELETE or bulk UPDATE statements, and/or simply dropping the table, so there will not be a notification of an individual record being deleted in many cases. To de-optimize these would create an unacceptable hit to performance.

#432 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

As far as I can tell, if an object is stored in a TEMP-TABLE, it is not automatically discarded by gc when the last reference to it is lost (and the ref-counter decremented to 0). Instead, it is saved to some kind of data structure that is cleared after the procedure (or, more likely, the session) is over.

How are you doing he reference counting for object references stored in temp-tables?

#433 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

  1. It is much trickier to know when a record is deleted. We optimize many types of bulk deletes (e.g., EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE, FOR EACH DELETE loops, temp-tables going out of scope) with SQL bulk DELETE or bulk UPDATE statements, and/or simply dropping the table, so there will not be a notification of an individual record being deleted in many cases. To de-optimize these would create an unacceptable hit to performance.

I was thinking about this, and the only way I see it (as I mentioned in note #3751-419), is to mark certain DMOs (which are temp and have at least a FIELD_CLASS) so that these deletes will have some preparation done before being executed (i.e. get all objects and 'dereference' them). I don't know how we can do it other way.

#434 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

How are you doing he reference counting for object references stored in temp-tables?

It doesn't matter where the objects are stored, what matters is that they are referenced from a temp-table record - that's why we need to know when a FIELD_CLASS is assigned or a record is deleted. AFAIK we are not doing this yet, not sure the state of Ovidiu's work.

#435 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Are there side effects to an object being gc'd, such that the delete/gc has to happen at a very specific time/order, or is it just a matter of resource cleanup? In other words, can you run arbitrary business logic as part of the delete processing?

#436 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

How are you doing he reference counting for object references stored in temp-tables?

We are not doing this. At least not yet. I had this short test procedure from note 427 which lead me to a wrong conclusion that the counter is delayed for 'persisted' objects. But I was tricked because of a piece of code I added because for the moment FWD cannot print object fields directly.

I don't think that this is possible (as you noted also, the bulk delete is the main cause here) without additional SQL code, hence a bit on extra performance penalty. For the bulk delete on temp-tables, we can query all the UUIDs that are about to be deleted and decrement the counter just before the delete SQL is called. I am working on that.

#437 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Are there side effects to an object being gc'd, such that the delete/gc has to happen at a very specific time/order,

The part where order might be required is when we convert to a bulk delete - here, we should iterate the records in the same order as the parent query.

or is it just a matter of resource cleanup?

Resource cleanup is performed (as the associated persistent program gets deleted).

In other words, can you run arbitrary business logic as part of the delete processing?

Good question. Yes, there is legacy DESTRUCTOR code which needs to be executed on delete.

#438 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Good question. Yes, there is legacy DESTRUCTOR code which needs to be executed on delete.

BTW, I see that the destructor is not yet called. Will it be called automatically when the counter reaches 0 (from ObjectResource.decrement())? I am counting on this in my new code.

#439 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

BTW, I see that the destructor is not yet called. Will it be called automatically when the counter reaches 0 (from ObjectResource.decrement())? I am counting on this in my new code.

The DESTRUCTOR is called when the object is explicitly deleted (via DELETE OBJECT) or when the counter reaches 0. The call is performed in ObjectResource.resourceDelete.

#440 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I don't think that this is possible (as you noted also, the bulk delete is the main cause here) without additional SQL code, hence a bit on extra performance penalty. For the bulk delete on temp-tables, we can query all the UUIDs that are about to be deleted and decrement the counter just before the delete SQL is called. I am working on that.

In the end, I don't think we can allow bulk delete to be converted for temp-table with FIELD_CLASS - because the DESTRUCTOR code may raise i.e. a STOP and terminate the loop.

On implicit object delete, these conditions raised from DESTRUCTOR are always ignored - but not from business logic, they are raised back to the caller.

#441 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Are there side effects to an object being gc'd, such that the delete/gc has to happen at a very specific time/order,

The part where order might be required is when we convert to a bulk delete - here, we should iterate the records in the same order as the parent query.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. In many cases, there is no parent query, only a bulk operation.

Take for example an EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE statement or a table going out of scope. We just do an UPDATE statement (if we are not on the last multiplex ID for the table) or a DELETE statement (if we are on the last multiplex ID). Neither of these specifies an order, it just updates or deletes all the records. Likewise for an optimized DELETE loop with a WHERE clause. If we have to instead delete these one at a time in a loop in order to specify an ORDER BY clause, that could be a severe performance penalty. For example, one case in our first application went from many minutes to a few seconds by replacing the loop with a bulk operation.

Perhaps collecting the object references in a specified order in one query and doing the bulk operation in another (both using the same criteria), then iterating through the results of the first query to call the object delete logic is a reasonable compromise.

#442 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Take for example an EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE statement or a table going out of scope. We just do an UPDATE statement (if we are not on the last multiplex ID for the table) or a DELETE statement (if we are on the last multiplex ID). Neither of these specifies an order, it just updates or deletes all the records.

OK, here the order looks like is descending based on the primary key - they might use a stack to push objects and operate on this stack to delete them.

Likewise for an optimized DELETE loop with a WHERE clause. If we have to instead delete these one at a time in a loop in order to specify an ORDER BY clause, that could be a severe performance penalty.

Per previous note, this explicit record delete which we convert to a bulk delete might get us in trouble, if the DESTRUCTOR raises a condition - as this condition will affect the original loop. For example:

for each tt1:
delete tt1.

on iteration 3, the destructor raises a STOP - only the records in the first 3 iterations get deleted, the rest remain untouched.

Perhaps collecting the object references in a specified order in one query and doing the bulk operation in another (both using the same criteria), then iterating through the results of the first query to call the object delete logic is a reasonable compromise.

This will work only for implicit delete (like EMPTY TEMP-TABLE or table out of scope).

#443 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Take for example an EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE statement or a table going out of scope. We just do an UPDATE statement (if we are not on the last multiplex ID for the table) or a DELETE statement (if we are on the last multiplex ID). Neither of these specifies an order, it just updates or deletes all the records.

OK, here the order looks like is descending based on the primary key - they might use a stack to push objects and operate on this stack to delete them.

Likewise for an optimized DELETE loop with a WHERE clause. If we have to instead delete these one at a time in a loop in order to specify an ORDER BY clause, that could be a severe performance penalty.

Per previous note, this explicit record delete which we convert to a bulk delete might get us in trouble, if the DESTRUCTOR raises a condition - as this condition will affect the original loop. For example:
on iteration 3, the destructor raises a STOP - only the records in the first 3 iterations get deleted, the rest remain untouched.

I think we still could maintain the bulk operations by querying the object references first, then iterating through their destructors, then bulk updating/deleting. If the iteration of all the destructor calls succeeded, we would proceed with the bulk delete. Otherwise, only delete the records for which objects were successfully deleted before the STOP was raised. This could be done with the slow loop approach in a finally clause (to ensure it happens before STOP unwinds the stack). Although the delete/update might still be optimized by augmenting the WHERE clause to delete/update only the records which had been processed during the part of the destructor loop that completed before the STOP, it doesn't seem worth the effort for this presumably very rare edge case.

#444 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Exactly. This is what I meant in note 436.

#445 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

I think we still could maintain the bulk operations by querying the object references first, then iterating through their destructors, then bulk updating/deleting. If the iteration of all the destructor calls succeeded, we would proceed with the bulk delete. Otherwise, only delete the records for which objects were successfully deleted before the STOP was raised.

I understand your thinking to not lose this optimization, but think about this: the DESTRUCTOR business logic will still be able to see the 'FWD's supposedly deleted' records (i.e. iterations 1 and 2, when iteration 3 is performed) - while 4GL deletes them. I know it looks like an edge case, but if we deviate from this, it will be hard to catch it in the wild.

#446 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

I think we still could maintain the bulk operations by querying the object references first, then iterating through their destructors, then bulk updating/deleting. If the iteration of all the destructor calls succeeded, we would proceed with the bulk delete. Otherwise, only delete the records for which objects were successfully deleted before the STOP was raised.

I understand your thinking to not lose this optimization, but think about this: the DESTRUCTOR business logic will still be able to see the 'FWD's supposedly deleted' records (i.e. iterations 1 and 2, when iteration 3 is performed) - while 4GL deletes them. I know it looks like an edge case, but if we deviate from this, it will be hard to catch it in the wild.

Let me rephrase this. We wouldn't 'bulk delete' a loop like this, right?

for each tt1:
   delete tt1.
   run proc0.

Well, if tt1 has a fobj object field, then this code is the same as the previous one:

for each tt1:
   delete tt1.

as there is DESTRUCTOR business logic which will get executed on each iteration. The hard part is that we don't know at conversion time if the referenced object's class has a destructor or not.

#447 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Let me rephrase this. We wouldn't 'bulk delete' a loop like this, right?


Well, if tt1 has a fobj object field, then this code is the same as the previous one:
as there is DESTRUCTOR business logic which will get executed on each iteration.

Yes, that makes sense.

The hard part is that we don't know at conversion time if the referenced object's class has a destructor or not.

Do we not know which class' objects will be stored in a field at conversion time, and whether that class has a destructor? Is that information captured during early annotations?

#448 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Do we not know which class' objects will be stored in a field at conversion time, and whether that class has a destructor? Is that information captured during early annotations?

No, we can't know the runtime class - regardless how the rvalue in the field's assignment is computed. As this can be evaluated to an interface or a super-class (for example, a var defined as an interface or even progress.lang.object), so the runtime type is hidden.

#449 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

3750b 11320 fixes a conversion problem.

#450 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

3750b 11320 fixes a conversion problem.

It also converted and compiled fully with the POC app.

#451 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The DESTRUCTOR is called when the object is explicitly deleted (via DELETE OBJECT) or when the counter reaches 0. The call is performed in ObjectResource.resourceDelete.

Sorry to bother you, but my destructors are not called. Looking in the code, ObjectResource.resourceDelete only calls methods from destructors list. And this list adds its elements only in pushDestructor which is called in scopeFinished of an INTERNAL_PROC (ObjectOps.WorkArea). I think the destructors should be always called in the reverse order of the inheritance, up to base BaseObject, each time the last reference is discarded. Is there something I failed to see?

#452 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The DESTRUCTOR is called when the object is explicitly deleted (via DELETE OBJECT) or when the counter reaches 0. The call is performed in ObjectResource.resourceDelete.

Sorry to bother you, but my destructors are not called.

What test are you using?

Looking in the code, ObjectResource.resourceDelete only calls methods from destructors list. And this list adds its elements only in pushDestructor which is called in scopeFinished of an INTERNAL_PROC (ObjectOps.WorkArea).

Exactly - they are pushed when the constructor is finished executed properly (i.e. this class and all its super-classes was initialized).

I think the destructors should be always called in the reverse order of the inheritance, up to base BaseObject, each time the last reference is discarded. Is there something I failed to see?

This is done already like this - as the top of the stack will be the concrete instantiated type.

Please focus on finding the hooks for field assignment and record deletion. I'll fix any OO issues you find.

#453 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Please focus on finding the hooks for field assignment and record deletion. I'll fix any OO issues you find.

I am using the Bar class from note 427. There is no constructor defined. I only added a destructor in order to know when my objects are gone. I did not fix this. I did a workaround in my code in ObjectResource.resourceDelete() to print the ref.toLegacyString() to console because the destructors is always empty for me. I am focused on db-related issues but I need a firm scaffold to work with.

Indeed, I added two small changes: the default implementation of toLegacyString and allowing the destructors to be called before actually removing the object. I needed these three changes just to know the lifetime of the objects I'm working with. I am sorry they collided with your work, I am just trying to help.

#454 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

In common-progress there is this function:

      <!-- determines if this is a DEFINE PARAMETER node with TABLE-HANDLE FOR option -->
      <function name="is_table_handle_for">
         <return name="res"   type="java.lang.Boolean" />
            res = (type == prog.define_parameter and downPath("KW_TAB_HAND/KW_FOR"))

This code will always return false. In the parser, for parameters we match on KW_TAB_HAND in table_parm. In that rule, there is code that optionally matches on the undocumented KW_FOR, but that token is dropped since it has no meaning in that context. A table-handle is (by definition) something that has to compile-time schema associated. I could see no reason to keep the keyword. This has been the case for quite a while.

This means that the function can never match the stated condition.

Yet, the function is being called in convert/variable_definitions.rules. As far as I can tell it is dead code. It may have had a purpose at one time but it cannot be serving that purpose now.

Constantin: Can you think of any reason I should fix this instead of deleting it?

#455 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: Can you think of any reason I should fix this instead of deleting it?

I think it was always dead code... the 4GL syntax has no FOR keyword for TABLE-HANDLE:

  {   TABLE FOR temp-table-name[ APPEND ][ BIND ][ BY-VALUE ]
    | TABLE-HANDLE temp-table-handle[ BIND ][ BY-VALUE ]
    | DATASET FOR dataset-name[ APPEND ][ BIND ][ BY-VALUE ]
    | DATASET-HANDLE dataset-handle [ BIND ][ BY-VALUE ]

Maybe it meant for TABLE case?

#456 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

There is an undocumented "feature" that allows TABLE-HANDLE FOR to be specified. It was seen in customer code and when I added it to the parser, I dropped the node since it has no meaning.

Maybe it meant for TABLE case?

I don't think so. These references are all in variable_definitions.rules while the TABLE case is handled in database_references.rules.

I suspect it was a mistake built into the original table parameter work and it was broken. Then over time we fixed bugs without detecting that this was simply incorrect.

I'm going to remove it. BTW, I also see some other places with a slightly different version of the same dead code (buffer_definitions.rules):

      <!-- call TemporaryBuffer.createDynamicTable for TABLE-HANDLE usage -->
      <rule>relativePath("STATEMENT/DEFINE_PARAMETER/KW_TAB_HAND")  or

         <rule>parent.type == prog.parameter
               promid = execLib("depot_stub", "funcparms", closestPeerId)

            <!-- define parameter emits directly -->
            <action on="false">promid = closestPeerId</action>

         <!-- get javaname (if it is TABLE-HANDLE FOR, get it from the variable definition) -->
         <rule>descendant(prog.kw_for, 1)
               ref = this.getImmediateChild(prog.expression, null).
                          getImmediateChild(prog.var_handle, null)
            <action>javaname = execLib("get_javaname", ref)</action>

            <action on="false">
               javaname = #(java.lang.String) parent.getAnnotation("javaname")

I'm adding methods and constructors to this code too.

#457 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The only way I can make it work is like this:

def var ht as handle.
procedure proc0.
   def input parameter table-handle for ht.

I think you are correct, the FOR has no meaning.

#458 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The only way I can make it work is like this:
I think you are correct, the FOR has no meaning.

Actually this is not true, if you change the outer ht reference, the inner ht (at proc0) changes too... so it has meaning.

Both ht vars might point to the same memory address. See this:

def temp-table tt1 field f1 as int.
def temp-table tt2 field f2 as int.

def var hv as handle.
def var ht as handle.
hv = temp-table tt1:handle.
ht = temp-table tt2:handle.

function func0 returns int.
    ht = this-procedure.

procedure proc0.
  def input parameter table-handle for ht.
  message ht hv.
  message ht hv. /* local ht has changed to the global ht */

run proc0(input table-handle hv).

#459 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

What a ridiculous undocumented "feature". To be clear: when the FOR handle is present, it seems to map the "procedure local" references to the variable in the external procedure which is referenced as handle.

If you specify the FOR, then the name of the handle must be an existing variable in the external proc. Otherwise you get this (I changed the FOR ht to FOR hr):

** Unknown Field or Variable name - hr. (201)
Only unsubscripted INPUT HANDLE program variables allowed in TABLE-HANDLE FOR phrase. (9080)                                                         **  Could not understand line 13. (196)

It seems to be a deliberately created feature and not a parser accident. I don't see a good reason to implement this in the 4GL, but now that they have it we must match it. I'll ensure the KW_FOR is not dropped in our parser and will leave the current references to it which may now have some purpose.

#460 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

If you specify the FOR, then the name of the handle must be an existing variable in the external proc.

Not only variable in the external proc. It can be a defined parameter BEFORE the table-handle; try this:

procedure proc0.
  def input parameter hr as handle.
  def input parameter table-handle for hr.

#461 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

I committed some fixes and a solution for bulk delete. The update contains some optimisations as Constantin suggested - I even went forward and identified the OO fields as soon as possible so that the DMO is not 'scanned' each time for oo fields. The bulk delete works in my testcases, but probably it needs to be tested in more exotic environment.
Committed as r11326.

One more thing to add: do not convert to bulk delete a for tt-buffer: delete tt-buffer. end if the tt-buffer has OO fields.

#462 Updated by Eric Faulhaber over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

One more thing to add: do not convert to bulk delete a for tt-buffer: delete tt-buffer. end if the tt-buffer has OO fields.

I will want to revisit this at some point. I think we could still handle this as a bulk delete in the cases where no stored object has a destructor. We could track this information at runtime as part of the reference counting infrastructure. It may need some additional information to be made available by the object instances, so they can be interrogated for this information. And it will take some additional runtime work to use this information to perform a bulk delete when it is safe and a looping delete when it is not.

Anyway, not something we need in the first pass, but I don't want to give up on this optimization in the long term. I hate taking steps backwards in performance.

#463 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Eric Faulhaber wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

One more thing to add: do not convert to bulk delete a for tt-buffer: delete tt-buffer. end if the tt-buffer has OO fields.

I will want to revisit this at some point. I think we could still handle this as a bulk delete in the cases where no stored object has a destructor. We could track this information at runtime as part of the reference counting infrastructure. It may need some additional information to be made available by the object instances, so they can be interrogated for this information. And it will take some additional runtime work to use this information to perform a bulk delete when it is safe and a looping delete when it is not.

This is really a great idea - we already know if an object needs to call destructors or not. What we need is a temp-table level counter of 'number of referenced objects with destructors' - and if is 0 when the bulk delete is happening, just execute the bulk delete without iterating. Otherwise, just emulate the for each: delete. end. loop (so we can have the rollback support and the other 4GL runtime features active).

Anyway, not something we need in the first pass, but I don't want to give up on this optimization in the long term. I hate taking steps backwards in performance.

Ovidiu, how difficult do you think is to add the 'number of referenced objects with destructors' at the temp-table level? If it can be done, then no need to adjust the bulk delete conversion rules. Just add the runtime.

#464 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

I don't think counting these objects will be the problem. I think this can be easily done by a context-local integer counter. We just update it each time we increment or decrement its recount if it has any destructors to be called. Let's say this counter is 0 and no destructors are to be called. But there are objects to be GC-ed. We need to iterate the objects anyway in order to decrement their ref-count and allow GC to drop them if they are unreachable.

#465 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Three notes after our last conversation:
1. I got what you meant. I will add the necessary support for ref-counting of objects with destructors and code for reverting back to normal loop when needed. As we discussed, I will ignore all error management for the moment.

2. The destructors are not called for me because for me ProcedureManager.getStackEntry(0) returns "CONSTRUCTOR null" in scopeFinished().
I believe to fix this we need to use
ProcedureManager.addProcedure(phandle, -name- ctor, true); in CFO.initializeLegacyObject:3775. Or call it with ctor instead of name - which is null, as 2nd parameter.

3. The inaccessible field issue we talked:


      foo = NEW Bar(). 
      foo:my-name = p1.
      RETURN foo.  

Will be converted into:

public class Bar
extends BaseObject
   private character myName = UndoableFactory.character();

   public static object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.Bar> newInstance(final character _p1)
      character p1 = TypeFactory.initInput(_p1);
      object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.Bar> foo = UndoableFactory.object(com.goldencode.testcases.Bar.class);

      return function(Bar.class, "newInstance", object.class, new Block((Init) () -> 
      (Body) () -> 

This will fail to compile because:

Error:(92, 19) java: myName in com.goldencode.testcases.Bar is defined in an inaccessible class or interface

#466 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

2. The destructors are not called for me because for me ProcedureManager.getStackEntry(0) returns "CONSTRUCTOR null" in scopeFinished().

I get it now. This code should use ctor instead of "CONSTRUCTOR" for the iename, in initializeLegacyObject:

            Runnable push = () ->
               ProcedureManager.pushCalleeInfo(false, referent, referent, 
                                               ctor, relName,
                                               false, false);

3. The inaccessible field issue we talked:

Does it compile if you edit the file to look like ((Bar) foo.ref()).myName.assign(p1); ?

#467 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Does it compile if you edit the file to look like ((Bar) foo.ref()).myName.assign(p1); ?

Yes, it does. Yet, I don't totally get it. A few lines above, there is:

object<? extends com.goldencode.testcases.Bar> foo [...]

so the cast is redundant. So it changes nothing in fact. A bit odd.

#468 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

The same cast is currently generated for private methods.

#469 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu Maxiniuc wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Does it compile if you edit the file to look like ((Bar) foo.ref()).myName.assign(p1); ?

Yes, it does. Yet, I don't totally get it. A few lines above, there is:
so the cast is redundant. So it changes nothing in fact. A bit odd.

The idea is the ? extends Bar - Java doesn't allow accessing a private method from a super-class if the reference is a sub-class, even if we execute this in the same super-class.

The same cast is currently generated for private methods.

I think this is done in oo_calls.rules:255-282 - look if you can adjust this for the var.

#470 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The idea is the ? extends Bar - Java doesn't allow accessing a private method from a super-class if the reference is a sub-class, even if we execute this in the same super-class.

Well, casting to Bar does not change the actual object type. Let's settle this down when we meet. :)

I think this is done in oo_calls.rules:255-282 - look if you can adjust this for the var.

Done. The access-mode annotation was missing for member variables.

#471 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Ovidiu, about rev 11329:
  • there was a merge typo in ObjectOps - I've fixed it in 11330
  • you can use AtomicInteger (which is mutable) instead of getting and putting back the map value, after it was incremented.

#472 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

From Constantin:

4GL has some cases where a builtin ERROR condition gets converted to a SysError OO exception if, for example, the block has a ON ERROR UNDO, THROW or if the error can be caught by any of the CATCH blocks. Looks like same is for any RETURN ERROR (which get converted to AppError).

I'm not converting these to Java catch blocks, see the task #3751-358 note, I'm emitting these via BlockManager.catchError(Class, Consumer).

I understand. I was just wondering if our BlockManager exception infrastructure (try/catch/finally that works with a combination of ConditionExceptions, UnwindExceptions, RuntimeExceptions, Throwables...) needs to be involved to duplicate the flow of control. If so, then these AppError or SysError classes might need to be wrapped in or inherit from an exception.

#473 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I understand. I was just wondering if our BlockManager exception infrastructure (try/catch/finally that works with a combination of ConditionExceptions, UnwindExceptions, RuntimeExceptions, Throwables...) needs to be involved to duplicate the flow of control. If so, then these AppError or SysError classes might need to be wrapped in or inherit from an exception.

My understanding at this time is that OO exceptions are a 'kind of' legacy ERROR conditions. Currently I have a LegacyErrorException class which extends ErrorConditionException, and the BlockManager APIs are modified to treat this LegacyErrorCondition.

The LegacyErrorCondition knows the LegacyError instance thrown by the converted code (or by the runtime, when SysError or AppError are involved), and will use this to find the proper catch block which treats this exception.

#474 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The constructors referenced by the NEW statement must always be disambiguated by the parser phase. The reason is because 4GL uses a method pointer I think, which is resolved by the compiler - it knows exactly what to invoke. What we are missing are the argument modes - these need to be emitted for the NEW statement/function, so that the signature can be fully disambiguated. But there is no tempidx annotation emitted by the parser, so I don't know the targeted constructor. Greg, can you please take a look at this? Or give me a clue where to look?

For dynamic method invocation, there is a similar scenario - the signature must be statically linked with the Java converted method. I solved this by emitting the signature at the Java method or constructor (for OO cases). Otherwise, even if they are registered in name_map.xml, there is no way to know the associated Java method (as there may be more with the same name).

#475 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

FYI, ClassDefinition.isWideningTypeMatch was not extracted correct.

#476 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

FYI, ClassDefinition.isWideningTypeMatch was not extracted correct.

Fixed in 3750b rev 11352.

#477 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I solved this by emitting the signature at the Java method or constructor (for OO cases).

Can you clarify this? In the past we have just emitted a string with the mode list as a parameter for the indirect call (ControlFlowOps.invoke*()). Are you doing something different here?

#478 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I solved this by emitting the signature at the Java method or constructor (for OO cases).

Can you clarify this? In the past we have just emitted a string with the mode list as a parameter for the indirect call (ControlFlowOps.invoke*()). Are you doing something different here?

Yes. There will be something like this in the Java code:

   @LegacySignature(type = Type.METHOD, name = "m1", parameters = 
      @LegacyParameter(name = "i", type = "INTEGER", mode = "INPUT"),
      @LegacyParameter(name = "j", type = "INTEGER", extent = 5, mode = "OUTPUT")
   public void m1(final integer _i, final OutputExtentParameter<integer> extj)

And the name_map.xml will not contain legacy OO methods, just the classes (to keep the registry).

The annotation is about the definition, not the caller; the caller's signature needs to be resolved with a converted method's legacy signature, and we can't identify from a legacy signature (what we have in name_map.xml) the Java method. So, keeping these two together solves this problem - we know for sure what we need to invoke.

#479 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

The same idea is with the constructors - the 4GL compilers 'hard links' the NEW with the constructor definition. We can't easily do this in Java, I don't see a way of creating a 'method pointer' and emitting that. Having the definition's parameter modes helps the runtime to identify the proper constructor to call.

#480 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I understand the need for the modes/signature for proper runtime matching. It does seem like we could put all of this in the name_map.xml. Is there a requirement for using annotations or is it just something you prefer at this point?

#481 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

But there is no tempidx annotation emitted by the parser, so I don't know the targeted constructor. Greg, can you please take a look at this? Or give me a clue where to look?

I'm taking a quick look at this now.

#482 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I understand the need for the modes/signature for proper runtime matching. It does seem like we could put all of this in the name_map.xml. Is there a requirement for using annotations or is it just something you prefer at this point?

The legacy signatures are used to find the match, and this doesn't give me the exact Java method of what it needs to be invoked (I haven't tried to reverse engineer at runtime the Java signature from a legacy signature - and I don't want to). By keeping the legacy signature with the Java method, when I find a matching legacy signature, I know exactly what needs to be invoked. And I don't have to completely rewrite the procedure/function argument validation in ControlFlowOps, to resolve the legacy OO method (as this has completely different rules to match and validate the arguments). Instead, the Java method resolution is done separately and this is passed to the ControlFlowOps$InternalEntryCaller.valid API, which does just some other checks and post-processing for the arguments.

Another side-effect is that these legacy signatures are needed for the legacy builtin classes, too - so annotating them will be easier to maintain.

#483 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

And something else to mention: after FUNCTION/PROCEDURES and the CALL handle, the 4GL's 'reflection' is the third way of validating and invoking. Not to mention the class-event's PUBLISH, which is different than the PUBLISH statement. And yes, the LegacySignature is emitted for the class event member too, as this signature is used to find the 'method pointer' - and actually this was the original reason I backtracked and added these annotations, as for the class events, when the SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE is used with a 4GL class method (static or not), then the first argument is a 'method reference'. And the compiler hard-links this with the method definition.

The runtime for SUBSCRIBE will have to look for a Java method (associated with a legacy OO method) having the EXACT legacy signature - and invoke exactly that. And the only way to keep these together (the Java method and the legacy signature) is having the annotation. All these complications are a side-effect of the method overloading, as before the OO support we expected to have a single method with a certain name in the converted code.

Also, Progress.Lang.ParameterList has features like the CALL handle, but they are not exactly the same. They are slightly different, and enough to not be able to just 'hook' a CALL handle and let it do the work.

#484 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

But there is no tempidx annotation emitted by the parser, so I don't know the targeted constructor. Greg, can you please take a look at this? Or give me a clue where to look?

I don't have time to test this, but I hope this would solve the problem (or at least get you quite close).

#485 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

There's another case regarding the parameter modes at the method's signature: the caller is not required to specify the exact modes, for example the c'tor at the NEW statement - I think the compiler will match via the argument types first, and if is unique will no longer match the modes.

#486 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

There's another case regarding the parameter modes at the method's signature: the caller is not required to specify the exact modes, for example the c'tor at the NEW statement - I think the compiler will match via the argument types first, and if is unique will no longer match the modes.

Actually nevermind, this is already handled, I was confusing another bug for this issue.

#487 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

There's another case regarding the parameter modes at the method's signature: the caller is not required to specify the exact modes, for example the c'tor at the NEW statement - I think the compiler will match via the argument types first, and if is unique will no longer match the modes.

In my testing, this only occurs if the mode is missing. A mismatched mode (passing an explicit mode that is different from all signatures that would otherwise match) will cause a compile failure.

For example, if there are these methods:

   method public integer calc3(INPUT-OUTPUT num as int):
      return 6.

   method public integer calc3(OUTPUT txt as char):
      return 7.

Then calling calc3(INPUT num) would cause this:

Could not locate method 'calc3' with matching signature in class 'oo.MethodModeOverload'. (14457)

Do you have a testcase that shows a different result?

#488 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Do you have a testcase that shows a different result?


#489 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Good. :) I was worried that I had missed something.

#490 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Good. :) I was worried that I had missed something.

As we are still on the overload subject: I don't think POC needs it (as otherwise we would have had compile errors) but overloading reports should to be specific about these cases:
  • signatures matching without parameter modes
  • signatures matching after replacing TABLE-HANDLE, TABLE or BUFFER with TableParameter (i.e. ignoring the table, as FWD converts the parameter to TableParameter)
  • signatures matching after replacing a qualified class name with OBJECT
  • signatures matching after ignoring any EXTENT clause (but keeping the parameter's extent flavor, just the extent value is ignored).

The idea above is this: we need a way to determine for a project how many of these overload features it uses. The reason is because these overloads can produce collisions in the converted Java method's signature.

#491 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Some notes relates to implementing the 4GL builtin classes in FWD:
  • the class needs to be annotated with LegacyResource, having the qualified legacy OO name as the resource name.
  • an execute method equivalent (i.e. __lang_ParameterList_execute__ - use the converted OO name without the package, not legacy OO name) is required, but only if this can be instantiated via the 4GL business logic explicitly (and not implicitly, by the 4GL runtime - in some cases direct Java instantiation is possible, to make things simpler).
  • add constructors as required, and annotate them, like this:
       @LegacySignature(type = Type.CONSTRUCTOR, parameters = 
          @LegacyParameter(name = "numParams", type = "INTEGER", mode = "INPUT")
       public void __lang_ParameterList_constructor__(integer numParams)
  • annotate all Java methods which have a 4GL class method counterpart, with their signature, like this:
       @LegacySignature(type = Type.METHOD, name = "setParameter", parameters = 
          @LegacyParameter(name = "pos",  type = "INTEGER",   mode = "INPUT"),
          @LegacyParameter(name = "type", type = "CHARACTER", mode = "INPUT"),
          @LegacyParameter(name = "mode", type = "CHARACTER", mode = "INPUT"),

Emitted Java methods which have no 4GL method counterpart must not be annotated, as these can't be reached explicitly via the 4GL dynamic invocation.

Otherwise, the builtin class must have the same Java methods as if it was explicitly converted. It might make sense to convert the builtin class itself to get the Java 'skeleton', and implement on that, to avoid any confusion related to conversion of 4GL property, class events, or other more complicated members.

#492 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Method Overloading


We've written testcases to check the behavior of the remaining issues related to method overloading. The following documents our findings. I'm including our previous findings so that there is a single reference for the rules. The key here is to understand the matching process by which a method call is matched to the correct overloaded method signature. For the cases that can be calculated at 4GL compile time, these must be similarly calculated during parsing. The runtime cases will have to be handled by implicitly converting them to DYNAMIC-INVOKE() and allowing the runtime to handle the selection.

When a class or interface is compiled in the 4GL (or parsed in FWD), any methods that are considered conflicting within the same class will fail the compile with an error Duplicate signatures found for method '<method_name>'. (13842). Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to duplicate signatures in a child class that already exist in the parent hierarchy, however one must specify OVERRIDE on the child class version. In this way, when .cls files compile successfully, it is known that all of the methods defined can be invoked in some way.

For each location where a method call is made on a given instance/class, the compiler/FWD parser attempts to match the specific method that will be called. This matching process takes into account the actual expressions passed as parameters to the call. The rules documented here define the process used for this matching. This also defines the limits of method overloading in the OO 4GL.

The matching process has two phases (exact and fuzzy). Each phase searches all the way up the inheritance hierarchy using a specific set of criteria, before trying a different matching approach. If a unique match is not found anywhere in the inheritance hierarchy using the exact match criteria, then the fuzzy match phase will start processing at the current instance/current class. Within a given phase, there is a depth first search (DFS) rather than a bredth first search (BFS). This means that an exact match in the parent hierarchy will be matched before a fuzzy match in the current class.

When referring to the "matching process" below, it is meant to describe the process where a method call is matched with a method definition. This matching process has two phases: exact matching and fuzzy (inexact) matching. It is important to note that the exact matching criteria are used to determine when there is a duplicate signature in a .cls at compile time. The difference is that some method call locations can pass parameter expressions which can match more than one valid method in a class hierarchy. For example, during fuzzy matching INPUT mode parameters can implicitly narrow (e.g. DATETIME to DATE) and OUTPUT mode parameters can widen (e.g. INTEGER to INT64) allowing that call location to match a parameter of multiple types. Since the 4GL provides a range of different mechanisms of fuzzy matching, the number of possible cases of ambiguous method calls is larger than the number of ways in which method definitions can differ. As a rule, method definitions are different if any of the exact match criteria are duplicated between 2 or more definitions.

Exact Matches

As noted above, this phase tries to find a match by searching the specific class being referenced for a match. If none is found, then the parent class is checked and so forth up the class hierarchy until no further parent class exists (at the Progress.Lang.Object). No fuzzy matching will be checked in this phase.

The following exact matching criteria are used to identify the specific method which will be called:

  • Number of Parameters
    • The number of parameters passed by the caller must be the same number as the method being matched.
    • We have not found any scenario where a different number of parameters is considered a match.
    • This makes sense since the 4GL does not support varargs, default values or any other similar feature that allows variation in the number of parameters.
  • Order of Parameters
    • The language semantics evaluate parameter expressions from left to right, so we will assume that is how it processes them from a matching perspective.
    • The order of parameters in the method signature must be compared position by position with the expressions passed by the caller.
    • The leftmost position can be considered index position 1 and it must match the leftmost expression passed in the caller.
    • If present, the next position (the 2nd parameter from the left) would be index 2 and must be matched by the caller's expression in index 2 (the 2nd expression from the left).
    • This process continues until a difference is found (which means the call is NOT an exact match to this method signature) OR until there are no more parameters to check.
    • The match is done by comparing the data type, extent and mode of that index position in the signature to the same index position in the method call.
  • Data Type
    • Primitive Types
      • If the data type is exactly the same, then it is a match.
      • For example, INTEGER expressions only match INTEGER parameters.
      • No narrowing or widening of types is allowed in exact matching.
    • Object References
      • For OBJECT types, exact matching is only allowed for the specific CLASS or INTERFACE type of the expression.
      • The type of the expression is:
        • For DEFINE VARIABLE it is the specific class or interface specified in the AS clause.
        • For an expression that returns a CLASS of INTERFACE type, it is that specific type.
        • For a CAST() it is the exact type of the second argument.
      • For example, if a variable of type Foo is passed in the caller (Foo can be either an interface name or class name), an exact match will only occur with a parameter defined as Foo.
      • The following are NOT matched during the exact matching phase:
        • Parent classes.
        • Parent interfaces.
        • Child classes.
        • The list of interfaces implemented by a class.
        • The list of interfaces implemented by a parent.
    • TABLE
      • This allows passing a direct reference to a table.
      • It is NOT hard coded to the specific table being referenced, instead it can be passed to or received by any table that is sufficiently compatible in structure.
      • The structural comparison rules check the number of fields, type of each field, extent of each field and the order these fields appear. There are the only cases are detected as differences in structure.
      • The following things are are ignored: table names, table options, field names, field options (other than EXTENT), anything to do with indexes.
      • These comparison rules are also used to detect when two overloaded methods have equivalent signatures such that such a definition will generate a compile error.
      • This is a specific parameter type that can match a caller that explicitly specifies that the passed handle is a TABLE-HANDLE.
      • At compile time, no schema/structure information is known about the table referenced by the handle.
      • This is often used for dynamic database access (CREATE TEMP-TABLE or QUERY-PREPARE()) since the handle must be de-referenced using methods and attributes rather than static compiler references.
      • The only way a TABLE-HANDLE can be an exact match is if there are NO signatures which only differ by having a TABLE instead of a TABLE-HANDLE. If there are two method signatures, one which has a TABLE and the other which has a TABLE-HANDLE, then an exact match is not possible.
      • The previous restriction is true even if the TABLE-HANDLE signature is in the child class and the conflicting TABLE signature is in a parent class. This means that the entire hierarchy must be processed to make this determination, even if what appears to be an "exact match" exists lower in the hierarchy.
      • When the TABLE-HANDLE is the only possible match, it can be matched exactly.
      • TABLE-HANDLE parameters can match TABLE parameters (and vice versa) during fuzzy matching but not during exact matching.
    • BUFFER
      • Passing a buffer can only match the specific table name referenced by that buffer (in the FOR clause).
      • There is a structural comparison the way that TABLE parameters check for a compatible match BUT it is in addition to the table name check.
      • This means the definition and the caller must have:
        • Identical table names.
        • Structural compatibility.
        • The field names, options, indexes... are not checked at all, they can be different between caller and definiton.
        • The buffer name does not matter, only the table name matters.
      • Using an include for temp-table definitions makes this easy, but it is not strictly needed.
      • Database tables are automatically a common schema.
      • There can be NO mode specified in the definition or the caller for a BUFFER parameter.
      • Buffers cannot be interchanged with TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameters.
      • There is no parameter type of BUFFER-HANDLE (something that would act like TABLE-HANDLE), though one can pass a HANDLE that happens to be a BUFFER-HANDLE. Such a case is simply treated as any other HANDLE type.
      • These behave exactly like TABLE but for datasets. The only difference is in how the structure of the dataset is calculated (as compared with how a table's structure is calculated).
      • This allows passing a direct reference to a dataset.
      • It is NOT hard coded to the specific dataset being referenced, instead it can be passed to or received by any dataset that is sufficiently compatible in structure.
      • The structural comparison rules check the number and order of tables and each table is compared structurally (the same as for table paramters) on the number of fields, type of each field, extent of each field and the order these fields appear. There are the only cases are detected as differences in structure.
      • The following things are are ignored: dataset names, table names, dataset options, table/field options, table indexes, data relations.
      • These comparison rules are also used to detect when two overloaded methods have equivalent signatures such that such a definition will generate a compile error.
      • These behave exactly like TABLE-HANDLE but for datasets.
      • This is a specific parameter type that can match a caller that explicitly specifies that the passed handle is a DATASET-HANDLE.
      • At compile time, no schema/structure information is known about the dataset referenced by the handle.
      • This is often used for dynamic database access (CREATE TEMP-TABLE or QUERY-PREPARE()) since the handle must be de-referenced using methods and attributes rather than static compiler references.
      • The only way a DATASET-HANDLE can be an exact match is if there are NO signatures which only differ by having a DATASET instead of a DATASET-HANDLE. If there are two method signatures, one which has a DATASET and the other which has a DATASET-HANDLE, then an exact match is not possible.
      • The previous restriction is true even if the DATASET-HANDLE signature is in the child class and the conflicting DATASET signature is in a parent class. This means that the entire hierarchy must be processed to make this determination, even if what appears to be an "exact match" exists lower in the hierarchy.
      • When the DATASET-HANDLE is the only possible match, it can be matched exactly.
      • DATASET-HANDLE parameters can match DATASET parameters (and vice versa) during fuzzy matching but not during exact matching.
    • An extent (either at the caller or in the method definition) can be specified as a fixed size (e.g. EXTENT 5) or as an indeterminate size (e.g. EXTENT) whose size can only be known at runtime.
    • Fixed size extents only exactly match fixed size parm signatures of the same size.
    • Fixed size extents of different sizes will not match.
    • Indeterminate extents only exactly match when passed to an indeterminate extent.
    • Indeterinate extents can't match a fixed extent signature.
    • The method definition is required to have a mode specified for all parameter types except for BUFFER.
    • Two or more method signatures are allowed to differ by only the mode.
    • In the caller a mode is not required so long as the other matching criteria uniquely identify a match.
    • This means that the exact matching phase will match if:
      • The caller's explicit parameter mode matches exactly; OR
      • The caller's missing mode is not required for disambiguation.
    • If more than one method only differs by parameter mode, then the caller MUST specify the mode and it MUST match exactly.
    • An explicitly specific mode in the caller does not match a possible signature, then that signature is not a match.

Things that are ignored:

  • Return data type and extent.
  • Case differences in the method name.

Fuzzy Matches

The second phase of matching allows implicit matches that are interoperable enough that will fail in the eact matching criteria but which are allowed by the rules of fuzzy matching.

As with the exact matching phase, each possible match is checked in left to right order of parameters. Different parameter types, modes and extents have different rules for these fuzzy matches, but all of these fuzzy rules are checked at the same time. This is needed since any valid combination of types/modes/extents can appear in any parameter position.

There is no evidence that there is a third phase, though some limited cases where there are multiple matches are deferred to runtime (effectively an implicit DYNAMIC-INVOKE()).

Data Type Widening and Narrowing

Primitive Types

Caller Passes Type Definition Type INPUT Mode Definition Type OUTPUT Mode Definition Type INPUT-OUTPUT Mode
CHARACTER character longchar character character
COM-HANDLE com-handle com-handle com-handle
DATE date datetime datetime-tz date date
DATETIME datetime datetime-tz date datetime datetime
DATETIME-TZ datetime-tz date datetime datetime-tz datetime-tz
DECIMAL decimal decimal int64 integer decimal
HANDLE handle handle handle
INT64 int64 decimal int64 integer int64
INTEGER integer int64 decimal integer integer
LOGICAL logical logical logical
LONGCHAR longchar character longchar longchar
MEMPTR memptr memptr memptr
RAW raw raw raw
RECID recid recid recid
ROWID rowid rowid rowid


  • INPUT types can match a more narrow caller to a wider callee, this is considered an implicit widening conversion (this works because the callee is big enough to receive the value of the caller without losing any data)
  • INPUT-OUTPUT does not narrow or widen, it may only match exactly
  • OUTPUT types can match a wider type in the caller to a more narrow type in the callee, this is considered an implicit narrowing conversion (this works because the caller is big enough to receive the value written back by the callee without losing any data)


If there is no exact match to the specific class or interface, then a list of possible fuzzy matches is searched.

The following is a summary of the rules:

Precedence Order Fuzzy Search Criteria INPUT arg type OUTPUT arg type INPUT-OUTPUT arg type
1 Current class interface implementation list. Yes No No
2 Parent class or interface hierarchy. Yes No No
2 Parent class hierarchy interface implementation list. Yes No No
2 Child class. No Yes No
3 Progress.Lang.Object Yes No No

Implementation Notes

  • Just as with exact matching, the specific type of the object reference will control which possible fuzzy matching searches will be allowed/tried.
  • Class References
    • For a reference that is defined as a class type, there are 5 possible search types. 4 for INPUT mode and 1 for OUTPUT mode.
      • INPUT mode
        • Current class interface implementation list. This is checked all the way up the class hierarchy before moving to the next search type.
        • The following search methods are checked at the same time:
          • Parent class hierarchy.
          • Parent class hierarchy interface implementation list.
        • Progress.Lang.Object is matched last, with lower precedence than interfaces.
      • OUTPUT mode
        • Child class hierarchy. Signatures are checked for matches with any child class.
    • Processing Details
      • Interface Implementation List Processing
        • Only matched in INPUT mode.
        • Interface matching only works if there is only 1 match to an implemented interface in the list.
        • The list is processed at the same time, it is NOT done in a class-by-class basis working up the inheritence hierarchy.
        • Conflicting interface matches, even in different levels of the parent hierarchy, will be ambiguous.
        • When multiple interfaces match, there is a compile failure:
          • Ambiguous method call. Could not resolve calc2 reference. (13843)
          • Could not locate method 'calc2' with matching signature in class 'oo.ClassParmOverload'. (14457)
      • Parent Class Hierarchy Processing
        • Only matched in INPUT mode.
        • Checks each parent of the inheritence hierarchy in the caller to see if there is a match in a signature.
        • This is checked all the way up the tree before the next parent class is checked.
        • Parent class hierarchy matches are checked in the same set of searches as the matches with the list of interfaces implemented in that parent.
        • The immediate parent class of the current class is combined with the list of interfaces that same parent class implements.
        • The list is checked throughout the entire hierarchy at once. If more than one method matches then the result is ambiguous and there is a compile error.
          • Ambiguous method call. Could not resolve calc9 reference. (13843)
          • Undefined function, method or operator 'calc9' referenced. (5627)
        • If two or more methods share signatures that each include the same parent class match, by definition this must be an override case.
        • Thus a parent match search can't encounter more than one method match in the inheritence tree.
        • As long as there is no matching interface, the first match found will win (e.g. LowerMiddle in grandparent is matched before UpperMiddle in parent and Top in the current class)
      • Progress.Lang.Object
        • Progress.Lang.Object in a parent has less priority than ApiOne interface match in grandparent this suggests that Progress.Lang.Object is a special, final phase of searching.
        • When there is a conflict only a cast will allow the Progress.Lang.Object version to be selected.
        • Such a conflict is not ambiguous and has no compile issue.
      • Child Class Hierarchy Processing
        • In OUTPUT mode, superclasses and implemented interfaces can't be matched
        • Checks each method signature to find the closest child class of the inheritence hierarchy in the caller to see if there is a match.
        • This is checked all the way up the tree before the next child class is checked.
        • If there are multiple direct child classes at the same level (anywhere in the class hierarchy, it looks up the tree for each child level before trying the next level) the result is ambiguous.
        • *Ambiguous method call. Could not resolve calc5 reference. (13843)
        • *Could not locate method 'calc5' with matching signature in class 'oo.params.ClassParmOverload'. (14457)
        • Implemented interfaces of the caller are NOT matched at any level. For example, a LowerMiddle instance at the caller will not match a Something parameter definition. An exact match can be made to an interface, but there is no fuzzy matching.
        • If there are more than one child class match at the same inheritence level, then the result is ambiguous:
        • *Undefined function, method or operator 'calc29' referenced. (5627)
        • As long as there are no conflicting child matches (more than one at the same child level), the first fuzzy child match found will win.
        • For example, UpperMiddle in grandparent is matched before LowerMiddle in parent and Bottom in the current class.
  • Interface References
    • For a reference that is defined as an interface type, there is only a single possible fuzzy search type.
    • An interface that inherits from another interface can be searched as a fuzzy match.
    • A parent interface match only works for INPUT mode.
    • Multiple parent interface matches are ambiguous instead of searching the inheritance chain for each one.
    • For example, it won't match SimpleChildInterface in the parent class instead of SimplestInterface in current class.
    • Instead it sees that both interfaces are present and fails the compile:
      • Ambiguous method call. Could not resolve calc35 reference. (13843)
      • Could not locate method 'calc35' with matching signature in class 'oo.ClassParmOverload'. (14457)


For primitive types and objects, parameters can be defined or passed with an extent. The only fuzzy check is that a fixed extent at the caller can be passed to an indeterminate extent in the parameter definition. This is resolved only in the fuzzy matching phase.

Indeterminate extents in the caller can only be passed to indeterminate extents in the parameter definition. That doesn't change during fuzzy matching.


If a match for a TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE is not unambiguous in the exact matching phase, there are some cases where fuzzy matching can occur.

Parameter modes work the same as for all other non-buffer resources. A caller that does not specify the mode, matches any mode. A caller that does specify the mode, can only match that specific mode. The parameter definition must define the mode, it is not allowed to leave it off.

Compile-time fuzzy matching:

If the caller passes a TABLE and the only possible match is a TABLE-HANDLE, then the TABLE-HANDLE will be selected. This can happen in the following cases:

  • There are one or more method definitions which have a TABLE parameter but none of them are a structural "exact" match. If there is a TABLE-HANDLE option, it will be chosen.
  • If there are no method definitions with a TABLE parameter but there is one with a TABLE-HANDLE, then it will be chosen.

If the caller passes a TABLE-HANDLE and there is no signature with a TABLE-HANDLE option, then it can match a TABLE. This can ONLY happen if there is a single possible TABLE signature.

As in the exact matching phase, a TABLE-HANDLE cannot match a TABLE-HANDLE if there is also 1 or more TABLE parameter defintions that could match. In such cases (e.g. a TABLE-HANDLE + TABLE or no TABLE-HANDLE + more than one TABLE) then dynamic/runtime mode is forced.

Runtime fuzzy matching:

Only the use of a TABLE-HANDLE in the caller can cause runtime fuzzy matching. This is because the passing of a TABLE allows the compiler to make a decision since the schema is known for both the caller and possible method definitions.

If there are multiple possible matches available, then the matching will be deferred to runtime. These are the runtime resolution rules:

  • A call with a TABLE-HANDLE matches a TABLE-HANDLE in preference to a TABLE IF at runtime the schema of the TABLE-HANDLE IS NOT a match for the TABLE.
  • A call with a TABLE-HANDLE matches a TABLE in preference to a TABLE-HANDLE IF at runtime the schema of the TABLE-HANDLE IS a match for the TABLE.

By "the schema of the TABLE-HANDLE" it is meant that the runtime code will check the actual TABLE referenced by the TABLE-HANDLE and if it is a match to a TABLE method, then that will be preferred.

TODO: The attribute SCHEMA-MARSHALL (when set to NONE) has not been checked yet. It is expected


There is no fuzzy matching of BUFFER parameters.

Buffers and tables/table-handles are not interchangable.


These should behave exactly like TABLE/TABLE-HANDLE but for datasets.

If a match for a DATASET or DATASET-HANDLE is not unambiguous in the exact matching phase, there are some cases where fuzzy matching can occur.

Parameter modes work the same as for all other non-buffer resources. A caller that does not specify the mode, matches any mode. A caller that does specify the mode, can only match that specific mode. The parameter definition must define the mode, it is not allowed to leave it off.

Compile-time fuzzy matching:

If the caller passes a DATASET and the only possible match is a DATASET-HANDLE, then the DATASET-HANDLE will be selected. This can happen in the following cases:

  • There are one or more method definitions which have a DATASET parameter but none of them are a structural "exact" match. If there is a DATASET-HANDLE option, it will be chosen.
  • If there are no method definitions with a DATASET parameter but there is one with a DATASET-HANDLE, then it will be chosen.

If the caller passes a DATASET-HANDLE and there is no signature with a DATASET-HANDLE option, then it can match a DATASET. This can ONLY happen if there is a single possible DATASET signature.

As in the exact matching phase, a DATASET-HANDLE cannot match a DATASET-HANDLE if there is also 1 or more DATASET parameter defintions that could match. In such cases (e.g. a DATASET-HANDLE + DATASET or no DATASET-HANDLE + more than one DATASET) then dynamic/runtime mode is forced.

Runtime fuzzy matching:

Only the use of a DATASET-HANDLE in the caller can cause runtime fuzzy matching. This is because the passing of a DATASET allows the compiler to make a decision since the schema is known for both the caller and possible method definitions.

If there are multiple possible matches available, then the matching will be deferred to runtime. These are the runtime resolution rules:

  • A call with a DATASET-HANDLE matches a DATASET-HANDLE in preference to a DATASET IF at runtime the schema of the DATASET-HANDLE IS NOT a match for the DATASET.
  • A call with a DATASET-HANDLE matches a DATASET in preference to a DATASET-HANDLE IF at runtime the schema of the DATASET-HANDLE IS a match for the DATASET.

By "the schema of the DATASET-HANDLE" it is meant that the runtime code will check the actual DATASET referenced by the DATASET-HANDLE and if it is a match to a DATASET method, then that will be preferred.


Unknown value can be a kind of wildcard match but only if it is unambiguous. This means that there is only 1 possible method which could match. Otherwise this is a compile error.

Polymorphic Type

Some expressions yield results which can only be known at runtime. These are called "polymorphic types" since their data type can be different at runtime. A shorthand for this is "POLY".

The POLY case can be a kind of wildcard match at COMPILE time, but only if it is unambiguous. This means that there is only 1 possible method which could match.

If there are multiple possible matches then the method selection is deferred to runtime.

POLY cases which match more than 1 posisble method are deferred to RUNTIME method selection. This is the equivalent of an implicit call to DYNAMIC-INVOKE().

Other Notes

Within the matching process, searching only occurs within the valid access level (public, protected, private) and the static/instance context of the calling code. There have been no exceptions found to this behavior.

The caller may have restrictions on the allowed expressions based on the parameter mode:

  • Any kind of expression can be passed as an INPUT parameter.
  • Only lvalues can be passed to INPUT-OUTPUT and OUTPUT parameters. This makes sense because they must be assigned back on normal exit. Trying to pass something that is not an lvalue causes a compile error.

#493 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Type Erasure in Java

Some aspects of compiled type-safe Java code are erased by the compiler. When this happens it means that the binary class definition and JVM runtime do not retain the full data type specification of a given method. This can because the JVM class definition format and/or bytecode implementation does not provide a mechanism to define such data as part of a method definition.

When generics were added to Java (in Java 5), the class defintion and bytecode specification were not modified to retain the generic types. This means these types are used during compilation to enforce type safety. But it also means that some usage which seems to be different as written in source code, cannot be used to differentiate method defintions.

Here is a sample that illustrates several forms of generics usage which cannot be used to overload methods:

public class Test
   // doesn't work
   // public void test(object<Integer> t) { };
   // public void test(object<Double> t) { };

   // doesn't work
   // public void test(object<? extends Integer> t) { };
   // public void test(object<? extends Double> t) { };

   // works
   public void test(object1 t) { };
   public void test(object2 t) { };

   // works
   public <T extends Integer> void test(T t) { };
   public <T extends Double> void test(T t) { };

   // doesn't work
   // public <T extends object<Integer>> void test(T t) { };
   // public <T extends object<Double>> void test(T t) { };

   // doesn't work
   // public <T extends Integer> void test(object<? extends T> t) { };
   // public <T extends Double> void test(object<? extends T> t) { };

   // doesn't work
   // public <T extends Integer> void test(object<T> t) { };
   // public <T extends Double> void test(object<T> t) { };

   public static class object<O>
      O o;

   public static class object1
   extends object<Integer>

   public static class object2
   extends object<Double>

There are 4 scenarios in the 4GL where method overloading causes a Java type erasure issue. Actually 2 of the cases are generics-related type erasure issues and 2 cases are simply aspects of 4GL method overloading which present as the same problem as Java type erasure. Ultimately, the result is duplicate method signatures at compile time.

The cases are:

  • OO class references
    • OO references are passed around inside a wrapper class of type object.
    • Parameters would be defined as oo.TypeOne and oo.TypeTwo in the 4GL will be emitted as object<oo.TypeOne> and object<oo.TypeTwo>.
    • Java type erasure eliminates the generics, making both parameters appear as object which cannot be used for method overloading.
  • TABLE, TABLE-HANDLE and BUFFER parameters
    • These are converted to a TableParameter in the parameter definition.
    • In the caller, the parameter is wrapped in TableParameter.
    • There is no use of generics here but the result is type erasure.
    • For example, different tables will all appear as the same TableParameter type.
  • EXTENTS (see #3751-350)
    • Java does not have a concept of a fixed size array parameter.
    • Arrays are sized when they are created.
    • Code that processes array parameters must handle the array dynamically.
    • In the 4GL, indeterminate and different fixed sized arrays are all treated as different parameters from a signature perspective.
    • Losing this information in conversion is similar to a type erasure problem.
  • Parameter Modes
    • Java does not have a concept of parameter modes.
    • In the 4GL, modes are treated as different parameters from a signature perspective.
    • Losing this information in conversion is similar to a type erasure problem.

The successful approaches in the example Java code above cannot be used to solve the type erasure issue for 4GL converted code. All of these cases will require an alternate method name for disambiguation.

#494 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I did check to confirm that OO 4GL does implement virtual method dispatching as one would expect. In other words, calling a method on an instance that is passed as a parent type will actually call the overloaded version in the child class.

#495 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

The successful approaches in the example Java code above cannot be used to solve the type erasure issue for 4GL converted code. All of these cases will require an alternate method name for disambiguation.

A first-try solution may be to suffix the method name with a string that uniquely (I expect a surjection will suffice, not necessarily a bijection, but this needs to be verified because of narrowing/widening) identifies the signature. I have done this with UDFs in SQL Server. When a method is being called quickly compute the suffix and immediately locate the method with new name without any other parameter matching.

However, because of the multiple parameter passing types (Java only uses by value which is equivalent on the ABL's INPUT) the above solution might not work. In this case I suggest to create a .xml with same information about the methods and use it to quickly locate the proper method. It would contain basically the same informations as the suffix but the xml allow a much wider range of parametrisation than a single string. Of course maintaining (at conversion time) the additional resource and parsing it (at runtime) will add a bit of complexity to the lookup process, but I hope it will be less than the aggressive parameter matching.

If the second solution (the .xml) is not feasible, we can go back to the suffix and use a double char for each parameter to also encode the parameter passing type beside the argument type. Here is a short example. The following methods:

   method public integer calc3(INPUT-OUTPUT num as int): ...
   method public integer calc3(INPUT num as int): ...
   method public integer calc3(OUTPUT txt as char): ...

will be converted in Java (and renamed) to:

   public integer calc3_iU(...)
   public integer calc3_iI(...)
   public integer calc3_sO(...)

where each parameter is codified by two chars: reference passing type (using the same encoding as we do now with ABL procedure calls) and parameter type (i for integer, j for int64, s for character and so on).

An invocation in ABL of calc3(2 + 2) will be converted at conversion time to calc3_iI(2 + 2) which is quickly identified in the structure of the class.

#496 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

I'm working on the built-in classes. Many of them have private constructors. How does our runtime need this to be emitted? It seems like we must make these public so that subclasses can reference them.

#497 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I'm working on the built-in classes. Many of them have private constructors. How does our runtime need this to be emitted? It seems like we must make these public so that subclasses can reference them.

Can you give an example?

#498 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

Progress.Json.JsonParserError extends Progress.Json.JsonError but both are supposed to have a private constructor. But since the Progress.Json.JsonParserError constructor method has a direct reference to __json_JsonError_constructor__(); it must be at least package private.

Another case is Progress.Json.Objectmodel.ObjectModelParser extends Progress.Json.JsonParser which has a private constructor (per the 4GL docs). But we cannot make the constructor private or package private because they are in different packages.

It seems like we must make these public.

#499 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Progress.Json.JsonParserError extends Progress.Json.JsonError but both are supposed to have a private constructor. But since the Progress.Json.JsonParserError constructor method has a direct reference to __json_JsonError_constructor__(); it must be at least package private.

Another case is Progress.Json.Objectmodel.ObjectModelParser extends Progress.Json.JsonParser which has a private constructor (per the 4GL docs). But we cannot make the constructor private or package private because they are in different packages.

This doesn't make sense - I can't make a sub-class inherit a super-class with only private constructors, in 4GL.

It seems like we must make these public.

You are correct, make them public.

#500 Updated by Greg Shah over 5 years ago

This doesn't make sense - I can't make a sub-class inherit a super-class with only private constructors, in 4GL.

They must have special behavior for the built-in classes.

#501 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 5 years ago

My list of open issue is this:
  • static buffer, frame, etc references need .get() (not all cases I think were intercepted and fixed - as buffer refs are not emitted in a single place in TRPL).
  • ParameterList and dynamic invocation via LegacyClass.invoke and LegacyClass.invokeStandalone
  • extent method return
  • SysError legacy class support (emitted in certain cases of blocks with ON ERROR UNDO, THROW or with CATCH) - only by ERROR conditions raised by 4GL.
  • routine-level/block-level - check if a setting in a class file affects the super-classes, too, or just the class where the invoked method is defined (which would suggest this is a compiler processing and not a runtime setting)
  • static or instance c'tor failure (i.e. a super-class c'tor returns error/fails, then the instance will not be created and d'tors will be called in reverse order).
  • STOP-AFTER runtime was not implemented at all
  • ControlFlowOps.resolveLegacyEntry needs to be finished (especially the parameter mapping/conversion)

#502 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Another issue to add: POLY arguments can't disambiguate properly an overloaded method, see this DateField call:

json:Add( hField:name, DateField(hField:buffer-value)).

where there is a character DateField(date), character DateField(datetime) and character DateField(datetime-tz), as the argument is POLY. I think we need to convert these as dynamic calls?

For POC, I solved this by explicitly changing the 4GL code to avoid the POLY argument. But we need generic support for this.

#503 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

I think we need to convert these as dynamic calls?

Yes, these must be runtime-resolved calls.

#504 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, do you recall if we support 'static imports', like using from propath., where all static methods from Foo can be executed unqualified?

#505 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, do you recall if we support 'static imports', like using from propath., where all static methods from Foo can be executed unqualified?

Nevermind, this is not valid in 4GL, I missed the class reference before the method.

#506 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

There is an issue in pre_scan_class where all defined vars local to the OO methods are 'promoted' as class instance vars. This is because here we have the define_stmt_pre_scan, which is not protected by the inMethodDef flag, as this gets set only when the body of the method/etc gets parsed. And we don't explicitly track the method's body here, just the declaration.

We do need to track all the real OO instance vars during pre-scan, but we must exclude the DEF VAR scoped to methods. I'm not sure how to do this yet.

#507 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Another issue to add: POLY arguments can't disambiguate properly an overloaded method, see this DateField call:
where there is a character DateField(date), character DateField(datetime) and character DateField(datetime-tz), as the argument is POLY. I think we need to convert these as dynamic calls?

This one is fixed now.

#508 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

There is another flaw related to tempidx: we compute this during pre-scan and the normal parsing use it at the reference (i.e. method call). But the reference might be BEFORE the definition, and the tempidx which is re-computed during the normal parsing (for the definition) might have a different value, as the pre-scan dosen't include all elements which rely on tempidx. This gets the tempidx out-of-sync and messes up the refid's.

I'm trying to fix this.

#509 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

There is another flaw related to tempidx: we compute this during pre-scan and the normal parsing use it at the reference (i.e. method call). But the reference might be BEFORE the definition, and the tempidx which is re-computed during the normal parsing (for the definition) might have a different value, as the pre-scan dosen't include all elements which rely on tempidx. This gets the tempidx out-of-sync and messes up the refid's.

I'm trying to fix this.

I think I'm on the right path for this, didn't need a 'block-pre-scan' in the end. I relied on some simple rules:
  • everything defined locally has precedence over class members
  • the tempidx is kept at the ClassDefinition - this allows for the index not to 'collide' with values from pre-scan. And also, in cases where the definition is AFTER the reference, for the reference to use the proper index.

With these changes, I'm close to compile a the set of classes in the large project (which uses a small number). But the 'overload by object type' is needed to fully compile.

#510 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

There is one more case of the 'method var leak' - if a method-scoped var has the same name as a var defined in a super-class, then the super-reference access is not resolved properly, as FWD wants to link it with the method-scoped definition (because of the leak during pre-scan, it thinks is defined in the current class...).

#511 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Some other things to consider:

  • The following cannot appear in a DEF VAR that is local to a method:
    • PUBLIC
    • STATIC
  • DEF VAR defaults to PRIVATE if there is no access modifier. This means that local method vars cannot leak outside of the class AND that any PUBLIC or PROTECTED vars must be outside of a method (because of the previous rule). I think this means that external lookup of vars should not fail.
  • External access to a static must be qualified by a class name and cannot be confused. These also cannot be confused with local vars.
  • Using these rules we may be able to reduce the possible problem cases.

I think the only issue here is incorrect resolution within the current class, on the NON-PRE-SCAN pass. This can only happen for vars defined after the current method, since on that pass we can know for sure which vars are class members for all var def that are before the reference.

One approach would be to mark var defs that are "provisional" (created by the pre-scan) and during the main pass we would remove that marker when we hit that definition outside of a method OR if that definition is inside a method, then remove that member from the class def. Any references that are resolved using a var def that is provisional, can be marked or saved in a list for future checking. Then we can do a final fixup pass that re-processes any of these provisional references to lookup the correct definition.

#512 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, my WIP changes (by volume) are more misc than OO. I'd like to create a 3859a branch, finish/stabilize/review current changes (and #3751-511), test and release this branch.

#513 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Go ahead.

#514 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, did you start working on the overload by parameter mode or param's object type? If not, I need to start working on this.

#515 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, did you start working on the overload by parameter mode or param's object type? If not, I need to start working on this.

No, I have not started on this.

#516 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Some notes related to #3751-493, solving the collisions in Java signatures. This is solved by ensuring that a 4GL method signature (name and parameters) follows the same Java method name. For example, a m1(input x extent) and m1(input x extent 5) will have as Java methods m1_1(int[] x) and m1_2(int[] x), and this Java method name will be used anywhere this 4GL signature appears at the 4GL method definition (to keep it consistent). So, if a class overrides m1(input x extent), in Java the method in the sub-class will have the same name, m1_1.

The changes for this are almost complete, and it requires to distinguish between i.e. TABLE and TABLE-HANDLE defined parameters (as the method signature is different in 4GL). The #3751-492 fuzzy lookup for table/table-handle, dataset/dataset-handle, extent, etc at conversion time is not ready yet - previously I was matching table/table-handle as 'temp-table', but this is not OK.

Something else to mention:
  • I haven't been able to define two methods in the same class as m1(input table for tt1) and m1(input table for tt2) - 4GL sees this as the same signature. So there can't be a collision on TABLE parameters, just between and TABLE and TABLE-HANDLe
  • BUFFER parameters don't convert to TableParameter in FWD, they emit as i.e. Tt1_1_1.Buf - so these can't be part of Java signature collisions, either.

#517 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

a m1(input x extent) and m1(input x extent 5) will have as Java methods m1_1(int[] x) and m1_2(int[] x)

I would prefer if the converted name would match the extent value. So m1(input x as int extent 5) would be m1_5(int[] x). 4GL edits that occur later to add a m1(input x as int extent 3) would have a natural mapping that can't conflict. Also, it will read better because it will map back to something the 4GL developer intended.

With this in mind, we need to answer these questions:

  • How do we denote the undefined extent (_0)?
  • How do we handle multiple parameters that are extent (m1(input x as int extent 5, output z as int extent 10) might be m1_5_10(int[] x, int[] z))?
  • Should we add a letter prefix that relates to the type or parm name(m1_i5(int[] x))?

I haven't been able to define two methods in the same class as m1(input table for tt1) and m1(input table for tt2) - 4GL sees this as the same signature. So there can't be a collision on TABLE parameters, just between and TABLE and TABLE-HANDLe

I don't understand this. If the structure (number, type, extent and order of fields) is different, then you definitely can do this. Please see testcases/uast/oo/TableParmOverload.cls. The calc() methods show this exact case.

#518 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I would prefer if the converted name would match the extent value. So m1(input x as int extent 5) would be m1_5(int[] x).

Is not just extent, is object and tables, too. I agree something more verbose would be nice, but we need to be careful to not break the 'all converted Java method names must be unique, for any set of 4GL methods having the same legacy name and converted Java signature' rule. I will make the code such this suffix (although a number) will be really a string, so that we can 'plugin' this verbose mode later.

Should we add a letter prefix that relates to the type or parm name(m1_i5(int[] x))?

The parameter's name is not part of the signature - so this can differ between overloaded versions.

I don't understand this. If the structure (number, type, extent and order of fields) is different, then you definitely can do this. Please see testcases/uast/oo/TableParmOverload.cls. The calc() methods show this exact case.

Right, I messed something in my tests.

#519 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

So, as TABLE parameters allow collisions, and target resolution is done via the temp-table structure, in case of collisions - do you want to do this at conversion time? I'm inclined to convert these as 'dynamic invoke' and let the runtime do the work (at least for now...).

#520 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

DEF STREAM rpt. in a 4GL class can be used from both static and instance methods - and the static usage will have a single handle ID, while the instance usage will have different handle IDs.

Need to think how to fix this...

#521 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

So, as TABLE parameters allow collisions, and target resolution is done via the temp-table structure, in case of collisions - do you want to do this at conversion time? I'm inclined to convert these as 'dynamic invoke' and let the runtime do the work (at least for now...).

Don't we still need to emit separate method definitions? I assumed that we would do this by some kind of naming approach. In this case, we can just map the right names in as needed at call sites during conversion.

#522 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

So, as TABLE parameters allow collisions, and target resolution is done via the temp-table structure, in case of collisions - do you want to do this at conversion time? I'm inclined to convert these as 'dynamic invoke' and let the runtime do the work (at least for now...).

Don't we still need to emit separate method definitions? I assumed that we would do this by some kind of naming approach. In this case, we can just map the right names in as needed at call sites during conversion.

Yes, if you have two methods with the same 4GL name and a single TABLE parameter, but for two distinct tables - how does the conversion side know which one to call? We need to 'hard-link' it to the proper method definition... and this can only be done by analysing the full table structure to map. I was asking if we want to do this analysis at conversion-time or emit the as dynamic and let the runtime do the work to determine the right target.

#523 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

DEF STREAM rpt. in a 4GL class can be used from both static and instance methods - and the static usage will have a single handle ID, while the instance usage will have different handle IDs.

Streams can't be defined inside methods:

   method public void innerStreamsNotPossible():
      /* You cannot define streams inside a function or method. (6413) */
      /* def stream strm-def. */

I've also tried defining a stream as static, but it does not work. Are you saying that even though the stream is not explicitly static, that it can be accessed as a static resource?

Do you have an example to help me understand what you mean?

#524 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

We need to 'hard-link' it to the proper method definition... and this can only be done by analysing the full table structure to map. I was asking if we want to do this analysis at conversion-time or emit the as dynamic and let the runtime do the work to determine the right target.

OK, I see what you mean. My plan was to implement the table structure analysis. I'm OK with a quick solution for short term deadlines. But we do want to finish the full OO support ASAP and I don't want to leave this as dynamic in the long term.

#525 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Do you have an example to help me understand what you mean?

This class:

   def private stream rpt.

   method public static void ms1().
      message stream rpt:handle.

   method public void ms2().
      message stream rpt:handle.

used like this:
def var o as
o = new

will give you distinct handle IDs.

I've solved this by duplicating the stream and adding a Static suffix and static qualifier - so that we have one which can be used from static methods, and the other from instance methods. I'm doing this in post-parse-fixups stream_references.rules (to proper resolve the java name, for instance or static), I need to move it to annotations_prep, as the anti-parsed 4GL code will no longer be valid.

OTOH, FWD conversion rules emit proper Java code (LE: for this specific case of class STREAM member used in static or instance methods).

#526 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Your approach makes sense, though the "feature" does not make any sense. It is like an implicit static version of a resource. I wonder if this occurs for all handle-based resources such as widgets. I hope not.

#527 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Your approach makes sense, though the "feature" does not make any sense. It is like an implicit static version of a resource. I wonder if this occurs for all handle-based resources such as widgets. I hope not.

Argh, at least frames do behave like this. I'm not planning to worry about it unless I hit it in production code...

#528 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, is there a reason why fixups/stream_references.rules wouldn't be ran by annotations_prep.rules? The code I need is pretty dependent on the existing logic, and otherwise would require duplicating most of this file.

#529 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Greg, is there a reason why fixups/stream_references.rules wouldn't be ran by annotations_prep.rules? The code I need is pretty dependent on the existing logic, and otherwise would require duplicating most of this file.

The part about line-count, page-size, page-number and seek builtin functions really should be done in fixups since the tree will otherwise be wrong. This would affect reporting negatively. I suspect you don't need that part to move.

The duplicate stream removal can also affect reporting, but probably not in a negative way. There is an argument that we should leave the duplicates until after fixups since it actually does exist in the code and otherwise these duplicates don't show in the reports (but they should).

I don't see any obvious usage of refid for streams in reporting, so it could be moved. On the other hand, we normally do handle all the refid processing in fixups, so this will be confusing later. So, I'd prefer the refid processing to be in fixups, but if it makes sense to move it go ahead. Leave behind comments that explain where it can be found.

#530 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Created task branch 3751a from trunk rev 11306.

Rev 11307 contains a batch of OO and some misc fixes. Any file without a history entry means is still being edited. Greg, please review.

I haven't moved yet the code from fixups/stream_references.rules to annotations_prep.rules.

#531 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3751a Revision 11308

I'm good with the changes. There is quite a bit there!

The ClassDefinition and SymbolResolver changes will need another look once you have finished your changes.

#532 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

There is an issue which has been in the back of my head and bugging me for a while: we solve method name collisions (and between properties) at the conversion phase, and we look only in the current class. But this is not OK - the reason is the same as for the converted signature collision.

If we encounter a collision and decide that the Java name must be something else, than this Java name must be used by any other 4GL method with the same name and signature, in any super-class (and all of its sub-classes)... I'm not sure how to solve this using the current approach, it gets pretty tricky if you encounter another collision after this initial rename.

I think the resolution of converted Java names for class methods and getter/setter methods for properties must be done at the parser level. In any case, even if we do this at TRPL, we would need to:
  • gather all definitions for OO methods and getter/setter signatures
  • sort them by common (converted java name, converted parameter signature) (name this java-bucket)
  • for each java-bucket bucket of 4GL definitions, sort them again by their (legacy java name, 4GL method signature) (name this 4GL-bucket)
  • the converted Java names in each 4GL-bucket must be the same, while unique accross the entire set of 4GL-bucket s of a certain java-bucket.
So if you have two methods (ignore parameters for now), one m--1 and the other m-1, you will have something like:
  • one java-bucket with key m1 (converted Java name)
  • this bucket will contain two 4GL-buckets, one with m--1 name and the other with m-1 name as keys
  • each 4GL-bucket will contain all method definitions with matching name and signature
  • assigned converted Java name will be:
    • for m--1 bucket, something like m1_1
    • for m-1 bucket, something like m1_2

Does this make sense? This is a complication because we rely on Java override, and if we don't ensure that any overridden 4GL method has the same converted name as the super method, then we get in trouble.

As a side note, we should emit @Override annotations for overridden methods.

#533 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

This is a valid class definition: class "Imo.Windows.Support.LookupSupport". The class name will be considered without the quotes in 4GL.

#534 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

This is a valid class definition: class "Imo.Windows.Support.LookupSupport". The class name will be considered without the quotes in 4GL.

And this patch solves this:

### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P p2j
Index: src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/progress.g
--- src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/progress.g    (revision 1976)
+++ src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/progress.g    (working copy)
@@ -10982,7 +10982,18 @@
-         KW_CLASS^ s:any_symbol_at_all
+         KW_CLASS^ 
+         (
+              s:any_symbol_at_all
+            | st:STRING
+              {
+                 #st.setType(SYMBOL);
+                 String txt = #st.getText();
+                 #st.setText(txt.substring(1, txt.length() - 1));
+                 #s = #st;
+              }
+         )
             | impl:implements_clause

#535 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

I'm OK with the change, except that the manipulation of the type and text needs to use saveAndReplaceTypeAndText() or similar helpers. The idea here is that the original (unmodified) text is saved as original-text and the original type is saved as oldtype. Both of these are needed for us to properly anti-parse as 4GL.

Also, I think character.progressToJavaString() should be used instead of the hard coded quotes removal. This will properly handle escaped chars etc... inside.

#536 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

3751a was rebased from trunk rev 11308 - new rev 11312

#537 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

One other issue related to method overloading and overload suffix: when deriving from a builtin class (or even when you have overloads in a builtin class), this overload suffix must be computed and hard-coded, so that is used every time that builtin method is called... this affects method overrides for a builtin method, as the Java converted method name must not change from what we have pre-computed and how the builtin class is implemented in FWD. Need to think about this.

#538 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

The previous way of keeping class definition dictionaries for each propath is completely wrong, as it allows a ClassDefinition for a certain file to exist on more than one dict. I think the correct way is to keep a mapping of class qnames to a set of loaded ClassDefinition, one for each unique file - and depending on the current propath, the correct def will be resolved.

#539 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

The previous way of keeping class definition dictionaries for each propath is completely wrong, as it allows a ClassDefinition for a certain file to exist on more than one dict. I think the correct way is to keep a mapping of class qnames to a set of loaded ClassDefinition, one for each unique file - and depending on the current propath, the correct def will be resolved.

And there is another issue related to this: we mark each class data member as provisional, until the full parse is performed - but a sub-class may be processed by FWD BEFORE its super-class was processed (and is just pre-scanned) - so its members are still provisional and can't be found by the sub-class. The solution was to ensure super-classes are fully parsed (just to resolve the members, no writing to disk/registry), in proper order, after a complete pre-scan has finished for a class.

#540 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

One other issue related to method overloading and overload suffix: when deriving from a builtin class (or even when you have overloads in a builtin class), this overload suffix must be computed and hard-coded, so that is used every time that builtin method is called... this affects method overrides for a builtin method, as the Java converted method name must not change from what we have pre-computed and how the builtin class is implemented in FWD. Need to think about this.

I suspect the solution is something like this:

1. We need to process the builtin class skeletons first, in a "partial conversion" pass. This needs to go far enough to ensure that the ASTs have all the refids and annotations including the properly overloaded/suffxed javanames.

2. We switch the processing of builtin class references (and inheritance) to cross reference these pre-processed ASTs. As part of this we switch to using refids for method linkage.

Then everything else can be the normal processing I think.

#541 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I suspect the solution is something like this:

1. We need to process the builtin class skeletons first, in a "partial conversion" pass. This needs to go far enough to ensure that the ASTs have all the refids and annotations including the properly overloaded/suffxed javanames.

Your idea is good, but you forgot something: the method names are already hard-coded in FWD's Java code, and this name must be kept no matter what for any sub-class method overriding it. So what I'm doing is getting the javaname from the FWD implementation, and forcing this for any signature matching it. There may be some tweaks to it, but I think it works.

#542 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

And something else to add: @Override annotations are emitted for any method which has the override option - this ensures that the Java method hierarchy is consistent.

#543 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, in the oo.json classes, do you have any other changes? Because some of them look that aren't implemented at all (JsonArray), and I want to just copy-paste the converted code for the skeleton into it. I've added annotations for any emitted Java method (properties and events), so we can track these signatures and use the same javaname for any overrides.

#544 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, in the oo.json classes, do you have any other changes? Because some of them look that aren't implemented at all (JsonArray), and I want to just copy-paste the converted code for the skeleton into it. I've added annotations for any emitted Java method (properties and events), so we can track these signatures and use the same javaname for any overrides.

No, I have no additional changes. I had done the basic json testcases (uast/oo/json/*) and that took all my time. They are sufficient for a basic implementation but I'm planning to have 4GL devs make this more complete.

#545 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

USING* is valid in 4GL - but Java compiler complains that the package is empty, as there are no classes to import from it.

I'm inclined to check if the import's folder has any .ast files, and otherwise drop it - unless someone has a better idea...

#546 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

USING* is valid in 4GL - but Java compiler complains that the package is empty, as there are no classes to import from it.

I'm inclined to check if the import's folder has any .ast files, and otherwise drop it - unless someone has a better idea...

Go ahead.

#547 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

3751a rev 11326 contains my latest changes. The p2j/oo classes contains many Java sources for 4GL converted skeletons, which don't have history entries - I'll add this next.

There are two OO issues which I don't think are needed yet:
  • resolution by table structure at conversion time
  • overloaded c'tors when Java signatures collide
  • tracking of class event generated methods, so that their name is managed the same as for property getter/setter/etc
  • fix the TODO in SymbolResolver.initPossibleClasses, where the propath-based ClassDefinition instances must be kept in a (classQName, (file, ClassDefinition)) mapping - and when lookup is done, the correct file key (from the current propath) is computed.
Also the following are unsolved and marked as unimplementedfeature.missing or TODO:
  • buffer-field:DEFAULT-STRING attribute - will be part of #3813
  • done buffer:buffer-field(poly) and
  • buffer:buffer-validate() - will be part of #3813
  • done BDT:assign(Object), manage any non-BDT value
  • done DynamicOps.max/min(BDT)
  • done - IMPORT ... UNFORMATTED {record|field|property}
  • blob(BDT) c'tor, when the argument is non-BinaryData
  • dataset dereference, h-ds::bufname (Ovidiu, this will be part of #3908).
  • class name collisions between FWD (like Action) and app namespaces.

I'm rebasing 3751a in 15 minutes if nobody objects.

#548 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

  • dataset dereference, h-ds::bufname (Ovidiu, this will be part of #3908).

OK, I will wait for this branch to reach the trunk. I understand it is almost finished.

#549 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Rebased 3751a from trunk rev 11310 - new rev 11328.

#550 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Another OO-related issue: OO properties when they act as OUTPUT arguments for 4GL statements, like IMPORT or RUN PERSISTENT SET - in these cases, we need to write the value to the property.

I plan to add a PropertyReference class (similar to FieldReference) to be used by IMPORT o:prop, and a HandlePropRef (similar to HandleFieldRef), to be used by RUN PERSISTENT SET o:prop.

What's interesting is that these can be used ONLY if they are unqualified - so the usage is limited to references from within (sub) classes.

#551 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg, a quick question: shouldn't the extent property have a no-arg getter? Currently we emit only an indexed getter.

#552 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Greg, a quick question: shouldn't the extent property have a no-arg getter? Currently we emit only an indexed getter.

Probably, yes. But I haven't created tests to check the possibilities for how the "whole array" form works.

#553 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

3751a was merged to trunk rev 11311 and was archived. This commit includes mostly changes related to #3751 and other misc changes:
  • a large set of OpenEdge OO skeletons converted to FWD as stubs.
  • fixed OO properties used as 'writable arguments', in IMPORT, RUN ... SET handle, OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT arguments
  • fixed buffer usage from super-classes.
  • a "DEFINE STREAM rpt" in OO can be used from both static and instance context (this applies to any resource created via a DEFINE statement, but only stream is fixed).
  • fixed a CONTAINS operator issue (but not specific to it) - if a related buffer is part of a complex expression, than the expression can't evaluate on client-side - it must be emitted in the HQL, and the related buffer as FieldReference
  • solved an converted OO method names, when used in inheritance, overload or from legacy skeletons
  • Fixed conversion of table/buffer references defined in super-classes. Other misc fixes.
  • Fixed OO DATASET and DATASET-RELATION members (access-mode, static, resolution, etc). Added ROW-STATE constants. Other misc DATASET/DATASET-HANDLE fixes. Refs #3809
  • Added an attempt to log files with direct or indirect references during parsing (not yet complete, some cases are not solved properly).
  • Fixed POLY cases of COPY-LOB parameters, added LENGTH support.
  • Refactored COPY-LOB conversion and runtime (WIP); fixed assignment of literal string to CLOB field; enabled BLOB/CLOB support for LENGTH built-in function
  • alpha implementation for STREAM-HANDLE support (does not include UI frame-related statements). Refs #3178
  • fixed IMPORT UNFORMATTED {record|field|property} support.

#554 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Created task branch 3751b from trunk rev 11311.

Rev 11312 contains some OO changes and a batch of misc changes.

#555 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Please review 3751b rev 11315.

#556 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

3751b 11315 passed runtime/conversion testing.

#557 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branvch 3751a Revision 11334

I realize this is happening after the merge to trunk. Sorry about that. Issues can be addressed in 3751b. Overall, the changes are very good. Considering the volume of changes, I really have a small number of comments.

1. In collect_parameters.rules, the change for DYNAMIC-NEW ... NO-ERROR just ignores the keyword. Is that the 4GL behavior or is a more correct approach to structure the tree differently?

2. I think there are some places where we are duplicating code that would be better as common code. Examples:

  • In method_defs.rules, the override and static processing is duplicated.
  • In buffer_definitions.rules the access-mode and static processing for DEFINE_BUFFER/KW_FOR is duplciated.
  • There are multiple places where we trim openedge, progress and ccs from package names. It is done in annotations_prep.xml and in ClassDefinition. Another example is the code in
  • In methods_attributes.rules, at the end where we implement special case processing, the same behavior is implemented in duplicated blocks of createJavaAst() and putAnnotation where there could be a common implementation that just passes parameters.
  • In the two versions of SymbolResolver.getConvertedMethodName(), the core logic could have been moved into the getConvertedMethodName(String, String) version.
  • DynamicOps.minimum() and DynamicOps.maximum() could be implemented with a single worker since the only difference is the use of _isLessThan instead of _isGreaterThan

I'm not expecting these to be rewritten. I'm just pointing out that the more there is duplication of code, the harder it is to maintain over time. For example, it may requiresone to remember or detect that there should be edits in multiple places.

3. In SymbolResolver line 4142, the use of "lenght-of-" should probably be "length-of-". I think InternalEntry.LENGTH should also be "LENGTH-OF" instead of "LENGHT-OF".

4. There are new methods in ClassDefinition which need javadocs. For example, setDotNetReferences(). This is also true in PropertyReference, for example wrap().

5. ConvertedClassName.getConvertedMethodName() needs javadoc.

#558 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3751b Revision 11315

I'm fine with the changes. Do you want to merge to trunk?

Please note that #3631 has a change that is supposed to be merged to trunk next. As soon as that is done, you can merge if you want.

#559 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Are you ready to rebase and merge? I'd like to pick up your changes in 4069a.

#560 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

3751b was merged to trunk rev 11313 and archived.

#561 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

1. In collect_parameters.rules, the change for DYNAMIC-NEW ... NO-ERROR just ignores the keyword. Is that the 4GL behavior or is a more correct approach to structure the tree differently?

The problem here is that the arguments are not parented by a PARAMETER node, they are on the same level. And NO-ERROR is on the same level as these, too.

2. I think there are some places where we are duplicating code that would be better as common code. Examples:

Thanks, I'll keep an eye if when reach these parts again.

3. In SymbolResolver line 4142, the use of "lenght-of-" should probably be "length-of-". I think InternalEntry.LENGTH should also be "LENGTH-OF" instead of "LENGHT-OF".
4. There are new methods in ClassDefinition which need javadocs. For example, setDotNetReferences(). This is also true in PropertyReference, for example wrap().
5. ConvertedClassName.getConvertedMethodName() needs javadoc.

Fixed with 3751b.

#562 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

The problem here is that the arguments are not parented by a PARAMETER node, they are on the same level. And NO-ERROR is on the same level as these, too.

Does the 4GL honor the NO-ERROR?

#563 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

The problem here is that the arguments are not parented by a PARAMETER node, they are on the same level. And NO-ERROR is on the same level as these, too.

Does the 4GL honor the NO-ERROR?


#564 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

When it makes sense, we should rationalize these to have a PARAMETER parent. This is not too hard in the parser. The real work is the downstream TRPL dependencies on the old structure. This will be especially heavy in the variable definition rule sets, which are non-trivial on a good day.

#565 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

When it makes sense, we should rationalize these to have a PARAMETER parent. This is not too hard in the parser. The real work is the downstream TRPL dependencies on the old structure. This will be especially heavy in the variable definition rule sets, which are non-trivial on a good day.

This is related to Ovidiu's work in #3809, the APPEND/BY-REF/BY-VALUE options for TABLE/TABLE-HANDLE/DATASET/DATASET-HANDLE arguments; as currently they are all siblings, I think Ovidiu emitted some annotations during parsing, to not rely on the corresponding AST nodes, in TRPL. Ovidiu, did you get a chance to fix this processing?

#566 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc about 5 years ago

This is related to #3809, notes 107-111.
Yes, I unified the options (APPEND/BY-REF/BY-VAL/BIND) for both param defs and param passing. They are all converted to annotations later in pipeline, after analysis and statistics are done. Indeed, there is not PARAMETER parent for all cases.
I have the change in 3809c.

#567 Updated by Greg Shah about 5 years ago

Hynek: The OO 4GL JSON implementation is all files under src/com/goldencode/p2j/oo/json/ and src/com/goldencode/p2j/oo/json/objectmodel/. Right now they are skeletons but we need a real implementation.

My intention was to try to use jackson for the implementation. We have other code that uses it already and the features seem quite good.

I've written testcases in testcases/uast/oo/json/* that show the basic functionality, but Marian Edu's team is working on a more detailed set of tests. I need to make sure they are getting the error handling figured out properly, but I think my testcases will provide a good start.

#568 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

I've written testcases in testcases/uast/oo/json/* that show the basic functionality, but Marian Edu's team is working on a more detailed set of tests.

I'm getting the following error when converting the testcases mentioned above. I tried with current trunk. Is there perhaps another branch known to work better with the most recent test cases?

Business Logic Base Structure

Elapsed job time:  00:00:00.471
com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.TreeWalkException: ERROR!  Active Rule:
      RULE REPORT      
Rule Type :   WALK
Condition :  throwException(errmsg, parent)
Loop      :  false

    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.processTrees(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.back(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.executeJob(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.main(
Caused by: com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$UserGeneratedException: Passing unknown value literal to builtin func! [OO_METH_LOGICAL id <244813136263> 44:7]
    at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.throwException(
    at com.goldencode.expr.CE10230.execute(Unknown Source)

#569 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

I've written testcases in testcases/uast/oo/json/* that show the basic functionality, but Marian Edu's team is working on a more detailed set of tests.

I'm getting the following error when converting the testcases mentioned above. I tried with current trunk. Is there perhaps another branch known to work better with the most recent test cases?


How does the AST look for the write OO method call? Usually when I got these kind of errors, it meant:
  • the OO method was not dereferenced properly (i.e. no refid annotation) if this is not a builtin method
  • the OO method was not resolved properly and the call was not marked as builtin

So, is there a tempidx annotation for this call?

#570 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Greg Shah wrote:

I've written testcases in testcases/uast/oo/json/* that show the basic functionality, but Marian Edu's team is working on a more detailed set of tests.

I'm getting the following error when converting the testcases mentioned above. I tried with current trunk. Is there perhaps another branch known to work better with the most recent test cases?


How does the AST look for the write OO method call? Usually when I got these kind of errors, it meant:
  • the OO method was not dereferenced properly (i.e. no refid annotation) if this is not a builtin method
  • the OO method was not resolved properly and the call was not marked as builtin

Yes, the problem was that the method (with the expected signature) was not declared on the class skeleton. Adding the method declaration resolved the error. Thanks for the hint.

#571 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Ovidiu, I'm currently working on JSON generation with ProDataSet as the source of data (JsonObject:Read(DATASET-HANDLE ...)).

Can you give me some advice how to get to the data in the data set? That is, tables/buffers and their field names and values?

I found BufferImpl.rawCopyTo which handles a similar case, but there RecordBuffer is used to describe the data. I couldn't find a link to the RecordBuffer instances for the buffers held by the data set.

#572 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Ovidiu, I'm currently working on JSON generation with ProDataSet as the source of data (JsonObject:Read(DATASET-HANDLE ...)).

Also, your initial implementation of Read calls createDynamicDataSet. What is the idea behind this?

#573 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Ovidiu, I'm currently working on JSON generation with ProDataSet as the source of data (JsonObject:Read(DATASET-HANDLE ...)).

This seems very similar to my Dataset:write-json("JsonArray" | "JsonObject", target, ...). Starting from yesterday (see r11353/3809c), I implemented JSON serialization of DATASETS. However, from the DATASET POV, there is a single implementation method:

logical writeJson(TargetData target, logical formatted, character encoding, logical omitInitials, logical omitOuterObject, logical writeBeforeImage)

which in turn calls a dedicated JsonExport constructor that does the actual work (quite the same as TEMP-TABLES, and this latter code is shared). The problem is, from this POV the TargetData masks the actual destination of serialized data. If your objects (JsonArray / JsonObject) are well integrated with TargetData then the DataSet JSON serialization should work for you with the r11353.

Can you give me some advice how to get to the data in the data set? That is, tables/buffers and their field names and values?

Because of encapsulation, the internal data is private. You can query this information using the standard DATASET interface:

int ttCount = dataSet.numBuffers().intValue(); // the number of (after) tables in the DATASET

for (int k = 0; k < ttCount; k++)
   BufferImpl after = (BufferImpl) dataSet.bufferHandle(k + 1).unwrapBuffer(); // +1 because 4GL is 1-based
   TemporaryBuffer buffer = (TemporaryBuffer) after.buffer();
   // process member buffer

   // if you need the before buffer, you need to check its existence:
   if (after.isAfterBuffer())
      BufferImpl before = (BufferImpl) after.beforeBuffer().unwrapBuffer();
      TemporaryBuffer beforeBuffer = (TemporaryBuffer) before.buffer();
      // process before-buffer

I found BufferImpl.rawCopyTo which handles a similar case, but there RecordBuffer is used to describe the data. I couldn't find a link to the RecordBuffer instances for the buffers held by the data set.

I guess you are looking for RecordBuffer.getDMOProxy(). Also you may need some casting here.

#574 Updated by Ovidiu Maxiniuc about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Ovidiu, I'm currently working on JSON generation with ProDataSet as the source of data (JsonObject:Read(DATASET-HANDLE ...)).

Also, your initial implementation of Read calls createDynamicDataSet. What is the idea behind this?

This is the way massive structures (DataSet s and TempTable s) are received by methods/functions and procedures. Note that createDynamicDataSet 's implementation is not finished yet.

#575 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Is there a way to get a stream reference from its name? This is for the implementation of JsonObject:WriteStream.

#576 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Is there a way to get a stream reference from its name? This is for the implementation of JsonObject:WriteStream.

We don't have a 'stream registry' at this time - so you can't identify a stream by its name. This API is used in a single program, so postpone it if you have other APIs to work on.

#577 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

I need a bit of advice on the OO usage.

I have a class with a method, that returns an object<Something>. The method instantiates the return object with ObjectOps.newInstance(Something.class) and returns it with BlockManager.returnNormal().

The problem is that the object gets deleted when the method scoped is finished (eventually scopeFinished() in ObjectOps is called) as its reference count at this point is zero. I believe the zero reference count conceptually is correct, as it will be increased once the returned value is assigned to a variable down the call stack.

How to handle this case?

#578 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

I need a bit of advice on the OO usage.

I have a class with a method, that returns an object<Something>. The method instantiates the return object with ObjectOps.newInstance(Something.class) and returns it with BlockManager.returnNormal().

You need to use TypeFactory.object APIs to declare a variable, assign it and return it. This uses ObjectVar, which handles 4GL-style variable declarations, and handles reference counting.

#579 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

I need a bit of advice on the OO usage.

I have a class with a method, that returns an object<Something>. The method instantiates the return object with ObjectOps.newInstance(Something.class) and returns it with BlockManager.returnNormal().

You need to use TypeFactory.object APIs to declare a variable, assign it and return it. This uses ObjectVar, which handles 4GL-style variable declarations, and handles reference counting.

Shouldn't this be handled by the returnNormal method already? I don't see a case where I wouldn't want to increase the ref count for a returned object causing it to be deleted before returned to the caller.

#580 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Shouldn't this be handled by the returnNormal method already? I don't see a case where I wouldn't want to increase the ref count for a returned object causing it to be deleted before returned to the caller.

I found this in BlockManager.setFuncReturn:

               if (bdt != null)
                  Class<?> rclass = bdt.getClass();
                  if (rclass.isArray() && rclass.getComponentType() == object.class)
                     for (object<?> obj : (object[]) bdt)
                        if (obj == null || obj.isUnknown())

                        _BaseObject_ ref = obj.ref();
                        // mark this object as a pending assign - it will not be implicitly deleted
                        // if it's current referent gets out of scope 

This seems to handle the case I mention above, but only for arrays (extents). Should this be relaxed to also handle scalar objects?

#581 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Shouldn't this be handled by the returnNormal method already?

ObjectVar is used internally by TypeFactory.object - and only ObjectVar does reference counting. If you just call ObjectOps.newInstance, that reference will not be tracked and will be deleted when the block ends. If you pass it to a return, then this will be marked as 'pendingAssign' and shouldn't be deleted unless the caller doesn't save the value...

This separation is required to distinguish between use cases which need reference counting (which is the legacy 4GL support for deleting an object) and internal assignments (in FWD runtime) which don't require to increment the reference counter.

I don't see a case where I wouldn't want to increase the ref count for a returned object causing it to be deleted before returned to the caller.

If the caller doesn't save the value, then the ref counter must not be incremented.

Please post how the caller defines the variable and calls the method (is the caller 4GL or hand-written Java?), and how the method's body looks like (I assume this is hand-written Java). The pendingAssign might usage might be wrong, and even if is added there, the set gets popped when this method's scope is finished.

#582 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

This seems to handle the case I mention above, but only for arrays (extents). Should this be relaxed to also handle scalar objects?

You might be right here, please fix this and see what happens.

#583 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

This seems to handle the case I mention above, but only for arrays (extents). Should this be relaxed to also handle scalar objects?

You might be right here, please fix this and see what happens.

See the attached diff. It seems to resolve the issue.

#584 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

This seems to handle the case I mention above, but only for arrays (extents). Should this be relaxed to also handle scalar objects?

You might be right here, please fix this and see what happens.

See the attached diff. It seems to resolve the issue.

Do a check for unknown value, too. I'm glad it solves it :)

#585 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

This seems to handle the case I mention above, but only for arrays (extents). Should this be relaxed to also handle scalar objects?

You might be right here, please fix this and see what happens.

See the attached diff. It seems to resolve the issue.

I added a check for unknown. See the attached.

#586 Updated by Constantin Asofiei about 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

I added a check for unknown. See the attached.

I'm OK with the change.

#587 Updated by Hynek Cihlar about 5 years ago

Please review the implementation of json classes in 3809c revisions 11359 and 11361. Pay extra attention to the oo usage and the oo related changes.

Note that the following methods are not yet implemented.

For JsonArray:
Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle )

Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle,
      INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL )
WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER)

WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER,
            INPUT formatted AS LOGICAL)

WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER,
            INPUT formatted AS LOGICAL,
            INPUT encoding AS CHARACTER)

For JsonObject:
Read( INPUT DATASET-HANDLE pds-handle )

Read( INPUT DATASET-HANDLE pds-handle,
      INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL )

Read( INPUT DATASET-HANDLE pds-handle,
      INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL,
      INPUT read-before-image AS LOGICAL)

Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle )

Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle,
      INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL )

Read( INPUT buffer-handle AS HANDLE )

Read( INPUT buffer-handle AS HANDLE,
      INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL )

WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER)

WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER,
            INPUT formatted AS LOGICAL)

WriteStream(INPUT stream AS CHARACTER,
            INPUT formatted AS LOGICAL,
            INPUT encoding AS CHARACTER)

#588 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Hynek, please test/check the Progress.Json.Objectmodel.ObjectModelParser implementation.

#589 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek, please test/check the Progress.Json.Objectmodel.ObjectModelParser implementation.

Do you see a failure? Do you have a specific test case to test?

#590 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Constantin Asofiei wrote:

Hynek, please test/check the Progress.Json.Objectmodel.ObjectModelParser implementation.

Do you see a failure? Do you have a specific test case to test?

Sorry, now I see you've fixed it in 3809c, I was looking at trunk.

#591 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Please review 3809c revisions 11383 and 11378. This implements the read and writeStream methods for json legacy classes.

#592 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 3809c Revisions 11383 and 11378

Everything seems OK except 1 important thing: these classes are used exclusively on the server side. They cannot call ThinClient. This means that JsonConstruct.writeStream() needs to use StreamFactory.openFileStream() instead.

Please also remove the import com.goldencode.p2j.ui.chui.*; from both JsonConstruct and JsonObject.

#593 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Actually, I see you added a StreamDaemon.findStream(String name) helper. Instead of exposing this from ThinClient (which cannot be called from the server), it must be added to StreamBuilder and exposed on the server side in StreamFactory.

#594 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Hynek, please commit all other fixes related to JSON support to 4124a; I plan to rebase it, so please wait for the notification in #4124.

#595 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Actually, I see you added a StreamDaemon.findStream(String name) helper. Instead of exposing this from ThinClient (which cannot be called from the server), it must be added to StreamBuilder and exposed on the server side in StreamFactory.

Fixed in 4124a revision 11328. Please review.

#596 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 4124a Revision 11328

Client side streams cannot be serialized to the server. Instead, on the server we use a RemoteStream instance that has an int ID that is sent to the client with each request.

In rev 11330, I've checked in version that uses RemoteStream. I have not tested it.

#597 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Code Review Task Branch 4124a Revision 11328

Client side streams cannot be serialized to the server. Instead, on the server we use a RemoteStream instance that has an int ID that is sent to the client with each request.

In rev 11330, I've checked in version that uses RemoteStream. I have not tested it.

Thanks for fixing this. I'm doing the testing today.

#598 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

I'm trying to test the JsonArray.Read(TABLE-HANDLE) method, but can't get my test case converted. It works in OpenEdge OK. Any hint is appreciated.

DEFINE VARIABLE myArr AS Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray NO-UNDO.


create ttCust.
ttCust.CustNum = 1.
ttCust.Name = "First Customer".
ttCust.NewCust = true.

create ttCust.
ttCust.CustNum = 2.
ttCust.Name = "Second Customer".
ttCust.NewCust = false.

httCust = BUFFER ttCust:HANDLE.
myArr = NEW Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray().
myArr:Write(myLongchar, TRUE).

message string(myLongchar) view-as alert-box.
com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.TreeWalkException: ERROR!  Active Rule:
      RULE REPORT      
Rule Type :   WALK
Condition :  throwException(errmsg, parent)
Loop      :  false

    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.processTrees(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.back(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.TransformDriver.executeJob(
    at com.goldencode.p2j.convert.ConversionDriver.main(
Caused by: com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$UserGeneratedException: Passing unknown value literal to builtin func! [OO_METH_LOGICAL id <442381631663> 23:7]
    at com.goldencode.p2j.pattern.CommonAstSupport$Library.throwException(

#599 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

I'm trying to test the JsonArray.Read(TABLE-HANDLE) method, but can't get my test case converted. It works in OpenEdge OK. Any hint is appreciated.

This one is a little tricky. For a function call, 4GL forces you to do func0(input table-handle h).. For a OO method call, the only way is to pass handle directly. This is even if the parameters are defined the same for the function and method.

We haven't encountered until now this use case; this patch allows you to convert:

### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P p2j
Index: src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/
--- src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/    (revision 2032)
+++ src/com/goldencode/p2j/uast/    (working copy)
@@ -2147,7 +2147,8 @@
                                  // handle can be passed to TABLE-HANDLE or DATASET-HANDLE in 4GL,
                                  // FWD doesn't support this at this time, so ignore it here.
                                  if ("TEMP-TABLE".equals(sig[i].type) || 
-                                     "TABLE-HANDLE".equals(sig[i].type))
+                                     "TABLE-HANDLE".equals(sig[i].type) ||
+                                     "handle".equals(sig[i].type))
                                     continue inner;

but it doesn't compile. You can change this code manually to myArr.ref().read(new TableParameter(httCust.unwrapBuffer().tableHandle()));, so that it compiles and check your use case.

I think the other part of the conversion fix is in convert/variable_references.rules, line 760:

         <!-- create the node -->
         <rule>methodTxt != null

The relativePath("KW_TAB_HAND/VAR_HANDLE") should be added the case of "this is a OO method call, the argument is a handle type and the parameter at the definition signature is a TABLE-HANDLE or DATASET-HANDLE".

If your OK to just fix the code manually to compile, then add this as a bug in the FWD project.

#600 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

As a side-note: this might be a side-effect of using builtin/skeleton classes; anyway, I'd like not to spend time fixing this now.

#601 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Additional fixes for the json legacy classes checked in to 4124a revision 11335. No more changes for the json legacy classes are expected at this stage. Please review.

#602 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Hynek Cihlar wrote:

Additional fixes for the json legacy classes checked in to 4124a revision 11335. No more changes for the json legacy classes are expected at this stage. Please review.

I should have mentioned that the writeStream methods changes require conversion. However the conversion is not mandatory for the rest of the app to run.

#603 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 4124a Revision 11335

The JSON changes are fine.

The changes related to Implemented stream name server-client serialization. are too intrusive and don't make sense for a client-side implementation. My quick and dirty approach was not optimal because we really should not need to have a client round trip just to get the int id for a stream. Considering there is some kind of weird stream name lookup going on here (which is not possible in any other 4GL feature), I think we need a different approach. I was trying to avoid keeping this mapping on the server since we would need to find the right place to store it and clean it up. But the client side has no need for this stream name. And the extra round trip to the client is costly anyway. On top of that, now we have an extra stream name parameter for all types of stream constructors, which we really should avoid since it is just for this one feature.

Please reverse the Implemented stream name server-client serialization. parts of the change. Instead, let's find the right place on the server to store this name to stream mapping. I wonder if this can be in context-local storage in the StreamWrapper class. The StreamWrapper already has the stream name and it is only used on the server-side so there is no round trip to the client. In fact it is the entity that is directly associated with the stream name. And it also contains the instance of the RemoteStream that is being referenced. In other words, it is the very mapping needed for this case. All we need to add:

  • A context local map of the name to StreamWrapper instances.
  • A way to lookup the RemoteStream from the name (which will internally use that map).
  • When a StreamWrapper sets its internal stream instance to null it can be removed from the map.
  • When a new stream is set via assign(), then the mapping can be added or replaced.

#604 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

  • A context local map of the name to StreamWrapper instances.
  • A way to lookup the RemoteStream from the name (which will internally use that map).
  • When a StreamWrapper sets its internal stream instance to null it can be removed from the map.
  • When a new stream is set via assign(), then the mapping can be added or replaced.

Yes, this totally makes sense. Please review 4124a revision 11338.

#605 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Code Review Task Branch 4124a Revision 11338

This looks good. Minor notes:

1. StreamFactory has changes in this branch, so a history entry is still needed.

2. StreamWrapper.assign() line 528 the wa instance cannot be null because of line 507.

3. NullStream has some new imports that are not needed.

#606 Updated by Hynek Cihlar almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Code Review Task Branch 4124a Revision 11338

This looks good. Minor notes:

1. StreamFactory has changes in this branch, so a history entry is still needed.

2. StreamWrapper.assign() line 528 the wa instance cannot be null because of line 507.

Both resolved in 11339.

3. NullStream has some new imports that are not needed.

I just reverted to its previous state. But I can remove the imports.

#607 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

3. NullStream has some new imports that are not needed.

I just reverted to its previous state. But I can remove the imports.

Not necessary.

#608 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4148: Passing HANDLE to method with TABLE-HANDLE or DATASET-HANDLE converts to uncompilable code added

#609 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

For a customer project, we are seeing a failure in resolution of a class name in 4GL code during parsing. In the SymbolResover.initPossibleClasses() (called from the constructor), we initialize the propathCls map to hold mappings that look like this:

key = <propath_entry>/path/to/<class_base_name> (lowercased)
value = ./abl/full/propath/plus/path/to/<class_base_name>.cls (relative filename from project home for that class)

This is only ever used in SymbolResolver.findFile(). Inside findFile() we only ever search for the value as passed in by the caller. We may lowercase it and convert the separators, but we don't ever prefix the propath value. It is assumed that the caller has handled that. The problem here is that in 2 of the 3 calling locations, we don't add the propath prefix. In these cases, it is not clear to me how we can ever find a match.

  • In resolveClassName() we use searchPkgDict to make the next parm in the call if (findFile(next, uspec[0].type, result)). This is OK since the searchPkgDict has the proper propath-prefixed package names encoded. This is used to find classes for code referencing unqualified class names (where the package has been added to searchPkgDict from a USING <package>.*. statement).
  • In resolveClassName(), when we search for a fully qualified classname, we call it with if (findFile(name, utype, result)). In this case, name is the fully qualified class name (e.g. oo.Foo) but it NEVER has the propath prefixed (e.g. abl/some/propath/oo/Foo). I think this will always fail.
  • In loadClass(), when the class is not already loaded we use if (!findFile(found.clsname, found.type, found)) to try to find it. The found.clsname will have been filled in by resolveClassName(). In the case where the file was found using the searchPkgDict (the unqualified USING case) it will have the propath prefix along with the qualified class name. But in the fully qualified reference case, the found.clsname will have only the fully qualified class name and would be missing the propath prefix. This seems like fully qualified class references will always fail.

Am I missing something here? How are our existing projects working properly? Are they just never using fully qualified class references?

Constantin: Please review. I plan to fix this in 4069a, but I want to confirm my findings.

#610 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Am I missing something here? How are our existing projects working properly? Are they just never using fully qualified class references?

I think your analysis is correct. Existing projects are relying on USING, and my tests are all without it. I managed to miss this because my tests are converting always in the current folder, and not a sub-folder (like abl/).

#611 Updated by Roger Borrello almost 5 years ago

In SymbolResolver.loadClass we found some disabled code:

         if (false && wa.preScanRefs.contains(found.clsname))
            // in process of being loaded
            return found.clsname;

We found it looking for why we seem to be infinitely recursing in our parsing, as evidenced by the log output. It appears parsing a leads to b which calls something in a and we reattempt the parse instead of just letting it continue.

   Recursive level 1 parse of class: ./abl/a.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/Memptr.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Object.cls
   Recursive level 4 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/Class.cls
   Recursive level 5 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Lang/ParameterList.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/HashAlgorithmEnum.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/String.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Ccs/Common/Support/ILongcharHolder.cls
   Recursive level 4 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Ccs/Common/Support/IPrimitiveHolder.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/ISupportEncoding.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/Collections/Array.cls
   Recursive level 4 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/Collections/ICollection.cls
   Recursive level 4 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/Collections/IIterator.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/OpenEdge/Core/WidgetHandle.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Ccs/Common/Support/IHandleHolder.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/ObjectModel/JsonObject.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/ObjectModel/JsonConstruct.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/ObjectModel/JsonArray.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/ObjectModel/ObjectModelParser.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/skeleton/oo4gl/Progress/Json/JsonParser.cls
   Recursive level 2 parse of class: ./abl/a.cls
   Recursive level 3 parse of class: ./abl/b.cls

Start diving deeper...
   Recursive level 360 parse of class: ./abl/a.cls
   Recursive level 361 parse of class: ./abl/b.cls
   Recursive level 362 parse of class: ./abl/a.cls
   Recursive level 363 parse of class: ./abl/b.cls
... ad nauseum...

#612 Updated by Greg Shah almost 5 years ago

Constantin: Do you recall why that code was disabled?

Perhaps it is needed to handle this cyclic referencing scenario (A has references to B and B has references to A).

#613 Updated by Constantin Asofiei almost 5 years ago

Greg Shah wrote:

Constantin: Do you recall why that code was disabled?

Perhaps it is needed to handle this cyclic referencing scenario (A has references to B and B has references to A).

I don't recall exactly why. But I recall there were issues with this cyclic references, when A has USING B and B has USING A.

#614 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

Greg, these are they key missing features:
  • enum support - #4349
  • block option STOP-AFTER (needs runtime) - #4347
  • extent method return for ObjectOps.invoke (and LegacyClass versions). We may have issues with extent return type (but I'm not sure). - #4348
  • Progress.Lang.Class:hasWidgetPool - #4353
  • parameter validation for Progress.Lang.Class:invoke and new. Here we may have problems as we had with CALL invocations (i.e. argument conversion from a BDT to another).
  • progress.lang.ParameterList:setParameter - argument validation - #4353
  • apperror vs syserror - these weren't tested comprehensively, the support is pretty good, but when combined with ROUTINE-LEVEL or BLOCK-LEVEL statements, we may have missing issues (as I recall, we need to convert ERROR condition to SysError class). - #4352
  • method overload when they differ by a temp-table, dataset, buffer or object or extent or parameter modes - this is both conversion and runtime (to i.e. find the correct API in case of a dynamic call). - #4350
  • the dual resource behavior (static and instance); we have define stream support, but we need to add support for the other resources which behave like this (frames, query, etc) - #4351
  • GET-CLASS() built-in function - #4354
  • catch block variable definitions - #4355

The progress.lang features I'll place them in a single task.

I'll update this comment as I create the tasks.

#615 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4347: add runtime support for STOP-AFTER block option added

#616 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4348: investigate and fix extent issues in method/function return type added

#617 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

#618 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4350: method overload when they differ by a temp-table, dataset, buffer or object or extent or parameter modes added

#619 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4351: instance vs static dual behavior for class-defined resources added

#620 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4352: finish progress.lang.apperror and progress.lang.syserror added

#621 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4353: finish issues in progress.lang classes related to 4GL reflection added

#622 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4354: add GET-CLASS() function support added

#623 Updated by Constantin Asofiei over 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4355: exception member of the CATCH block can be referenced after the block catching it added

#625 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4374: parameter validation for Progress.Lang.Class:invoke and new added

#626 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

#627 Updated by Greg Shah over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from WIP to Closed
  • Start date deleted (10/28/2019)
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

The remaining work will be done in #4373.

#628 Updated by Greg Shah about 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4629: implement fully compatible 4GL collections (backed by protected temp-tables) added

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